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单词 Stressed
1 We have always stressed the importance of economic reform.
2 The minister stressed the need for economic sacrifice.
3 When I'm stressed I break out in a rash.
4 He was being stressed before he gave his lecture.
5 Dr Muffett stressed that he was opposed to bullying in schools and that action would be taken to stamp it out.
6 The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.
7 Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.
8 Doctors have rightly stressed the importance of exercise.
9 They stressed the need for an independent nuclear deterrent.
10 She stressed the need for cooperation with the authorities.
11 His philosophy stressed the impermanence of the world.
12 'Potato' is stressed on the second syllable.
13 He was feeling very stressed and tired.
14 He stressed that we should always be honest.
15 That article stressed the same problem.
16 I was really stressed out before the exam.
17 The bishop stressed the importance of faithfulness in marriage.
18 He stressed his remarks of his going.
19 Crawford stressed the need for more housing downtown.
20 He stressed the importance of a good education.
21 The director stressed that point in particular.
22 She stressed the importance of careful preparation.
23 I always eat when I'm feeling stressed.
24 The word 'machine' is stressed on the second syllable.
25 'There is,' Johnson stressed, 'no real alternative.'
26 She stressed the need for constant vigilance.
27 She stressed the importance of a balanced diet.
28 She stressed the need for regular meetings.
29 She stressed the importance of good teamwork.
30 The UN representative stressed the urgency of an early solution.
1 We have always stressed the importance of economic reform.
2 The minister stressed the need for economic sacrifice.
3 When I'm stressed I break out in a rash.
4 Dr Muffett stressed that he was opposed to bullying in schools and that action would be taken to stamp it out.
5 The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.
6 Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.
7 The lawyer stressed the fact that the defendant killed the boy accidentally.
31 The prime minister stressed the need to present a united front .
32 They stressed that only the lunatic fringe of the movement was involved in the incident.
33 He stressed the government's readiness to take tough action against terrorists.
34 The government repeatedly stressed its support for parental choice in the selection of a child's school.
35 Observers stressed the necessity for the ceasefire to be observed.
36 He stressed he had the power of life and death over the hostages in the building.
37 Once again, it must be stressed that the pilot was not to blame.
38 He stressed the point very strongly that all these services cost money.
39 Work out what situations or people make you feel stressed and avoid them.
40 Parents are already stressed trying to cover the bases at home and at work.
41 The lawyer stressed the fact that the defendant killed the boy accidentally.
42 She's been feeling very stressed since she started her new job.
43 The President stressed a favourite campaign theme-greater emphasis on education.
44 The report stressed that student math skills need to improve.
45 It must be stressed that this disease is very rare.
45 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
46 She has constantly stressed the government's poor record in this area.
47 Lane stressed the importance of feminine values like non-competition.
48 He stressed the contribution that pragmatic Britain could make.
49 Mr Clarke also stressed the role of schools in combating juvenile crime and demanded more effective treatment of disruptive pupils.
50 In their courtship, Joan stressed her good sense and ability to care.
51 Throughout the campaign we asked what people thought were the main issues being stressed by each of the parties.
52 Orson Pratt, one of the originals, stressed the clean slate of history on which they wrote.
53 He stressed the importance of local people taking care of their belongings.
54 It must be stressed that this equilibrium involves no excess demand or supply of any investment asset.
55 Earlier in the chapter, we stressed the distinction between efficiency and equity.
56 Of course, the stressed representations do not take account of the distribution of sentence stress in the utterances.
57 Both institutions have stressed that any candidates for membership must have resolved all outstanding border and ethnic disputes with their neighbors.
58 Throughout this paper 1 have stressed similarities between Bentham's Panopticon proposals and current governmental advice on energy conservation.
59 Coming to the subject by way of the biological sciences, she stressed the value of biological principles applied to human geography.
60 Model cities stressed local planning flexibility and the coordination of federal grant programs.
61 He stressed again that any conclusion about what caused the plane to crash during a light snowstorm is still months away.
62 This can easily cause anorexia and finally the demise of the stressed subject.
63 The big thing about Butch is that she isn't just a dumb blonde, as she herself stressed.
64 Wyman stressed, however, that the main function of this church is to serve the needs of the poor.
65 Renaissance humanism preached respect for the greatness of the human being as an individual: it stressed personal intelligence and ability.
66 But he stressed that he told officials about it at the post-match drugs test.
67 Although they are anonymous subjects of the camera, their singularity is often stressed and their individual gestures carefully recorded.
68 When stressed, we release cortisone into the body and this increases the appetite.
69 When he was stressed he fell into a catatonic state.
70 He again stressed that any change in the fundamental law should come from the people through the departmental assemblies.
71 Nevertheless, the director of the study stressed the importance of calcium supplementation during pregnancy.
72 He also stressed that an envoy should not supplant any talks process.
73 You, the climber, are not important, was what the mocking dialogue with your peers stressed.
74 Hankin stressed the central defender was rested and not dropped.
75 Since then(), other national reports have stressed the need for these kinds of personal and cognitive attributes.
76 He stressed that democratic reform could not be achieved overnight but would take time.
77 Charles stressed that Aimee's hair would look especially striking if it was darkened and enriched to give the illusion of body.
78 It must be stressed at the outset that correct identification is the chief problem.
79 The main point Lane and Roberts stressed was the dynamism of the strike itself.
80 His biographer has stressed the consistency with which he avoided extreme political alignments and maintained a steadfast dislike of religious persecution.
81 The remaining trees are stressed(), not only from the fire but from a record drought in central Arizona.
82 If you feel specially stressed, you could go to relaxation classes, or ask your doctor to arrange counselling for you.
83 In his address to them the Holy Father stressed that the era of Missionaries has not ended.
84 Of course the studio hoped that the film would succeed as melodrama and much of the publicity stressed its entertainment value.
85 What needs to be stressed at this point is that this evolution is rooted in a very specific historical moment of production.
86 There were 162 first-time deputies and the official media stressed that the percentage of college graduates was higher than before.
87 He stressed the normality of the children who attended it.
88 But Coun Carr stressed that the 1990-1 debt had been almost halved from £6.5m to £3.5m in just nine months.
89 Cowles developed an ecological approach within an academic framework that stressed rigorous pure research.
90 While Caesar stressed that grazing combined with fishing and hunting constituted the backbone of the Germanic economy.
91 Longobardi had also stressed the remarkable accord on points of doctrine to be found among authors of the literati sect.
92 If I don't get some time off soon, I'll be so stressed I'll crack up.
93 Johnson's mother stressed intellectual and artistic achievement, while his father considered intellect and culture to be unmanly.
94 Many people also stressed the need for increasing job opportunities and reducing crime in their neighborhoods.
95 Environmentalists stressed the importance of energy efficiency as offering the best prospect of limiting global warming.
96 The importance of developing the database without regard to applications has already been stressed.
97 The puppy will be stressed enough without a change of diet to contend with.
98 Sociological perspectives Earlier we stressed how sociology's development as an academic discipline has not been uniform all over the world.
99 Both Nunn and Solomon stressed the mutual benefits of a friendlier relationship.
100 It must be stressed that the Zealots were not a religious sect or denomination.
101 Gorbachev had stressed the urgency of creating the new presidential system in order to safeguard democratization and perestroika.
102 Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution by means of natural selection, stressed the role of competition.
103 New policies on developing the backward western provinces and improving health, education and social welfare are stressed.
104 More college freshmen are stressed about money, their grades and getting ahead.
105 The labour movement's demands stressed the democratic control of industry by employees' representatives.
105 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
106 Mr Portillo has constantly stressed the grim state of the government's balance sheet.
107 An advertisement for a china-clay pit in 1817 stressed that it was only 3 miles from the purpose-built clay port of Charlestown.
108 It can not be stressed too heavily that taking tissue samples was a highly sensitive matter.
109 Also, the importance of signs was stressed to make the whole area more friendly.
110 It can not be stressed enough that an adequate system for financial control must be a priority matter for the haulier.
111 The Republicans were wedded to conservative fiscal views that stressed the importance of balancing the budget and cutting taxes.
112 The need to understand design is often heavily stressed during conversations or articles about desktop publishing.
113 The importance of this kind of collage to Surrealist art was stressed by Ernst.
114 Officials had stressed that the proposed flogging would be to humiliate Mr Brown, not draw blood.
115 Unfortunately, anxious and stressed people become acutely sensitive to such fluctuations making them worse by their own concern.
116 It must be stressed that the foregoing budgeting system must be viewed as dynamic rather than static in nature.
117 Unsurprisingly, families are severely stressed, as evidenced by low birth rates and high death rates.
118 However, it would seem that you are stressed and depressed by the situation in which you find yourself.
119 Phonics-based reading is at the core of the no-frills academic program, and repetitive drills and memorization are stressed.
120 In traditional macho science, scientific explanations stressed hierarchies and unidirectional causal paths.
121 My brief review of personal care given by relatives has stressed the theme of variation, especially by gender.
122 It must be stressed that there are important differences between stage hypnotism and the techniques used in alternative medicine.
123 Competition and complementarity between systems are being stressed, together with an assessment of likely technological advances.
124 Mr Birt himself has stressed his desire to transfer support services out from the central bureaucracy in London.
125 Very few physical science students stressed the intellectual enjoyment of the degree course.
126 She stressed, however, that that could be achieved only through interest rates.
127 Environmental groups such as Transport 2000 welcomed the announcement, but stressed that it would not produce major changes in the transport balance.
128 The panel stressed that these nutrients are important for good health and that a minimum daily intake is important.
129 What is stressed rather is that the same phenomenon provides the foundation for both historical tendencies.
130 The keys for lexical access are stressed syllables in the word corresponding to the input syllable type.
131 They stressed that such intervention did not imply intervention in the internal affairs of the country concerned.
132 Although the group still stressed positivity, there was nothing here of the dopey, grinning hippie stereotype of a year before.
133 But Agriculture Minister Nick Brown stressed he does not blame the store chains.
134 It should be stressed that income is only one factor in determining consumption patterns, however.
135 We have stressed the regularity that is observed in free-running experiments and interpreted it as evidence for the body clock.
136 Eliot stressed that there should be no maintaining of different attitudes for cathedral drama and for West End theatre.
137 It stressed the need to work ecumenically to help the churches to overcome their lack of funds and professional expertise.
138 A spokesman stressed the police's determination to find the girl's killer.
139 A pretty stressed smoker at Kathmandu Durbar Square.
140 The main structure of JM-203 nailing machine is stated briefly,(http:///stressed.html) the pneumatical system is stressed and the technology improvement is analyzed during the trial-manufacture.
141 It was stressed that the synchronic study is fully justified as it can draw on controllable material for investigation but no rigid theoretical barrier is erected to separate diachronic study.
142 Rigid revenue targets, and the contrary, stressed that the competitive market structure is the inevitable risks.
143 The stressed skin diaphragms is a structural system that consider profiled sheet of roof and metope working with framework and purline.
144 Why should the stressed brain be prone to habit formation?
145 Mr Okada stressed the importance of Japan's half-century alliance with the US and his willingness to deepen the relationship.
146 Mr Tonelli stressed that the search for the Higgs boson formed only one part of their work.
147 The functional leader was unwilling to incur hiring costs before revenues accrued; as a result,() the few people on each job were overworked and stressed.
148 But as the peak production season loomed, he was feeling more and more stressed.
149 You know you are in an energy deficit when you are tired, irritable, stressed, frustrated and generally unenthusiastic.
150 In addition, the potential role and value of Evidence-based Medicine in health technology assessment and their close relationship are also stressed.
151 Wen stressed that jointly combating the three forces, which include forces for "Eastern Turkistan", is an important part of China-Kyrgyz cooperation.
152 But the Pentagon has stressed that the official end to Operation Iraqi Freedom - the US military mission in the country - remains scheduled for the end of the month.
153 They stressed the importance of policies that will favor the traditional family unit and family values based on marriage between a man and a woman.
154 In addition syllable metathesis within a word prefers the interchange between stressed syllable and an syllable.
155 The Fort Dix outbreak may have been caused by introduction of an animal virus into a stressed human population in close contact in crowded facilities during the winter.
156 The stressed skin diaphragm is a structural system that consider profiled sheet of roof and metope working with framework and purline.
157 Ming dynasty palace zaju stressed set routines, stagecraft and adaptation to the palace environment.
158 You're not alone, but if you live in Chicago you're more unlikely to find it with residents of the Windy City the most stressed in the United states.
159 Cholera infection among the patients had not been confirmed, however, and aid workers stressed that diarrhea has not been uncommon in Port-au-Prince since the earthquake.
160 But that was largely because of brisk foreclosure sales in stressed markets.
161 It is also stressed that the coil and the new type return wire be wound with strict techniques makes very efficient anti-interference for the coil.
162 The stressed skin diaphragm is a structural system that considers profiled sheet of roof and metope working together with framework and purline.
163 A school has brought in a masseuse to calm stressed pupils preparing for GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and boost their performance in the exams.
164 Traders stressed that the Italian and Spanish purchases weren't carried out under the ECB's SMP.
165 Diane Cilento said a psychiatrist gave him the mind-bending drug because he felt insecure and stressed after becoming a worldwide star.
166 English syllables are classified into two kinds: stressed and unstressed.
167 I think one of the reasons my purpose statement has worked so well for me is that it incorporates beingness, and it isn't heavy on the doingness in a way that might make me feel pressured or stressed.
168 If you are honest with yourself you will feel less stressed, more optimistic, and will develop an internal drive from the confidence you portray.
169 Other factors are often far more important and the ultimate impact of climate change on any given population is going to be dependent upon how stressed that population is by these other problems.
170 The needs of an unrepresented party under a simple system of procedure were stressed.
171 If they're negative and self-critical, learn to do thought-stopping as negativity will only make you more stressed out.
172 As with the Brahmaputra, there are also persisting concerns that China has plans to divert the Irtysh, though in both cases Chinese officials have stressed there are no such plans.
173 He repeatedly stressed his commitment to open trade between the U.S. and Canada.
174 Under shock load conditions the peak load can exceed the ultimate bending strength of the core material and fracture occurs, usually at the most highly stressed cross section area.
175 You can tell when they're stressed out, they'll equivocate and vacillate.
176 Three controls are usually stressed in the course of construction project enforcement:quality control , time limit control and cost control, among them cost control is a more important link.
177 Besides, ideomotor theory also stressed the important position of goal and anticipation.
178 Methods: Performing blepharoplasty according to the anatomic characteristics. Removing the fat pad below orbicular muscle of the upper lid is stressed.
179 AIM To investigate the antidepressant mechanism of curcumin, the effects of curcumin on the corticotropin -releasing factor (CRF) expression in chronically stressed rats were studied.
180 SAGE further stressed the need for studies to determine dosage regimens effective in immunocompromised persons.
181 Mo Ti championed the cause of the peasants and puritanically stressed the virtues of hard work.
182 It is stressed that anagiomyolipoma is the most common cause for spontaneous perinephric renal hemorrhage in China.
183 Locke stressed that he is, first and foremostand, an American.
184 We infer that UPR could win more time for the stressed cells for repairing their functions in the process of migration to their destination in organogenesis.
185 Independent research and development must be stressed to break the vicious circle in technology import and seek most favorable share in global market.
186 Canfield stressed that even if promotions are more likely to happen in certain months, the strategy to achieve them should begin months before.
187 When stressed samples are used, an appropriate detector integrator setting should be selected.
188 He stressed that the recording label would have to buy the rights from the Vatican.
189 It is an irate caller who does not let you get a word in edgewise, and the more the person talks, the more stressed you get.
190 He also stressed that a quick American pull-out would enable al-Qaida to make good on its stated desire to set up a base of operations in Iraq.
191 We are not alone: in every sandwich bar at lunchtime there are lines of stressed workers unable to decide between the seasonal turkey-and- stuffing sandwich or chorizo and rocket baguette.
192 Stressed the ERP core management ideology of the whole supply chain management.
193 This was stressed in a recent statement from several powerful developing countries—Brazil, South Africa, India and China—who have formed a block called the "BASIC Group".
194 The intensive agriculture would be needed to input much more materials and resources. On the other hand, the agricultural sustainability should be stressed on the environment and resources protection.
195 The anchoring mechanism of a Pre - stressed Anchor Cable Dispersive Pressure ( PACDP ) was studied with FLAC software.
196 He also stressed the need for judges who can empathize concerns and struggles of everyday people.
197 Make reservations at a place with free valet parking, and you'll make a good impression on your dining companions, and be a lot less stressed out.




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