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单词 consumption
释义 Word family  noun consumption consumer verb consume  Related topics: Economics, Illness & disabilitycon·sump·tion /kənˈsʌmpʃən/ ●●○ W3 AWL noun [uncountable]  1  AMOUNT OF something USEDUSE/CONSUMEamount used 消耗的量 the amount of energy, oil, electricity etc that is used 〔精力、油、电等的〕消耗量 → consumeenergy/fuel etc consumption dramatic rises in fuel consumption 燃料消耗的急剧增长 Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption. 剧烈运动增加氧的消耗。2  EATDRINKfood/drink 食物/饮料 a) formal the act of eating or drinking 吃;喝 → consumeconsumption of The consumption of alcohol on the premises is forbidden. 场内禁止饮酒。fit/unfit for human consumption (=safe or not safe to eat) 适宜/不适宜供人食用 The meat was declared unfit for human consumption. 这种肉已被宣布不适合供人食用。 b) the amount of a substance that people eat, drink, smoke etc 〔食物、饮料、烟草等的〕消耗量,消费量alcohol/tobacco/caffeine etc consumption The Government wants to reduce tobacco consumption by 40%. 政府想把烟草的消耗量减少40%。3  BUYINGbuying 购买PE the act of buying and using products 购买,消费 → consume, consumer art intended for mass consumption (=to be bought, seen etc by lots of people) 供大众消费的艺术品 China’s austerity program has cut domestic consumption (=when products are bought in the country where they were produced). 中国的经济紧缩计划缩减了国内消费。conspicuous consumption (=when people buy expensive products to prove they are rich) 炫耀性消费4  for general/public/private etc consumption USE somethingintended to be heard or read only by a particular group of people 供一般人/公众/少数人等了解 figures that are not for public consumption 不向公众公开的数据5. ILLNESSMI old-fashioned tuberculosis 肺结核n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + consumptionhigh/low People should stop using expensive cars with a high petrol consumptionTotal consumption of petrol has risen by 20%.domestic consumption (=use of something in the country where it is produced)Domestic consumption of oil has increased.household consumption (=use in the home)The government is encouraging us to reduce our household consumption of consumptionOver a quarter of our energy consumption is in the home.fuel/electricity/gas consumptionThere are three possible methods of reducing oil consumption.verbsreduce consumptionThe system will be introduced into all stores to reduce energy consumption by up to 10%cut consumption (=reduce it)a plan to cut energy consumption by 40%consumption rises/increases/goes upConsumption of unleaded fuel rose by 17% in 1992.consumption falls/decreases/goes downCoal consumption has fallen dramatically.Examples from the Corpusconsumption• Others factors can be, such as obesity, high alcohol consumption and lack of exercise.• Dr. Boxhall said I should cut down on my alcohol consumption.• In 1980, the per capita consumption in the United States was 18 pounds of cheese of which one-third was cottage cheese.• declining consumption of coal, oil and gas• Most people are aware of the need to reduce energy consumption.• Fuel consumption is predicted to rise.• Cyclical variations in consumption, investment and national income following an increase in autonomous investment - explosive case.• By January 1941 a Central Statistical Office was turning out regular reports on production figures, inflation, consumption and manpower resources.• Several other recent studies have shown that moderate consumption of red wine, in particular, is helpful for preventing heart disease.• The plan aims to reward saving and tax consumption.• an increase in the consumption of electrical products• The "Five-a-Day" promotion is meant to increase the consumption of fresh produce.• The government is urging people to reduce their water etc consumption• The new plan focused on reducing carbon dioxide emissions by cutting energy consumption.• This should result in cuts of up to 10 percent in fuel consumption.• The aluminium body is 12 percent lighter than if built of steel, which helps keep fuel consumption down.• The caretaker is also increasingly monitoring fuel consumption.• The overheating causes an increase in overall energy consumption of only 7 %.• Countries may tax energy consumption at radically different rates without seeing all their domestic industry disappear offshore.• However, I would like to minimise the fuel consumption damage.alcohol/tobacco/caffeine etc consumption• The relation between alcohol consumption and sickness absence will be reported elsewhere.• Not having children or having them late in life doubles the risk, as does heavy alcohol consumption.• Others have found fewer differences between heterosexuals and homosexuals in alcohol consumption and abuse.• They reported a 60 % higher risk linked to maternal alcohol consumption.• Increasingly attention is paid to the four lifestyle areas of smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise and diet.• What is the control theory approach to alcohol consumption?• During the Depression of the 1930s and the Second World War, alcohol consumption, understandably, fell significantly.• Whether caffeine is the root cause of your insomnia or just a contributing factor, your caffeine consumption needs to be addressed.conspicuous consumption• But one can only take just so much wretched excess and conspicuous consumption.• Even so, a significant number of takeover bids were probably no more than a form of corporate conspicuous consumption.• Foreign imports such as colour television sets and hi-fi systems cram shop windows, catering to demands for conspicuous consumption.• What better forum for conspicuous consumption than the locker-room or the golf club car-park?• The emergence of stratified societies culminating in states increased conspicuous consumption of precious substances.• Hong Kong was regarded as the world's capital of conspicuous consumption.• The creative ones turned their backs on conspicuous consumption and decided in favor of a simpler, personalized lifestyle.• Similarly, conspicuous consumption or display is now regarded as an acceptable form of behaviour.• They're young and poor and the patriarchal culture they inherit and the conspicuous consumption of their contemporaries sanctions their irresponsibility.From Longman Business Dictionaryconsumptioncon‧sump‧tion /kənˈsʌmpʃən/ noun [uncountable]1COMMERCEECONOMICSthe amount of goods, services, energy, or natural materials used in a particular period of timeTexas is second only to California in beer consumption.Cuban households have been asked to reduce their electricity consumption by 10%.2ECONOMICS the act of buying and using products, services etcThe spread of mass production, mass consumption and urbanisation have all contributed to the pollution of Lake Biwa. → capital consumption → conspicuous consumption3ECONOMICS the amount spent on goods by consumers in a particular period of timeDeveloping countries keep their currencies’ value low and this allows them to limit consumption and imports and to stimulate exports, investment and growth.He recommends a tax system that would tax consumption rather than income. → domestic consumptionOrigin consumption (1300-1400) Latin consumptio, from consumere; → CONSUMEcon·sump·tion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  of Corpus oil, that energy, Business amount the etc is electricity




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