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单词 Make good
1. Naughty boys sometimmmes make good men. 
2. Naughty boys sometimes make good men. 
3. Good fences make good neighbours.
4. To make good use of should have in youth the experience of advanced years,and in old age the vigor of youth. 
5. Fortune is good to him who knows to make good use of her. 
6. Sharp tools make good work.
7. Like and like make good friends.
8. We should make good use of our time.
9. We must make good use of the available space.
10. However, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer.
11. We will make good use of her talents.
12. You should make good use of your time.
13. Try to make good use of your time.
14. She promised to make good the damage.
15. She promised to make good the loss.
16. Videos often make good teaching material.
17. We see that freight railroads make good profits while rendering excellent service.
18. It may cost several billion roubles to make good the damage.
19. He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.
20. Certain that he was going to make good his threat to kill her, she lunged for the gun.
21. Very few exotic animals make good pets.
22. Groups are good fun - and make good sense.
23. We make good music, we have good writers.
24. After the ferry incident, we make good time.
25. These modules may make good use of smart materials.
26. Bureaucrats make good second-in-commands but poor generals.
27. Woodlice make good subjects for behaviour tests.
28. The three things most difficult are, to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to make good use of labour. 
29. In international custom, a nation that unilaterally breaks contracts must make good the damage.
30. n international custom,a nation that unilaterally breaks contracts must make good the damage.
1. We must make good use of the available space.
2. In international custom, a nation that unilaterally breaks contracts must make good the damage.
31. I did not make good that afternoon.
32. The rubble would make good drainage.
33. I enjoy the work, and I make good money.
34. Insipid daft doesn't make good copy.
35. Old farm cart sheds, cleanly converted, do make good stables.
36. Finally, he decided to make good on the excuse he'd used to leave early and connected with the dish system.
37. We are interested in how to make good that shortfall.
38. He opened the door and prepared to make good his escape.
39. There are several specialist ice-cream manufacturers who make good quality coconut ice-cream. For stockists of the following brands, ring:.
40. The few year-round species of high-arctic birds and mammals make good use of feathers, fur and subcutaneous insulation.
41. A good ground is easy to find; hoisting lugs on the engine or the alternator mounting brackets make good grounds.
42. Make good use of your local needle exchange or chemist and stock up on new works.
43. Rousseau has promised to make good on the bill, explaining that financial backing fell through at the last minute.
44. The state organization section attempted to make good the shortcomings of the Weimar Constitution.
45. The works of the two painters don't make good stable mates.
46. Whether you are cultivating cabbages or grapes, care is needed to achieve a good harvest: good grapes make good wine.
47. Bowed long notes make good additions to organ pedal parts or timpani rolls.
48. She had heard someone say, in all seriousness, that women would never make good golfers because of the shape of their bodies.
49. But no Government could accept an obligation to use taxpayers' money to make good all losses resulting from fraud.
50. In such circumstances, the lease may require the tenant to make good the costs the landlord incurred.
51. More separate provision is being provided and many authorities make good use of the facilities made available by voluntary organizations.
52. However some branches have managed to make good progress towards meeting their target.
53. In communication terms he is introducing redundant information to make good the loss in the system.
54. At all events the pursuit came to a sudden halt and Henry was able to make good his escape in peace.
55. The region's new political masters turned to them in a desperate hope that their expertise would make good their own helplessness.
56. In addition, date farmers are finding they can make good money by selling their tallest trees to landscapers.
57. There would be demands for the Government to spend money to make good the education deficit with the rest of the world.
58. Such a broker examines all franchise propositions carefully to determine whether they will make good business propositions.
59. If you work hard, make good choices and excellent decisions, and do what you can do best, you are likely to be rewarded with a lucky future. Dr T.P.Chia 
60. The media buy into the scam because such scare stories about unseen threats make good headlines.
61. Leftover savouries, such as nut roast, make good sandwich fillings.
62. Even then, in her secret years of infirmity, Euphemia Bawn preferred to make good with the saints.
63. Domestic robots will also make good use of the home network to stay in touch with each other.
64. Some people do not make good managers, or do not care for management tasks.
65. Current teacher training programmes will at best fill vacancies and make good existing shortcomings.
66. Steers and heifers make good beef and the conformation could be described as a dairy type with extra flesh.
67. He wanted to make good copy for himself and his plays.
68. Some of these doomsayers make good money from their false warnings.
69. Young Bruce's flirtation with Padstow lifeboat didn't make good reading.
70. Your child's school will value your support in teaching your child about how to make good relationships.
71. City officials hope Sony will make good on that offer when they come courting next year.
72. But he illustrates his points with telling anecdotes that make good, and fast[/make good.html], reading.
73. This site is a real treasure chest enabling us to find wonderful gems and make good use of them.
74. Only the timely arrival of a window-cleaner enabled Branson to make good his escape.
75. If governors are to make good decisions on meeting special needs their approach must be equally systematic.
76. But what function had the saints in heaven if not to make good the deficiency?
77. The provision would be reversed when profits attributable to the minority shareholders started to make good the losses that were made earlier.
78. Farmers can make good use of some land while other areas nearby are less attractive, or even repel them.
79. This closely followed a Boothferry Health directive to the Club membership to make good certain deficiencies or face closure.
80. B Offer to make good on any fraudulent clicks.
81. The probes used in these test devices are very fragile, difficult to apply because of the small size of the circuit and their close packing, and may not make good contact with the circuit.
82. I can always make good wages railroading, or at the packing house, and be sure of my money.
83. We must find out the moral excellence in music art and make good use of its value and serve the moral construction.
84. And then the rest time we can make good use of.
85. Paroxysmal public crisis management reflected the operating capability of a government. But how to make good use of knowledge was still a difficult problem in research of modem crisis management.
86. One crucial task about civil action system is how to make good use of action resources available, how to reduce action costs and how to gain action efficiency.
87. Make good use of some particularities, include cognition, restriction and abnormality, semeiology can be applied better in advertisement design.
88. We argue that first we should make good situations to absorb foreign capital, including purifying the investment environment in China"s security market and solving some inhere problems;"
89. The hilly areas make good sheep pasture; sheep will batten on the lush grass.
90. It's not easy to be kind to our enemies, but we can make good progress toward being Christlike in this life through the Holy Spirit, who lives in us.
91. We should make good use of the money donated by the enterpriser.
92. How to carryout the police of talent, make good use of development for business, put forward the measurement of transformed of talent.
93. She was ready to make good on a pledge from long ago.
94. They make good bank examiners, auditors, accountants, tax examiners, supervisors in libraries and hospitals, business, home ec.
95. Effectual cost control is the basic part which determines whether a company could make good winning in the scorching market rivalship .
96. This paper discusses how to make good group range variable number series with authentic statistics from a global viewpoint.
97. An election is due later this year, galvanising Mr Rudd"s efforts to make good some of those promises, such as ending whaling."
98. This dried grass will make good bedding for the sheep.
99. In order to make good use of the cars, taxi-drivers work in a Box and Cox arrangement.
100. The next day when the thieves started a search for Temujin, the son of the family had him hidden in a cart laden with raw wool,[http:///make good.html] thus helping him to make good his escape.
101. Order : use every second wisely, make good time plan for every work.
102. Since an enterprise doesn't have to pay its interest, it should make good use of account payable, namely in its own favour by credit clauses.
103. The staffs cannot make good recommendations or assist in giving clear instruction.
104. Nancy:A cocktail is also known as a mixed drink, like a vodka tonic, or a martini. Some places make good cocktails, some don't.
105. It was helpful for the ink-jet printer consumer according to choose the appropriate ink-jet printer, thus make good use of ink-jet printer resources.
106. People said cyprinoid jump over dragon door, and it's means make good winning and achieve the dreams. Fish always means full of luck and full of mammon in the every year.
107. Regarding how to make good use of given medicine audiovisual material, author set forth own views.
108. The attack time and regulation of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were studied to make good prevention nurse-care to the patients with AMI.
109. Germany lacked the military force to make good his words.
110. Make good use of limited books purchasing expense is a chief problem for university library.
111. This method escapes from the constraints of the traditional algorithm by minutia , and make good use of the stability of flowing trend and relativity between ridges.
112. Make good use of it, for your life, add a finishing touch!
113. A continuous flow of energy is supplied to the photosphere to make good the prodigious losses by radiation.
114. Can make in gestation mammary gland gets sufficient growth, make mammary gland flocculus eventually end conduit development becomes glandule bubble, make good preparation for lactation.
115. And the rest time we can make good use of.
116. He has a good backhand , ie can make good backhand shots.
117. Non-material incentive can make good effect for arousing the enthusiasm and go-aheadism of staff about working, and play a vital role in the promotion of enterprise.
118. Garbage power technology is a jumped-up technology about energy sources to reduce rubbish, make it harmless and make good use of it.
119. Providing people with misleading recommendations on what reviews to read will hurt their ability to make good decisions and will impact your Income Share bonus.
120. The interactive partitioning system embody the platform based design character of SOC-CDE environment, and make good use of the design programming result in algorithm level.
121. Theoretical analysis and make good for B 690 plane hydraulic system fault.
122. I don't like incense perfumes . They just make good clothes reek of smoke.
123. Organization must make good use of the managerial strategy to control the impact of effective factors, promote training transfer, and realize the aim to improve the performance of individ...
124. There is nothing ultimately to cling to in this world, Dipa Ma taught, but we can make good use of everything in it.
125. We make good use of special plastics in place of alloy.
126. In order to make good use of the cars, taxi- drivers work in Box and Cox arrangement.
127. Both nice materials and meticulous tailoring are essential to make good - quality clothes.
128. The General Assembly, Security Council and ECOSOC should all make good use of their respective advantages to support the work of PBC.
129. Establish a central coordinating office, databases and information exchange platform to strengthen the integration mechanism. We must make good use of positive stimulus.
130. Dress properly, it can make good shape looks more tall and slender, also can make a figure of a man, look heighten.
130. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
131. Undoubtedly his one failure in his career was his inability to make good appointments.
132. Conclusion The technical improvement can not only ensure the water quality, but also make good use of the dialyzer reuse machine and dialysis machines.
133. If you are patient and use dollar-cost averaging to smooth your way in, you will generally make good money over time.
134. Using self-feeding in solidification can make good surface quality, no shrinkage casting defects of castings; the technology product yield of the casting greatly increases.
135. Sports and recreational activities make good use of this tape as well.
136. Homeopathy for, make good use of stop loss is the only way to win investors.
137. Conclusion: Make good preparations before operation, nurse meticulously after operation, with no syndrome.
138. Money is a thing that can make good man even better and bad man even more evil. (Knives can cut vegetables as well as killing people. Knives are inculpable .
139. But it can not make good analysis of the soft fault signal in the circuits which is random and unstable or can not reflect and extract the transient characters of the soft fault signal.
140. Only by coordinated joint efforts of all departments concerned,() can the goal of placing effective control of investment be reached to take good care of and make good use of the limited capital.
141. Heavy metals, such as iron and lead, make good gamma - ray shields because of their high density.
142. Hoping through the antiquarian book auction, we can draw people's attention to place importance on the paperbound book and discuss how to protect and make good use of it.
143. Conscripts make good cannon fodder, but for officers we need volunteers.
144. He also stressed that a quick American pull-out would enable al-Qaida to make good on its stated desire to set up a base of operations in Iraq.
145. Organization must make good use of the managerial strategy to control the impact of effective factors, promote training transfer, and realize the aim t...
146. We drove on a zigzag road and we couldn't make good time.
147. Billy: Coach Malone, tell Robert good shoes make good players.
148. To make good use of skew bevel gear transmission, it is with necessary significance to analyze its load-bearing capacity.
149. Papain, trypsin and acid bacteria make good effects to the tenderness of mutton.
150. Mr. Obama's desire to make good on his campaign promise of bipartisanship is admirable, and he may well heal Washington's divisions over time.
151. Conclusion that developing downstream products of cheap dipentene can make good economic and social profits is drawn.
152. LTM helps us make good use of the top-down information and predict what comes next, thus harvest a better understanding of the context even with less attention allocated to the bottom-up information.




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