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单词 conditional discharge
释义  Related topics: Lawconˌditional ˈdischarge noun [countable usually singular]  SCTa judgment made by a court that allows someone who has done something illegal not to be punished if they obey rules set by the court 有条件释放〔指一种法庭裁决,允许有违法行为的人在遵守法庭规定的情况下不受惩罚〕Examples from the Corpusconditional discharge• Sigsworth was given a conditional discharge for 12 months.• Magistrates gave him a conditional discharge and disqualified him from driving for two years.• He admitted receiving stolen property and breach of a conditional discharge.• The magistrate gave Mr Smith a conditional discharge on each count, but he was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £1800.• I've had probation, conditional discharge, deferred sentences, suspended sentences - everything.conˌditional ˈdischarge nounChineseSyllable   Corpus that a made court by allows a judgment




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