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单词 argue
释义 Word family  noun argument adjective arguable argumentative verb argue adverb arguably  ar·gue /ˈɑːɡjuː $ ˈɑːr-/ ●●● S2 W1 verb  1  DISAGREE[intransitive]ARGUE to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way 争论,争吵 We could hear the neighbours arguing. 我们听到邻居在争吵。argue with Gallacher continued to argue with the referee throughout the game. 整场比赛加拉赫一直与裁判争论不休。argue about They were arguing about how to spend the money. 他们在为这笔钱怎么花而争吵。argue over The children were arguing over which TV programme to watch. 孩子们在为看哪一个电视节目而争吵。n GrammarReciprocal verbsArgue is a reciprocal verb. This type of verb is used when saying that two or more people do something that involves both or all of them: He and the waiter started arguing. You can also say: He and the waiter started arguing with each other. He started arguing with the waiter.Patterns with argue• You argue with someone: I wish you two would stop arguing with each other!• You argue about something or over something: Let’s not argue about/over small details.2  STATE[intransitive, transitive]SAY/STATE to state, giving clear reasons, that something is true, should be done etc 论证;争辩argue that Croft argued that a date should be set for the withdrawal of troops. 克罗夫特竭力主张应该确定撤军的日期。 It could be argued that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding. 可以这么说,修建水坝可能反而会增加洪水泛滥的危险。argue for/against (doing) something Baker argued against cutting the military budget. 贝克尔据理反对削减军费预算。 She argued the case for changing the law. 她提出论据,力主修改法律。 The researchers put forward a well-argued case for banning the drug. 研究人员为禁止这种药提出了充足的论据。 They argued the point (=discussed it) for hours without reaching a conclusion. 这个问题他们讨论了几个小时,还是没有得出结论。3  argue somebody into/out of doing something PERSUADE British English to persuade someone to do or not do something 说服某人做某事/不做某事 Joyce argued me into buying a new jacket. 乔伊斯说服我买了一件新夹克衫。4  SHOW CLEARLY[transitive] formalSHOW/BE A SIGN OF to show that something clearly exists or is true 显示出,表明 The statement argues a change of attitude by the management. 这则声明表明管理层态度的转变。5  argue the toss ARGUE British English informal to continue to argue about a decision that has been made and cannot be changed 〔对已决定的事〕徒然反对,徒然争论 There was no point arguing the toss after the goal had been disallowed. 进球被判无效,再争辩也没有用。 THESAURUSargue to speak angrily to someone because you disagree with them about something 争论,争吵Those two are always arguing. 那两个人老是争吵。We rarely argue with each other. 我们很少争吵。have an argument to argue with someone for a period of time about a particular thing 争论,争吵She had a long argument with the man who was selling the tickets. 她和那个卖票的男人争吵了很长时间。have a row /raʊ/ British English, have a fight especially American English to have an argument with someone, especially with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or a member of your family 〔尤指与恋人或家人〕吵架She was upset because she’d had a fight with her boyfriend. 她因为与男朋友吵了架而心烦意乱。nThe couple at the next table were having a row. quarrel especially British English to argue with someone, especially for a long time and about many different things 争吵,吵架〔尤指持续较长时间并且涉及许多不同的事情〕The children quarrel all the time. 孩子们老是吵架。squabble /ˈskwɒbəl $ ˈskwɑː-/ to argue about unimportant things 〔为琐事〕争吵,口角The kids were squabbling over what to watch on TV. 孩子们在为看什么电视节目而争吵。fall out with somebody British English to have a big argument with someone that results in you stopping having a friendly relationship with them 与某人闹翻I’ve fallen out with my best friend. 我和最好的朋友闹翻了。be at each other’s throats if two people are at each other’s throats, they are always arguing in a very angry way 〔两个人〕激烈争吵His parents are constantly at each other’s throats. 他父母老是吵得不可开交。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusargue• a well-argued case• We could hear the neighbors arguing.• Jim and Beth seem to spend all their time arguing.• Besides all this, we argue a lot.• The two men at the bar were arguing about politics.• He argued for changes to the tax system so that it assisted people who undertook training.• Gunther Zuntz, on the other hand, has argued for the exclusively Pythagorean identity of the tablets.• My kids spend more time arguing over the rules than they do playing the game.• Senator Harvey argued strongly against taking any form of military action.• During oral arguments before the high court, attorneys for each state will argue that it alone should control the island.• The other approach has been to argue that rats have difficulty with passive avoidance because they can not remember recent events.• She argued that taxes must be increased to pay for public services.• Walter argues that the Convention guarantees compensation whenever a citizen is deprived of property.• Film makers themselves would no doubt argue that their films do not influence people's behaviour.• Rolt argues that we must look beyond the present system altogether.• And no one argued when he said he had become an embarrassment.• Don't argue with me, John. Just do what I tell you.argue over• The kids were arguing over which TV program to watch.argued the point• Supervisor Roland argued the point and finally agreed to send it back.Origin argue (1300-1400) Old French arguer, from Latin arguere “to make clear”ar·gue verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to with words, often Corpus in someone an disagree in




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