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单词 Endangered species
1. The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes.
2. Mountain gorillas are an endangered species.
3. This island is maintained as a sanctuary for endangered species.
4. Pandas are an endangered species.
5. The chimpanzee is an endangered species.
6. The lizards are classed as an endangered species .
7. Endangered species need to be kept secure from poachers.
8. Many endangered species now face extinction.
9. The sea turtle is an endangered species .
10. The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.
11. Another example is breeding endangered species in zoos.
12. The legislation pertaining to protection of wetlands and endangered species is clearly being abused by extremists pursuing ulterior motives.
13. The Endangered Species Act is a safety net that comes into play when other environmental and conservation laws have failed.
14. It is not believed that any endangered species are at risk from the fire.
15. First,(/endangered species.html) I would disagree that the Endangered Species Act is the driving force behind conservation decisions.
16. The report calls for a nationwide audit of endangered species and places to be followed by a nationwide conservation scheme.
17. The plan also provided for measures to protect endangered species, protect the ozone layer and increase energy conservation.
18. For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.
19. New legislation still does not offer adequate protection for many endangered species.
20. The agreement preserved our right to limit trade in endangered species.
21. The acreage set aside is one of the largest for species protected by the federal Endangered Species Act.
22. Environmentalists say that Congress is trying to roll back clean-air and water laws and to dismantle the Endangered Species Act.
23. The winter-run chinook was listed as a protected species under the state and federal endangered species acts in 1989.
24. Indeed, there is every reason to suspect that middle managers are an endangered species.
25. County Durham needs its pockets of green land and wildlife habitats for endangered species.
26. Others, sipping coffee, were assembling giant puppets of bears, dolphins and other endangered species.
27. This region of unusual geological features is home to a number of endangered species, including ocelot and jaguar.
28. More importantly, perhaps, they represent the Return of the Director, an endangered species rarely glimpsed in recent years.
29. Zoos contribute substantially to the captive banks of many endangered species and those that are less rare.
30. Their numbers became so depleted in this country that in 1969 they were placed on the endangered species list.
1. The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes.
2. Mountain gorillas are an endangered species.
3. This island is maintained as a sanctuary for endangered species.
4. For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.
5. Pandas are an endangered species.
31. Mr Pinkerton brilliantly succeeds in convincing the reader that big government is an endangered species.
32. As a result, it is protected under the Endangered Species Act.
33. Ocelots, jaguars, otters, tapirs, harpy eagles, and other endangered species survive there.
34. This was four months before the Endangered Species Act became law.
35. Stand-alone hospitals are an endangered species unless they have a unique service to offer.
36. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt has already taken action on endangered species, land management issues and reorganizing its science programme.
37. However monkey, chimpanzee and many other rare and endangered species are plundered from the forest and killed for food.
38. As a threatened species, the snowy plover is protected under the federal Endangered Species Act.
39. Today the locations of many rare or endangered species are closely guarded secrets.
40. Young, who in 1973 voted in favor of the original Endangered Species Act, contends it has been a failure.
41. Environmentalists say that the area includes the habitats of at least 20 endangered species.
42. Today, with competition first from high street supermarkets and now from out of town hypermarkets, they are an endangered species.
43. Although the tiger is an endangered species,(http:///endangered species.html) it is still hunted in some areas.
44. He says what endangered species conflicts are really all about is a lack of planning.
45. Great economic sacrifices have been made by developers, loggers and fishermen to protect endangered species.
46. Export and import licences are forged, people paid off and endangered species or their products smuggled in.
47. As a result of anti-pollution laws, some companies have become endangered species. 14.
48. Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in deciding critical habitat.
49. Opponents to the listing see it as an expensive attempt at an impossible dream and a misuse of the Endangered Species Act.
50. Maybe the cloning of endangered species is not just a scientific parlor trick.
51. The answer is that it can not, so the computer expert within a large organisation is an endangered species.
52. The giant panda is an endangered species. There are fewer than a thousand living in the wild.
53. Whilst knitting your designs you might spare a thought for Giant Pandas now very much an endangered species.
54. Now these animals are, basically, in the way, occupying caged needed for endangered species.
55. One among them did a little research and discovered that zebras were an endangered species who could survive only in herds.
56. The 429 page report includes a thorough and specific recovery plan for every endangered species.
57. It's one of a long list of endangered species in a 2 hour Central Documentary tonight.
58. The Endangered Species Act itself is now endangered by the Congress.
59. The extremely lucrative trade in endangered species is proving irresistible to countries in grave currency crisis.
60. The birds are included in the same category as tigers on the list of most endangered species.
61. Leaders today sometimes appear to be an endangered species, caught in the whirl of events and circumstances beyond rational control.
62. He argues there are only two exemptions in the Endangered Species Act for not determining critical habitat.
63. The legislation that exists to protect endangered species is often inadequate and lacks proper enforcement.
64. Behind the scenes at London Zoo, staff have been responsible for some notable breeding achievements among rare and endangered species.
65. Unlawfully killing an endangered species can result in a one-year sentence and a $ 50, 000 fine.
66. Many endangered species have been decimated by unlicensed hunters.
67. The giant panda has become an endangered species.
68. This rare bird has become an endangered species.
69. The rare bird has become an endangered species.
70. It's indigenous to Taiwan, and an endangered species too.
71. This paper summarized the present research situation of plants of Coptis Salisb. It included taxology anatomy, karyotype, chemical composition and the condition of keeping the endangered species.
72. If Mother Nature6 is on your side, you may also come across wild dog, another endangered species, spotted hyena and black jackal.
73. Parrots have more endangered species than any other bird family.
73. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
74. Researchers used a tool called "genetic stock identification" to test samples of 62 scalloped hammerhead shark fins—an endangered species—from the Hong Kong fin market.
75. People kill them for their tusks. Now they are an endangered species.
76. The Hume's Pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae) is an endangered species of Galliformes, distributed restrictedly in northeastern India, northern Myarmar, northwestern Thailand and southwestern China.
77. A grey-bellied Night Monkey born in captivity climbs onto his mother's arms at the Santa Fe Zoo, in Medellin, Colombia. The Night Monkey is an endangered species.
78. Among the critically endangered species are the western lowland gorilla and the bactrian camel. The golden-headed lion tamarin is listed as endangered and the socorro dove is extinct in the wild.
79. Natural resource management in the parks also benefited from congressional initiatives, including the Wilderness Act (1964) and the Endangered Species Act (1973).
80. It is home to many rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, among them the giant otter and the giant anteater.
81. NOAA scientists are studying whether still more restrictions may be needed to protect loggerhead sea turtles, which are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
82. Two endangered species of wading bird face extinction because of the changes.
83. These days Loxodonta Africana belongs to the endangered species. Their main threat is still poaching.
84. Running along the border separating Peru and Ecuador, the Cordillera del Condor's spectacular cloud forests host a raft of rare and endangered species.
85. Pangolins, or Manis Javanica, are endangered species native to south-east Asia.
86. Giant Panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is an endangered species that is endemic to China.
87. The Tasmanian devil, a feisty marsupial that lives only in the Australian island state of Tasmania, was deemed an endangered species this week by the state's government.
88. Dam opponents fought successfully to include the darter on the Endangered Species List in 1975 (see endangered species), and the dam was halted.
89. All 33 turtles represent rare members of the Gulf's ecosystem. Green, Kemp's Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles are endangered species. Loggerheads are listed as threatened.
90. The U . S government has taken the gray wolf off the endangered species list.
91. The Red Colobus Monkeys: Variation In Demography, Behavior, And Ecology Of Endangered Species.
92. The group's Doug Honnold told the Idaho Statesman newspaper: "It's the endangered species that need to be protected, not the states' rights to kill wolves."
93. It would deeply affect the rain forests and kill endangered species if we tear it down to build some godforsaken slaughter house to abuse animals.
94. The gray wolf was as endangered under the Endangered Species Act in 1973.
95. Sbujective: Interspecific embryo transfer could be a valuable tool in preservation programs of endangered species.
96. Yellowfin madtoms are doing well in Abrams Creek too, as are thesmoky madtoms, an endangered species that CFI also reintroduced.
97. Scientists are now sounding the alarm — and urging Australia's senate to declare the iconic, sleepy-eyed marsupials an endangered species.
98. The sanctuary is also inhabited by other endangered species, including the Arabian gazelle and bustard.
99. Wutong Mountain in Shenzhen City is one of the several remaining natural habitats of the endangered species Paphiopedilum purpuratum.
100. When the snakes get too big, offending owners release them into the typically Floridian wild, wherethey ingest endangered species like the Key Largo wood rat and invadewildlife refuges.
101. Polar bears are a potentially endangered species living in the circumpolar north.
102. The golden eagle is now on the endangered species list.
103. A baby Kemp's Ridley sea turtle awaits veterinary care at the Audubon Centre for the research of endangered species in New Orleans.
104. Visit Aria's pet shop for the new Endangered Species rescue quest!
105. On Jan. 9, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the Interior Department agency that evaluates endangered species, was due that day to deliver its ruling on the polar bear.
106. I'd quizzed her about the pressures on natural resources from wood-felling, and efforts to protect endangered species such as the snub-nosed Yunnan monkey and the black-necked crane.
107. The sanctuary is also inhabited by other endangered species, including the Arabian gazelle and houbara bustard.
108. Cloning saves the endangered species from extinction and keeps the ecological balance.
109. Overestimation of the medicinal value of endangered species has been misused by the unscrupulous and lead to the rapid expansion of the illegal market, which should be banned.
110. All 33 turtles represent rare members of the Gulf's ecosystem. Green, Kemp's Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles are endangered species.
111. Among the critically endangered species is the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), with only 84 to 143 adults remaining.
112. Sita is living proof that this endangered species can flourish if only given enough room and enough prey.
113. A kakapo parrot, Sirocco, will be the ideal ambassador for conservation because he would focus attention on the plight of endangered species, said Key.
114. The International Wildfowl Research Bureau watches over endangered species of birds thoughout the world.
115. And instead of catching tuna and other endangered species, Mr Komatsu advocates making more use of "plentiful Antarctic resources, " such as the Minke whale.
116. Sika deer (Cervus nippon) is a highly endangered species, which presently distributes in the narrow regions of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Sichuan and Jiangxi provinces.
117. On 5-22-2009, Australia designated the Tasmanian Devil an endangered species, because of a contagious cancer that has wiped out 70% of wild devils since 1996.
118. Heptacodium miconioides Rehd. (Caprifoliaceae), seven-son-flower, is an endangered species endemic to China.
119. Given all this, the federal government is considering putting whitebark on the endangered species list. Logan predicted the danger to whitebark pine trees 10 years ago.
120. Even, noble attempts to save endangered species from extinction by nuclear transfer have been tried, and in some cases resulted in live animals (wild cats, gaur and mouflon sheep).
121. Human development is encroaching on the habitat of many endangered species.
122. The U . S government has gray wolf off the endangered species list.
123. One day, he disappeared for a while and came back lugging the leg of a pregnant tapir — an animal high on the list of endangered species.
124. The Dissertation focuses on characteristics of seeds and seedlings of an endangered species, Abies chensiensis ( Qinling fir ).
125. The Pine Tree project has completed extensive environmental impact studies to monitor and protect threatened and endangered species including the desert tortoise and the Mojave ground squirrel.
126. The giant panda is an endangered species , ie is in danger of becoming extinct.
127. We continue our series on saving the endangered species of Formosan Landlocked Salmon, with a look at how the fish's habitat is being returned to its natural state.
128. The animal interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer has provided a new method for maintaining the limited populations of endangered species and getting embryo stem cells.
129. The bison, or buffalo, was an endangered species in the United States.
130. The white -headed langur, one of many endangered species of primates in Asia, is found only in Guangxi province in southern China.
131. The laws are designed to protect endangered species like badgers and otters, whose fur used to be favoured by sporran makers.
132. The snow leopard , an endangered species, was found stealing sheep in a village last Saturday.
132. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
133. Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) is a critically endangered species endemic to China.
134. SUE NELSON: There are 26 Sites of Special Scientific Interest on the South Downs, supporting flowers, insects, birds, and now Exmoor ponies, themselves an endangered species.
135. A thriving black-market trade in illegal rhino horns is driving poaching to new levels in Africa, setting back recovery efforts for the endangered species.
136. The first Earth Day in 1970 was a raucous, radical teach-in that helped spur clean-air, clean-water, and endangered species legislation in the United States.
137. The group discovered that the area is home to nine endangered species of plants, including palo sapis, yakal and red lauan, which are regularly chopped down for commercial use.
138. Conservationists have used cloning to help protect endangered species such as the mouflon sheep.
139. Although the California Condor was listed as an endangered species by the Federal Government in 1967...




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