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单词 Groaning
1, He lay on the floor groaning.
2, They were all moaning and groaning about the amount of work they had.
3, He collapsed, groaning with pain.
4, The tables were positively groaning with food.
5, Stop groaning ! You're not at death's door!
6, She was making small groaning noises.
7, Some of the patients were groaning with pain.
8, The people are still groaning under injustice.
9, Grunting and groaning,(http:///groaning.html) they heaved the wardrobe up the stairs.
10, They're always moaning and groaning about how much they have to do.
11, There's no point in moaning and groaning about not having any money.
12, Consumers were groaning under the weight of high interest rates.
13, She's always groaning on about how much she has to do.
14, She's always groaning on about how much work she has to do.
15, I'm tired of him moaning and groaning all the time.
16, The groaning when they roll over.
17, Groaning, she reached for the light switch.
18, The opening closed, they A deeper, groaning.
19, Figure on groaning all the way.
20, There's no point in moaning and groaning.
21, She was making hungry, slurping, groaning sounds.
22, Then it came slowly up, hinges groaning at the unfamiliar movement.
23, Mary visited the Gents and returned, groaning and holding his head.
24, There would be a table groaning with smoked ham, with thick succulent slices of cold beef and crusty fresh bread.
25, If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully. But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart. Becoz u use your whole life to love me, and I feel free. My life seems to leave me like the sand flowing. I can hear that, but I can still smile only as long as I see you sleeping by my side.
26, The unwilling children climbed into the bus, moaning and groaning.
27, Two mornings ago David Gower and his stag night team-mates were groaning under their bedcovers.
28, And, in spite of himself, he heard he was groaning quietly, like the men in the darkened room.
29, The other people in the queue had obviously been waiting longer than I and were moaning and groaning.
30, His body ached for her and he would press his face into the lumpy pillow groaning with the hopelessness of his need.
1, He lay on the floor groaning.
2, They were all moaning and groaning about the amount of work they had.
31, In the make-up room she collapsed into a chair, dropping her head into her hands and groaning heavily.
32, The he began to press the twigs against the branch, groaning loudly and jabbering incantations.
33, He pushes the man away; the man flops on to his side, then rolls forward on to his face again, groaning.
34, The groaning died; there was a lonely sound of dripping water.
35, The only obvious sign of wear and tear is a groaning gearbox, while the engine smokes a little on start-up.
36, A Weighty Decision Tired of your scales groaning when you weigh yourself every morning?
37, He was moaning and groaning from the enormous weight of it.
38, The labouring engines could be heard groaning like a battery of tanks.
39, As he lay on the floor of the Boesch's simple straw-covered house, moaning and groaning, I grew increasingly worried.
40, As the pitch rose and fell, the trees themselves chimed in with groaning and creaking.
41, They returned with a huge roll of green baize which was then gently placed on top of the groaning air conditioner.
42, Bernard would lie awake for hours waging his nightly battle with carnality, slapping it down, groaning.
43, Groaning, Tommy curled himself up into a ball, his hands covering his head.
44, But there was also no food, or close to none, despite the fact that the shelves were groaning.
45, A car was coming up the track at high speed, creaking and groaning as it went over the bumps.
46, Restless sleep, full of dreams of violence, nightmares, moaning and groaning.
47, He and Farquhar sat on the deck side by side, panting and groaning.
48, We heard Mike groaning as he swung himself into bed in the second bedroom.
49, This marble figure seems to flame and spiral up, surging, groaning like an earthquake, subsiding even as he rises.
50, Ranulf sat slumped in the bench beside him, groaning and muttering at his master.
51, The table was groaning with food.
52, The dying soldier was groaning with pain.
53, The old man labored along, groaning in pain.
54, He was heard to groaning.
55, Yin had an old servant who was slow in his work, but Yin pushed him all the more. The dog-tired servant laboured himself to exhaustion, moaning and groaning.
56, He's always moaning and groaning about how little he earns.
57, China's transportation network groaning under large and growing demand from its booming factories.
58, After six enraged bars it settles down in the broader vicinity of middle C, the horns groaning about painedly somewhere below.
59, In the face of the stormy petrel, I am just a groaning seagull, a whimpering loon or a stupid penguin.
60, Is your husband such a precious bargain that you should be grovelling there, lamenting and groaning for him?
61, China's transportation network is groaning under large and growing demand from its booming factories.
62, It doesn't matter if the kid hear you moaning and groaning.
63, She was groaning about some essays she had to write.
64, The man groaning in the sick bed is his uncle.
65, Squirrel monkey vocalization can be considered as a suitable model for the study in humans of the neurobiological basis of nonverbal emotional vocal utterances, such as laughing, crying, and groaning.
66, He paced round the hall grinding his teeth and groaning.
67, He lay there groaning like a prisoner stretched out on the rack.
68, I will bring to an end all the groaning she caused.
69, Sighing and groaning as they discussed ways and means, they hardly slept all the night.
70, He tossed about in bed and groaning from time to time.
71, He broke into a loud clamor of weeping, groaning and howlingand rent his garments.
72, The wounded man lay there groaning, with no one to help him.
73, So bound home from Providence alone,() I was groaning to myself on the train.
74, By reason of the voice of my groaning my bones cleave to my skin.
75, A nation is groaning under the intolerable yoke of a tyrant.




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