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单词 The former
1, There is goodwill between the former enemies.
2, The former option favours the married man.
3, The former priest denied allegations of sexual misconduct.
4, Of swimming and football he much preferred the former.
5, Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.
6, Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter .
7, Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
8, The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal.
9, The committee made no allusion to the former President in its report.
10, The former MP found himself back in the headlines again.
11, That forceful young woman edged out the former headmaster and is now headmaster herself.
12, When a marriage ends,[http:///the former.html] the former husband and wife often contend over the children.
13, The former chairman was a key player in the deals that pushed the bank to the top.
14, The US and the former Soviet Union were co-signatories of/to the treaty.
15, When we opened on the former things good record,the face will unconsciously reveal the truth's smile.
16, The knives are out for the former president.
17, The former president is planning a return to politics.
18, The former dock area is ripe for development.
19, The former option would be much more sensible.
20, The former owner had not left any forwarding address.
21, A gulf had opened up between the former friends.
22, The former dockyard has been zoned for tourist use.
23, The former colonial possessions are now independent states.
24, The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.
25, Suspicions against the former prime minister remain.
26, There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. 
27, Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.
28, The owner of that shop is Mr Brown — the former owner was Mr Johnson.
29, The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.
30, Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.
1, There is goodwill between the former enemies.
2, The former priest denied allegations of sexual misconduct.
3, Of swimming and football he much preferred the former.
4, Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.
5, Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.
6, Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
7, The owner of that shop is Mr Brown — the former owner was Mr Johnson.
8, The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.
9, The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal.
10, The committee made no allusion to the former President in its report.
11, The former MP found himself back in the headlines again.
12, That forceful young woman edged out the former headmaster and is now headmaster herself.
13, When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children.
14, The former chairman was a key player in the deals that pushed the bank to the top.
15, The former minister was relieved of his post in last month's extensive government reshuffle.
31, He served as an aide to the former president.
32, Of the two suggestions, I prefer the former.
33, The former heavyweight champion was outwitted and outfought.
34, Monuments to the former leader were all pulled down.
35, They lauded the former president as a hero.
36, Of the two possibilities, the former seems more likely.
37, The former tennis star's comeback trail hit the buffers yesterday when she lost in straight sets.
38, The former dictator still keeps a tight grip on power.
39, The former footballer will front a new television sports quiz.
40, A large majority of the population is demanding the restoration of the former government.
41, The former leader was today restored to power in the first free elections for twenty years.
42, Since the scandal,[http:///the former.html] the former minister has become public enemy number one.
43, The new government repudiated the treaty signed by the former government.
44, The original elections were declared void by the former military ruler.
45, The former footballer is now mixing with movie people in Hollywood.
46, The former president has agreed to act as an intermediary between the government and the rebels.
47, The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man.
48, The former president has been forced to flee the country.
49, Viewers had been promised a no-holds-barred interview with the former mayor.
50, The former president has agreed to mediate the peace talks.
51, The former world champion imparted a few words of wisdom to the young runners.
52, Of the two the latter is far better than the former.
53, The former minister faced questions concerning his role in the affair.
54, The former manager of the company repined against his cruel fate.
55, The former minister was relieved of his post in last month's extensive government reshuffle.
56, Did he go there by air or by train? The former seems more likely.
57, Loyalty to the former king still persists in parts of the country.
58, The former tenants of that house have just moved away.
59, Fans were saddened to see the former champion play so badly.
60, His complicity with the former government had led to his downfall.
61, These planes are outclassed by the most recent designs from the former Soviet Union.
62, He had enjoyed a personal rapport with the former president.
63, They accused the former prime minister of being a backseat driver.
64, He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.
65, To many people the Queen represents the former glory of Britain.
66, The former rebels were given positions of prominence in the new government.
67, Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive, dirty cream one, most people can be forgiven for choosing the former.
68, The former president still has a small band of supporters.
69, Newspapers have been fulsome in their praise of the former president.
70, The former president still holds a place in the nation's affections.
71, You can best fit yourself for your new responsibility by studying all these papers left by the former chairman.
72, He was the first member of the former government to face criminal charges.
73, Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.
74, The former leader now has to watch his successor unpicking much of what he strived so hard to achieve.
75, With the collapse of the former Soviet Union,[http:///the former.html] the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced.
76, The former dictator is under house arrest in his country mansion.
77, In an exclusive interview with David Frost, the former president made many revelations.
78, The former party treasurer helped raise almost £40 million to fight the election campaign.
79, The former president stands accused of lying to the nation's parliament.
80, The former minister has been making himself unpopular recently, sniping at his ex-colleagues.
81, That politician is too closely identified with the former government to become a minister in ours.
82, The former president's concession came even before all the votes had been counted.
83, This huge, unfinished building represents the last hurrah of the former regime.
84, The former leader of the terrorist group has called for an end to the violence.
85, They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.
86, The former Olympic champion was invited to speak at a charity dinner.
87, Many laws made by the former regime have been annulled.
88, The former President was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free.
89, Propaganda has turned the former president into a heroic myth.
90, Following their latest defeat, soccer fans are urging the club to bring back the former manager.
91, The former manager gave his first news conference since being sacked.
92, It's clear that the party of the former Prime Minister has suffered a major reverse.
93, The former head of counter-intelligence had been stripped of his rank and privileges.
94, There was intense speculation 18 months ago that the former foreign secretary might be parachuted into the Scottish Parliament.
95, The former prisoner of conscience was elected president of the new democracy.
96, The former newsreader is being tipped as a possible successor to the outgoing Head of Broadcasting.
97, Accusations of harbouring suspects were raised against the former Hungarian leadership.
98, The newspaper condemned the former mayor's bigotry toward gays.
99, Bonanni, the former assistant director for Installations and Logistics.
100, Fighting is continuing in the former Belgian colony.
101, The former now seem to be in the ascendancy.
102, The former epithet is apt, the latter less so.
102, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
103, He was the ringmaster against the former circus act.
104, This was the first Gordon Bennett race where balloons could travel over the airspace of the former Soviet Union.
105, Mr Levin, the former chief strategist of Time Inc, was a principal architect of the 1989 merger.
106, Mr Waigel is a Bavarian born and bred who has little love for Bonn but none at all for the former Prussian capital.
107, The code of practice for the former District Audit Service referred to four additional responsibilities.
108, The former world heavyweight champ was supposed to write a book documenting his prison experiences but clearly finds fiction more enjoyable.
109, The former Soviet Union had started to withdraw its warships and aircraft from Cam Ran in 1989.
110, In the former case the profits arose where the property was situated and in the latter case where the rights were exercisable.
111, The former began to subside as the managers progressed through the year; the latter, however, would remain.
112, He hangs up his camelhair coat in the anteroom that connects his office with Shirley's and passes into the former.
113, The former television commentator has sought repeatedly to tell and sell his story since his acquittal.
114, The former are usually coarse grained; the latter, fine grained or glassy.
115, I greatly admire the former San Francisco mayor and legislator.
116, When the island had sunk beneath the waves the former fringe would be left as an atoll.
117, Overall solute concentrations, notably chloride, sulphate and aluminium, are higher in the former which are also more acidic.
118, A bank is taking court action over the former Tory Party chairman's half a million pound overdraft.
119, As to the former, the usual procedural rules apply depending on whether proceedings are commenced in the High Court or county court.
120, The county comprised four districts based on city regions surrounding the former county boroughs of Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham.
121, In 1980, the former British colony of Rhodesia gained independence as the Republic of Zimbabwe.
122, The prize for successful candidates, a chance to study medicine in the former Czechoslovakia.
123, The former health secretary brushed aside talk of a demotion by referring to himself as the new Minister for Majorism.
124, The former will tend to require an indexed sequential file on a direct access device.
125, Two days later the former Enniskillen high school principal slipped into a coma from which he never awakened.
126, If the former, then the decision, after a nerve-testing time-lag, was a brilliant success.
127, In the former, the researcher can draw very strong inferences from comparisons between randomized groups.
128, Mr. Flannery Is there not a grave danger of the former Soviet Union lapsing into anarchy?
129, She was the former political commentator on the evening news.
130, He said the former president might join the chorus of high-ranking Republicans and former government officials urging Powell to join the ticket.
131, Pregnancy, however, is a relatively brief and dramatic bodily change, succeeded by reversion to something like the former state.
132, The former brewing,[http:///the former.html] media and property magnate went bankrupt in April owing millions of pounds.
133, Foreign journalists have been turned back and some even detained at numerous checkpoints along the former front lines throughout the country.
134, Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit. Alexandre Dumas 
135, Sharaf Rashidov, the former party boss, would lie about the cotton crop year after year to ingratiate himself with Moscow.
136, The former Treasury mandarin, Lord Burns, was named chairman of the national lottery commission.
137, Thus the capitalist mode articulates with the peasant mode, with the latter playing a subordinate role and the former benefiting.
138, The former Shah's advocacy of a collective security pact was a further black mark against the Gulf scheme.
139, The latter was accessible to an observer but the nature of the former could only be inferred.
140, Mitt Romney, the former Republican Senate nominee who contributed large amounts of his private fortune to his campaign against Sen.
141, He was more than prepared to trade blows with the former circus act Benichou.
142, Pre-Darwinian comparative anatomists took the former view; since Darwin, the latter has prevailed.
143, The former provides a remarkable education resource whilst conserving a very important Anglo-Saxon burial ground.
144, In the former case(), by employing civilian clerical staff a greater proportion of funds can be allocated for direct policing policies.
145, Within the former Soviet Union, the central planning system collapsed.
146, No one knew whether the civil jury would hold the former football star liable for two brutal murders.
147, The former federal agent betrayed his country and gave away vital military secrets.
148, The committee made no allusion to the former President in its final conclusions.
149, When headmen were put in the position of choosing between protecting relations and carrying out their duties they chose the former.
150, The former president, now 90 and stricken with Alzheimer's disease, also won't attend the ceremony.
151, The former character asserts itself, and some-times disagreeably, weaKly, disgracefully.
152, In earlier times the former had been underachieving educationally whereas the latter are now near the peak of their attainment level.
153, The former Soviet-bloc countries boycotted the 1984 Olympics in response to the boycott of the 1980 Games in Moscow.
154, It took more than an hour to control the blaze at the former Langham Hotel.
155, Among Anselm's contemporary bishops, Samson, the aged bishop of Worcester, represented the former.
156, The nave has gone and the tiny church in the former choir was adapted by Carlo Lurago in 1640-50.
157, The nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union was scattered among four new countries with few safeguards.
158, Dressed in a smart, grey suit and black tie, the former Beatle looked very happy.
159, The former and less serious type is a breach of warranty and the latter is a breach of condition.
160, Parishes For local government purposes the parish had only existed within the boundaries of the former rural district councils.
161, Unfortunately, he claimed, the main activities of large intergovernmental funding agencies had gone into the latter and not the former.
162, The former argues the case of viewing relations between central and local government in terms of tensions generated by uneven development.
163, Parcells, the former New York Giants coach,[] later became a sports commentator on television.
164, The former Teesside Polytechnic celebrated its name change by releasing hundreds of balloons into the sky above Middlesbrough.
165, The former soldier grew even angrier when he tried to cut through the metal with the hacksaw but failed.
166, Early prisons were built in castles or large houses and the former contained state prisoners.
167, The former Prime Minister watched the results with close attention.
168, The former agent did a comparative analysis of the manifesto and five pages of letters and essays authored by Theodore.
169, Missing are neighborhood and business associations: two groups that pushed hard during the former administration for a crackdown on nuisance crimes.
170, Next to the Chapel is the former infirmary - later the almshouse.
171, 'Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now' is an authorized biography of the former Beatle by Barry Miles.
172, The former media consultant to Republican presidents has headed the business news and talk show channel since August 1993.
173, The former Branksome Comprehensive and Darlington sixth form college pupil is now doing a postgraduate teaching course in Birmingham.
174, The patient before us is a classic case of the former.
175, Many athletes from the former Soviet Union now represent their home nations.
176, The former provide the managerial and administrative framework for moving products from supplier to customer.
177, Under what conditions is western aid being given to the former Soviet Union?
178, Since his tragic mishap, the former marathon runner has accomplished many projects including an outward bound course, abseiling and canoeing.
179, The women also include the former world champion Ann Hughes, who is attempting to recapture the lightweight crown.
180, Herr Schikenader, the former proprietor, chanced to see me perform one evening.
181, Then, the mice were killed and scientists counted their brain cells, looking for differences between the former littermates.
182, The former Hazardous Waste Inspectorate operated a large database on all sites, with details of permitted wastes, including allowable quantities.
183, There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. Hippocrates 
184, In parts of Lincolnshire, for example, the early seventeenth century saw a massive attack on the former open fields.
185, In the former case there were no restrictions and thus land changed hands at the full market price.
186, Police raised their body count in a case they say proves that the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic covered up war crimes.
187, The former regional-autonomy minister, Ryaas Rasyid, believes the whole scheme has been botched.
188, Most of the work and examples seem far more applicable to the former than to the latter.
189, The former Flatbush cabbie is showing off his suits: Pierre Cardin, all-wool, $ 7. 50.
190, Mohammed Ali, the former world heavyweight boxing champion, will appear on the 'Tonight' show next week.
191, The conversion of the former arable fields to small enclosed fields of pasture had therefore two visible effects on the landscape.
192, On the brown walls of corrugated metal a plaque commemorated it as the former home of James Fenimore Cooper.
192, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
193, He is the self-proclaimed outsider who knows Washington; the former secretary of education who proposes to abolish the department.
194, The former refers to payments such as pensions, supplementary benefit, family income supplement, child benefit, and so on.
195, First, there is the problem of the former county boroughs.
196, The former I destroyed before entering the port of Vera Cruz, having committed it to memory.
197, Promotion was a further carrot, though like the former hedged round with qualifications and caveats.
198, The former political coalition which directed support towards the skilled working class in the private sector had begun to dissolve.
199, In the former, internal communications are often sluggish; a change mandated in March may not be implemented until November.
200, By the 1920S the former had won the day and landscape architects turned their talents to municipal projects.
201, The former president has denied granting any pardons or commutations for any reason other than the merits.
202, Teviot Bridge near Roxburgh on the former St Boswells-Kelso-Tweedmouth branch line.
203, It replaces the former quarter sessions.
204, A ruler of the former kingdom of Tunis.
205, The former element amplifies the input signal and its output includes non - linear distortion.
206, The former symmetric encryption algorithms use substitution and transposition techniques.
207, Haier spent $15 million to buy the former Greenwich Bank building.
208, Mr Steinberg is respected on both sides of the former Clinton - Obama divide.
209, The former senator is treated as a nonperson by this administration.
210, The former adviser now serves as a front man for a large foundation.
211, We present a XOR scheme , named LR - XOR scheme , after careful studying the former schemes.
212, On the former, a demand for much higher capital ratios today would imperil the recovery.
213, Many were shocked by the wizened appearance of the former leader ( Saddam Hussein ).
214, Vale deal was signed by Guinea's interim government, installed after the former military leader was shot.
215, The former literati fictions were the vital source of allusions in Ci.
216, Emotional education is the ultimate goal of philological teaching, while humanism the core of the former.
217, The Guiwu Formation contains the upper part of the former Xiacaowan be of Pliocene age.
218, In the former thoroughfare businessmen and travellers were making for comfortable hotels.
219, In Quest for Saddam, games hunt down the former Iraqi leader in tongue in cheek fashion.
220, The former Treasury secretary has led the nation's oldest and richest university for five years.
221, The former are considered to be homologous with the sepals of Ranunculus.
222, The former West Hill community, east spited zi hyacinth and Rural Gap.
222, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
223, The former wall panels and Panel also equipped with a pin - hole and bone.
224, Today, the former Iraqi leader sits in a jail cell in the Baghdad area.
225, There, at age 37, Ma became the former dictator's protege.
226, The United States wants the former Soviet republic to join NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
227, But the former mayor then delivered a meandering speech that left the audience dispirited.
228, In Alaska, the northwest territories, and the former Soviet Union grey wolf a thriving population.
229, Penetrated the Paleozoic era for the former and as early as the late Paleozoic.
230, The former British colony at the Malay Peninsula only achieved full independence in 1965.
231, The Iron Curtain came down with the fall of the former Soviet Union.
232, Object To provide a method for identifying oviductus ranae among toads oviduct the former.
233, It includes the former Gilbert Islands, Ocean Island, and the Phoenix and Line islands.
234, " No, she don't, " returned the former, soothingly . " It's only a little fun on the side. "
235, In Florida a judge will consider who should get custody of the former playmate's body.
236, Unsurprisingly , Dick Cheney, the former vice - president , is unmoved by such arguments.
237, The former president of the Philippines, Estrada, was charged with peculation.
238, The international community is also divided over independence for the former Yugoslavian republic.
239, A Defense Ministry spokesman, Mohammad al - Askari , said Friday the former officers will be rehired right away.
240, The former president looks trim and elegant on the cover of this month's Esquire.
241, The former symbolizes power, unification and universality, and the latter fertility.
242, The president's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country.
243, Hargreaves certainly believes the former captain still has much to offer The Three Lions.
244, They also deal with similar threats over the former Yugoslavia, though to a lesser degree.
245, She said nothing when met you, changing the former days garrulity.
246, The former outnumber the latter by about a hundred to one.
247, Only recently did the former Portuguese - colony open its first music school.
248, Theosophy became after the thirties a shadow of the former mind - swaying movement.
249, The Employer should remove the occupational - disease victims unfitting the existing work from the former occupational - disease - inductive post.
250, The publishing - house paid a fat price for the former First Lady's memoirs.
251, The most important proponent of the former group was Mrs. Radcliffe.
252, The former GAAP requires lower - of - cost - or - market in the accounting for marketable securities ,[http:///the former.html] applied on a portfolio basis.
253, The former, obviously, has based its argument on a baseless assumption, therefore, it is ill - founded.
254, Declaration: to be signed by the legal representative authorized agent in case the former is absent.
255, Schools may switch to English, the language of the former colonial oppressor, from next year.
256, The ice over the former poles will now be facing the Sun.
257, Countriesin Asia, the former Soviet Union, sub - Saharan Africa and centralAmerica have been hardest hit, It'said.
258, The former NFL player was killed by friendly fire while on duty in Afghanistan.
259, Ravalomanana later said that Ratsiraka hopes to go to France, the former metropolitan state of Madagascar.
260, The army accuses the former separatists'party , Partai Aceh, of continuing to espouse independence.
261, McPherson suspension for the former, more lateral load buffer to substantially reduce the horizontal sliding.
262, In the former , land reform can proceed step by step.
263, Nigeria's oil industry is in such conflicts in the former hard line.
264, Examples of the former type are algins and of the latter guar and locust bean gums.
265, Comparing method with lead acetate sedimentation analysis, the determination result of the former is more accurate.
266, The former First Lady was taken there a couple of days ago with a slight fever.
267, The former is the most powerful US Government think tank and policy director.
268, The former US president Ronald Reagan was sometimes known by his soubriquet the Great Communicator.
269, Declaration: to be signed by the legal representative authorized agent if the former is absent.
270, Today there are few reminders of the former ravaged and exploited Manchuria.
271, And the former president President Bill Clinton received a rapturous reception at the convention.
272, The former president was buried Wednesday at the Gerald R. Ford museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
273, The former Police Headquarters is one of the four oldest existing government buildings in Hong Kong.
274, The former Soviet republic of Latvia is celebrating the vote to join the European Union.
275, The former belongs to supervised learning and the latter belongs to unsupervised learning.
276, We listened intently to the news bulletin about the former president.
277, We an objective to win, to win a title underlined the former Porto man.
278, U . N . peacekeepers left the former Indonesian province last year. Now East Timorese wants them back.




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