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单词 countryside
释义  coun·try·side /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ ●●● S3 W3 noun [uncountable]  COUNTRYSIDEland that is outside cities and towns 郊外;乡下,农村 SYN the country The house had lovely views over open countryside. 这房子望出去是开阔的乡村美景。in the countryside people who live in the countryside 居住在乡下的人► see thesaurus at countryn COLLOCATIONSadjectivesbeautiful/stunningThe countryside between the Alpine villages is countryside (=with few buildings, walls, trees etc)The farmhouse has views over open countryside.the surrounding countrysideBoth the town and the surrounding countryside are worth exploring.rolling countryside (=with hills)a valley surrounded by rolling countrysidegreen countrysideOur train was passing through rolling green countryside.unspoilt countryside (=not changed or not having a lot of new buildings)This area is ideal for a weekend break in unspoilt countryside.rugged countryside (=rough and uneven)Uzbekistan is an area known for its rugged countryside and tough people.verbsprotect/conserve the countryside (=stop people building on it or spoiling its beauty)How can we protect the countryside for future generations?spoil/ruin the countrysideToo many tourists can spoil the countryside. THESAURUScountryside noun [uncountable] an area away from towns and cities, where there are fields, forests etc – used especially when talking about the natural beauty of this kind of area 乡间,乡村地区〔尤指其美丽的自然风光〕The walk takes you through some beautiful countryside. 这条步行道带你穿越一些美丽的乡村地区。The countryside changes in winter. 冬天的乡村不一样。the country noun [singular] the area away from towns and cities, where there are fields, forests etc 农村,乡村〔指远离城镇,有田地、森林等的地方〕Tired of city life, they moved to the country. 他们厌倦城市生活,搬到乡下去住了。I've always wanted to live in the country. 我一直想住到农村去。landscape noun [countable usually singular] a large area of countryside that you see from somewhere 风光,风景The house looks out over a peaceful rural landscape. 这房子望出去是一片宁静的田园风光。Adams is famous for his photographs of the American landscape. 亚当斯以其美国风景照片闻名。scenery noun [uncountable] the natural features of part of a country, such as mountains, forests etc, especially when these are attractive 风景,景色〔尤指自然美景〕New Zealand has some spectacular scenery. 新西兰有些地方风景壮丽。wilderness noun [countable, uncountable] a large area of land that has never been developed or farmed 荒野,荒凉之地Yukon is a vast wilderness of mountains, lakes, and forests. 育空地区是一片布满山林和湖泊的广袤荒野。the bush noun [singular] wild country that has not been cleared, especially in Australia or Africa 〔尤指澳大利亚或非洲的〕野外,野地,灌木地带The camp is popular with tourists wishing to experience the African bush. 这个营地在希望体验非洲野地生活的旅游者中很受青睐。rural adjective relating to the country 农村的,乡村的People are moving away from rural areas. 人们逐渐离开农村地区。rural communities 乡村社区Examples from the Corpuscountryside• Somerset is famous for its rolling hills and beautiful countryside.• We marveled at the peacefulness of the Carolina countryside.• Stephenson drew huge, rabid crowds on his barnstorming tours of the Indiana countryside.• The Provencal countryside provided the inspiration for many artists.• The conclusion would seem to be that the early Anglo-Saxon countryside was not run as efficiently as in the following centuries.• All the surrounding countryside, scorched by the intense heat, is now in flames.• You only have to look at the countryside to understand why.• Many had the means to purchase a dacha in the countryside.• He is planning another trip into the countryside to demonstrate his solar cells as well as a new solar cooker.• She went to an expensive girls school situated deep in the heart of the countryside.• There is no identity to the countryside.• The countryside south of Tabor is mainly cereal-growing, dotted here and there with little lakes.• The countryside of Tuscany is a wonderful landscape of fields and valleys, with many historic the countryside• His work typically consists of some form of activity in the countryside, which is then recorded by a photograph or map.• I assumed things had to be better in the countryside than in the city.• Yet there were changes in the countryside.• We also promote recreational cycling in the countryside.• The earlier situation lingered longest in the countryside.• There is certainly very little archaeological evidence of any serious destruction of property in the countryside at this time.• The Neptune is situated in the countryside about 6-7 minutes walk from the lake, near to the Hotel Form.• Matchmakers were still at work in the countryside.coun·try·side noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that is and cities outside land towns Corpus




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