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单词 Imperceptible
(1) She heard a faint, almost imperceptible cry.
(2) His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.
(3) Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye.
(4) The slight change in the taste was imperceptible to most people.
(5) The transition is almost imperceptible.
(6) Brian's hesitation was almost imperceptible.
(7) She answered with an almost imperceptible nod of the head.
(8) The differences were imperceptible to all but the most trained eye.
(9) There was an almost imperceptible pause as she gathered her breath to speak.
(10) Any change came through slow imperceptible evolution.
(11) Slight variations, then(http://), are almost imperceptible.
(12) It leaves us ghosts altogether imperceptible.
(13) An imperceptible blow against censorship had been struck.
(14) Suddenly, cued by some imperceptible signal, a thousand birds rise as one thing.
(15) An almost imperceptible wink as she passed him, a small flutter of the eyelid, showed she was learning.
(16) Nodules containing single worms are almost imperceptible, and the visible ones enclose several of the tiny worms as well as eggs and larvae.
(17) To the innocent listener the form must be imperceptible,() and bewildering in its lightning succession of perpetually fugitive events.
(18) When this imperceptible metamorphosis took place, it would not be long before another marriage was arranged.
(19) A slow, almost imperceptible evolution is already taking place in the high street.
(20) The current, usually imperceptible, was making its presence known with little shreds of foam on top of the small waves.
(21) An imperceptible breeze forced the leaves of a regiment of birch trees into anxious quaking.
(22) He was aware of an almost imperceptible withdrawing, more emotional than physical, a small delicate gesture of self-containment.
(23) For the beneficiaries the change would be almost imperceptible: for the losers it would be a heavy blow.
(24) Taken distributively, their rights are imperceptible.
(25) Be in everyday when us heavy consumption when, imperceptible producing various pollution again.
(26) The result resembles a cyclist pedalling strongly into an equally strong headwind-and wobbling dangerously as almost imperceptible progress is made.
(27) Every now and then I blew desperately down the throat or probed between the ribs for that almost imperceptible beat.
(28) At first it looked empty, then he saw two small vessels, just short of the horizon, their motion imperceptible.
(29) Male and female are very similar in appearance; the male is slightly larger, but the difference is usually imperceptible.
(30) It sounded all right, but was there something slightly odd about the tuning, some as yet almost imperceptible new thin whine?
(1) She heard a faint, almost imperceptible cry.
(2) His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.
(3) Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye.
(4) The slight change in the taste was imperceptible to most people.
(5) The transition is almost imperceptible.
(6) Brian's hesitation was almost imperceptible.
(7) She answered with an almost imperceptible nod of the head.
(31) The transition to "liberalism" takes place in an imperceptible manner, like continental drift, thus hiding its effects from view.
(32) Stated another way, the "Butterfly Effect" does not propose that a butterfly flapping its wings causes the change, merely that the flapping results in an imperceptible change in local conditions.
(33) The film was edited by a skilled technician so that the joints are imperceptible.
(34) The imperceptible differences might be due to rounding or same-result calculations of a floating-point data types.
(35) From where he sat he made an imperceptible sign to the tavern - keeper.
(36) Only an imperceptible portion of petrodollars bankroll terrorism,[] which is anyway quite cheap.
(37) The forming of football consciousness needs longtime imperceptible edification to permeation.
(38) Its own elliptic motion around it will be almost imperceptible.
(39) The rule of internet exerts an imperceptible influence on mode of thinking and the mode of thinking influent reception of TV audience.
(40) A hieroglyph , " said the rhetor, "is the name given to a symbol of some object, imperceptible to the senses and possessing qualities similar to those of the symbol.
(41) Because its characteristics of covertness, naturalness, indirectness, it can reach a kind of imperceptible result in practice.
(42) The body ordinarily is constantly shedding imperceptible tiny, thin fragments of stratum corneum.
(43) Strong earthquake wave, it go the rounds whole earth according to imperceptible speed and method.
(44) Where from a chaos of color spills, lines, tones and half-tints, imperceptible images there comes "Light" and that is deific "Light"!
(45) To manhoodFemale, adipose excessive reduce can imperceptible ground to cause stop the amenorrhoea with oviposit or apparent symptom.




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