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单词 ill
释义  ldoce_723_zill1 /ɪl/ ●●● S3 W2 adjective  1  especially British EnglishILL suffering from a disease or not feeling well 有病的;不适的 SYN American English sick Bridget can’t come – she’s ill. 布里奇特不能来了,她生病了。 I was feeling ill that day and decided to stay at home. 我那天不太舒服,决定留在家里。ill with Her husband has been ill with bladder trouble. 她丈夫膀胱有毛病,身体一直不好。 a hospice for the terminally ill 晚期病人的安养院2  [only before noun]HARM/BE BAD FOR bad or harmful 坏的;有害的 Many people consumed the poisoned oil without ill effects. 很多人食用了这种有毒的油,但没有出现不良反应。 the neglect and ill treatment of children 忽视和虐待儿童 He was unable to join the army because of ill health. 他因为身体不好没法参军。3  ill at ease NERVOUSnervous, uncomfortable, or embarrassed 紧张;不自在;窘迫 He always felt shy and ill at ease at parties. 他参加聚会总有害羞和不自在的感觉。4. it’s an ill wind (that blows nobody any good) spokenADVANTAGE used to say that every problem brings an advantage for someone 没有绝对的坏事〔指任何坏事都会使某些人获益〕 → ill feeling, ill will COLLOCATIONSverbsbe ill 生病What’s wrong? Are you ill? 怎么了?你不舒服?feel ill 感觉不适I’ve been feeling ill since I woke up this morning. 我今天早晨醒来后就感觉不适。look ill 看上去有病He looked rather ill when I saw him. 我看到他时他好像身体很不舒服。become ill (also get ill informal) 生病She became ill after eating oysters. 她食用牡蛎后就生病了。fall ill formal (=become ill) 生病Louise fell ill while she was on holiday. 路易丝度假时病了。be taken ill (=become ill suddenly) 突然生病Henry was suddenly taken ill and had to go to the hospital. 亨利突然病了,只得去了医院。make somebody ill 令某人不适I think it was the heat that made me ill. 我想是高温使我不舒服。adverbsseriously ill (=very ill) 病重的Any seriously ill patients are usually sent to a state hospital. 重病患者一般都被送到州立医院。gravely ill formal (=extremely ill) 病得很重的She went to visit her grandfather, who was gravely ill. 她去看望病重的祖父。critically ill (=so ill that you might die) 病危的He got news that his mother was critically ill in hospital. 他得到消息说母亲在医院病危。terminally ill (=having a very serious illness that you will die from) 身患绝症的nHe is terminally ill with cancer.chronically ill (=having a long-term illness that cannot be cured and will not get better) 患慢性病的nChronically ill patients often find it difficult to get travel insurance.mentally ill (=having an illness of your mind) 患精神病的nCaring for mentally ill people can be challenging. THESAURUSill [not before noun] especially British English suffering from a disease or not feeling well 生病的;不适的Her mother is seriously ill in hospital. 她母亲病重住院。I woke up feeling really ill. 我醒来后感到很不舒服。sick especially American English ill 生病的;感到不适的She’s been sick with the flu. 她患了流感。a sick child 生病的小孩Dan got sick on vacation. 丹在度假时生病了。not very well [not before noun] ill, but not seriously ill 身体不适Sarah’s not very well – she has a throat infection. 萨拉身体有恙,她喉部感染。unwell [not before noun] formal ill 生病的The singer had been unwell for some time. 这个歌手身体抱恙有一段时间了。nSymptoms include fever, aching muscles, and feeling generally unwell.poorly [not before noun] British English spoken ill 身体不舒服的Your grandmother’s been very poorly lately. 你祖母近来身体很不好。in a bad way [not before noun] very ill because of a serious injury or disease 受重伤;患重病You’d better call an ambulance – she looks like she’s in a bad way. 你最好打电话叫救护车,她看上去病得很重。be off sick British English, be out sick American English to be not at work because of an illness 因病缺勤Two teachers were off sick yesterday. 昨天有两名教师生病没来上课。slightly ill 有点不舒服的,稍感不适的under the weather (also off colour British English) [not before noun] informal slightly ill 身体不适Sorry I haven’t called you – I’ve been a bit under the weather lately. 抱歉我没给你打电话,最近我身体不太舒服。You look a bit off colour – are you sure you’re OK? 你看上去不大舒服,你肯定自己没事吗?run down [not before noun] feeling slightly ill and tired all the time, for example because you have been working too hard, or not eating well 〔因工作太累、饮食不好等〕感到疲惫的,感到虚弱的Some people take extra vitamins if they are feeling run down. 有些人感到疲惫时就会补充些维生素。often ill 经常生病的in poor health unhealthy and often ill 健康状况不佳Chopin was already in poor health when he arrived on the island. 肖邦抵达岛上时健康状况已经很差了。delicate weak and likely to become ill easily 身体虚弱的,体弱多病的She was delicate and pale and frequently complained of headaches. 她身体虚弱,脸色苍白,常常说自己头痛。He had a delicate constitution and throughout his adult life suffered from various illnesses. 他体质虚弱,成年后百病缠身。sickly a sickly child is often ill 〔小孩〕多病的,体弱的He was a sickly child and spent a lot of time at home on his own. 他是个体弱多病的孩子,很多时候都是独自一人在家度过。nHis younger daughter was sickly and died when she was young. 5 FREQUENCY 使用频率Examples from the Corpusill• The baby caught a virus and became critically ill.• Her makeup so unbelievably dramatic, so abnormal, she looked mentally ill.• Apparently Don's wife is seriously ill, and they think it might be cancer.• All that week, Catherine lay ill, drifting in and out of consciousness.• One civil servant has retired on ill health grounds and two downgraded.• Mentally ill patients have the same rights as anyone else.• psychological support for terminally ill patients• I felt helpless and despairing and suddenly so ill that I had to clutch at the door to stop myself falling.• Mel was so ill that she had to stay in bed for a month.ill effects• On the other hand, there are ill effects:.• The birds that ate the new weights showed no ill effects.• These plants, part or all of which may cause ill effects, can all be found in this country.• Moceanu, showing no ill effects from the injury that threatened to keep her out of the Olympics, was efficient throughout.• The patient seems to be suffering no ill effects from the treatments.• For the ill effects of bruises and other mechanical trauma, after Arnica.• Academics whose research found ill effects of divorce on kids faced chilly receptions.• The nuclear industry, for its part, does not seem to enjoy publicising the ill effects of radiation in any form.• Brownell did pioneering research on the ill effects of yo-yo dieting.ill2 adverb  1  somebody can ill afford (to do) something HARM/BE BAD FORto be unable to do or have something without making the situation you are in very difficult 某人难以承担(做)某事的后果 I was losing weight which I could ill afford to lose. 我的体重在减轻,我已轻得不能再轻了。 Most gamblers can ill afford their habit. 大多数赌徒都承担不起赌博这个恶习所带来的后果。2  think/speak ill of somebody formalUNPLEASANT to think or say unpleasant things about someone 对某人抱有恶感/说某人坏话 She really believes you should never speak ill of the dead. 她的确认为绝不该说死者的坏话。3  bode ill formal to give you a reason to think that something bad will happen 是不好的预兆 The look on his face boded ill for somebody. 他的脸色对某人来说是不好的兆头。Examples from the Corpusill• The Crolgarian police are ill equipped for an investigation of this kind.• If so, it seems ill mannered at best.• We were ill-prepared to camp out in the snow.• The animals had been ill-treated by their owner.ill3 noun  1  ills [plural]PROBLEM problems and difficulties 问题;困难 He wants to cure all the ills of the world. 他想消除世上所有的弊病。2  [uncountable] formalHARM/BE BAD FOR harm, evil, or bad luck 伤害;邪恶;厄运 She did not like Matthew but she would never wish him ill. 她不喜欢马修,但也绝不希望他倒霉。Examples from the Corpusill• Tuesday's game had to be cancelled because of illness.• Even though I don't agree with him, I do not wish Baxter any ill.• That was the rich man's panacea for the litany of ills of the poor.• The Deputy Governor of Bullwood provided a comprehensive analysis of the system's ills before the Sub-Committee.• In the book, Godwin eloquently describes in words and photographs the ills our land is prey to.ill- /ɪl/ prefix badly or not enough 坏;不足 ill-concealed boredom 不加掩饰的厌烦 ill-formed sentences 结构不好的句子Origin ill1 (1100-1200) Old Norse illrill1 adjective →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1 →5 FREQUENCY1ill2 adverbill3 nounill- prefixLDOCE OnlineChinese  well from Corpus a disease suffering not feeling or




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