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单词 restful
释义 Word family  noun rest unrest restlessness adjective restless rested restful verb rest adverb restlessly restfully  rest·ful /ˈrestfəl/ adjective  RESTpeaceful and quiet, making you feel relaxed 平静的,悠闲的 restful music 轻松的音乐 —restfully adverbExamples from the Corpusrestful• It ... it's so restful.• Her suite of rooms was cool and restful.• Our three-day stop at lake Navasha was restful and picturesque.• The doctors said he suffered no pain and was very restful at the end.• Sleeping tablets are routinely a restful green.• I mean: the view will be quite restful on the eye.• I enjoy making my flat a pleasant, welcoming and restful place for others as well.• And one could tell from the restful silence in the car that they shared a very real life together.• He woke after a long, restful sleep, feeling refreshed.• But, if nothing else, our stay in the SleepTight Room was a reminder that restful sleep takes preparation and thought.• I'm looking forward to a quiet, restful summer vacation.• As this will be the last magazine until late August, may I wish you a restful·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable  and Corpus relaxed you peaceful feel making quiet,




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