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单词 Exercising
1. Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.
2. They are merely exercising their right to free speech.
3. When exercising its discretion, the court will have regard to all the circumstances.
4. I try and keep in tip-top shape by exercising every day.
5. Exercising regularly will pay dividends in the end.
6. You should try exercising a little self-control!
7. We are eating more and exercising less.
8. You can improve your flexibility by exercising.
9. Stop exercising if you feel any pain.
10. Behind the wire, the prisoners were exercising.
11. I like exercising to music.
12. The whole situation is exercising our minds greatly.
13. They were exercising to the accompaniment of cheerful music.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. Exercising alone can be boring.
15. Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline.
16. Now he's retired he spends most afternoons exercising his dogs.
17. Exercising the body does a great deal to improve one's health.
18. The police are exercising a new policy of zero tolerance against motoring offenders.
19. The length of time spent exercising depends on the sport you are training for.
20. This is a problem which is much exercising the minds of teachers.
21. Exercising once a week is not enough to make you fit.
22. This problem is exercising our minds very much at the moment.
23. This has been a major problem exercising the minds of scientists around the world.
24. Always stretch before exercising.
25. He enjoyed exercising his intellect in analysing the controversies of his day.
26. If you're still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to trust us and give it a try.
27. To prevent injuries you should always stretch before exercising.
28. My stomach has begun to firm up since I started exercising.
29. The rule is : if you feel any pain you should stop exercising immediately.
30. Politicians these days are more interested in playing to the gallery than exercising real influence on world events.
1. Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.
2. They are merely exercising their right to free speech.
3. When exercising its discretion, the court will have regard to all the circumstances.
4. I try and keep in tip-top shape by exercising every day.
31. This chapter examines different ways of exercising power.
32. No smoking, eating, or exercising.
33. While exercising, pause to determine your heart rate.
34. They're exercising and taking good care of themselves.
35. A few had been exercising religiously for many years.
36. Exercising that collective responsibility remains highly problematic.
37. Who are exercising their democratic rights?
38. Mrs Edwina Currie was exercising a basic charm.
39. They spent more time working, exercising, and playing sports.
40. The building's hall is still frequently a venue for those exercising their Nonconformist Consciences on current political controversies.
41. Expenditure a person incurs by exercising an option in a contract is not expenditure incurred under that contract.
42. The women featured in the article are reducing their risk of chronic disease by exercising and by eating a balanced diet.
43. I like the way it emphasises changing eating habits, along with exercising, too.
43. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
44. The most favourable attitudes were found amongst those subordinates who perceived their boss to be exercising the consultative style.
45. People who succeed are eating less and exercising and doing it on a long-term basis....
46. She said she encouraged him to eat properly and start exercising.
47. But also, I guess, he is exercising his right as a laibon to prophesy.
48. Since the Antichrist would use mathematical knowledge in exercising malignant power, it was vital for the Church to be prepared.
49. Remember to use light weights and be very cautious when first exercising the spinal erectors.
50. If you feel dizzy or short of breath, stop exercising immediately.
51. The monarch retains largely formal prerogatives, exercising executive authority through the Council of Ministers.
52. I always eat a good breakfast in the morning, especially before exercising; now I knew why.
53. The United States responded by informally requesting her partners to use restraint in exercising their right to convert dollars into gold.
54. Has the Home Secretary considered exercising his powers of a posthumous pardon in this case?
55. At first, exercising seemed like an obligation, but now I really enjoy it.
56. The provenance of a manure heap seemed of limited importance beside the problems presently exercising her mind.
57. I still look fat, even though I've been exercising fairly regularly.
58. When the boys were two I joined a local gym and started exercising five times a week.
59. Black and other minority citizens on whom the Democrats were counting faced unusual obstacles in exercising their democratic rights.
60. This is potentially significant for athletes because they are exercising so hard that their muscles readily burn the liberated fatty acids.
61. Pregnant ladies and elderly people should be careful when eating soft cheese, as they should be when exercising.
62. Many busy people will appreciate a responsible person exercising their horses.
63. For the first time in years, the conservatives have taken clear control by exercising their vast institutional power.
64. Even something as purely physical as exercising brings its own awareness.
65. This means that the Tribunal has to ask whether the Minister acted reasonably in exercising his discretion to grant a warrant.
66. Carbohydrate replenishment Your body is most amenable to replenishing muscle glycogen in those first few hours after exercising.
67. Men see this as exercising their right to free speech, upholding a tradition in cyberspace forged by the early hacker community.
68. Lifting weights or exercising in the college gym three times per week will help build strength.
69. I note yet again the Labour party's hostility to any persons exercising any choice in the interests of their family.
70. The song has to be considered at best lame by any music fan exercising normal powers of discretion.
71. By exercising muscular control, certain kinds of feeling can be inhibited.
72. She had given up all idea of exercising any power over fate.
73. That has not prevented them exercising a great influence on our cultural development.
73. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
74. Exercising on the days of symptoms will release endorphins, or natural opiates, in the body.
75. Later, antitrust laws were introduced to stop other types of monopolists from exercising their mar-ket power.
76. After exercising, fruit juices are excellent because they quench your thirst.
77. Regular exercising not only keeps the body supple; it strengthens heart and lungs and helps increase relaxation and reduces stress.
78. If you are overweight, over 40 or not exercising regularly, take the test, know your score.
79. Bismarck had refused to contemplate the possibility of Prussian judges exercising a supervision over political decisions.
80. Some people who design compensation packages have suggested a possible ceiling on exercising stock options to keep a lid on the wealth.
81. Even people who start exercising quite late in life notice considerable benefits.
82. It therefore pays to make the earliest and fullest possible enquiries before exercising your option choice.
83. If a body exercising the statutory powers went beyond the four corners of the act, then the court could intervene.
84. In exercising its norm control jurisdiction the Court acts as a restraint on the possibilities of abuse inherent in the legislative process.
85. Furthermore, the actual price of the shares only has to be paid upon exercising the share option.
86. Seeing the old buildings, watching the modern Thoroughbred exercising on the historic heath truly makes history come alive.
87. But while! exercising the prerogatives of superpower, he never seemed to recognise the true extent of its responsibilities.
88. A woman was exercising a troupe of jet black greyhounds.
89. The owner can still sell the goods even though they are in possession of the repairer who is exercising his lien.
90. The Roman church was exercising leadership long before anyone appealed to this text.
91. This was less jazzy, but still cool and laid-back, exercising a more minimal and subtle sound.
92. A will also be justified in reaching an accommodation with B rather than exercising his strict legal rights under the contract.
93. And it remains a matter of debate to what extent Luke is exercising editorial privilege in his accounts of the apostolic preaching.
94. It is obvious these individuals think fat people can become thin if they just start dieting and exercising.
95. Warm up your body before you start exercising, and avoid pushing yourself too hard or too fast.
96. So he started exercising regularly and eating low-calorie foods and, lo and behold, trimmed down to a svelte 290.
97. One form of assent is the very act of claiming or exercising the right.
98. Most of this sum was earned through the exercising of share options arising from the merger.
99. Repeat the exercise, this time kneeling on your right knee, and exercising the left leg.
100. But the relatively narrow seam of slow bowling in the county must be exercising the minds of Lloyd and Bob Woolmer.
101. Only those who can afford to ignore these constraints feel capable of exercising a choice to retain a more traditional agricultural landscape.
102. Thus, on exercising his right of resale, the seller re-sells as owner.
103. Being over-weight, and eating and exercising inappropriately,(http:///exercising.html) will make many diseases worse and will affect the quality of life.
104. So, exercising some skill, she kept out of his way.
105. First, they both prevent any one employee from exercising exclusive control over specific functions or applications.
106. Or, in ever increasing numbers, voters exercising their right not to vote at all.
107. Within the next month, Fred was home and, presumably, exercising his choice.
108. Naturally I hope not, and the probability is that we're exercising ourselves over nothing.
109. Dumb bells, hours of exercising and a carefully planned diet of vegetarian food and fruit juice had completed the programme.
110. Exercising your creativity and imagination will help you rediscover your science sparkle without losing sight of your learning objectives.
111. Many people are exercising their right to leave the state pension plan.
112. Aerobic exercise increases the metabolic rate and the benefit continues for some hours after we have finished exercising.
113. Editors must, then, exercise a choice and exercising a choice inevitably involves ignoring certain options.
114. When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. Terri Guillemets 
115. Here was a civil servant exercising obvious power in the choice of a Church leader.
116. Unused muscles can feel very sore when you start exercising.
117. The men were merely exercising their right of free speech.
118. Unless managers see the control process through to its conclusion, they are merely monitoring performance rather than exercising control.
119. Anyone who has difficulty in getting down to the floor and up is safer exercising on a firm mattress.
120. But the Communist ministers, who were carefully kept from exercising real influence, soon quit in disgust.
121. Exercising power and influence, especially without relying heavily on formal authority, is a challenge for even the most seasoned managers.
122. It is not the only contentious matter to have been exercising the lady's mind.
123. Hiser suggested making incremental changes in cooking, eating and exercising.
124. In its 1992 programme for liberalizing financial services the Community is also exercising leverage by imposing reciprocity conditions.
125. Do not be deterred from exercising your right of appeal by the belief that the outcome will be a foregone conclusion.
126. If you find that you can not hold a normal conversation after exercising, then you are overdoing it. 4.
127. Outwardly, Donna, the classic pear-shaped woman, laughed about her legs, but finally she quit exercising.
128. Case Study A case study provides students with opportunities for exercising problem solving and decision making skills in a particular context.
129. They may be said to be exercising an administrative function.
130. Stuart Carter had been a caring and loving father while exercising considerable skill in a steelworks.
131. Some have complained about lack of space in just exercising their mounts.
132. Her exercising and her diets, involving theories about food combinations, had irritated me for months.
133. She fails to recognize that getting things done requires a different way of exercising power.
134. The unconscious operates according to the pleasure principle alone - there are no values exercising restraint over instinctual impulses.
135. The earliest known example of the Roman bishop exercising jurisdiction is painful.
136. But he earned another $ 8. 6 million by exercising options.
137. The immediate response was that Lewis had not deserved to lose and would be exercising his right to an immediate rematch.
138. Her role must have been curiously akin to that of the executive businesswoman today, exercising the skills of management and delegation.
139. Don't overexert yourself when exercising!
140. Cameraman Don Friedell films Manuel Uribe exercising inhisbed.
141. They have been exercising what amounts to mob rule.
142. A good way of exercising is to constitutionalize.
143. This is a normal activity of exercising sovereignty.
144. Can we refrain from exercising the people's democratic dictatorship?
145. The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain.
146. I really feel a-OK after exercising.
147. Of, arising from, or exercising a prerogative.
148. I rewhichley feel a-OK ago exercising.
149. Otherwise the concept includes virtually every administrative unit exercising public authority.
150. If you haven't been doing great, and you overdid it, you should now have more than enough fuel to start exercising today.
151. Ninety-six percent of the participants exercising to the dulcet tones of the piano were women. So it remains to be seen if piano music can help men stay upright too.
152. A shake-up in key leadership posts and waning popular support could prevent Mr. Putin's administration from carrying out overdue economic reforms or exercising fiscal discipline, some observers said.
153. Sorching summer, more and more beautiful eyebrow choose gym or be natatorium goes exercising.
154. If you are out of condition, then start exercising slowly.
155. Here, exercising great patience and self - control, Odysseus tests the loyalty of his servants.
156. That means exercising at a moderate intensity level for at least 2.5 hours spread over most days each week.
157. However, experts recognize that blood circulation can be promoted by exercising the calf muscles with up-and-down movements of the feet at the ankle joints.
158. Stress incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine produced by coughing, laughing or exercising.
159. Sugar may affect the way that water is absorbed. When exercising strenuously, flavorless boiled water is the best beverage to imbibe.
160. The social stability of Younger exercising group is between ordinary and relative level.
161. So, by using AICAR, the scientists thought they might be able to trick the body into thinking it was exercising.
162. The actuation mood after how exercising restraint to be hit?
163. The irony of Chinese citizens legitimately exercising a right in Norway that the government denies them at home will not be lost on journalists and other observers.
164. Joe took a pin out of his lapel and began to assist in exercising the prisoner.
165. The accounting function is viewed as a necessary group of "bean counters,(Sentencedict) " or as a vehicle for exercising control over the entity's various activities.
166. Over time work up to exercising on most days of the week for 30 - 60 minutes .
167. Exercising too much or too strenuously is just as bad as not doing it at all.
168. It is not allowed that both knees are tetanic when fingers touch floor or lift an object during exercising.
169. The results revealed that frequency of luteal phase deficiency (LPD) and anovulation was significantly greater in the exercising women than that in the sedentary women.
170. I should be in the habit of exercising every day.
171. Your head should be covered while exercising in the cold, because heat loss from the head and neck may be as much as 50 percent of the total heat being lost by your body.
172. According to Maritain's theory of subsistence, the "received existence" of the nature is elevated to the state of exercising through the subsistent act.
173. Exercising can increase your metabolic rate and help you burn calories quickly.
174. But people aren't mentally they are when they're , say , exercising or socializing.
175. The object of incorrupt politics is defined in terms of the rights for exercising public powers according to law.
176. This combination helps reduce the risks associated with systems exercising multifactor authentication solutions using the same underlying security mechanism.
177. The teachers are daily and hourly exercising an invisible , formative influence on the pupils'character.
178. Dear friend, you are fit for dancing! And exercising at every pore will make you mind relaxed.
179. A better plan is to break your sessions into smaller, more frequent increments and to avoid exercising too much, too soon, Spang said.
180. Unscientific exercising ways would damage key areas of the body of the exerciser, being the main cause for sudden death in exercising.
181. Administration by law is a criterion generally practiced by modern state government when exercising power.
182. The author insists that, how to construct the exercising system of state ownership is the key and nodus necessary to solve. Therefore, the legislation on right in rem shall not be evaded.
183. Tobacco industry in China is a monopoly industry exercising exclusive state trading and selling.
184. Adjust the job and working time appropriately, had decided exercising time, often come loose beguilement, loosen the nerve of take up.
185. Those include exercising, losing weight if necessary, and eating a healthy, low-fat, low-salt diet.
186. So you don't like grinding out miles on the treadmill or power walking the malls, but you dread exercising during cold weather.
187. He moved from his chair in this silent room and began to pace slowly to and fro, the weightiness of this subject exercising to the full his power of decision.
188. Therefore, the means of exercising shareholder's voting trust right has emerged in China.
189. To strengthen construction of Party's capacity of power exercising is a fundamental construction after the Party has hold power, and a key to maintain permanently the advanced level for the Party.
190. Secondly, on the occasion of major error, this article discusses eight situations of not allowing exercising the right of withdrawing the legal act.
191. The effect of holding power and the expectation and the need to be seen as capable of sustaining it, if not exercising it, encourages omnipotence of thought.
192. However, because the striated urethral sphincter has similar innervation, patients are exercising this important muscle as well.
193. Now, Mr. Koleba tries to meet women when he is out and about -- taking improvisational comedy classes, playing on a co-ed intramural soccer team(/exercising.html), exercising with a runners group.
194. To see just how effective my tests are at exercising the code, I can check code coverage with Hansel.
195. When the pond shore is wet it can be very mucky and one tends to sink into it if not exercising care.
196. Then the changes of mortgage relations and the problems on exercising hypothec arising from the changes of the housing mortgage loan obligation relations are analyzed.
197. And just so you know, exercising while consuming small calorie intake just makes the situation worse.
198. The seventh habit identified in the Alameda study is exercising regularly.
199. Why was a group of elderly people exercising in the evening enthralling?
200. Symptoms of overexertion are chest pains, severe breathlessness, dizziness, loss of muscle control and nausea. If you experience any of these symptoms stop exercising.
201. Never keep on exercising if you have even the slightest chest pain.
202. Subrogation right of subrogation exercising creditor subrogation, are the subject of creditors himself, and in its own name by the obligee and obligor position exercise.
203. Lu said he used to be a competitive ice-skater when he was growing up in Harbin, a city in frigid northeastern China, but as an adult, he stopped exercising.
204. Bank industry indicated that the matching law for the repayment of principal proceeds of small banks, it is only exercising, Dr. OK, a few banks offer such repayment.
205. Exercising three times a week for at least 20 minutes, and being a nonsmoker for at least 10 years were two additional healthy-lifestyle factors.
206. In general, they should work on exercising their Sensing in a truly Extraverted sense.
207. But there's a fine line between taking the mickey out of solipsistic theatrical pretensions and exercising them yourself.
208. We should aim high in strengthening and correctly exercising democratic centralism!
209. Long runs improve your cardiovascular plumbing system so that you can better deliver blood to the exercising muscles and withdraw the waste more effectively.
210. When exercising your imagination, you should be free from the normal thinking paten.
211. Sports also help to refresh people's mind from brainwork all day and night, and even more surprisingly, exercising can stimulate people's brains to work more actively and creatively.
212. A person who causes harm in exercising justifiable defense shall not bear vivil liability.
213. The forwarder : sends on every idiotic chain letter and joke they receive, apparently without exercising their judgement.
214. The Constitution imposes on President the duty to take the law of nations seriously, but gives the President independent interpretive latitude in exercising that function.
215. Sifu Edward Mak ( student of Master Yuen Man Kai ) exercising North Praying Mantis Saber Techniques.
216. exercise : exercising in any form can really help you destress and refocus.
217. Frank was holding onto the gutter and slowly exercising his bad leg.
218. They are prisoners of conscience detained solely for peacefully exercising their right to freedom of assembly .
219. From the outside it is impossible to tell if you are disowning someone or simply exercising discretion, being considerate, avoiding embarrassments and sources of irritation.
220. After that, reluctantly at first, he began exercising himself regularly.
221. In educating myself this spring about education, I was aghast to learn that American children drop in I.Q. each summer vacation — because they aren't in school or exercising their brains.
222. Similarly, under section 58 of that Act, Kevin would be justified in peaceably entering onto the land for the purpose of exercising a right-of-way or profit to which he is lawfully entitled.
223. Running to an excess, exercising in excess, and lifting weights to an excess, creates scar tissue in the muscular structure(), which leads to the aging or decay of the form.
224. Healthier choices, such as taking short workday breaks, exercising and staying socially connected, "will help you manage things better.
225. Simplistically put, the Baron's War was fought over money and power; the major nobles of England thought that King Henry III had too much of the latter and was exercising it poorly.
226. The factor of mutual agency suggests the need FOR exercising great caution in the selection of a partner.
227. Exercising smart power begins with realistic assessments of the world we inhabit.
228. In the case of exercising lessons, we conclude, summarize and train the student's emanative ideations.
229. "M-xt " Electron will work according to the managing principles and concepts,exercising close cooperation with the industrial circles for creating for a common future.
230. But researchers says that exercising regularly before a heatwave comes will help both men and women acclimatise better.
231. All aerobic endurance activities, like running, bicycling, swimming, and cross-country skiing, are essentially contests to see how much oxygen your body can deliver to your exercising muscles.
232. The Chinese procuratorial organs are earnestly exercising their supervision over civil and criminal as well as administrative litigation.
233. By transaction cost analysis, the article tries to point out that the cost of exercising right under voting trust is lower than personal exercising.
234. However , because striated urethral sphincter has similar innervation, patients are exercising this important muscle as well.
235. Edwards reminded himself of the several good reasons for exercising restraint.
236. Like Rabin, he promoted peace, but with an edge: Our people do not consider that exercising the right to self-determination could violate the rights of their neighbors or infringe on their security.
237. In general, they should work on exercising their Feeling in a truly extraverted sense.
238. Strictly prohibit from not participating in the idea exercising person here , carrying go against again here!
239. This view of people exercising the wisdom of Solomon is dying fast.
240. Post hoc analysis showed that the women tolerating the higher doses were exercising 4 times a week or more.
241. Do you experience shortness of breath while you're exercising or exerting yourself?




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