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单词 condescending
释义  con·de·scend·ing /ˌkɒndɪˈsendɪŋ◂ $ ˌkɑːn-/ adjective  RUDE/IMPOLITEbehaving as though you think you are better, more intelligent, or more important than other people – used to show disapproval 带着优越感的,居高临下的〔含贬义〕 SYN patronizing Professor Hutter’s manner is extremely condescending. 赫特教授的态度极为傲慢。 —condescendingly adverbExamples from the Corpuscondescending• Fourteen percent claim the men have a condescending attitude.• She'd tell him a few home truths about his condescending, heartless, authoritarian attitude.• Instead they dispensed a condescending homily.• The forelock-touching peasant is still around in print, and always good for a condescending laugh.• Watts seems to have kept a copy of Maria Edgeworth's condescending letter.• The Prince smirked and Gaveston turned, for the first time acknowledging their presence with a condescending sneer.• English reviewers tended to take a condescending view of American writers.con·de·scend·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  behaving you Corpus you think are more though as better, intelligent,




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