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单词 argot
释义  Related topics: Linguisticsar·got /ˈɑːɡəʊ $ ˈɑːrɡət/ noun [countable, uncountable] written  SLexpressions used by a particular group of people 行话,隐语,黑话,暗语 SYN jargon teenage argot 青少年俚语Examples from the Corpusargot• The jargon of the criminal underworld is often referred to as argot.• There are other revealing examples of camp argot.• Each developed a distinctive dress style, distinctive argot and followed particular kinds of music.• A "Jim Wilson" is airline-industry argot for a dead body being shipped in cargo.• Pupils' argot is of particular interest.• In the argot of the day, it's all about managing the bounce.Origin argot (1800-1900) Frenchar·got nounChineseSyllable  group by particular Corpus used expressions of a people




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