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单词 Perform
1. Be slow to promise and quick to perform
2. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. 
3. To say little and perform much is the characteristic of great minds. 
4. A host of musicians will perform at the festival.
5. Wizards usually use magic wands to perform spells.
6. The children always perform a nativity play every Christmas.
7. A computer can perform many tasks at once.
8. Computers can perform a variety of tasks.
9. The UN must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.
10. In your new job you will perform a variety of functions.
11. Norton Disk Doctor can perform miracles on a dodgy hard disk.
12. You will be asked to perform some standard manoeuvres during your driving test.
13. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.
15. He promises, but does not always perform.
16. Plans are in hand to perform 'Oz' next semester.
17. Some animals perform elaborate mating rituals before they copulate.
18. The police perform a vital role in our society.
19. They will perform a short mime later.
20. The trained horses sashayed to perform.
21. I have a duty to perform.
22. Only the priest can perform these actions.
23. She strove to perform all her wifely functions perfectly.
24. These tyres perform badly/poorly in hot weather.
25. I'm looking forward to seeing you perform.
26. Singers took turns to perform songs they had written.
27. Fraser did not perform until after inter-mission.
28. The children perform two plays each school year.
29. What functions can this program perform?
30. Those who are quick to promise are generally slow to perform
1. A host of musicians will perform at the festival.
2. A computer can perform many tasks at once.
3. Computers can perform a variety of tasks.
4. The UN must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.
5. In your new job you will perform a variety of functions.
6. Norton Disk Doctor can perform miracles on a dodgy hard disk.
7. You will be asked to perform some standard manoeuvres during your driving test.
8. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.
9. We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.
10. She is putting on powder, ready to perform on the stage.
11. The doctor contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform.
31. Many religious schools perform well academically.
32. One should always perform what one promises.
33. The group perform variations on soul and gospel music.
34. The LSO will perform a much-loved concert piece.
35. Computers can perform millions of calculations every second.
36. The whole cast performs / perform brilliantly.
37. He delegated me to perform a task.
38. The leadership cannot be expected to perform miracles .
39. It takes a steady hand to perform surgery.
40. The machine refused to perform properly under test conditions.
41. We should always perform before the workers, peasants and soldiers.
42. No great manual dexterity is required to perform the technique.
43. Reversing round a corner is one of the manoeuvres you are required to perform in a driving test.
44. How hard the swimmers work now will determine how they perform in the Olympics.
45. Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform.
46. Before a rugby match, the New Zealand team perform a Maori war dance.
47. In the teeth of the longest recession since the 1930s, the company continues to perform well.
48. I don't understand why a ballet company can't perform fresh new material instead of just bringing out the same old warhorses year after year.
49. "State-owned industries will always perform poorly," John Moore informed readers.
50. You'll never get an encore if you perform like that!
51. Is there a particular sequence in which you have to perform these tasks?
52. The prince is no longer able to perform his duties.
53. It is the obligation of citizens to perform military service.
54. She is putting on powder, ready to perform on the stage.
55. At the audition, the actors were asked to perform extempore.
56. The orchestra is to perform its last ever concert/last concert ever tomorrow night at the Albert Hall.
57. Any actor will tell you that it is easier to perform than to be themselves.
58. Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.
59. The manager has no qualms about dropping players who do not perform well.
60. You can call your bank and perform a transaction using a Touch-Tone phone.
61. The hypothesis predicts that children will perform better on task A than on task B.
62. You may find it helpful to perform this exercise in front of the mirror.
63. Then he nodded courteously to me and walked off to perform his unpleasant duty.
64. It's always different when you perform in front of a live audience .
65. Machines can now perform many repetitive tasks in the home.
66. He can perform an astonishing variety of acts, including mime and juggling.
67. It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.
68. They clapped together a stage so that they could have somewhere to perform.
69. The team have been able to shrug off their recent failures and perform well.
70. The ability to perform well under pressure is the mark of a true champion.
71. Granted that it is a simple test to perform, it should be easy to get results quickly.
72. The doctor contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform.
73. The system is inadequate for the tasks it has to perform.
74. Working at low intensity means that you can continue to perform the activity for a long while.
75. I've seen her perform on television, but never in the flesh.
76. That notary is authorised to perform the certain legal functions.
77. Gilmore had to perform the difficult balancing act of attracting moderate voters without losing his conservative base.
78. I love their music, but I've never seen them perform live .
79. Some nurses wanted the right to refuse to perform abortions.
80. It gave Pat a thrill to finally see the group perform live.
81. Be careful to perform the actions in the correct sequence .
82. For instance, the more versatile Singaporeans, with richer experiences of life, might have been deterred from taking part for fear of losing face within sight of friends and relatives, should they perform ignominiously.
83. The actors clapped together a stage so that they could have room to perform.
84. The UN must perform a delicate balancing act between the different sides in the conflict.
85. It is no mean feat to perform such a difficult piece.
86. Rarely promise, but, if lawful, constantly perform. William Penn 
87. Insects number countless millions, and perform vital ecological functions.
88. Besides, Mait has decided to perform his ceremony tonight.
89. The Kirov elected to perform it in concert.
90. Never promise more than you can perform. Publilius Syrus 
91. How could the brain perform such a calculation?
92. You have to work, perform your civic duty.
93. But how does it perform in the clinches?
94. Ordinary people have been coerced by minorities to perform the necessary tasks.
95. You can perform relaxation exercises lying down but we would prefer if you try initially sitting in a comfortable armchair.
96. This need for self-esteem can be carefully nurtured so that the horse will want to perform to boost its own ego even further.
97. Baroness Masham of Ilton, a member of all-party committees on the disabled, will perform the opening ceremony.
98. Miracles can be worked by Him alone, although mere mortals may entreat Him by prayer to perform them on their behalf.
99. But the real thrill for some riders is the chance to perform for the video camera.
100. He is more aware than anyone of the balancing act he has been trying to perform.
101. Perform a cost-benefit analysis: identify intangible and tangible benefits and costs before putting in the required resources.
102. We tarried awhile to watch Messrs Anderson and Rowe perform doughty deeds with caber and shot on a pleasant summers day.
103. Perform a private lap dance for him where standard club rules apply,() e.g. the audience can look but not touch.
104. Problems also arise over companies that receive funds but subsequently do not perform as expected.
105. Playing to a consistent length is one of the basic requirements to perform to a high level.
106. Many only record data and perform simple calculations such as adding up columns or working out averages.
107. It seemed most residents figured out how to perform their morning chores, take their kids to school and get to work.
108. Putting a chameleon on a mirror seemed a simple enough experiment that I thought that even a writer could perform it.
109. A popular means of saving costs is to reduce the work-force and hire outside contractors to perform the same duties.
110. A major problem with the approach adopted is that there is not enough detail to allow you to actually perform the analysis.
111. Headmen were relied upon to perform police duties in the countryside.
112. They can perform simple administrative tasks which were previously both dull and expensive.
113. What they couldn't do was perform meaningless calculations and relate them to situations which were equally meaningless to them.
114. Task Analysis A method for identifying and assessing the tasks which humans perform when they interact with a system.
115. After that come more advanced techniques which students need to perform for the next grading.
116. In complex learning such as problem-solving(), it can mean having the opportunity to perform further activities within a particular class of problems.
117. First, they cut across industry lines, a diversity suggesting that member companies will perform different roles within the alliances.
118. Bunched tightly together by older men in animal skins and carrying spears, they perform a ceremonial dance to insistent drumming.
119. Time-free environments One possibility is to perform experiments in the relatively constant conditions that exist near the poles.
120. A pattern is designed to teach a beginner to perform movements in all directions of the compass.
121. He also has written a piece that 100 percussionists will perform at the opening ceremonies for the summer Olympic Games.
122. It became logically possible for bureaucratic structures to perform all four input and all three output functions.
123. Lists of customers or sub-contractors and associated information; for example, what services they perform, what their credit rating is.
124. Does she perform several different speech acts with the word, questioning, commanding, wishing, stating?
125. Consequently the mayoral incumbent must perform a delicate juggling act to maintain constituent support.
126. They were trying to learn to perform a role whose meaning and importance they could not grasp ahead of time.
127. The children are required to perform these actions as they hear the teacher's instructions.
128. Compulsion is not the answer to get kids to perform better in school.
129. So furious had he been that he had wanted to perform an abortion himself, immediately.
130. Doctors had to perform a colostomy, rerouting the undamaged intestinal tract to a substitute opening in her lower abdomen.
131. The improved blood circulation enables practitioners to perform tasks in a more vigorous and healthy manner.
132. Montour will perform 20 seconds from an original composition on a flute he carved.
133. In your capacity as a conductor you often perform the same works again and again.
134. On the first evening the singers are always very nervous at having to perform before such a distinguished audience.
135. The solution here is to perform very short hops and observe the behaviour of the model.
136. Plugged liver biopsies are both effective and safe when used to perform percutaneous liver biopsies in patients with impaired coagulation.
137. The actors also play the horse that pulls their cart and perform juggling, tumbling and let off mock cannon fire.
138. The chapel had important liturgical and ceremonial duties to perform.
139. They used voluntary organizations to operate recycling programs, to perform energy audits, and even to manage a park.
140. Whiners are pretty insecure about their ability to perform, Rhoads said.
141. A Maryland medical board ordered him to perform 100 hours of service in an Aids clinic.
142. Government chief executives, like their counterparts in the private sector, have overall responsibility for how their organizations perform.
143. And the more vocational classes students take, the worse they perform on national assessments of achievement.
144. It is therefore important to be able to perform discrete sensitivity analysis and to handle lower bounds.
145. The capitalist state has to perform two essential but often contradictory functions.
146. Stravinsky was commissioned in 1909 by Diaghilev to compose a new work for his famous ballet company to perform in Paris.
147. We promise according to our hopes and perform according to our fears. Francois de La Rochefoucauld 
148. It's easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It's a lot more difficult to perform one. Chuck Palahniuk 
149. He began to run about in front of her, to turn, to perform grotesque dance movements that were not without some grace.
150. But now as I watched him perform, I regarded his political commitment with something approaching awe.
151. The villagers have to go down to the lake to perform most of their bodily functions.
152. McLanahan and Sandefur seem to assume, also, that only fathers can perform certain functions within the family.
153. We are entitled to ask who will perform that task if there is no consultative committee?
154. Individuals are required to perform their job to the full, but not to overstep the boundaries of their authority.
155. As noted earlier, public organizations in competitive environments often perform just as well as private organizations.
156. Alternatively the basic restored airframe and engine components can be supplied part finished allowing the owner to perform final assembly and painting.
157. A person may be unable to perform a major life activity which an average person could perform.
158. When I die they can perform an autopsy and they will find that I have never ever taken an illegal substance.
159. You can even perform some spreadsheet-like calculations on the figures using formulae.
160. All she would need to do would be to ask the subject to perform some very complicated arithmetical calculation.
161. In between, he designed software for his phone systems, which allow callers to perform various functions through a voice menu.
162. They picture women gathered together to dance or perform some apparently ritualistic act of worship.
163. In the home she may ask the carer to perform the tasks of the assistant therapist.
164. Then we have to certify that this whole thing will perform.
165. To perform well it has to be tightly targeted to cope with quite a narrow band of frequencies.
166. At its most extreme, some one's capacity to choose which course of action to perform is removed from them.
167. Moreover, to be able to perform a reliable statistical analysis the sample size must be considerably larger.
168. Verrucas Children now perform dance and gymnastics lessons in bare feet.
169. From 140 applicants only seven were selected to perform at the audition finals at London's Wigmore Hall.
170. The actors perform scenes from the play both in costume and in informal attire.
171. Medical staff, seeing that the child was in danger, decided to perform an operation.
172. It is not uncommon to hear of old women who are cross when asked to perform domestic tasks in residential care!
173. But he knew that he had one more duty to perform before he allowed himself to succumb to his craving for rest.
174. The change affected clinics that primarily perform abortions as well as family doctors who may do the procedure along with unrelated services.
175. Gregarious, flocks often hawking for flying insects and spiralling up to perform aerobatics.
176. To her, Roz was uncanny in her ability to perform. handle outrageous situations, do.
177. Officials in rural districts covering a large area may drive long distances to perform their regular duties.
178. Measurement of sodium concentrations is simple to perform and offers the possibility of prolonged continuous monitoring.
179. We managed to persuade him not to perform the whole work during the wedding ceremony.
180. The comedian expressed doubts about his ability to perform without a live audience, but agreed to do it.
181. Easy Rider was like an ambulance arriving to perform an emergency resuscitation on his ego.
182. Else Lynes had also brought along her active class to perform a display item before a most appreciative audience.
183. Herr Schikenader, the former proprietor, chanced to see me perform one evening.
184. In addition the computer itself can readily be made to perform certain checks.
185. No, seriously, they watched to hear some of the biggest names in pop music perform their biggest hits.
186. It was a great pity that the team was not allowed to perform at other displays during the anniversary year.
187. Woodacon Oils continued to perform steadily, increasing product storage capacity.
188. To perform at its best this system needs regular cleaning.
189. As people in other staff agencies sought to perform differently and better they also improvised, learned, and changed.
190. All disciplinary problems are brought before the Committee and the two prison wardens previously assigned these duties no longer perform them.
191. It is sustained by the greater desire of men to perform it and by their greater aptitude for competition.
192. The computer is a product of the human mind. The computer does not perform without the control of the human mind. Dr T.P.Chia 
193. A tester can have no confidence that unexamined values in extremely complex systems will perform continuously with examined values.
194. The change also affects medical offices that perform abortions in addition to unrelated services.
195. Unfortunately this method has a number of drawbacks, notably the time taken to perform the analysis.
196. However, it has been claimed that some doctors in the province will perform abortions in certain circumstances.
197. The only gala performers currently scheduled to perform at inaugural balls the following night are Estefan, Franklin and Yearwood.
198. The state is called on to perform a number of functions necessary for the smooth development of the capitalist system.
199. It was charged with writing a new charter and would meanwhile perform legislative and monitoring functions.
200. The first approach is to perform syntactic analysis first then have a second pass convert the syntactic tree to a semantic representation.
201. At least Mandru did not expect his Ixmaritians to perform naked, as was the traditional custom.
202. Doctors can perform tests to see if a woman carries the breast cancer gene.
203. Government agencies are created to perform according to different criteria from private business.
204. The teenage boy sits in silence, without anaesthetic, as the elders perform the ceremony.
205. Its purpose Augean - no less than to perform an act of reparation for the sins of students everywhere.
206. But while axeheads from different societies may perform widely differing social functions, the axeheads themselves may be almost identical.
207. For instance, in computer science one learns how to write programs that can perform certain tasks.
208. Occasionally he slowed to a near halt, provoking Eng to push him to keep choreographing and to perform adequately.
209. By means of tapping his foot the horse could perform mathematical calculations, and solve problems of musical harmony.
210. It might be deemed unethical, however, to perform a controlled trial.
211. But they can not perform Catholic sacramental duties, such as hearing confession, offering Communion or giving last rites.
212. Arts and culture are important in Jackson Hole. Each summer, musicians from around the country perform classical music at the Grand Teton Music Festival.
213. A general partner or voting stock holder of a NYSE member firm; allowed to perform transactions on the exchange floor.
214. Functional obsolescence----A depreciation in the value of a current product caused by the arrival of a new product that can perform the function in a superior manner.
215. Perform load rating for new or existing bridges in either AASHTO Standard or LRFR specifications.
216. Moira Shearer stars as a young ballerina driven to perform at the peak of her abilities by domineering impresario Anton Walbrook much to the consternation of her jealous husband Marius Goring .
217. Law does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform.
218. Forkel, one of Bach's earliest biographers(http://), tells us that Bach himself was not too happy whenever he had to perform particularly his polyphonic pieces on the harpsichord.
219. They perform most of their songs in Xhosa , songs that talk about their cultures and upbringing.
220. The system reliability design, work program module and so on perform the bridging function.
221. To simplify things, the DB2 data movement utilities, namely EXPORT, IMPORT, and LOAD, can perform an automatic code page conversion.
222. The said digital gate circuit marco model can be used to perform a logical simulation for gate circuit and the digital circuit formed by the gate circuit.
223. You are now able to perform scheduled maintenance activities on the Blade and SAP will not suffer any down time as a result of this activity.
224. Lacking good original musical scripts, what we can do now is to perform classical scripts from the West and understand our distance from top quality musicals.
225. But by mid-2009, Yarrow told WTOP radio in Washington that her condition had worsened again and he thought she would no longer be able to perform.
226. Methods:To perform the operation of centesis on renal cyst and keep the catheter to fully drainage. Then injection water-free ethanol 3 times into the renal cyst.
227. Special light-sensitive cells in mantis shrimp eyes perform similar functions to electronic sensors found in the mechanism of a DVD and CD player, the study said.
228. Upon completion of this tutorial, you'll have learned everything you need to know to perform basic text editing with Emacs.
229. Purpose The BSC Corrective Maintenance Handbook describes how to perform BSC maintenance.
230. This article presents an improved method to determine the anhydrous chromic chloride content with alkaline process. This method is easy to perform, and does not cause any harmful gas.
231. But in times of broad market upturns, a low-cost index fund can perform as well as a mix of individually selected stocks.
232. Be in about Tang Dynasty, chinese on the ground and those who sit is consuetudinary pass Japan, perform type of melt into day gradually " couch couch rice " .
233. Arrive when car speed per hour 100 flower when, this girl begins to perform strip show.
234. Shiatsu principle: gas, is a human basic material, is the organ meridians tissues to perform their physiological activity of material base.




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