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单词 Sunday
1. Every day is not Sunday.
2. Come for cocktail and buffet next Sunday.
3. We are hoping for good weather on Sunday.
4. Sunday is a regular holiday.
5. My birthday is on a Sunday this year.
6. The church choir sing every Sunday morning.
7. We may go out next Sunday,() but that depends.
8. I shall be disengaged on Sunday afternoon.
9. Sunday is a holiday in Christian countries.
10. We work every day except Sunday.
11. We went for the hills last Sunday.
12. I didn't see you in church on Sunday.
13. We're going to a match on Sunday.
14. The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars.
15. On Remembrance Sunday we honour those who died.
16. His parents don't allow him out on Sunday.
17. We went for a cycle ride on Sunday.
18. He likes to bowl on Sunday.
19. The newspaper boy has delivered the Sunday paper.
20. Generally she remains in on Sunday evenings.
21. We all went for a picnic last Sunday.
22. We go there every day except Sunday.
23. We're playing golf this Sunday,(http://) right?
24. They were all decked out in their Sunday best.
25. She dressed herself in her Sunday best.
26. I spent Sunday reclining in a deck chair.
27. Mary was diked out in her Sunday best.
28. When else shall we meet again, if Sunday is not convenient for you?
29. It took me a whole Sunday to whitewash the wall.
30. I was startled at the news that 129 persons were killed last Sunday in the attempt by rebel air force officers to overthrow the government in the capital.
1. Come for cocktail and buffet next Sunday.
2. We are hoping for good weather on Sunday.
3. Sunday is a regular holiday.
4. My birthday is on a Sunday this year.
5. The church choir sing every Sunday morning.
6. We may go out next Sunday, but that depends.
7. I shall be disengaged on Sunday afternoon.
8. We work every day except Sunday.
9. We went for the hills last Sunday.
10. I didn't see you in church on Sunday.
11. We're going to a match on Sunday.
12. The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars.
13. On Remembrance Sunday we honour those who died.
14. His parents don't allow him out on Sunday.
15. We went for a cycle ride on Sunday.
16. He likes to bowl on Sunday.
17. The newspaper boy has delivered the Sunday paper.
18. Generally she remains in on Sunday evenings.
19. We all went for a picnic last Sunday.
20. We go there every day except Sunday.
21. We're playing golf this Sunday, right?
22. They were all decked out in their Sunday best.
23. She dressed herself in her Sunday best.
24. I spent Sunday reclining in a deck chair.
25. Mary was diked out in her Sunday best.
26. I was startled at the news that 129 persons were killed last Sunday in the attempt by rebel air force officers to overthrow the government in the capital.
27. When else shall we meet again, if Sunday is not convenient for you?
28. It took me a whole Sunday to whitewash the wall.
29. A trip to the Summer Palace is programmed for next Sunday.
30. I wanted to put the meeting over until Sunday so as not to interfere with my work.
31. A trip to the Summer Palace is programmed for next Sunday.
32. I wanted to put the meeting over until Sunday so as not to interfere with my work.
33. It being a Sunday, the old men had the day off.
34. I decided to gam some friends of mine this Sunday.
35. Many people go to church on Sunday, but others don't.
36. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills.
37. I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday.
38. It was a Sunday, so she could lie in till almost lunch time.
39. As from Sunday, May 1 st, all fares on the corporation's transport services will be increased by ten pence in the pound.
40. This is the third Sunday in a row that it's rained.
41. It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch.
42. The football team deepsixed the captain's attempt to call Sunday practice.
43. I'm catering for twelve on Sunday, all the family are coming.
44. According to the calendar my birthday falls on a Sunday this year.
45. I was otherwise engaged last Sunday evening.
46. How many people attend church every Sunday?
47. The teams are playing a friendly match on Sunday.
48. There's another antiques market this Sunday.
49. The show will fold after Sunday night's performance.
50. I enjoy the omnibus edition of Eastenders on Sunday.
51. My father took me to the baths every Sunday.
52. I shall leave on Sunday if nothing intervenes.
53. This coming Sunday is her birthday.
54. We're having an open house Sunday,(/sunday.html) noon to 5pm.
55. Many companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper.
56. He goes to chapel every Sunday.
57. Brian had an MRI taken Sunday.
58. We're open every day except Sunday.
59. We always have a late breakfast on Sunday mornings.
60. I spent Sunday afternoon poking around an old bookshop.
31. It being a Sunday, the old men had the day off.
32. Many people go to church on Sunday, but others don't.
33. I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday.
34. It was a Sunday, so she could lie in till almost lunch time.
35. As from Sunday, May 1 st, all fares on the corporation's transport services will be increased by ten pence in the pound.
36. It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch.
37. The football team deepsixed the captain's attempt to call Sunday practice.
38. I'm catering for twelve on Sunday, all the family are coming.
39. According to the calendar my birthday falls on a Sunday this year.
40. Her spouse will come to see her on Sunday.
41. They had a barbecue on their patio on Sunday.
42. Let's have a nice roast for Sunday dinner.
43. I spent a very hectic Sunday.
44. I've made a date with Harold for next Sunday. Will you be able to come to the meeting?
45. We took a promenade along the canal after Sunday dinner.
46. Freddie almost [ nearly ] always goes to town on Sunday nights.
47. The Sunday antique market is a happy hunting ground for collectors.
48. Her mother bought a handbook of English grammar for her last Sunday.
49. Last Sunday the whole family went to the seaside and made a day of it.
61. Her spouse will come to see her on Sunday.
62. Sunday nights are usually pretty quiet.
63. Last Sunday dawned a perfect day.
64. Would you like to come for drinks on Sunday?
65. The allotment was made on Sunday.
66. On a Sunday morning traffic was almost nonexistent.
67. We had a Sunday brunch of bagels.
68. On Sunday morning Bill was woken by the telephone.
69. They had a barbecue on their patio on Sunday.
70. Let's have a nice roast for Sunday dinner.
71. Your mother values the predictability of your Sunday calls.
72. Sunday is a normal working day for me.
73. I always have a lie-in on a Sunday.
74. We usually have a pot roast for Sunday lunch.
75. It is rough on him to work on Sunday.
76. The little children go abroad on Sunday.
77. She writes for many papers, including the Sunday Times.
78. The final episode will be shown next Sunday.
79. Visitors congregated on Sunday afternoons to view public exhibitions.
80. Mrs Parsons wasn't at church this Sunday.
81. I spent a very hectic Sunday.
82. You wouldn't catch me working on a Sunday!
83. The dog fights took place every Sunday morning.
84. I had a field day last Sunday.
85. Sunday is a day of rest.
86. The final part will be shown next Sunday evening.
87. They go to the park most Sunday afternoons.
88. It was our wedding anniversary last Sunday.
89. I spoke for the hotel next Sunday.
90. The story was all over the Sunday papers.
91. They are studying what to do next Sunday.
92. They go to church every Sunday.
93. A Sunday newspaper hack uncovered the story.
94. The final will be played on Sunday November 6th.
95. "I'll be astonished if I win on Sunday," laughed Lyle.
96. My brother, Neville, was born on a Sunday, when all the church bells were ringing.
97. I don't know. We'll just have to see how it goes on Sunday.
98. I was meant to be working on Sunday, but I just fooled around all day.
99. I'm busy on Sunday, so that gives me an out.
100. PS I forgot to invite you to our party next Sunday at six. PPS Please tell Ellis that he's welcome to come too.
101. The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin.
102. Naomi used to go to church in Granville every Sunday.
103. The plan was to rendezvous with him on Sunday afternoon.
104. We get time and a half for working on Sunday.
105. I'm looking forward to Sunday, the only fly in the ointment being the fact that I shall have to sit next to my mother-in-law.
106. Luna never told me what irked her that Sunday morning.
107. The school picnic is on Sunday, so we're praying for a fine day.
108. It is said the general condescended to eat with the soldiers every Sunday.
109. I will expect to see you on Sunday unless I hear anything to the contrary .
109. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
110. She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers.
111. Shaw has been nursing a sore ankle, and is not expected to play on Sunday.
112. We took a promenade along the canal after Sunday dinner.
113. We planned to visit the Great Wall last Sunday, but the rain queered our pitch.
114. We arrived in England on a cold wet Sunday in 1963.
115. Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.
116. The Sunday antique market is a happy hunting ground for collectors.
117. He met her on one of his Sunday afternoon walks.
118. 'When do you need it by?' 'Saturday or Sunday. Whenever.'
119. The visitors will come back next Sunday to play off the game stopped by rain.
120. The Sunday Mercury accused her of trying to revenge herself on her former lover.
121. It'll have to be on a Sunday. I'll be working every other day.
122. Her mother bought a handbook of English grammar for her last Sunday.
123. Sunday is the day when very few people go to work.
124. At 11am on Sunday morning, worshippers began to stream out of the cathedral.
125. He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs.
126. There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago.
127. The government has given the green light to Sunday trading.
128. He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts, and to this end he ran literature classes at his home on Sunday afternoons.
129. I get every Sunday off, so the job is satisfied.
130. Train services on Sunday will be restricted, because of engineering works.
131. They serve a mean Sunday brunch at the restaurant on Fourth Street.
132. The company's spending has also risen following the launch of a new Sunday magazine.
133. Camden Market is the place to be on a Saturday or Sunday.
134. Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday.
135. The three-day siege began in a bloody shoot-out on Sunday morning.
136. On Sunday the great flywheels of the power station are still.
137. On Sunday Michigan vaulted from No. 4 to the nation's top team.
138. He had his friends in for coffee on Sunday afternoon.
139. It was a Sunday morning and the city was bristled with people.
140. Finding a dentist on a Sunday can be very difficult.
141. It was Sunday morning,() and she was not inclined to get up yet.
142. He stays late in bed on Sunday morning and at other times he has to get up at six.
143. She is a very religious person who goes to church every Sunday.
144. It really goes against the grain to have to work on a Sunday.
145. I work from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday are my days off.
146. He was sent off for using foul language in a match last Sunday.
147. I can't believe he's expecting us to work on Sunday as well!
148. Every Sunday, week in, week out, she goes to her parents for lunch.
149. Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week. Joseph Addison 
150. I once spent a year in Philadelphia, I think it was on a Sunday. W. C. Fields 




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:29:30