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单词 yeti
释义  Related topics: Folkloreyet·i /ˈjeti/ noun [countable]  RFa large hairy creature like a human which some people believe lives in the Himalayan mountains 雪人〔传说生活在喜马拉雅山脉的一种多毛、形如人类的动物 SYN Abominable SnowmanExamples from the Corpusyeti• The most obvious example was the attempt to find a yeti on an expedition Bonington led to climb Menlungtse in the Himalaya.• You once organised an expedition to find the yeti.• I think the yeti is wonderfully unproven in either direction.Origin yeti (1900-2000) Tibetanyet·i nounChineseSyllable  people large human like hairy a creature a which Corpus believe some




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