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单词 Dormant
1 The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.
2 The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.
3 The seeds remain dormant until the spring.
4 Many living things are dormant in winter.
5 These investments have remained dormant for several years.
6 During the winter the seeds lie dormant in the soil.
7 Her talent might have lain dormant had it not been for her aunt's encouragement.
8 As soon as they met again his dormant love for her was rekindled.
9 The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.
10 Dan's arrival had aroused all her dormant sexuality.
11 That region has been dormant for years!
12 They lie, as dormant as their volcano, stacked up ledge upon ledge.
13 Darwin's explanation of bright colour has lain dormant and untested for over a century.
14 The bulldozer which had stood dormant for the past two days coughed into life and rumbled towards the prison gates.
15 The higher centers are dormant when we live our lives exclusively within the narrow confines of the personality.
16 New plants arise vegetatively from dormant buds on the short upright rhizome of the main root.
17 What factors determine whether the virus remains dormant or begins reproduction are still unknown.
18 Many have fickle requirements and others lie dormant until very precise conditions happen to come along.
19 Their seeds had remained dormant underground for years or come from a few surviving specimens.
20 Scalp stimulants can help to revitalise dormant hair follicles by increasing the blood flow to the scalp.
21 The result could herald the revival of the dormant kit car industry.
22 If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
23 Insects possess a biological clock that programmes the insect's growth,reproduction and dormant periods.
24 Watkins probably heard mention of these ideas, the seeds from which may have lain dormant in him for over fifty years.
25 Not long afterwards, I shut down my account and transferred the business to another hitherto dormant account.
26 Unable to dispose of the poisonous waste, the yeasts shut down and become dormant.
27 The same is true of subsidiaries, whether trading or dormant.
28 The site chosen for the painting is a view across the bays of the dormant volcano Rangitoto which dominates Auckland's skyline.
29 It was at that point, according to court papers, that his alleged spy career went dormant.
30 A harsher critic would have gone for the jugular and claimed that this was a blunt reiteration of those dormant adolescent prejudices.
1 The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.
2 The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.
3 Many living things are dormant in winter.
31 The banks have conducted two internal audits and come up with about $ 30 million in dormant accounts.
32 Winter is the ideal time to install it, as plants are dormant.
33 The practical difficulty, of course, is to ensure that a partner agrees to a dormant status.
34 The disease may remain dormant and undetected until it is transmitted to other fish through abrasions to the skin.
35 Within ten to thirty days between twenty to fifty new plants begin to develop from the dormant buds on the rhizome.
36 It will make distinctions between vital and dormant areas, Courtney said.
37 The account was then allowed to lie dormant while Yousefi collected the cheque books sent out at regular intervals.
38 At this time brambles are dormant, the sap is within the ground and the brambles themselves have become dry.
39 The campaign to preserve Niagara remained dormant until, in 1878, Frederic Church jumped into the breach.
40 Take a dry, dormant savanna, desert or thorn scrub and rouse it into spring with rising temperatures.
41 Vologsky's need to feel that he was not alone in the world had lain dormant for a long time.
42 In a corner, hoses lay coiled like a family of dormant snakes.
43 The present tidal estuary is far from dormant; in fact, it's bursting with life.
44 It's extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut, with dull ears, with dormant thoughts. Perhaps it’s just as well; and it may be that it is this very dullness that makes life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome. Joseph Conrad 
45 Since the inflorescence is not yet known, the plant is propagated only from dormant buds on the rhizome.
45 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
46 Others will be told that there are definitely still some cancer cells present, but that they may lie dormant for years.
47 The worm is now poised to emerge from its dormant phase and begin to spread rapidly by colonising more machines and sites.
48 Pressing upon the rest of us is the image of all those dormant scars in the crust potentially surging to life.
49 When the temperature drops they become dormant but remain alive.
50 It was not unknown for an unexploded portion of an old charge to remain dormant but active for years under such conditions.
51 The term dormant volcano is applied during the period between eruptions to those volcanoes thought to be potentially active.
52 These energies often lie dormant till triggered by some unforeseen event or response.
53 Wait to prune your roses until they are fully dormant in January.
54 The plant can be reproduced by obtaining bud plants from dormant buds on the rhizome, but reproduction is usually from seeds.
55 Within a few months, seeds - which had lain dormant for many years - germinated.
56 A company does not obtain the exemption merely by being dormant.
57 A long dormant memory stirred.
58 Bacteria that lie dormant can escape antibiotics.
59 Bears lie dormant during the winter.
60 Many animals are in dormant state during winter.
61 Skylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian window blinds.
62 Skylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian blinds.
63 The subject was dormant from 1750 to 1825.
64 This dormant volcano suddenly fired up.
65 Don't let your space lie dormant...
66 The subject of orthogonal trajectories remained dormant.
67 Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano.
68 Many animals are in a dormant state during winter.
69 Part two is main theories about the identification of dormant partners' shareholder qualification.
70 They realize that Japan is going to need to strike into foreign markets given the dormant state of its economy," he said.
71 Such background dreams lie dormant or unanimated until creator chooses to include or add them to the template of their dream for a particular cycle.
72 Truth be told, the herpes virus lives on inside the person's body, lying in a dormant state among its neurons.
73 Living bacteria - the product use the micro-capsule technology to protect the live bacteria in a dormant state. The product is not nitrifying bacteria medium.
74 The storage principle of onion has been controlled breath intensity and postponed dormant period.
75 I discovered a dormant account in my office, as Group Executive Director, Insurance and Investments.
75 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
76 After the acute initial infection ends, most of these viruses enter a dormant state and remain in the host for the rest of its life.
77 They believe that infectious prions might wake viruses that lie dormant in the DNA of an uninfected cell.
78 The third chapter is the civil responsibility of dormant partner.
79 Accumulation of dormant faults is a potential threat in a fault-tolerant system, because most fault tolerance systems are based on the single-fault assumption.
80 Dormant partnership belongs to the civil law system whereas limited partnership to the common law system.
81 "The big challenge clinicians deal with now in this country when treating HIV patients is keeping the virus locked in a dormant state, " Clements adds.
82 Infections of HHV are not always active; often, they can lie dormant for years.
83 Bacteria that lie dormant can escape antibiotics. But add sugar to the treatment and the microbes rev up, only to be taken down.
84 In immunocompetent hosts, JC virus remain dormant in nuclei of rare scattered glial cells in brain and spinal cord parenchyma.
85 Many plants lie dormant throughout the winter, ie alive but not growing.
86 Chronic and recurrent infections often occur when bacteria shut down and become metabolically dormant.
87 A non-trading company with a stock market quote. Also a dormant unquoted company.
88 The Katyn affair remained dormant throughout much of the postwar period, although never far below the surface in the "friendly" People's Republic of Poland and in the Polish Diaspora.
89 The virus has the ability to hide in a particular population of immune cells, the B lymphocytes, remaining in a relatively dormant state for the entire life of the host.
90 Once the first outbreak of blisters has gone, the herpes virus hides away in nerve fibres near the infection site, where it remains dormant, causing no symptoms.
91 The science of electrostatics lay dormant for about 2,000 years.
92 Then, the energy consumption of data collection, data transceiver, and the dormant state is supervised by GAINZ node, which verified the energy consumption of the node.
93 Conclusion:A veracious diagnosis of the dormant sclera rupture and a timely surgery will save the eye ball and ocular function more effectively.
94 They lack a dormant form and their genomes are much smaller than those of viruses.
95 This could be because they're born of debris from a dormant comet and so are made mostly of hard, sun-baked rock that takes longer to burn up in Earth's atmosphere, experts suggest.
96 The really scary part is that, while all these symptoms can clear up by themselves, the disease can lie dormant in your system for decades before damaging vitals such as your nervous system and heart.
97 It's strange indeed how memories can lie dormant in a man's mind for so many years.
98 Then, use sensual lovemaking to reawaken their dormant pleasure centers.
99 Subject of the right are company shareholders, including small shareholders, dormant partners and buying defective shareholders.
100 Bolivia's president Evo Morales controls the bal during a soccer match against alpine guides at 6000 meters above sea level, at the snowcapped Sajama dormant volcano in western Bolivia, June 12.
101 Dormant stage of the zygote is about 15 days long, and then divided into a two-cell proembryo.
102 To study germination characteristics of Mirabilis jalapa and Althaea rosea by soaking their dormant seeds.
103 On rare occasions, however, a virus will infect the T cell and become dormant.
104 "They have a relatively new outlook. They realize that Japan is going to need to strike into foreign markets given the dormant state of its economy, " he said.
105 Since then, the number is understood to have been dormant while police maintained an open file on Dishliev's killing and his smuggling ring.
105 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
106 The immune system "walls off" the TB bacilli which, protected by a thick waxy coat, can lie dormant for years.
107 One part of the program is designed to lie dormant for long periods, then speed up the machines so that the spinning rotors in the centrifuges wobble and then destroy themselves.
108 The redistillation apparatus was made by the renovation of obsolete equipments, which was helpful for increasing the utilization rate of dormant assets.
109 Objective : To discuss the clinic characteristic of the dormant sclera rupture.
110 At the base of the dormant Cerro Chato Volcano in central Costa Rica, La Fortuna waterfall drops about 230 feet (70 meters) into a greenish-blue swimming hole.
111 The bacteria form spores that allow them to survive in a dormant state until exposed to conditions that can support their growth.
112 Its stash may soon be bigger than Microsoft's. But should all those billions continue to lie dormant?
113 After the initial period of infection, these viruses enter a dormant state known as latency.
114 For example, the pincushion cactus is completely dormant during the dry season. But after the first summer rains, cactuses burst into bloom, displaying delicate petals of pink, gold, and white.
115 Especially recently the case of that the controlling shareholders made an invasion upon the inferior dormant partner always happened , and it was getting worse an worse.
116 He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
117 Herpes Simplex I virus remains dormant in the nerve cells of the body.
118 The pivot of this thesis is to explore why Equal Protection of the Laws Clause was dormant on the aspect of protecting the black people's rights after the Reconstruction.
119 But if they penetrate the ground, they can survive in a dormant state for decades, waiting for new victims.
120 New screening methods of novel antituberculotic drugs which are effect on the drug resistant and dormant bacillus was reviewed employing both combinational chemistry and functional genomics.
121 Until now, scientists have thought they operated on an either-or basis - when one was activated, the other was thought to be dormant.
122 Lying dormant thus far in our view of the world is spacetime itself.
123 Her sense of Mrs. Penniman's innocent falsity lain dormant, began to haunt her again.
124 To pass the summer in a dormant or torpid state.
125 The dormant account reverted to the state under escheat laws.
126 Resuscitation-promoting factor was identified in the research on Micrococcus luteus and it is confirmed that RPF can resuscitate the dormant cells and promote the growth of Gram-positive bacteria.
127 EVA is a index which could evaluate the ability of creating values. It could reflect the efficacy objectively which company bring to dormant partner.
128 In Pre-Christian times, when everything else was brown and dormant in winter, people used evergreen plants to decorate their dwellings as a reminder that life would return to the landscape in spring.
129 Allowing that spectrum to lie dormant, as it has for 50 years, isn't helpful to consumers, the FCC chief says.
130 Rediscover a part of yourself that has lain dormant for years or decades.
131 Spraying growth regulators such as 6-BA or GA3 raised dormant bud respiratory intensity and the rate of TCA or HMP, but had little effect on the rate of EMP.
132 Conclusion Primary benign tumors of trachea and bronchus were infrequent and clinical symptoms were dormant and characterless . More attention should be paid to for avoiding misdiagnosis.
133 Later, however, the parasite can emerge from its dormant state to strike when a patient's immune system is weakened.
134 It is thought they also can remain in a dormant state for years, or even centuries until favorable conditions occur, and then they hatch.
135 How else can we explain a dormant tree suddenly wearing tiny green shoots? Or in the case of my favorite – the dogwood tree – intricately-shaped flowers appear.
135 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
136 Specifically, problems such as race conditions and deadlocks that lie dormant could suddenly become major problems.
137 If there is one absolute constant pertaining to fashion, it is the fact that it is always changing---sometimes rapidly, sometimes slowly, but it is never static or dormant.
138 The immune system either kills the germs, or "walls off" the TB bacilli where they can lie dormant for years.
139 Joe McNally/Getty ImagesThe dome shutters of Keck I and II top the summit of the dormant volcano Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
140 The United Nations is resuming a diplomatic effort that has lain dormant for almost two decades.
141 On a routine inspection I discovered a dormant domiciliary account with a BAL.
142 The aegis of behalf of inferior dormant partner is stand out along with the development of community economy and the innovate of company system.
143 The flicker seems to be dormant, at least for the moment.
144 Land is silent, dormant, crop grows along with season, incompact not slow, go round and round.
145 Take a dry, dormant savanna, desert or scrub and rouse it into spring with rising temperatures.
146 Lystrosaurus may be Wadong and dormant, to help them tide over the Earth The worst period.
147 The second stage includes:intense , stably fault depressed filling substage and dormant rift filling substage its their sedimentary rate were decreases progressively.
148 Catch it the moment it awakens from its dormant state.
149 However, it is also a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a dormant state to a malignant one.
150 The microorganisms had lain dormant since the Eocene epoch, a time when Australia split off from Antarctica and modern mammals first appeared.
151 She wake up dormant spring trees, just playing with spring irrigation of the flower bud.
152 The three other yellowish galaxies in the collision are optically visible and were imaged by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on the summit of the dormant Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii.
153 Space probes parked in orbit round the sun might lie dormant yet intact period of time.
154 The remedies for these rights vivify it, investing impersonal "abstract right" and "dormant right" with vigor,(http:///dormant.html) to become "live right" and "active right. "
155 Dormant insects exuviate awakening.
156 They could travel through the air, float in water, and lie dormant for many months.
157 To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.
158 Space probes parked in orbit round the sun might lie dormant yet intact for an immense period of time.
159 Product development in this direction has not been entirely dormant.
160 Some theories hold that the black hole might quiet down and eventually enter a more dormant state like our Milky Way black hole.
161 The second part studies the tissue culture for dormant bud of Acer rubrum L.
162 Her sense of Mrs Penniman's innocent falsity, which had lain dormant, began to haunt her again.
163 "That'svery exciting, because it indicates that the ability to regenerate isstill there, in a dormant state, " Bely says, "though it probably hasn'tbeen expressed or seen in millions of years."
164 The researchers at University College London have discovered that a protein known as thymosin Beta 4, key to heart growth in the young, appears to reawaken dormant stem cells in the organ of adults.
165 The experiment indicates: About 12-24 hours after pollination, sugarbeet has finished emination, zygote is in dormant state.
166 Since the 10th century, the duty of Jihad has been in a dormant status generally, although it was activated by Ibn Taymiya and Wahhabism respectively during the two low tide periods of Jihad.




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