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单词 gradually
释义  grad·u·a·lly /ˈɡrædʒuəli/ ●●● S3 W3 adverb  SLOWslowly, over a long period of time 逐渐地,逐步地 OPP suddenly Jill gradually became aware of an awful smell. 吉尔渐渐地闻到了一股难闻的气味。 Gradually, my ankle got better. 我的脚踝慢慢好了。► see thesaurus at slowlyExamples from the Corpusgradually• As the weeks passed, I gradually accepted the idea of him leaving.• The climate is gradually becoming drier and warmer.• Some patients experience a slow decline in their health as the effectiveness of the drugs gradually decreases.• Most patients gradually develop a resistance to the drug.• She gradually got sicker and sicker.• The first dilemma has been discussed: the managers gradually learned that their subordinates varied extensively in skill and motivation.• It began to slide toward the gradually opening door.• These cost reductions occurred gradually over a six-year period.• Then gradually twitches of life manifested themselves and it is now as well as can be expected.grad·u·a·lly adverbChineseSyllable  slowly, of period Corpus time a long over




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