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单词 Compose
1 She began to compose at an early age.
2 These twelve men are believed to compose the jury.
3 England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.
4 We should compose ourselves in the face of fear.
5 I heard he ask her to compose herself.
6 Please compose yourself; there's no need to get excited!
7 I tried to compose my features into a smile.
8 Cale also uses electronic keyboards to compose.
9 Most software programs allow you to compose emails offline.
10 Emma frowned, making an effort to compose herself.
11 He took a minute or two to compose his thoughts before he replied.
12 I was so confused that I could hardly compose my thoughts.
13 Compose a letter to your local paper stating your views on an issue of your choice.
14 They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre.
15 More than 17.6 million firms compose the business sector of our economy.
16 He started at once to compose a reply to Anna.
17 Protein molecules compose all the complex working parts of living cells.
18 I compose my face into a smile.
19 I needed a quiet place to compose my thoughts.
20 Marvin huffed off to compose his cable.
21 Ralph would compose himself, at the ready.
22 They compose the songs on the spot.
23 Some regularly compose new music for their choirs.
24 Ten men compose the committee.
25 Tom began to compose his next letter to them.
26 Mozart showed genius even at the age of six,[] when he began to compose minuets.
27 The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise / compose / constitute the British Parliament.
28 Lynn sat at the desk, taking several deep breaths to compose herself.
29 His mind was in such a whirl that he could hardly compose his thoughts.
30 When asked a question, give yourself a second or two to compose your thoughts.
1 These twelve men are believed to compose the jury.
2 Mozart showed genius even at the age of six, when he began to compose minuets.
3 We should compose ourselves in the face of fear.
4 I heard he ask her to compose herself.
31 She made an effort to compose her mind to do just that, and kept her eyes firmly on the bier.
32 Tom tried to compose a letter, but he couldn't concentrate.
33 She began to compose a letter in her head, then rejected the idea.
34 I tried to compose my features into a combination of nonchalance and justification.
35 The trainee is expected to compose a letter and a memo from short notes provided.
36 I must be absolutely free to work as I like and I can not compose in public.
37 The menu includes more than 60 small dishes from which you can compose a meal.
38 Microsoft Mail allows users to read, compose, forward or reply to electronic mail messages.
39 There she wept and fought to compose herself before returning to the parlor with a small, pinched smile.
40 Haverford took a new sheet of paper and continued to compose, undeterred.
41 She saw Anna, and was visibly struggling to compose herself as she came to the door.
42 Nationally, illegal immigrants compose 1. 9 percent of the total population.
43 Alternatively pick up a pen and a piece of paper and compose your own speech immediately after reading all these for inspiration.
44 He'd have been better off getting them to help him compose a Dear Marje letter.
45 Tom agreed but trying to compose the letter brought on one of his headaches.
46 For a moment, Sarah wondered about the people whose work it was every day to compose such messages.
47 At the other extreme are those planners who compose the most thorough set of notes for their essays.
48 With Donald Crubach's help, he played the harp and sang, and started again to compose songs and poems.
49 Gifts given without cause and beyond the ability to expend, self-sacrifices which seem so noble at the time compose propitiation.
50 It is what allows us to compose momentum states out of position states, or position states out of momentum states.
51 When asked a question do not rush at your answer but give yourself a second or two to compose your thoughts.
52 You need to compose your career the way you would write a piece of music or paint a picture.
53 As Rostov watched,[http:///compose.html] he seemed to make a deliberate effort to compose himself.
54 Olsen knows how to compose a visually interesting scene, but the script lets him down.
55 Is his identity dependent upon the particular choice of electrons, protons, and other particles that compose those atoms?
56 Pictures I wanted to paint, books I wanted to write, music I wanted to compose.
57 She took several deep breaths to compose herself before going downstairs.
58 Did e'er such love and sorrow meet Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
59 Stravinsky was commissioned in 1909 by Diaghilev to compose a new work for his famous ballet company to perform in Paris.
60 They compose themselves as the laibon appears and suggests we sit down for tea.
61 And if you intend to compose your own poems, limericks or verses, a songwriter's rhyming dictionary would be invaluable.
62 He sank into his chair and tried to compose himself.
63 He paused for a while to compose himself then staggered down to the porter's lodge.
64 A main menu gives a list of the main functions: compose, record, edit, perform and write.
65 The uniqueness of any protein is dictated by the number, type, and sequencing of the alpha-amino acids that compose it.
66 Promoting literacy, then, will be Hass' calling for the next two years, leaving him little time to compose.
67 You compose your message, connect to your local Internet Service Provider, upload your mail and then disconnect.
68 In describing the physical properties of igneous rocks and the minerals that compose them, their texture and acidity were mentioned.
69 He waited a moment outside the door so that Philip would have time to compose himself.
70 She raised a hand and fingered her heavy silver earrings, trying to compose herself.
71 Midway through the summer Frye instructed the students to divide themselves into groups to plan and compose a narrative.
72 A gleam of inspiration help him compose his music.
73 A gleam of inspiration helped him compose his music.
74 The scene moved him to compose a poem.
75 To compose an elegy upon or for.
76 Our target is only one: Autosecu compose refulgent tomorrow!
77 Finally, he decides to compose once more manoeuver.
78 His lips twitched and he seemed to struggle to compose himself.
79 Always, there are some things in us. They compose us and also dissimilate us. " (The Preface."
80 The HTA model was used to compose the story around the event of a phlebotomist drawing a patient's blood that supports the goal-based structure of the scenario.
81 Compose of course be not easy thing, he has a drawer replete still crudely play.
82 After we compose our SQL statement, all the other steps are the same as for any dynamic statement with parameter markers.
82 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
83 The Sunni compose about 90 percent of present - day Islam.
84 An experiment of simple telecommand application system is introduced in this paper. The basic thought of design, the compose of the system and the operation principle is described in detail.
85 On - the - spot investigation, network discussion exchanges, begin creations and compose a research paper and introspect.
86 Phase IV, Word-processing has adapted to language teaching by enabling students to compose and try out their writings in a non-permanent form.
87 Pisces skips the whole thing to compose poetry to the Moon.
88 I thought that, I certainly must compose amore advanced more attractive eruptive fountain.
89 The result showed that if the waste slag compose of 10% fluid and react with low concentrated sulfuric acid, 90% dihydrate plaster would be prepared.
90 The lover used every effort to induce her to compose herself.
91 While composing a letter on a computer you may interrupt the computer's rest with a short burst of key pounding and then let it return to idleness as you compose the next sentence.
92 After services are implemented, they need to be used to compose and choreograph the business processes.
93 Compose the SQL statement to select picture from the MAP table.
94 With the non-beamed infrared transmitter appearing, to compose multi-user system is achievable.
95 Is your boy friend Chinese? Haw-haw that is natural ah , I can't meet you delighted if I am him compose so.
96 Include spirit is the principal premise that compose builds group company culture.
97 It is especially in national revolution and War of Against Japan, compose graven brilliant canto.
98 So, the appropriate geochemical condition and the advantaged water dynamic condition compose the growth of the tufa of Wang 4 well.
99 And according to bottles' figure and filling requirements of customers it can be matched with our Capping Machine, Induction Sealer and Labeling Machine to compose a whole production line.
100 Permanent magnetic field focusing has proved to be a useful method of focusing in present-day microwave tube , and is one of the important compose of electronic optics of the microwave tube.
101 Difference of contractible theand the poor is when compose builds socialistic harmony society important facet.
102 Addicted to Notecards: Vladimir Nabokov used 5- by 8-inch index cards to compose and order the scenes in his novels.
103 Thecontents of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), EPA and DHA compose 25.26% to27.21% of the total lipid. EPA and DHA contents in soft body, digestive gland andgonad are insignificantly different.
104 First, study the compose of the direct drive multiple axes rotary spindle head by torque motors, and design the machine structure.
105 The intent of composite is to " compose objects into tree structures to represent part - whole hierarchies. "
106 Rear guard line Chief Saneidi with Damocles , Heinze will compose three guards the partners.
107 If you compose ane-mail in haste, especially if your hastiness is prompted by anger, you may quickly regret the moment you hit the "Send" button.
108 The cross ethnic groups, cultures and languages experiences of the writers are expressed via writing, which compose a complex ethnical and cultural "third space" for the readers.
109 Compose the material universe, the concept of micro - macro is the world's mysteries.
110 The pumpkin AP1 polysaccharides have a multi-branched structure and a variety of different linkages between adjacent monosaccharides, which compose the small rings and the helical structure.
111 Effulgent compose acts the role of ablaze series, extremely attractive inwrought craft series, be today the mainstream that Xia Liang pulls.
112 Because muscle of lip, tongue, soft palate suffers, invade ,[http:///compose.html] occurrence compose sonic barrier hinders.
113 Brings forward adaptive noise reduction system based on short time average magnitude, expound its work principle and key technology, at last validate the compose is just through experimentation.
114 And the combination teaching practice to take into the analysis research tally up application to compose teaching inside should five point links that hold.
115 Taking a sheet of paper, he began to compose a letter.
116 This thing can play polyphonic ring tones that you compose yourself!
117 Therefore, basic costs the timing circuit mainly by the decoding monitor, "time", "the minute", "the second", "the amount" the counter and the oscillator compose.
118 The paper introduces the compose and the principle of operation of the tester and the experimentation of testing diamond bit, analyses the results in experiment.
119 In addition, the commercial butane gas tank inserted directly can compose the convenient double-head welding gun.
120 When the property fighting fire that has ferroconcrete structure studies, need what this compose concerns to consider data add uninstall.
121 In the hardware realization aspect, the PC machine for Industrial, intelligence data acquisition card and'PLC compose a whole part.
122 The six stars that compose the Winter Hexagon are Aldebaren, Capella, Castor (and Pollux), Procyon, Rigel, and Sirius.
123 320 vc 5402, CPLD adopted EPM 7128 SLC 84, this design predigest the hardware compose greatly and advanced the dependability.
124 The invention relates to a method for preparing solid oxide catalyst which is used to hydrogen transfer of acrolein gas to compose allyl alcohol.
125 Still, the typewriter's primary market appears to be snooty novelists who claim they cannot compose on any technology introduced since Hemingway took a dirt nap.
126 According to the report by Korea's DongA . com, while filming in Berlin last year, Rain will try to compose music once he gets any free time.
127 Many mobile terminals and monitoring center compose a telecardiology system to implement teleconsultation and telemonitoring.
128 But, his compose oneself looks, then Bai Ying had again.
129 The Icelander asks to be allowed to compose an epic poem in the old style about how cruelly he is being treated and about how great Iceland is.
130 Children and adolescents compose a characteristic subpopulation in patients with alopecia areata AA.
131 The manifold forms of nature fascinated Klee and inspired him to help himself like from a construction kit and compose his own, imaginary landscapes.
132 In the Capital of Canal Plaza Design:the three layers superpose each other and compose a whole project in diverse forms.
133 The structure concept and the three key technologies: sensors, actuators and artificial neural nets, which compose smart structures, are introduced and discussed.
134 In Baroque time, musicians more often praised music as God's ode, manifesting the strength of belief, Vivaldi and Bach created many Motets, actually, to compose basing on the poetries in the Bible.
135 Physical and chemical index and the compose of nutriment were analyzed.
136 Social capital is compose builds the element with harmonious indispensable society.
137 Our target is only one: Autosecu compose ( music ) refulgent tomorrow!
138 However, Lin Sheng Xiang, the lead vocalist and composer, and lyricist Zhong Yongfeng continued to collaborate and compose songs.
139 The haze in financial crisis abreaction during, achieve congenial compose to make why to plan?
140 And the big tubing cross and the double barrel structures are compose the production tree the major component, is also the entire installment main bearing pressure part.
141 Anthony dismounted with his camera and walked away from the walls to compose a shot.
142 Compose builds harmonious community is compose those who build socialistic harmony society is important cut point.
142 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
143 With " the lover of Mrs. Cha Tailai " the homonymic film that films for prototype and contemporary a few small compose a quarrel are narrated, sexual process by write up.
144 Young promising dancer (Josephine Siao) pays her first visit to a down-and-out composer (Patrick Tse Yin) in a stormy night, which inspires him to compose an opera titled "Purple Night".
145 Reusing the existing IP cores to compose globally asynchronous locally synchronous system is gaining increasing importance for the upcoming system-on-chip designs.
146 But the al - Qaeda leader still felt the need to compose a detailed , 200 - page rebuttal of antagonist.
147 Based on subjective logic, four basic group constraint patterns and their nesting to compose a group were proposed at the point of view of trust's subjectivity and supports group trust relation.
148 Therefore, it is inevitable that the medicine has to face to biologic and humanistic human, and the medicine and humanity compose organic relation in the nature of things.
149 Adequate English especially in mechanical drawing and written form, and able to compose simple report.
150 Also many email client applications support an off-line mode where users can compose many email messages that are sent later when a connection to the SMTP server is established.
151 Persons have been said to climb on roofs, solve mathematical problems compose music.
152 Let's revive the country in the name of martial art to compose and praise hero legends.
153 Accordingly, should regard economic structure as corrective industry with compose strategical adjustment key.
154 Ada predicted that a computing machine could compose music, draw graphics and find application, so to speak, in business and science.
155 The above examples demonstrate the compositional semantics of CSP -- namely how the Parallel construct can be used to compose layered networks from fine-grained stateless components.
156 The fellow college students, let us join hands to dedicatee our youth to the development of the Motherland and compose a more brilliant chapter for the future of the Motherland.
157 Compose raw material inspection instructions, sampling plan and test methods.
158 Coordinates our light modulator , you can compose the small dimmable lighting system to use.
159 E-mailers compose letters at leisure on their computer , then send them by modem through the phone line to an on-line service or a computer bulletin board.
160 The compose of Chinese recommendatory bibliographies had an outstanding role in the history of Chinese bibliography.
161 Gestures, facial expressions and body movement compose ninety-three percent of communication--only seven percent of understanding derives from words.
162 He lay back on the bed and tried to compose himself.
163 A filter bank is adopted to compose the approximate inverse system, which is the feed-forward controller in the composite control strategy.
164 The machinery compose by two set of flour mill, whirlwind collect framework grid etc.
165 Allows you to compose object into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual object and compositions of objects uniformly.
166 She walked home in the darkness, trying to compose herself.
167 That child prodigy began to compose at the age of five.
168 The temperature sensor , piezoelectric cutting dynamometer developed by ourselves and software compose the real - time monitoring system.
169 In 2005 I had the honor of being commissioned by the publisher of Acoustic Guitar Magazine to compose a concerto for steel-string guitar, string quartet and string orchestra.
170 Mere facts, badlly stated, do not compose a good book.
171 Haw - haw , Colombian cattle Oh, the guitar using AK to compose.
172 Under the dazzle of these roses and saying "I do. " all compose into a romantic wedding picture that you can never forget.
173 The clouds surrounding the star system Rho Ophiuchus compose one of the closest star forming regions.
174 The tripartite dispute that both sides of devoid and patients trusts mediates processor compose.
175 Several English the examination questions! Challenge the intelligence quotient coming! Can compose several making several!
176 Haiyuan left lateral active fault and northern edge thrust fault of Qilian moutain compose the major northeastern boundary of present day crustal movement of the Qinghai Tibet block.
177 Compile and compose procedure , import the radius and height ,[http:///compose.html] seek a cylinder volume.
178 Additional pink epithelioid macrophages compose most of the rest of the granuloma.
179 This intimation seemed to compose in some degree the vehement passion of the old hag.
180 The famous poet was often asked to compose a poem ex tempore.
181 Carbohydrates are made of simple sugars, proteins are made up of 20 amino acids, and nucleic acids are compose of oxy- and deoxy- nucleic sugars and 5 base pairs.
182 Does the bird's sternum bone pellet being able to compose in reply powder with the dose?
183 Fitting the TV or IR off-target for the code position of electro-optical theodolite and forecasting the velocity of being tracked target can compose co...




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