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单词 No more
1. Once on shore, we pray no more
2. A man can do no more than he can. 
3. We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it. 
4. Weep no more , no sigh , nor groan. Sorrow calls no time that's gone . 
5. You can have no more of the fox than the skin. 
6. There is room for no more than three cars.
7. He said no more until their final parting.
8. I have no more time to waste here.
9. Three thousand dollars is no more than a portion.
10. It's no more than one mile to the shops.
11. He couldn't lift the table and no more could I.
12. It was to be a closed circle of no more than twelve women.
13. My home life was becoming no more than an extension of my job.
14. Your essay should be no more than two thousand words long.
15. No more for me. I have to watch my weight.
16. Her visit caused no more than a ripple of interest.
17. It's no more than common politeness to hear what she has to say.
18. He promised there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms.
19. Caesar is no more.
20. I will wait for you until I have no more reason to wait anymore.
21. It'strue we were acquainted, but no more than that.
22. She doesn't live here no more.
23. She had no more need of me.
24. I can hold so much and no more.
25. Wherever he is satisfied with what he does, he has reached his culminating point--he will progress no more
26. Got to lose, is always better than never gets no more cuts.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up. And we become different.
28. If you've been asked for an interview you are probably on a short list of no more than six.
29. Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of the sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.
30. This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.
1. There is room for no more than three cars.
2. He said no more until their final parting.
3. I have no more time to waste here.
4. Three thousand dollars is no more than a portion.
5. It was to be a closed circle of no more than twelve women.
6. My home life was becoming no more than an extension of my job.
7. Your essay should be no more than two thousand words long.
8. If you've been asked for an interview you are probably on a short list of no more than six.
9. No more for me. I have to watch my weight.
10. Her visit caused no more than a ripple of interest.
11. It's no more than common politeness to hear what she has to say.
12. He promised there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms.
13. The vile person shall be no more called liberal , nor the churl said to be bountiful.
31. No more food please - I've had enough.
32. No more workers are being taken on at present.
33. No more thank you, I'm full up.
34. He's no more than a glorified accountant.
35. No more clothes will go into this case.
36. I will torment you no more .
37. They make no more than a mutter of protest.
38. Say no more! How much do you wantto borrow?
39. This book is no more expensive than that one.
40. No more argument My mind is made up.
41. No more questions, Your Honour.
42. I have no more questions.
43. It's no more than you deserve.
44. There's no more work in these pit villages.
45. This was no more than a freak of history.
46. No more cake for me, thanks(), I'm full.
47. Sadly, we have no more money.
48. I'll pay you $75 and no more.
49. They heard the protesters shout:"No more fascism!".
50. Okay, guys, slow down. No more roughhousing.
51. He was saying no more than the literal truth.
52. Well, then, say no more about it.
53. I had no complaints and no more did Tom.
54. No more, thanks. I'm full.
55. No more tea, thank you, I've had my fill.
56. Come on,[/no more.html] be a man now. No more crying.
57. There will be no more shouting, period!
58. We'll have no more of your sauce, young man!
59. No more dreary winters - we're moving to Florida.
60. It's no more than a mile to the shops.
61. Thereafter we heard no more of this suggestion.
62. No more for me, thanks-I'm full up.
63. Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement.
64. The final chapter is no more than a scrappy addition.
65. A rule says that the height of a wave will usually be no more than one-tenth of the wind's speed .
66. The restaurants are as good as ever and no more expensive.
67. Unhappily, he had done no more than pay lip service to their views.
68. We'll finish the project on time if there are no more foul-ups.
69. 'Villa' was something of a misnomer; the place was no more than an old farmhouse.
70. The mananger had a quiet word with Alison, and she gave him no more problems.
71. The northward journey from Jalalabad was no more than 120 miles.
72. She was no more a crackpot than the rest of us.
73. Many bosses view secretaries as no more than glorified typists.
74. Not wishing to antagonize her further, he said no more.
75. The truth is that they appoint no more than a token number of women to managerial jobs.
76. You're no more capable of speaking Chinese than I am.
77. She was lucky that she had suffered no more than hurt feelings.
78. He treats his wife as no more than a mere appendage.
79. He's stinking rich, and with no more talent than he ever had before.
80. The ship sank below the waves, and was seen no more.
81. Opinion polls show that no more than 30% of people trust the government.
82. The villages are no more than a mile apart as the crow flies.
83. Selling goods abroad is no more difficult than selling to the home market.
84. Many say it was no more than a PR exercise .
85. He's no more fit to be a priest than I am!
86. I've had enough of people taking advantage of me. From now on it's no more Mr Nice Guy.
87. I have no more than a nodding acquaintance with her novels.
88. Some insects have a life-span of no more than a few hours.
89. The company employs no more than a couple of dozen people.
90. Eline felt it was no more than her duty to look after her husband.
91. The vile person shall be no more called liberal , nor the churl said to be bountiful.
92. The audience pelted the speaker with questions until the chairman had to stop them,for there was no more time.
93. I'm prepared to knock five hundred pounds off but no more.
94. She's been no more difficult than most daughters and a sight better than some I could mention.
95. There have been no more notifications of cholera cases in the last week.
96. The novel may be a best seller, but it's no more than a competent piece of writing.
97. Look to it that you make no more similar mistakes.
98. He received a large reward, which was no more than his due .
99. The temperature is expected to be no more than plus two .
100. She reached the conclusion that there was no more she could do.
101. After the first half-hour she realized that her new-found confidence was no more than skin-deep.
102. As of now, there will be no more paid overtime.
103. When it is finally settled, the Marshall estate may be worth no more than $100,000.
104. There is no more money do I make myself plain?
105. Let's have no more politicians shedding crocodile tears for the unemployed.
106. I can let you have another £10, but no more.
107. I shall be away for no more than a week.
108. I will say no more on these matters, important though they are.
109. He can't afford a new car, and no more can I.
110. Alexis suddenly could take no more: he felt too hot, he couldn't breathe, the room swam.
111. He'll have to do with what he has got; there is no more.
112. The exam is no more difficult than the tests you've been doing in class.
113. They are afraid of incriminating themselves and say no more than is necessary.
114. The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe.
115. The future is no more uncertain than the present. Walt Whitman 
116. It was no more than a ticket booth.
116. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
117. Isaak draws no more attention than his anonymous buds.
118. Now, off with your clothes and no more chatter.
119. No more visits to dark, ghostly caves, Roman!
120. Anyway no more clay pigeons for Candless.
121. We owe no more allegiance, Peter.
122. She had no more car accidents.
123. Some were no more than motionless translucent blobs.
124. But she had no more time for abstract thoughts.
125. Now there is no more loneliness comma.
126. All of human existence was no more than a huge address book.
127. No more than one hundred are assigned to Wrigley Field for the forty-five thousand Bear fans, with their pints of brandy.
128. New business Public relations consultancies no more want to stand still than any other business enterprise.
129. He was no more than twenty feet from his old classmate.
130. Window wide open, no curtains and a narrow iron bedstead that looked no more comfortable than the one he had himself.
131. Time is, time was, but time shall be no more. James Joyce 
132. But formidable capital cost stood in the way of such improvements, and irrigation remained no more than a theoretical possibility.
133. Most epileptics are quite emotionally stable and have no more difficulty adapting to life situations than the average person.
134. But there would be no more, and every season needed a new attraction.
135. At first their station buildings were primitive affairs, no more than clearings in the bush with tin huts.
136. Supposed to be matron, and knew no more than a charwoman.
137. Even its original version he had regarded as no more that a bargaining chip.
138. They were astonished when they found that he was a lad of no more than seventeen.
139. There will be no more breakable bones or shoddy arteries.
140. You will recognise them for no more or less than temporary blips on a radar screen of satisfaction.
141. It may be no more than a little park near work or a church that you stop by during lunch hour.
142. Her sister plays until she can no more, and then another woman glides across the room and on to the piano bench.
143. No more breaking in but breaking away, leaving and letting loose into the impending night.
144. That deadline is fast approaching, and from the end of December Jubilee 2000 will be no more.
145. And no more than one in twenty earned a college degree.
146. Bustamante said he considers the prospective appointee a friend but no more than other applicants for the position.
147. There were no more sounds of men running[/no more.html], but his warning bells were ringing.
148. If there are no more questions, the committee will adjourn until tomorrow morning.
149. Goudimel seems to have composed no more Latin church music after he embraced Protestantism c. 1560.
150. The children asked no more questions, but looked up at her in amazement.
151. My blessings on thee, daughter, sin no more. * Love, Charlie * Joke!!
152. It takes no more than five minutes and tastes every bit as good at the oven-baked variety.
153. Now he could no more excise it from his brain cells than he could sever his past from his future.
154. He made a bogey on the tenth, an uphill par-three, and he was on the leader board no more.
155. She hurried into the room with no more than a casual glance in our direction.
156. No more fuss or palaver; no more mush or blarney.
157. But while Stockton councillors yesterday agreed to put £19,000 towards the costs, cash-strapped Middlesbrough said they could spend no more than £10,000.
158. Worry about the things you can control; the rest will either work themselves out, or they'll kill you. Either way, no more worries. Laurell K. Hamilton 
159. Yet there could be no more symbolic act of defiance than a currency with a separate exchange rate against the rouble.
160. A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. C.S. Lewis 
161. After all, males and females are themselves no more than alternative solutions to the problem of handing on genes.
162. To describe behaviour as skilled is to say no more than that it has been influenced by training and experience.
163. Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. Marcus Aurelius 
164. For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity. William Penn 
165. A 17 and 18 year old escaped with no more than bloody noses.
166. We decided on the way home that we would accept no more such invitations.
167. We no more understand how biology emerges from physics than we understand how classical measuring apparatus emerges from quantum mechanics.
168. The Puritans had no more interest in astronomy or physics than in the fine points of Catholic theology.
169. The wads of crumpled transaction slips bulging out of wallets and desk drawers will be no more.
170. Skeletal muscle relaxing agents and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used but probably are of no more benefit than simple aspirin-based analgesics.
171. We also have it that effects do no more than dependently necessitate their causal circumstances.
172. The vast benefits many farmers saw as accruing to cities as a result of rural exploitation were no more than illusory.
173. He'd done no more than accidentally bump against some sailors aimlessly wandering from the passage next to the warehouse.
174. The high, arched eyebrows in the long bony face rose slightly in surprise,[] but no more.
175. The soldiers kept on firing until they had no more ammunition.
176. No more: Mr Clinton won eight western states last November and is acutely sensitive to western politics.Sentence dictionary
177. Police spoke of a benign new law enforcement tactic no more intrusive than a video camera at a convenience store.
178. This is no more than planning the back end of your leave, just as you planned the front end.
179. Their bosses view them as no more than glorified typists and they are denied career opportunities.
180. It took me no more than five minutes there and back.
181. Chicks in creches need no more from their aunties than protection.
182. The average small-cap stock has no more than three analysts.
183. The cavernous rumblings did not continue long; perhaps a score of riders, no more.
184. Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love. George Eliot 
185. In view of the current state of the art I can do no more here than suggest that alternative approaches are surely possible.
186. No more resonance than a quarter hitting the bottom of a Salvation Army Christmas kettle.
187. Kinton was a ridiculous, out-dated anachronism, perhaps, but no more of an anachronism than Mabel herself.
188. Blood was spouting from cuts on my right hand, and my left foot ached a bit and felt strange - no more.
189. Fat people can't stop eating because someday there will be no more cream cakes.
190. But the Byzantine emperors were themselves no more trusting and would generally keep their foreign envoys in virtual isolation.
191. The final chapter is no more than a scrappy addition with rather a lot of photographs of by now familiar faces from November 1989.
192. Artists who group together for financial reasons may choose a name which is no more explanatory than a number or numbers.
193. There are no more six-page effusions-only brief notes, and those evasive.
194. The stone bridge across the North Hey was no more.
195. I can not look at another zebra, another wildebeest, and certainly no more armadillos!
196. He's perfectly competent, well supplied with money always, and it's no more than a quarter past nine.
197. The alliance of king and pope ensured that no more Winchelseys became archbishops.
198. Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see. Helen Keller 
199. She was sure he was no more anxious for the tale to break than she.
200. The artistic photographer should represent what he sees and no more, he insisted.
201. Paul's bank now allows him £35 a week, and Geoff can withdraw no more than £40.
202. Well, in that case, there's no more to be said.
203. But then they began to climb up a narrow, spiral staircase, and she saw no more.
204. It was widely believed that City were no more guilty than a great many other clubs keen to do well in the emergency competitions.
205. No more than usual, was the answer, but at last it was enough to break the spell.
206. No more than thirty to forty feet away, at the head of the narrow aisle, was the tiny altar.
206. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
207. Imitations abound, some of them no more than ordinary vinegar flavored and colored with caramel.
208. They have no more idea of the public's response to something musical than the average man in the street.
209. However, it no more obliges me to apply without question your standards to you than mine to myself.
210. No more than five feet tall in her carpet slippers, you just knew it would be best not to cross her.
211. A dozen flying machines and their pilots would be no more than a blip on a piece of magnetic tape.
212. And I could see no more, until the cavalry came to the rescue.
213. Then I was here alone for no more than a few seconds.
214. On Friday the sea turns calm, and there are no more clams.
215. Voters also overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment which would limit state legislators to no more than 12 years in office.
216. The present system is no more comprehensible to the public in this respect than was its predecessor.
217. No more Tube, no more of your favourite bands on the telly, another dark age as regards the media.
218. He ran the torch over the shelves cabinets table drawers but there were no more photographs and no obvious photo albums.
219. Talking out, skipping class, being tardy or disrespectful are no more acceptable for work-inhibited students than for any others.
220. Hard Times,[http:///no more.html] come again no more Sarah and Ward continued to look around as Charles sang.
221. The manufacture of cloth was thus no more than a marginal addition to the subsistence agriculture of the interior.
222. If you hear a beep when you press one of these arrow keys then there are no more records to be found.
223. Several groups claim to exert their influence, but insist that it is no more than that.
224. The report was brief, no more than a single line of coded message, yet it was significant.
225. On other sites it is no more than an amused smile and a wave of the hand.
226. Politicians, clergymen and newspaper columnists denounced it as brutal and abhorrent: no more than human cockfighting.
227. It may be argued that these proposals amount to no more than state capitalism.
228. Bamie brushed aside this cruel fate as if it were no more than a nuisance.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:59:30