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- Water-topic shipwright
- Water-topic shipwright
- Water-topic shipyard
- Water-topic shipyard
- Water-topic side-wheeler
- Water-topic side-wheeler
- Water-topic skiff
- Water-topic skiff
- Water-topic skull and crossbones
- Water-topic skull and crossbones
- Water-topic slaver
- Water-topic slaver
- Water-topic slipway
- Water-topic slipway
- Water-topic sloop
- Water-topic sloop
- Water-topic sluice
- Water-topic sluice
- Water-topic smack
- Water-topic smack
- Water-topic sonar
- Water-topic sonar
- Water-topic spar
- Water-topic spar
- Water-topic speedboat
- Ball-shaped
- Authorised
- Fair-weather
- Kidneys
- Load-shedding
- Nearer
- Repair shop
- Absent without leave
- Dig into
- Boffin
- 任昱《【双调】沉醉东风·【双调】清江引·【双调】清江引》题解|注释|鉴赏
- 任晓璐《城市之间(外一篇)》散文鉴赏
- 任有七难,繁任要提纲挈领,宜综核之才。重任要审谋独断,宜镇静之才。急任要观变会通,宜明敏之才。密任要藏机相可,宜周慎之才。独任要担当执持,宜刚毅之才。兼任要任贤取善,宜博大之才。疑任要内明外朗,宜驾驭之才。天之生人,各有偏长,国家之用人,备用群长。然而投之所向辄不济事者,所用非所长,所长非所用也。
- 任杨《未选择的路》高中作文
- 任松泰《最平凡的亲情》写人高中作文
- 任林举 《唐卡》
- 任林举《鲁的“骏虎”》
- 任棠置水的解释?任棠置水的典故与出处
- 任氏囤粮,坐收时利
- 任洪渊《吉狄马加:一个汉语书写的彝人名字和梦想》