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单词 Embryo
(1) The project is still at the embryo stage.
(2) They are an embryo party of government.
(3) Genes control the development of an embryo.
(4) An eight-week-old embryo is only an inch long.
(5) Embryo research is an emotive issue.
(6) At seven weeks, an embryo is recognizably human.
(7) The department's plans for enlargement are still in embryo.
(8) The system already exists in embryo.
(9) They are engaging in an embryo research.
(10) The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization.
(11) My plans are still very much in embryo.
(12) It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.
(13) The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels.
(14) An attempt to implant an embryo using an egg from an anonymous woman donor was unsuccessful.
(15) The embryo is placed into the uterus where it has a chance to implant.
(16) At seven weeks[http://], an embryo is about three-fourths of an inch long and recognizably human.
(17) Congress banned federal funding of embryo research in 1995.
(18) It is the one-celled embryo known as the zygote.
(19) Do, Aristotle asked, all the parts of the embryo come into existence together, or do they appear in succession?
(20) Between the eighth week of development and birth a human embryo is called a foetus.
(21) Exposure to radiation can lead to malformation of the embryo.
(22) Once an egg is fertilized by the sperm, it becomes an embryo.
(23) It retained water and yet had subtle membranes which permitted air to penetrate and facilitated waste disposal of the embryo.
(24) Immediately after inputting a sine wave to your network, you should observe the embryo of a sine wave.
(25) Further studies are directed towards the understanding of the role which the stem cell control factor DIA/LIF plays in the normal embryo.
(26) She noticed that the nuclei of the cells of the quail embryo looked slightly different from those of the chick embryo.
(27) Chicken eggs are large because of the yolk which acts as a source of nutrients for the growth of the developing embryo.
(28) To say this is not to belittle the sincere concern shown by many religious people in the debate over embryo research.
(29) Among other things, imprinting is known to take place during gamete formation, whereas differentiation takes place in the early embryo.
(30) Two cell lineage markers have been applied recently to the pre-implantation mouse embryo.
(1) They are an embryo party of government.
(2) Between the eighth week of development and birth a human embryo is called a foetus.
(3) Exposure to radiation can lead to malformation of the embryo.
(4) They are engaging in an embryo research.
(31) In fact, the remaining cell did produce only half an embryo, so it seemed that Weismann was right again.
(32) Cut out your embryo bud as before, but this time squaring off the base rather than the top of the shield.
(33) But it is also clear that the blastomeres in a two-cell or a four-cell embryo are not differentiated.
(34) About 3 1 / 2 hours after taking the drug, Head expelled the embryo, she said.
(35) There won't be a brain being wired up in the first place, unless there is a complete developing embryo.
(36) When the embryo was found to be male the Mastertons gave it away to a childless couple.
(37) The cells in the embryo are initially much less specialized and differ from each other in more subtle ways.
(38) The chick embryo proper comes from a very small region resting on the yolk and which is equivalent to the mammalian egg.
(39) They bear witness to the precious quality of the embryo and the birth process.
(40) The result is the development of an eye, isolated and unseeing,[http:///embryo.html] in the belly of the embryo.
(41) The embryo is thus a chimaera, a mosaic of two different kinds of cells.
(42) Is it possible, they asked, that nuclei from two-cell embryo are simply less robust than nuclei from zygotes?
(43) Conceptually, of course, cloning by embryo splitting is much simpler than cloning by nuclear transfer.
(44) The embryo can not be seen as a person before 14 days.
(45) But does regulation continue throughout development, or is it just a property of the early embryo?
(46) He also asked for a voluntary moratorium on embryo research that is privately funded.
(47) It was clear that, in the early stages of embryo development, the cytoplasm is in the driving seat.
(48) Each of the two blastomeres developed into a whole embryo.
(49) It is possible to label the cells of the early embryo and follow what they do during development.
(50) Like all animals we come from one cell that develops into an embryo which forms the adult.
(51) It was as if the graft was setting up a whole new embryo and re-specifying the positions of the cells in its vicinity.
(52) In mammals, the cytoplasm controls only a few divisions, and then the genes of the new embryo take over.
(53) We tested this by grafting the tip of a limb bud to the flank of the embryo.
(54) The embryo illustrated demonstrates the most marked cell death that was observed.
(55) In 1828 von Baer showed that the human embryo never passes through a stage equivalent to an adult fish or reptile.
(56) Instead, the separation occurs much later when the embryo is made up already of many hundreds of cells.
(57) Even the early sea-urchin embryo can be separated into single cells and will reform a more or less normal embryo.
(58) We saw a video showing the second stage in the development of a human embryo.
(59) The cytoplasm induces the first cell divisions in the embryo, and determines what course the daughter cells will follow.
(60) Is it expected that that will be the embryo for a carbon tax to pay for more investment in renewable energies?
(61) Whatever the circumstances, it is standard practice in embryo transfer to introduce several embryos at a time.
(62) Elevated progesterone levels mimic pregnancy and this delays ovulation, prevents fertilisation or stops implantation of the embryo in the womb.
(63) Curled tight like an embryo that doesn't want to be born, like a baby who's had too much pain.
(64) The growth of the human embryo recapitulated the history of animal life as revealed by the fossil record.
(65) This system allows direct comparison of contralateral limbs from a given embryo, controlling for variability among embryos and culture conditions.
(66) Once development begins, the embryo divides rapidly and each mitosis seems to be associated with an increase in calcium.
(67) Cells can also change shape, exert forces, and move from one place in the embryo to another.
(68) The number of cell divisions in the early embryo that are controlled by the cytoplasm varies from species to species.
(69) This appears very early in development,[Sentencedict] when it is involved in compaction of the eight cell embryo and cell polarisation.
(70) It is possible to rearrange the cells of the early mouse embryo in numerous combinations and normal development will still occur.
(71) Among recent subjects have been council house sales, public attitudes to embryo research and the effects of unemployment on young women.
(72) Then, with luck, some of the reintroduced, transformed cells will differentiate to form germ cells in that embryo.
(73) Specifically, embryo screening has made it possible for families to sidestep their genetic fates.
(74) In a way, we are witnessing the second coming of Graham Gooch, the flowering of an unfulfilled embryo.
(75) A typical half embryo was seen to emerge just as if an older embryo had been sliced in two with a razor.
(76) Movements occur simultaneously over many parts of the embryo with sheets of cells streaming past each other, contracting and expanding.
(77) This hormone is produced by the developing embryo within a few days of the egg being fertilised.
(78) Note that his method of producing clones was irreducibly simple: just breaking an embryo apart.
(79) As the cup grows out, it comes into contact with the outer cell layer of the head of the embryo.
(80) One can, looking down the microscope, observe the behaviour of individual cells as the embryo develops.
(81) Genes only start to mean something when they are translated, via protein synthesis, into growing-rules for a developing embryo.
(82) Suppose it simply killed off its opposite number, the one that came from the other grandparent of the embryo.
(83) Precious quality Whether the timing of this programme was influenced by the current debate on embryo research, I do not know.
(84) Alternatively the embryo culture dishes can be placed in sealed flasks pre-equilibrated with a mixture of 5% CO2 in air.
(85) Some go around shaking the eggs to kill the embryo goslings.
(86) However, removing the stem cells kills the embryo, and therefore has serious ethical implications.
(87) When first formed the embryo is only half a millimetre long, and bears no resemblance to its future form.
(88) He produced bigger clones by embryo splitting, once deriving a set of quin lambs from an eight-cell embryo.
(89) These cells then migrate to many different parts of the embryo.
(90) Who is really winning will not be known before the free vote on the embryo Bill in the new year.
(91) When first formed, the embryo is only half a millimetre long.
(92) Fenugreek seed comprises seed coat, endosperm and embryo.
(93) the embryo of an idea.
(94) Embryo nidation is a complex and sequencing physiological processes.
(95) Angiogenesis was tested in chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane.
(96) The embryo consists of two large fleshy cotyledons.
(97) Her plans for the future are still in embryo.
(98) The project was barely in embryo.
(98) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(99) The embryo lives in the amniotic cavity.
(100) Embryo has most commonly eitht genetically identical haploid nuclei.
(101) In third stage, at maturing of the embryo sac, pollen tubes grow directionally toward micropyle into embryo sac.
(102) The nucellar embryo suspensor , its development passed through the similar stages of the zygotic embryo.
(103) Tetrageneric hybrids involving Triticum, Agropyron, Haynaldia and Secale were produced by using embryo culture.
(104) At germination, the embryo produces gibberellin, which stimulates the aleurone layer to synthesize enzymes, especially amylase.
(105) On whether an embryo should have capability of civil right, there exist three legislative modes: recognition, conditional recognition and non-recognition.
(106) The GFP signals were mainly enriched in the embryo of immature eggs, ovaries, vitellarium and the lining membrane tissue of the gut lumen of the female worms.
(107) The embryo thus represents the beginning of the new sporophytic generation.
(108) Furthermore, this ultra-drying tolerance of rice seed was related to the accumulation and keep high content of raffinose in embryo during dehydration and ultra-drying.
(109) These developments were foreseen in embryo more than a decade ago.
(110) Prepared serum containing corresponding drugs was used in chicken embryo allantoic membrane (CAM) model to observe the effect of angiogenesis of CGZXP by being compared with VEGF165 protein.
(111) In an early embryo, a bile canaliculus has been found. A bile duct is evolved from original hepatic cell.
(112) Dormancy of cucurbit seeds results from embryo dormancy, seed coat barrier, germination inhibiting substance and phytohormone imbalance.
(113) After gastrulation, the embryo consists of a three-layered, flat, oval germinal disk.
(114) Conclusion Zinc L lysine and taurine have a significant effect against teratogenesis caused by hyperthermia and promote the embryo growth.
(115) This paper deals with the ultrastructural changes in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. ) embryo sacs before and after fertilization with particular emphasis on the wall change events.
(116) Objective To investigate the potential influence of zinc deficiency and excessiveness on the differentiation and cytotoxicity to mice embryo limb bud cells.
(117) The Quantitative Determination Kit for Cancer Embryo Antigen(CEA) with ChemiLuminescent Immunoassay(CLIA).
(118) Liver origins from endoderm and is an important hematopoietic organ in embryo.
(119) The authors have observed that the blastoderm, the blastomeres and the blastula cells have intimate relation with the yolk which plays a very important part in the development of the embryo.
(120) Objective:Endogenous PTEN express in primitive streak during chick embryo gastrulation and mesoderm derived structure later on including heart tubes.
(121) It provides numerous links to developmental biology research resources, including dynamic development, axolotl colony, genetic and molecular data for drosophila, mouse embryo and cancer genome etc.
(122) Ootid divided spontaneously into 2 and 4 cell proembryo and multicell globular proembryo. In the end it developed into apomixis embryo.
(123) Objective: To observe the morphological changes of apoptotic cell nucleus and annulate lamella in spleen of chick embryo.
(124) CONCLUSION:Blastomere survival status is a most important factor influencing the implantation rate of frozen-thawed embryo transfer.
(125) S. universities extracted a gene from a preserved specimen of a thylacine and revived it in a mouse embryo.
(126) Conclusion The first polar body position does not significant influence the normal fertilization and embryo development.
(127) The 3 D ultrasound imaging rebuilding of cholecyst, heart, embryo and fetus are realized.
(128) The main product include: ISP , enzyme ISP, SPC, functional soybean protein , de- fatted soybean flour, soybean embryo, soybean oil , white flakes, and feed meal .
(129) They believe that " cannibalising " an embryo for cells is morally unacceptable.
(130) To assess the potential risk of mixed rare earths Changle for human embryo transplacental micronucleus test and single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) technique to detect DNA damage of embryo we used.
(131) Embryo transfers speed up the process of building a high - quality herd.
(132) The ventral nerve cord of the crab in the embryo included 1 pair mandibular neuromere, 2 pairs neuromeres of maxillae, 2 pairs neuromeres of maxillipede and abdomen nerve cord.
(133) Ingredients: Natural silk silk corpuscle microsome, white mulberry essence, tea polyphenol, foreign small yellow chrysanthemum, wheat embryo oil and so on.
(134) The fetuin receptors (RFs) in skin of early embryo of Bufo raddei were localized by using fetuin-HRP complex as probe.
(135) It is also in newly improved formula with added Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Placenta Extract, Lotus Embryo Extract and Pearl Barley.
(136) Universities extracted a gene from a preserved specimen of a thylacine and revived it in a mouse embryo .
(137) Many embryogenic calli were produced by subculture of calli induced from mature embryo of rice.
(138) Thus, he concluded, "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny ", which means the development of the individual embryo repeats its alleged evolutionary history.
(139) The efficacy of Chinese herb medicine Lanteng injection against Newcastle Disease virus (NDV) in vitro was studied by cultivation of chicken embryo and haemagglutination inhibition test (HI).
(140) Results Addition of leptin to embryo culture media promoted the development from 2-cell stage embryo to morula, blastocyst and hatched blastocyst and improved the implantation rate.
(141) The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris.
(142) So we changed over to using mouse embryo stem cell extracts to reprogram human cells, and that works.
(143) Anthocyanidin firstly pigmentizes at the part of caryopsis away from embryo, then gradually extends to the part near embryo and makes the whole pericarp pigmentized.
(144) This visual representation of a mathematical model shows the impact of "asymmetrical" chemical energy on the cell division of an African clawed frog embryo.
(145) The amino acid is depleted commensurate with the development of the growing embryo.
(146) Facial nerve's growth surface listens to the anlage when the embryo 3 weeks appears.
(147) Reptiles have placodes too. But in a reptile embryo each placode switches on genes that cause only the skin cells on the back edge of the placode to grow, eventually forming scales.
(148) Methods Induction of cell morphological transformation by the combination of nickel sulfate and sodium arsenite in Syrian hamster embryo(SHE) cells was performed.
(149) If SRY is missing, the gonad develops into an ovary, even if the embryo is male.
(150) The embryo cell strain (CP-80) of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodonidellus) has been cultured on a large scale by using microcarrier suspension culture.
(151) General among low-temperature fire, glazed glass and not when the iron oxide inside the embryo was reduced to ferrous oxide and super - white.
(152) The stages of development for a baby are zygote, embryo, and fetus.
(153) The outermost layer of cells of the blastocyst that attaches the fertilized ovum to the uterine wall and serves as a nutritive pathway for the embryo.
(154) If human embryo is person, why we never count these into infant mortality rate?
(155) Totipotent cells have the capacity to specialize into extraembryonic membranes and tissues, the embryo, and all postembryonic tissues and organs.
(156) Zeaxanthin is a natural carotenoid existing in corn embryo sperm.
(157) No callose fluorescence shows in the wall of mononuclear embryo sac after its formation, while thick callose deposits in the wall of the degenerative megaspore.
(158) It was a colossal passion in embryo, It never matured.
(158) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(159) This paper gives some details about the development of embryo in Lygodium japonicum (Thunb. ) Sw . using the method of serial sections.
(160) The cotyledons of the mature embryo are either green, yellow or chalky yellow.
(161) The authors discussion the staging parameters of embryonic development, the forming of gastrulation, "ammon tail fold" and "posterior amnion tube" and the forward movement of the embryo itself.
(162) In case of groups treated with flubendazole, fenbendazole or praziquantel, eggs showed cell division, or developed into ovum containing embryo or ovum containing a curling tapeworm.
(163) Pollen tube entered the embryo sac via one synergid and in it released two sperms.
(164) Instead of hanging drop culture, the non-hanging drop open culture has been used in culture of DRG from chicken embryo to simplify the operation and improve the culture methods.
(165) Objective To explore the developmental toxicity and teratogenicity of benzene on mouse embryo in vivo.
(166) The embryo developed from proembryo , heart-shaped embryo, dicotyledenous to mature embryo.
(167) The hybrid embryo with disintegrated suspensor cells aborted from the proembryo stage to the torpedo-shaped stage.
(168) A somite is an early body segment in the developing embryo that gives rise to most of the adult body muscle and skeleton.
(169) Those opposed to stem-cell research claim that destroying a human embryo, regardless of its stage of development, amounts to abortion.
(170) Objective: To study the angiogenesis promoting effect of Shexiang Baoxin Pill (SXBXP) on chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and cultured microvascular endothelial cells (MVEC).
(171) Conclusion Regenerated silk fibroin films has a good compatiblity with rat embryo dermal fibroblasts.
(172) Congenital syphilis says the embryo passes syphilis again, it is syphilis helicoid to infect fetal syphilis via placenta.
(173) The chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) test was carried out to observe the effect of T10 on angiogenesis.
(174) Metabolic activity quickly develops in the cells of the embryo and the aleurone layer.
(175) After we learnt enzymatic isolation method of YANG Hong-yuan and ZHOU Chang, we explored to develop a pressure cover glass method of observation on embryo sacs.
(176) The Korean team announced this past February that they had created a human embryo through SCNT, grew it into a blastocyst and derived a pluripotent ES cell line.
(177) In recent years, the study of development of plant somatic embryo and technique of polyploid induction have become two important subjects in cytobiology and molecular biology.
(178) The embryo in hickory origined from nucellar cells and it belonged to adventitious embryony reproduction one type of apomixis.
(179) The middle zone of the mesoderm of a chordate vertebrate embryo, from which excretory tissue develops.
(180) The paper mainly reviewed several factors on influencing somatic cloning of pigs , which involve in cytoplast recipients, donor cells, micromanipulation, activation and reconstituted embryo transfer .
(181) The chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) test showed that triptolide could inhibit angiogenesis.
(182) Then the uninucleate embryo sac forms 7-celled or 8-nucleate embryo sac of polygonum type following its three times division successively.
(183) The alkaloid in embryo of the seed of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn has many medicinal and health care functions, such as lowering blood pressure, resisting oxidation and protecting the cardiac muscle.
(184) During seed embryo development, prolamins form aggregates after being synthesized on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and bud to form a protein body and are deposited in it.
(185) So it defined as crassinucellate. The megaspore mother cell divides transversally to form a linear megaspore tetrad. The megaspore at the chalazal end develops into the embryo sac mother cell.
(186) Flumorph and SYP-48 all can restrain later development phase of Daphnia magma's embryo, such as larval curved or unextended shell spine, undeveloped antennae.
(187) Conclusion Zygotes and embryo quality can be predicted by morphology of the first polar body.
(188) Sbujective: Interspecific embryo transfer could be a valuable tool in preservation programs of endangered species.
(189) Tests on embryo culture indicate that substances which inhibit epicotyl germination don't exist in cotyledons, but probably in epicotyl or plumule.
(190) The present study is the first to report on the usefulness of puromycin for production of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic piglets after somatic cell cloning and embryo transfer.
(191) Finally, the thesis does analysis on generative images of holo - embryo architecture from fractal dimension aspect.
(192) The above results indicated that malignant transformation of golden hamster embryo cells was directly induced by thorium dioxide in vitro.
(193) Through single factor and orthogonal experiments, extraction of oil from soybean embryo and its composition were studied by using petroleum ether as degrease solvent and GC, respectively.
(194) The invention relates to a method for promoting the morphological post maturation of ginseng embryo by the blending of gibberellic acid and thiourea, belonging to the agriculture technical field.
(195) Enzymic protein content decreases from the maximum at early phase of proembryo stage (20.83%) to the minimum at young embryo (4.9%).
(196) And molecular markers show that the five true fingers develop together in a mole embryo, with the outsized sesamoid cropping up later.
(197) Material and Methods: Hysteroscopy was performed in 48 patients with remained intrauterine device, embryo and placenta after failure of a general uterine curettage and remove of intrauterine divice.
(198) Development of pistil and stamen of 11 earliest embryo - cultured apricot selections was studied, these selections were selected by Sh andong Institute of Pomology.
(199) The development of embryo sac of apospory is of Hieracium type.
(200) Nestin is an embryo intermediate filament protein, which is considered as a marker of nerve cell.
(201) Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast were obtained from mouse embryo 13.5 dpc or 14~16 dpc.
(202) Tetrageneric hybrids invloving Triticum Agropyron, Haynaldia and Seacle were produced by using embryo culture.
(203) Conclusion Ginsenoside has better antagonism on embryo teratism in rat induced by acetic lead and can proportionately promote the differentiation and development of rat embryo.
(204) Van de Velde, "but we already know from cryopreserved embryos that the loss of one cell from a 4-cell stage embryo does not affect its capacity to implant in the womb."
(205) O Arjuna, the entire expansive material energy is the womb into which I infuse the embryo of individual consciousness; subsequently manifested by Me, every species of life is generated.
(206) Heat - denatured wheat endosperm prevented the growth of an embryo implanted on it.
(207) The part of the ectoderm in a vertebrate embryo that lies on either side of the neural tube and develops into the cranial, spinal, and autonomic ganglia.
(208) Developmentof female gametophytes originate from subhypoclermal archesporial cells oriented in the nucellus, but only one of these directly develops into thePolyonum type embryo sac.
(209) The central vascular strand goes through major part of embryo, and in the areas to where the central vascular strand can not extend, there exists a regional conducting system.
(210) After the club shaped and the globular embryo period, the heart shaped embryo developed when the fruit became ripe.
(211) Guizhou isolate of newcastle disease virus could grow on chicken embryo fibroblast and resulted in cytopathogenic effect.
(212) Presumably there might be pregnenolone binding protein, which can control the formation of microtubules in zebrafish embryo.
(213) The monarchic power thoughts of Xunzi are the embryo of Chinese feudalist law theory.
(214) Such hybrid embryos from Caryopsis out in the anatomy of a embryo culture, the results of a hybrid seedlings.
(215) The free cell wall formation occurs first in the micropylar end when the embryo is 4—6 celled stage, then to the chalazal end and the center.
(216) The gonads appearance is saclike, inside has a cavity, and cells arrange like a strand that opens to the surface of the embryo.
(217) The embryonic stapedial artery begins development at 15mm embryo stage and closely relates to the formation of the ophthalmic and middle meningeal arteries.
(218) Objective: To observe the development of mesonephros and the expression of growth factors and their receptors in human embryo of 3th-8th weeks.
(219) Earth was made of embryos like Mars,[/embryo.html] but Mars is a stranded planetary embryo that never collided with other embryos to make an Earthlike planet.
(220) The toxicity of lead acetate on embryo development in vivo was investigated on mice by adding lead acetate into drinking water.
(221) In conclusion, the bovine somatic nuclear transfer technique with zona-free 2-half cytoplast manipulation can result in a satisfactory batch cloned embryo production.
(222) In this study, the aim is to optimize the systems of IVM, IVF of oocytes and IVC of embryos in ovine and further promote embryo biology engineer development.
(223) In grasses, the starch in the endosperm is broken down by enzymes synthesized in the aleurone layer in response to gibberellic acid from the embryo.
(224) This paper suggested that KSOM can be used as serum free medium for ovine embryo development in vitro.
(225) Especially, the cell cultures of early developing embryo, including morulaand blastula, are one of two sources of embryonic stem(ES)cells.
(226) After the establishmen of implantation, endometrial stromal cells begin to undergo decidualization for the subsequent embryo development and placentation.
(227) After pollination one synergid degenerates and one synergid still exists during the ellipsoidal embryo stage adegeneration.
(228) The effect of unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine(UDMH) in inducing cell malignant transfonnationwas investigated with malignant transformation test of Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells, in vitro.
(229) The ovicidal action of buprofezin has two ways: killing new hatching nymphs by contacting, and inhibiting the development of eggs embryo.
(230) The embryo and sperm cell nuclei are stained purple while sperm tails are green.
(231) The expressed protein which was refolded and purified through heparin affinity chromatography had antiangiogenic effect to vessels on chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane.
(232) His journal is only literature in embryo, his finished work stillborn.
(233) RT-PCR results showed that GDF8/11 gene was expressed in new fertilized cell, early gastrulation and knife-shaped embryo, which was different from that in mammals.
(234) The third step was to use a process known as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer to generate an embryo.
(235) By observing the embryo developing process and the behavior of learning and memory of day-old chicks, we try to explore the influence of HMFS on animal's ontogenesis and high neural activation.
(236) These results indicated that E4BP4 may play a critical role in embryo implantation process by promoting stromal cell proliferation and inhibiting decidual cell apoptosis.
(237) The index had germination rate, the weight of radicle, the weight of embryo, seedling rate, plant height, the number of seminal root, the total length of seminal root and dry weight of seedling.
(238) Diagram of the primitive cardiovascular system in an embryo during the alaqah stage.
(239) Much afterbirth embryo bears, every bear a baby more, increase maternity leave 15 days.
(240) If the gene is present, a human embryo will go on to develop as a male.
(241) The main reason for low germination rate of Medicago lupulina L. was that hard seed made it difficult to extracted water or stopped embryo to stretch.
(242) Results Both of the two observed solutions showed a certain embryo toxicity and teratogenicity . The toxicity of stored solution decreased significantly compared with that of newly prepared solution.
(243) It is formed by the coalescence of the first three neuromeres in the embryo .
(244) Objective To investigate the effect of HCMV infection on the activity of gelatinase in cultured human embryo lung fibroblast( HEL ).
(245) These abnormalities would cause the abnormal structure of mature embryo sac.
(246) The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow.
(247) The central nervous system was composed of brain and ventral nerve cord in the embryo stage of the swimming crab.
(248) Objective To investigate the proliferative and osteogenic activity of periosteal osteoblasts (POB),[/embryo.html] calvarial osteoblasts (COB) and bone marrow stromal cells (MSC) from the same embryo.
(249) This callus can differentiate somatic embryo and regenerate plant on the culture medium somatic embryo differentiation.
(250) Yin, Z. J. , Zhu, M. Y. , 2010. Epibolic gastrula embryo fossils from the Ediacaran Weng'an Biota (Guizhou, Southwest China).
(251) The egg is chemically stimulated to create a group of cells that form a non-viable (and unfertilised) "embryo".
(252) Assisted hatching (AH) is a micromanipulation procedure in which a hole is made in the zona pellucida just prior to embryo transfer to facilitate hatching of the embryo.
(253) The effects of different embryo bisection solutions and methods and embryo development stages on in vitro embryos bisection of ovine were researched in this experiment.
(254) Relationships between embryo weight and incubation time were exponential regression.
(255) Objective To investigate the pregnant outcome after non-elective single embryo transfer.
(256) Objective:To study the effect of Baixingdan on expression level of Serotonin 1A receptor(5-HT1AR) and corpuscular viability of embryo rat cerebral cortex neural cells cultured in vitro.
(257) The cells of the quadrant in turn become partitioned to from the eight - celled embryo.
(258) This paper took a review on the gastrointestinal microflora colonization rule and function of pigs in embryo period, suckling period and weanling period.
(259) The main characteristics of the development of embryo sac in this species are that synergids without crook are abounded in filiform apparatus and there is no eminent vacuole in central cell.
(260) Moreover we found that GMA induced malignant transformation of syrian hamster embryo cells in vitro.
(261) The doctor said that the grape - shaped transparent sample embryo in her womb was a vesicular mole.
(262) Aim To study the toxicity of the lead acetate on the fertilization ability of sperm and the development of early embryo in mice.
(263) Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis are two types of neovascularization in the embryo development.
(264) The mature embryo sac contains an egg apparatus, a central cell and three antipodal cells.
(265) Development of megaspore and formation of embryo sac:The ovule has a layer of parietal cells at the sporogenous stage.
(266) Methods: Chicken chorioallantoic membrane(CAM) model were used to evaluate the effect of PPC on angiogenesis of embryo.
(267) The seed has very big embryo but without endosperm, often provide aril.
(268) Coleorhiza covered the radicle of differentiating wheat embryo and morphologically appeared as tapered tissue with an attached globular protrusion.
(269) The chicken embryo fibroblast was used to propagate the virus and observe cytopathogenic effect.
(270) Comparative studies on isolated embryo sacs in four species of Campanulaceae.
(271) The embryo sacs observation is one of the main study method for embryology.
(272) AIM: To study the impact of blastomere survival on the implantation rate of frozen-thawed embryo transfer FET.




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