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单词 breed
释义  Related topics: Agriculture, Biologybreed1 /briːd/ ●●○ verb (past tense and past participle bred /bred/)  1  [intransitive]BABY/HAVE A BABY if animals breed, they mate in order to have babies 〔动物〕交配繁殖 Eagles breed during the cooler months of the year. 鹰在一年中较凉爽的季节交配繁殖。2  [transitive]TAHB to keep animals or plants in order to produce babies or new plants, especially ones with particular qualities 饲养;培育 These dogs were originally bred in Scotland to round up sheep. 这些狗最初在苏格兰是为了圈羊而饲养的。 → crossbreed1, purebred, thoroughbred3  [transitive]CAUSE to cause a particular feeling or condition 引起,酿成,招致〔某种情感或状况〕 Poor living conditions breed violence and despair. 贫困的生活条件滋生暴力和绝望情绪。4  [transitive] if a place, situation, or thing breeds a particular type of person, it produces that type 养育,哺育,生养〔某一类型的人〕 Society’s obsession with sex has bred a generation of unhappy children. 纵欲的社会生养了一代不幸的儿童。 → well-bred, → born and bred at born1(3)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbreed• This is a pond where ducks breed.• Decomposing waste and disease-carrying bacteria compete with the fish for oxygen, limiting the number of fish that can be bred.• The music became a fixture on urban radio in the '80s and bred a generation of fans.• The planned deregulation has bred concern that Petron will face stiffer competition and an erosion of its 42 percent market share.• But success in this world seems to breed envy which, in its turn, can breed hostility.• Only some endangered animals can be bred in zoos.• There are lots of them out there and, apparently, they breed like Kennedys.• Another trouble with politics, it breeds politics.• These trees are bred to resist pollution.• Rabbits breed very quickly.Related topics: Biologybreed2 ●●○ noun [countable]  1  TYPEa type of animal that is kept as a pet or on a farm 〔宠物或牲畜的〕品种breed of Spaniels are my favourite breed of dog. 西班牙猎犬是我最喜欢的犬种。2  TYPEa particular kind of person or type of thing 〔人或物的〕类型,种类 Real cowboys are a dying breed (=not many exist anymore). 真正的牛仔现在已非常少见。 Dodd was one of that rare breed (=there are not many of them) who could make the game of football look simple. 多德可以让足球比赛变得很简单,很少有人能做到这样。breed of a new breed of international criminal 新型国际罪犯Examples from the Corpusbreed• A breed of men to whom truth was open not just to minor revisions and nice distinctions, but to management.• As mentioned earlier, there is some connection between temperament and factors such as build, colour, breed etc.• Spaniels are my favorite breed of dog.• Birds make nests in preparation for breeding.• Some short-haired breeds have guard hairs that are less than 2 inches in length, sparse awn hairs and no down hairs.• Most dairy herds today are of Friesian or Holstein breeds.• Now a new breed of scientists is changing all that.• Shaffer is one of the new breed of wunderkind chefs.• That said, do not be fooled into thinking that the Internet-only breed will automatically offer higher rates.• The hippies have proved a sturdier breed than most.• It's a very unusual breed of goat, dating back to the time of Cleopatra.• What breed of dog is that? I've never seen one like it before.a new breed of• Roller blades are a new breed of roller skates.• They are the names of microcomputers produced by a new breed of electronics entrepreneurs.• The clamp down will create a new breed of locally created censors.• First a new breed of fleet must be dispatched and anchored at 600-mile intervals in the oceans.• Alternative accommodation in the metropolitan area for a new breed of large steamships had become a matter of some urgency.• Now a new breed of scientists is changing all that.• She is particularly proud of her involvement with the recent appointments of a new breed of top entrepreneurial staff.• According to industry officials, a new breed of digital phone transmits in computer code that is much more difficult to intercept.• But over the past few years a new breed of journalist has evolved - hungry, competitive and aggressive.Origin breed1 Old English bredanbreed1 verbbreed2 nounChinese   they in Corpus mate animals breed, if




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