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单词 Modeler
1. Modeler can include these classifications in the search criteria.
2. In Modeler, decisions can be either inclusive or exclusive.
3. The simulation in Business Modeler 6.0.2 requires that every path in the process model ends in a stop node, i.e., the end node should rarely be used.
4. Business Modeler can already generate high- and low-level monitor models, but the generation of multiple monitor models that contribute to a single high-level model is not supported.
5. A map in Modeler is used when the output of one task has a different data type or business item than the next task in the flow.
6. If you're using Rational Software Modeler to model your requirements, and you're actively linking requirements to model elements, then read on.
7. Modeler V6.1 enhances this capability by introducing a new dedicated human task, as well as a reusable global human task, to the pallette.
8. To support this, the UML Modeler feature now uses the concept of themes: reusable styles that can be automatically applied onto shapes and connectors.
9. In Business Modeler you cannot have different business items on different branches of a gateway.
10. This allows a modeler to see all of the gathered metrics for that element and decide whether it is just one metric that is problematic or whether that element is scoring badly in several ways.
11. An individual resource requirement in Modeler maps to a participant in FileNet.
12. In Modeler V6.1, you can now cut and paste multiple model elements, as well as cut and paste within a single process, or between different processes.
13. When exporting from Modeler, you could have selected an option to put all of these elements into a single project, but separating them (the recommended practice) makes it is easier to make changes.
14. In previous versions of Modeler, the cut-and-paste function for process elements could act on only one object at a time.
15. The Business Analysis model from WebSphere Business Modeler is converted into a UML representation by reflecting a role-based view of the business process.
16. Now lets look at how business processes created in Modeler can be exported to the Business Integration perspective, so developers can complete and deploy them for runtime.
17. In the To-Be version of the process (Figure 44), we replace the drawing tool and document processor with Modeler.
18. This results in a detailed process specification within WB Modeler that takes account of the definition of reusable software artifacts and the constraints of existing systems.
19. In order to improve I/O performance of parallel applications and parallel file systems, an automatic modeler was presented to model and predict for read request temporal and spatial series.
20. The instructions in this section assume you have installed SPSS PASW Modeler 13 and connected it to your database using an ODBC connection.
21. She commits the change and decides to do another synchronization with the same Modeler export.
22. In order for the to-be process model be used for the later stage IT workup, additional work needs to be done to prepare the artifacts using advanced features in the Modeler.
23. Business Analysis and Design. Part 4 of this series described the Modeler analysis functions you can use to ensure that your model meets your business requirements.
24. So we need to replace the IDs by the names, respecting the Modeler length limits of 50 characters for names, and suffixing with "1, 2[http:///modeler.html], 3" when duplicate names result.
25. A service element is a pre-defined service which can be imported in Business Integration Modeler to be integrated in the model.
26. In order to get such a great gloss finish, ask a car modeler!
27. Good news: You can answer these questions by using the built-in traceability capabilities of Rational Software Modeler.
28. and select the project interchange file you originally exported from Modeler, then click Next.
29. If human process activities were part of the consumer layer, from a process modeler view this would effectively mean that the business process layer invokes the layer above.
30. Next you need to update the connection links of type Connection in the transformed Modeler process, as the SourceType and TargetType might be linking elements with changed names.
31. The data modeler can then use this LDM file as input to a transformation to DBM and ultimately to DDL to deploy to the database management system (DBMS).
32. Modeler can also perform simulations and project the financial impact of any changes.
33. "Honest mistakes do happen, " admits Benjamin Santer, a climate modeler at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
34. With the release of Modeler Version 6.1, this capability is now included in the base product.
35. For every modeler, Please download this information for link excharge, Thanks.




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