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单词 Structure
1 The company has a complex organizational structure.
2 The structure had keeled over in the high winds.
3 We learnt about the structure of the brain today.
4 A flower has quite a complicated structure.
5 A new management structure has been introduced.
6 Draw a simple diagram of the leaf structure.
7 Geologists study the structure of the rocks.
8 They recurred to the reform of the economic structure.
9 Day by day the structure heightened.
10 The organization has a cellular structure.
11 The structure of this protein is particularly complex.
12 The staff say there is no formal structure for negotiating pay increases.
13 A wide base will make the structure much more stable.
14 The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.
15 The proposed new structure is notable not only for its height,[] but for its shape.
16 The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity.
17 Headings and sub-headings further clarify the structure of the article.
18 The flimsy structure of the vehicle could not withstand even mild impacts.
19 The model is an odd-looking structure of balls and rods.
20 The typical family structure of Freud's patients involved two parents and two children.
21 The Parthenon is a magnificent structure.
22 The fault lay in the structure of the economy.
23 There are weaknesses in the structure of the organization.
24 The theatre is a futuristic steel and glass structure.
25 The course is modular in structure.
26 How well does the teacher structure the lessons?
27 One of the panels had become detached from the main structure.
28 It is important to take precise measurements of the structure.
29 The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure.
30 She had a beautiful face with very good bone structure.
1 The company has a complex organizational structure.
2 The structure had keeled over in the high winds.
3 We learnt about the structure of the brain today.
4 A new management structure has been introduced.
5 Draw a simple diagram of the leaf structure.
6 The organization has a cellular structure.
7 The structure of this protein is particularly complex.
8 One of the panels had become detached from the main structure.
9 The staff say there is no formal structure for negotiating pay increases.
10 A wide base will make the structure much more stable.
11 The proposed new structure is notable not only for its height, but for its shape.
12 The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity.
13 Headings and sub-headings further clarify the structure of the article.
14 The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure.
15 The flimsy structure of the vehicle could not withstand even mild impacts.
16 She had a beautiful face with very good bone structure.
17 The typical family structure of Freud's patients involved two parents and two children.
18 The structure of molecules can be seen under an electron microscope.
19 Researchers are gradually deciphering the genetic structure found in the cells of organisms.
20 Within a year the party had drastically overhauled its structure.
31 The novel suffers from a lack of structure.
32 The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.
33 Sections of the structure have been left unsupported.
34 High winds put great stress on the structure.
35 The job lacked a basic career structure.
36 The company's structure is rigidly hierarchical.
37 She's studying the class structure of Japan.
38 We must carefully structure and rehearse each scene.
39 The profession has no clear career structure.
40 Amelia had inherited her mother's good bone structure .
41 Torn muscles retract, and lose strength, structure,[http://] and tightness.
42 The two halves of the structure didn't marry up.
43 These kids require a lot of structure and stability.
44 It's often difficult to structure one's career.
45 Engineers found the structure had been corroded by moisture.
46 This organizational structure was now outmoded.
47 They have a very old-fashioned management structure.
48 I wondered how the structure was held together.
49 Then a new structure nucleated in the Europe.
50 The building is very simple in structure.
51 Nurses want an improved career structure .
52 The chemical structure of this particular molecule is very unusual.
53 We asked ourselves what we wanted from our management structure and who we wanted to head it up.
54 The amphitheater was a sealed off round structure . Swordplay, wresting, gladiatoral and other contests were held there.
55 The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.
56 Your essay needs structure.
57 There is equal stress on all parts of the structure.
58 The department has successfully integrated new ideas into the traditional course structure.
59 We have a differential salary structure based on employees' experience.
60 The current recession is the result of a systemic change within the structure of the country's economy.
61 The aim of the course is to help students to comprehend the structure of contemporary political and social systems.
62 My grumble is with the structure and organisation of the material.
63 The structure of molecules can be seen under an electron microscope.
64 Researchers are gradually deciphering the genetic structure found in the cells of organisms.
65 This entire rickety structure was hanging from the limb of an enormous leafy tree.
66 Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language into their own.
67 The proposed new office tower is a steel and glass structure 43 storeys high.
68 The only real fault of the book is its looseness of structure.
69 The structure of our schools is now broadly in line with the major countries of the world.
70 The job losses were part of a master plan aimed at transforming the structure of the company.
71 There's no career structure, you have to create your own.
72 Bonger advocated a relativist position. In his view, what is considered immoral depends on the social structure.
73 The black and white photographs emphasized her fine bone structure.
74 Within a year the party had drastically overhauled its structure.
75 In a two-stage operation, the multi-spoked steel structure will be raised to the vertical.
76 As students of chemistry know, even small rearrangements of a molecule's structure can produce a compound that acts differently.
77 Microscopy is an invaluable technique for studying the structure of cells.
78 The reform of the economic structure rocketed the company's shares from RMB 25 yuan to 36 yuan.
79 The roof support structure had collapsed and the entire weight was bearing down on the ceiling.
80 The builders had put up a tall structure between the shops.
81 The report homed in on the weaknesses in the management structure.
82 There was a large, ball-like structure on top of the building.
83 These four posts take the strain of the whole structure.
84 Give careful thought to how to structure your ideas in the essay.
85 Some people like the sense of structure that a military lifestyle imposes.
86 Dillons is understood to be reorganising the company's management structure.
87 The main structure takes only about 40 man-hours to erect.
88 This is just a holding operation until we get the new management structure sorted out.
89 In writing poetry, one is unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure.
90 The monograph is conceptually confused, unclear in its structure and weak in its methodology.
91 A regressive tax structure is one in which the average tax rate falls as income level rises.
92 The cell walls of plants are of a fairly rigid structure.
93 Try and finish quickly. In this structure, try can only be used in the infinitive, or to tell somebody what to do.
94 The Japanese tried to graft their own methods on to this different structure.
95 There is no convincing explanation of the overall structure of the universe.
96 There have been significant changes in the power structure of the company.
97 Take a 15-storey building abutting a three-storey structure.
98 This is an unfair anomaly in our tax structure.
99 Apart from structure, the procedural system offered great advantage.
100 They expected diamonds to have a single atomic structure.
101 Figure 1 shows the Units' administrative structure.
102 Additionally,[] the traditional organizational structure is drastically altered.
103 This structure must be stable.
104 This new structure must accomplish two special purposes.
105 In the following sections and chapters the singularity and global structure of particular solutions will be analysed in more detail.
106 The authors attribute the structure to a major basement fault.
107 Oeppen has continued to investigate the structure of projection models as applied to long runs of data from the past.
108 The flexibility of a structure which allows movement between degrees, and even between faculties, is a powerful attraction.
109 Some minerals have a marked ability to absorb into their crystal structure through a reversible known as hydration.
110 The project assesses the impact of monetary policy on the changing structure of the banking industry on both prices and incomes.
111 It had been specially constructed within the ancient structure of the Vatican, and stood immediately adjacent to the Audience Hall itself.
112 The first is that climate swamps structure and lithology, an admission that few geologically trained or biased geomorphologists would make.
113 They will also adapt their social structure under different environmental conditions.
114 He will also have to learn something about the administrative structure of his chosen place and how it has changed over time.
115 One powerful argument attributes this stagnation to the economic structure set in the early 1950s.
116 The Washington summit actually eliminated major causes of tension, and promised to inaugurate a new world structure.
117 The Wizards could make more trades that could alter their salary cap structure and the makeup of the team.
118 However, the basic structure of three national airlines as proposed in the Swinton plan was retained.
119 There, when animals are on the move, there is little social structure, merely a mass of advancing animals.
120 He would oppose any multi-deck parking structure adjacent to his project.
121 Fieldwork was conducted in two of the three regions, each of which has its own particular administrative structure.
122 We will then expand our view of AA to include the overall structure of the fellowship as a worldwide service organization.
123 The report included structure diagrams for each type of local authority based on the outlines shown in Figs 5.1 and 5.2.
124 The essential work of the administrative structure is the implementation of policy.
125 The situation is now so critical that the very structure that is needed to use the aid effectively has disintegrated.
126 The project also analyses the responses of young people themselves, using the techniques of Identity Structure Analysis developed at Bristol.
127 On a sunny day, it shimmers brightly, almost obscuring the fine frescoes and reliefs that now adorn the structure.
128 Consequently it is not possible in general to analyse the singularity structure in such detail.
129 Conventions of weaning may alter while family structure does not.
130 Thus the firm's constraint structure can affect its behaviour on pricing and its costs.
131 In the current chapter we probe deeper into trade structure in order to achieve two objectives.
132 The second method tries to analyse the structure of the fossil almost as if it were a piece of engineering.
133 Minimally, the binding of protein to this element should alter the chromatin structure of the promoter.
134 These two effects split the atomic energy levels into several components, producing the so-called hyperfine structure.
135 Certainly, few entomologists doubt that the amazingly intricate structure of moths' antennae are specific pheromone detectors.
136 The 1988 Act has made fundamental alterations to the power structure of the education system laid down in 1944.
137 So volcanic rocks are composed of only a few mineral groups, each group having its own characteristic atomic structure.
138 Changes in social structure are thus likely to be accompanied by changes in the function of component institutions.
139 This could be seen as an approximation to a Ramsey-optimal price structure, though the analogy is probably rather forced.
140 And the revolution in the structure of services and management meant elderly frail people found it increasingly difficult to assert their rights.
141 Of particular interest are genes that reduce the amount of a substance called lignin, or that weaken lignin's chemical structure.
142 I have used the analogy of the structure of a document to describe the basis of the curriculum.
143 It would provide the multitudinous popular committees and activities with a more advanced form of organisation and structure.
144 The growth in partisan organisation on local authorities presents problems of integrating the political reality of decision-taking with the formal administrative structure.
145 The suppression of colour made it possible to control the aesthetic qualities of the picture and helped to structure its connotative meaning.
146 The precise authority and structure of an audit committee will vary depending on the company's circumstances.
147 The rock structure of much of this area is granite and naturally acidic.
148 Regarding structure, most studies conclude that children attain concrete operations around age 6 or 7 independent of formal schooling.
149 Another flaw was rooted in the structure of the administrative system.
150 But can violence alter the structure of discontent in a culture of desire?
151 In the Structure of the armature is the beginning of her idea of what he looks like.
152 The microporous structure offers a high surface area 50% of which is inside the media.
153 The craftsmen whom Willis describes are involved with their work even though they are alienated from the given structure of the enterprise.
154 Secondly, some critics argued that the three-stage modular structure of part-time training recommended in the report might reduce flexibility in provision.
155 The new accommodation is on one floor, set round a pretty courtyard which echoes the traditional details of the existing structure.
156 Finally, they were let through an air lock guarded by massive metal doors into the reactor structure.
157 All these types reflect their underlying structure and their origin is apparent in their shape.
158 In Phoenix any aggressive tendencies were dampened by the location of these agencies within a government structure that frowned on federal aid.
159 Each of the union republics has a constitution and state structure modelled broadly on that of the central administration.
160 When art critics get together they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine. Pablo Picasso 
160 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
161 Primary structure refers to the joining of the amino acids through peptide bonds to form polypeptide chains.
162 As to serious and organised crime, in the 1990s we must address the subject of police structure with greater enthusiasm.
163 Astronomy and Astrophysics Modern astrophysics studies the formation, structure and evolution of stars and galaxies and of the Universe itself.
164 In addition, the timing of elections can also affect the structure of power within presidential democracies.
165 I do not believe we can repair the basic fabric of society until people who are willing to work have work. Work organizes life. It gives structure and discipline to life. Bill Clinton 
166 First, they help to unlock the immanent structure of the legal language spoken in a specific arena.
167 Monorails have always attracted inventors because the structure can be lighter than that of conventional railways.
168 The structure that I have suggested is sufficiently robust to halt that slide and ensure that acute care remains free throughout.
169 The reasons lie in its complex physical chemistry, and central to this is its atomic structure.
170 Nevertheless, sustained horticulture needs an abundant supply of organic waste to maintain soil structure and fertility.
171 Maintains joint structure and joint function, does not damage joints, and is helpful to people with arthritis. 4.
172 The rules of grammar are intended to analyse the structure underlying this discursive order.
173 Rather than supporting the statusquo, the way things are, utopian ideologies advocate a complete change in the structure of society.
174 Most languages, when arrayed in order, offer a rhythmic transition series or sensory structure.
175 This ruin is an unfinished structure about twenty feet high which covers more than an acre.
176 Anchorage strength is affected by the root plate spread, root depth, and the soil type and structure.
177 Minor changes in sentence structure can affect the accuracy of recall.
178 They may recommend a structure based on unitary authorities or the present two-tier arrangements.
179 Today, there is no formal structure to investigate or even debate whether UFOs have skipped through our atmosphere.
180 Such a structure requires that aims and objectives are explicit and differentiated.
181 The structure of large corporations, with chains of command, was not unlike the armed forces.
182 First, we should distinguish general externalities from things that directly affect market structure and the degree of competition.
183 The congress approved a new leadership structure, with Pavol Kanis being elected chair of a federal council.
184 Originally, ancestor-worship and its attendant family structure were confined to the patrician class.
185 The discovery of atomic structure and the uncertainty principle put an emphatic end to that.
186 Its aerodynamic shape means that wind is funnelled round its surface causing little movement to the structure.
187 The obvious impact of these principles has been to graft the legal aid scheme on to the existing structure of private practice.
188 Barclayshare's advisory service, which has £250m under management, has the same charging structure, but costs £15 quarterly.
189 When determining planning applications planning authorities are required to have regard to structure and local plans.
190 What principles do children rely on as they analyse the structure of words and make use of their knowledge?
191 In 1901 Hobhouse made an early attempt at accounting for the evolution of mental structure.
192 There is no straight forward and necessary correspondence between a political structure and the political functions that seem logically associated with the structure.
193 The Board took over the legal aid scheme's administrative structure and most of the staff.
194 But if marriage patterns were to be drastically altered, significant changes in the social structure would occur.
195 Based on the structure of the organ, we think that it is well adapted for detecting very low levels of light.
196 The text assumes a basic knowledge of symmetry, atomic structure, thermodynamics and electrode potentials.
197 In atomic physics they are represented as Proton, Neutron, Electron(), the three elements of all structure throughout nature.
198 Even the magic word processor can not solve the problem of afterthoughts, which are likely to alter a complete structure.
199 These low levels of activity were in keeping with the enormous silences of the cathedral structure.
200 In other words the five year housing land supply should not be the Structure Plan requirement plus an allowance of 60%.
201 This brief and general list of functions suggests the enormous breadth and depth of the administrative structure and its activities.
202 The structure should be tailored in such a way that it can most effectively pursue its aims.
203 They focus on the family, analysing both its internal structure and its functions for the wider society.
204 What we are looking for is a framework, an accommodating structure that will help us to organize our information and ideas.
205 This hope was shattered by the discovery of atomic structure and quantum mechanics.
206 Now, with reckless abandon, it promises to meddle with local-government structure.
207 The two subgroups represent real 16S variants based on analysis of secondary structure.
208 Imposing such a burden would alter the basic structure between state and federal governments, which is critical to our constitutional scheme.
209 Whichever mathematician or computer buff chooses to examine the set, approximations to the same fundamental mathematical structure will be found.
210 The research will analyse the changing structure of leadership and the conditions which give rise to political stability and instability.
211 Over time the structure of interest rates may change in response to changes in the inflation rate and the anticipated inflation rate.
212 The stomach is a biological structure that animals use to adapt to their environment.
213 The Product Structure Tree At some stage of manufacture the new product must be assembled from its components.
214 The film marks a major advance in complexity in terms of both characterization and narrative structure.
215 Much of the structure survives with few alterations in its appearance since then.
216 Controversy has also surrounded the long-term effects of artificial fertilizer on the soil structure.
217 His also wished to return to the primitive structure where the Church managed its own affairs.
218 This structure can neither impose law upon its members nor force one of them to adopt a policy with which it disagrees.
219 A valuable work, covering many aspects of social structure and population distribution, is that edited by R.E.
220 We then consider the way in which housing structure and design affect women's lives.
220 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
221 At last, the economic evaluation of isolation structure is studied.
222 This thesis analysis totally on the structure and features of the birch bark's culture which owned by the special group who are living in the great and small Xingan mountains.
223 The author also designs the structure block diagram of safety culture based on the two aspects: production and life. The article further discusses the culture construction of oil depots sa...
224 First, the paper summarizes the development and application of architectural bionic structure and dendriform structure in domestic and international.
225 Based on a point line patch hierarchical data structure, three dimensional complex geometries are described by several typical kinds of surface patches.
226 Based on Shannon entropy in information theory, this paper establishes fuzzy design structure matrix.
227 Masonry structure is a type of traditional structure with wide and many uses.
228 A German Shepherd Dog is a trotting dog, and its structure has been developed to meet the requirements of its work.
229 Because of its unique structure, Astaxanthin provides a wide range of antioxidant benefits.
230 Compared with the transistors with traditional structure, the experimental sample DCT375 fabricated by using this technology has better thermoelectric characteristics.
231 We have adopted a multi-phase DC-DC converter structure to supply the positive and negative voltage source for the panel, and decreased the operational frequency of the charge pump.




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