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单词 civil disobedience
释义  ˌcivil disoˈbedience noun [uncountable]  PROTESTwhen people, especially a large group of people, refuse to obey a law in order to protest in a peaceful way against the government 〔尤指大批民众针对政府的〕非暴力反抗,不合作主义,公民抗命Examples from the Corpuscivil disobedience• Non-cooperation and civil disobedience, as Gandhi understands them, can not be construed as a coercive threat in this sense.• If he fasted, he was released from jail; if he attempted civil disobedience, he was back in again.• Do we intend to commit civil disobedience?• Would he desist from civil disobedience if he were convinced?• In Pittsburgh, there were a few sit-ins, invasions of churches, minor civil disobedience.• Nothing in their training or previous experience had accustomed them to this kind of civil disobedience.• It had to be a battle in which his side would fight with a special kind of weapon: civil disobedience.• That there are risks associated with civil disobedience no one would deny, and among them is the risk of anarchy.ˌcivil disoˈbedience nounChineseSyllable  people, when of people, especially group Corpus large a




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