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单词 Manageable
1. The journey is easily manageable in half an hour.
2. This method divides the task into more manageable proportions.
3. The present flow of refugees was manageable.
4. The job is just about manageable in the time.
5. Divide the task into manageable sections.
6. Try to reduce your tasks to more manageable proportions .
7. It is important to present new information in manageable chunks.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. The debt has been reduced to a more manageable level.
9. My hair is much more manageable since I had it cut short.
10. The work has been divided into smaller, more manageable sections.
11. Soda silica glasses are not very manageable, however.
12. Not unless he's more manageable.
13. It may reduce the task to more manageable proportions.
14. Does the fryer break down into easily manageable parts?
15. They took any subject and made it manageable.
16. My hair's more manageable since I had it cut.
17. This cuts the odds down to a manageable size.
18. As modern civilization spreads, population increases become more manageable.
19. Different countries put different interpretations on these manageable levels.
20. What started out as a relatively manageable protest against stolen elections has now mushroomed into a full-fledged democracy movement.
21. The price of keeping the bonus down to manageable proportions is a somewhat less efficient outcome.
22. Add about 2 more cups flour to make manageable dough and turn out on to lightly floured surface.
23. He will now try to cut down the task to a manageable size.
24. Government targets for increased productivity are described as "tough but manageable".
25. The computer brings the huge task of stock control down to more manageable proportions.
26. Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable.
27. It was adjacent to Saint Cloud, but it was of manageable proportions and it had great romantic charm.
28. These categories are then subdivided or classified, so as to create more manageable groups that can later be analyzed.
29. And the brilliant green broccoli, cooked al dente and cut into small pieces, makes eating with chopsticks manageable.
30. I also found it quieter than my car and more manageable.
1. The journey is easily manageable in half an hour.
2. He will now try to cut down the task to a manageable size.
3. My hair is much more manageable since I had it cut short.
31. Russell Keys was, by all accounts, a clever, amusing man with manageable mental problems.
32. To do so she needed to scale down the orchestration to manageable size, and find a new and readily available cast.
33. Work with a group large enough to represent all the various essential interests yet small enough to still be manageable.
34. An effective and systematic attempt at forecasting may reduce some of this uncertainty, and render the future more manageable.
35. The club proposes to stick at around 50 members who represent a manageable size.
36. Since then, Clinton has opted for limited but manageable steps toward carefully targeted goals.
37. If the patient can only use one hand, food should be prepared ready to eat, cut into manageable pieces.
37. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
38. You wake up early, your desire sated, your hormones at manageable levels.
39. So we've combined them in a shampoo that makes dry hair lustrous and more manageable.
40. Distributed Relational Database Architecture also makes information access, data modification and application development more manageable, the company claims.
41. Unlike the preceding species this plant is much more manageable as it is less vigorous.
42. It had a nice smell and my hair felt very silky and manageable after I'd rinsed it.
43. Indeed, it was found to be difficult sometimes to keep down the number of journals to a manageable size.
44. Therefore, on any given project, a manageable chunk will be completed to secure enough cash for wages.
45. Add sufficient extra flour to make the dough manageable, then knead it thoroughly for about 10min, until smooth and shiny.
46. Serums are another good styling aid, helping to make frizzy hair smooth and more manageable.
47. The grade was manageable in the lowest of 18 gears, but it was like riding an exercise cycle in a sauna.
48. Three bedrooms, gas central heating, full sealed unit double glazing, garage, manageable gardens.
49. And so I divvied up the company into manageable pieces and told these executives to go play the game to the hilt.
50. He chooses instead to focus on a slightly more manageable milestone: the turn of the century.
51. She was able to help him share his anxiety about the risk of moving, and this made it more manageable.
52. Literacy seems to be a factor in keeping the family to a manageable size.
53. Ask each other what one manageable action you can perform which will bring the other happiness.
54. Geographic segments are also important in rendering manageable a worldwide export marketing activity.
55. But all these successes point to a deep hunger for experiences that are urban but still manageable.
56. It is not simply that Spiegelman reduces unimaginable statistics and intolerable realities to concrete and manageable proportions.
57. In addition, because so many colleges are involved, regional groups would be formed to allow for more manageable national negotiations.
58. And they realize the power of names to define subjectivity, reduce opposition to manageable levels, and induce paralysis.
59. It will enhance condition, too, adding shine and making hair more manageable.
60. Cowan makes a number of approximations in order to make his theory manageable.
61. The introduction of higher fees in 1956 did not solve the District's financial problems, only make them manageable.
62. There are five gentle shampoos and six nourishing conditioners which leave your hair soft, manageable and in peak condition.
63. To the extent that positivist criminology incorporates a realistic, manageable version of determinism, it becomes compatible with its classical predecessor.
64. Such legalisation would not magically dispense with the need for policemen, but it would make the needed policing more manageable.
65. The legislation ensures that people have a statutory right to pay the community charge in manageable instalments.
66. In charting development within the group two samples of boys have been used to reduce the task to manageable proportions.
67. The tide of immigrants is expected to have a direct but manageable impact on the United States.
68. This follows the traditional wisdom that a menu of about 4 to 13 items is most manageable by people.
69. However, as more libraries in more educational sectors become involved in user education,(http:///manageable.html) this becomes less manageable.
70. In effect, the several inches of movement over the whole building were shared among the forty-odd floors to make it manageable.
71. Obviously, the smaller the identified population the more manageable such a proposal would be.
72. Most are still expecting strong performance of the broader markets, but at a more manageable pace.
73. For its first 900 years Cairo was a city of manageable proportions.
74. If Rohr had stopped there, its troubles would be more manageable today.
75. They enable us to break up the larger and more nebulous goals, into smaller, more manageable pieces.
76. Now you've narrowed the choice down to more manageable proportions, it's time for the specialist retailer and test fitting.
77. Again the problem is to winnow these down to manageable proportions.
78. Break a complex task down into more manageable chunks.
79. Keep your spending on luxuries down to manageable proportions.
80. Ditching was a nasty but manageable maneuver.
81. These toxicities are manageable and require a team approach.
82. Objects, or product features, offer a discrete and manageable environment.
83. The first stage is to split the crude oil into more manageable portions.
84. They break up the shoals into smaller, more manageable balls , and all the hunters benefit.
85. Richmond Federal Reserve Bank President Jeffrey Lacker said last week Europe's troubles were largely manageable for the United States at this point. But he added a word of warning.
86. It marks the beginning of a long-term plan to make JXTA peers more manageable and easier to administer.
87. Mr. Fox's condition was manageable through medication for many years, says Mr. Philippi, but after his arrival at Bear Stearns, new issues began to emerge.
88. The bearable or manageable marriages, in most cases, are just like this.
89. All-around new technologies are necessary to be used in the broadband network for its operable, manageable and value addable bearing of multi-play services.
90. Decentralized organization has become commonplace, aided by computer - augmented control systems that make diversity more manageable.
91. While a Portuguese bailout would be manageable, assistance for its neighbor Spain would sorely test EU resources and raise deeper questions about the integrity of the single currency bloc.
92. Bunch of papers is a thread bound book manageable size - specific operations.
93. Steps must be taken to reduce the problem to manageable proportions.
94. Super smoothing formula with feather-light conditioning instantly softens hair, leaving it bouncy and manageable all day without any heavy feel.
95. Phantasmagoria are not mere figments of our imagination, they also serve to shape the incomprehensible and the elusive and make it manageable.
96. A book as big as that is not a manageable size.
97. Achor advises that you begin with manageable goals that you are confident you can accomplish.
97. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
98. By this judicious choice the computations are reduced to a manageable size.
99. On the same page advance with some machines manageable size live piece.
100. Knowing what to expect and planning ahead can make the waitlist process much more manageable and less stressful.
101. These changes are generally manageable and pose less risk than the tumours being treated, but they highlight the properties shared by tumour vessels and the vasculature of normal organs.
102. If you take ipecac when you're overly sleepy and your gag reflex isn't working well, you can turn a manageable overdose into something much worse.
103. Against the Taliban and Iraqi insurgents, these problems are manageable.
104. Second, manageable and minor nontraumatic failures of the empathic bond must occur.
105. Someone once categorized marriage into four types — hateful, bearable , manageable, and satisfactory.
106. The application and physical infrastructure, much like applications in SOA, must be discoverable, manageable, and governable.
107. Simulation result shows that under normal system load range, the proposed strategy reduces the task rejection rate effectively while keeping runtime overhead manageable.
108. So the first stage is to split the crude oil into move manageable portions.
109. And so the first stage is to split the crude oil into more manageable portion.
110. Impress upon him the need to define a manageable set of tasks and goals, and then direct his engeries toward completing them in an organized manner.
111. The president explained the rationale by saying that Almaty had grown from a manageable population of 400, 000 to 1.5 million, and had simply run out of space to expand.
112. The Observatory approached a sometimes elusive area of research and policy, extracted context-specific lessons and best practices, and made a long-standing problem look much more manageable.
113. The system consists of the centralized management center and the centralized manageable message accounting devices.
114. The QQ numbers are objectively manageable and governable with economic values, which means they belongs to the "property" in Criminal Law and might become the object in the crime of stealing.
115. Sewing set even manageable size firmness is good, but its binding time consuming and costly.
116. Tillandsia has some good characters , for example, strong resistance, manageable, clean, portable, without soil, beautiful leaf, flower and bract and so on.
117. Provider Backbone Bridging-Traffic Engineering (PBB-TE) is a connection-oriented packet transport technology that provides a scalable, manageable, and Quality of Service-guaranteed solution.
118. They introduce new factors with a lot of statistical uncertainty, and we cannot be confident that their risks are manageable.
119. Create WBS – subdividing the major project deliverables and project work into smaller, more manageable components.
120. IP network management mode of electric power enterprises is the important foundation for realizing integrated information system and constructing manageable basic supportive platform.
121. A shake-out of weak developers and property assets, and some recapitalisation of banks are all manageable.
122. Sewing set even manageable size firmness is good, but its binding time consuming costly.
123. The vineyards of pinot noir and chardonnay along the Willamette Valley are all within a manageable drive.
124. He cites Brazil, which although it has a floating currency and manageable public debt was paying ten times over the odds to borrow from capital markets.
125. The operational and manageable application mode of digital home gateway was proposed.
126. In some classes, teachers actually broke down projects into manageable, doable, understandable steps.
127. To keep the machine configuration file manageable(http://), it is best to put these settings in the application configuration file.
128. To force the test situation toward manageable proportions it is universal practice to calibrate.
129. Such solutions were more manageable, more perspicuous, and more readily used for calculation.
130. The effectiveness of analytical review will depend to some extent on whether the figures involved are "manageable".




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