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单词 chord
释义  Related topics: Music, Mathschord /kɔːd $ kɔːrd/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. APMa combination of several musical notes that are played at the same time and sound pleasant together 〔音乐的〕和弦,和音2  strike/touch a chord (with somebody) RECOGNIZEto do or say something that people feel is familiar or true 引起(某人)内心共鸣,触动(某人的)心弦 Many of the things she says will strike a chord with other young women. 她说的许多话都能引起其他年轻女子的共鸣。 He knew that what he was saying had touched a chord. 他知道自己说的那番话引起了共鸣。3. HM technical a straight line joining two points on a curve 〔弧线的〕弦 →5 see picture at 见图 circle1 ► Do not confuse with cord (=thick string), which has the same pronunciation.不要和 cord(绳子)混淆,这两个词发音相同。Examples from the Corpuschord• This struck a deep chord with me, and I wish we could sit and talk about it.• In contrast, he provided passages of descending chords for Kostchei.• Our examples have been confined to simple homophonic chords in which all the notes sound together.• In a region where infant mortality is high, the argument struck a responsive chord.• Occasionally the chords flow together; a melody seems to be hovering just on the edge.• The difference between the pairs is whether or not the vocal chords are used in making the sound or not.• In writing chords for the harp, the two hands should be kept close together, and the chords well filled in.Origin chord 1. (1400-1500) accord2. (1500-1600) cord; influenced by Latin chorda ( → CORD) (3. chord “string of a musical instrument” ((17-19 centuries)))chord nounChinese  musical combination at a notes are several Corpus played of that




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