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单词 rested
释义 Word family  noun rest unrest restlessness adjective restless rested restful verb rest adverb restlessly restfully  rest·ed /ˈrestɪd/ adjective [not before noun]  RESTfeeling healthier, stronger, or calmer because you have had time to relax 〔休息之后感到〕精神的;有精力的;清醒的 We came back from holiday feeling rested and relaxed. 我们度假归来,感到轻松而精力充沛。Examples from the Corpusrested• We came back from the trip feeling rested and full of energy.• On the count of three, you will awake from the trance feeling rested and refreshed.• Happiness, peace of mind and a rested body are essentially energized states.• She hadn't slept, but she felt rested, calm, perfectly·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  time or healthier, because Corpus stronger, calmer feeling have you had




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