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单词 Decision-making
1. The company's top-down management style made decision-making slow and inflexible.
2. The company president has devolved decision-making to the department managers.
3. They don't want outsiders butting in on their decision-making.
4. There's always an element of subjectivity in decision-making.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. We want more participation in the decision-making.
6. Discussion should be part of the decision-making process.
7. Employees should have a voice in the decision-making process.
8. All the community's decision-making institutions need to be overhauled.
9. Employees are always given a share in decision-making.
10. The full weight of decision-making falls on her.
11. Parents can have their say in the decision-making process.
12. The locus of decision-making is sometimes far from the government's offices.
13. All the staff should be involved in the decision-making process.
14. Women have gradually become more involved in the decision-making process.
15. They offer opportunities for participation in decision-making.
16. Who is to he involved in consultation and decision-making?
17. The struggle over abortion is a struggle over decision-making.
18. This cooperative family decision-making has much to recommend it.
19. That branch line of decision-making is there.
20. First in the lunch queue-last in the decision-making process.
21. With formal authority came decision-making responsibility and accountability.
22. The formalization of decision-making could have adverse side effects.
23. The judge said that arbitration was a fair and expeditious decision-making process.
24. Yet again we can see the results of hasty decision-making.
25. We need to take a lot of factors into account in our decision-making.
26. We want to involve the workforce at all stages of the decision-making process.
27. The parents battled for the right to be involved in the decision-making.
28. They will have the opportunity to participate actively in the decision-making process.
29. Each time we have to go through the whole decision-making process again.
30. The Chancellor emphasised his determination to promote openness and transparency in the Government's economic decision-making.
1. The company's top-down management style made decision-making slow and inflexible.
2. The company president has devolved decision-making to the department managers.
3. The judge said that arbitration was a fair and expeditious decision-making process.
31. And if so, does it influence decision-making?
32. People feel threatened when decision-making is inconsistent and arbitrary.
33. There is so much poverty, corruption, irresponsible decision-making around.
34. That has left the impression that trade policy is at the mercy of adhoc decision-making by a variety of officials.
34. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
35. Power and inequalities in marriage At first sight, the data in table 6.4 seem to indicate that decision-making is roughly balanced.
36. Most health information systems were originally designed to support decision-making at national level.
37. If all plausible values fall on one side of this point, this result may clarify the issues and thus assist decision-making.
38. Another factor in the success of authorities is the ability of members to contribute to collective decision-making.
39. Decision-making is not confined to managers holding the most senior positions.
40. Money matters Salary, more than anything, plays a role in a job seeker's decision-making process.
41. There should be a collective understanding of the issues, so that the judgements involved in decision-making can be well informed.
42. Finally it is important to note the relative influence of different people in the decision-making process.
43. But they already possess the scheduling, communications, decision-making, oversight, and reporting skills needed.
44. Belfast Action Team said agencies would answer queries and encourage the formation of residents' groups to involve them in decision-making.
45. While it may help protect the existing curriculum against falling rolls it will also reduce the curricular decision-making capacity of the school.
46. But his power of decision-making improved, and his gift of calming, persuasive oratory rose to its heights.
47. The new system is an attempt to streamline the decision-making process.
48. A network, or society, of very simpleminded decision-making centers like these formed an organism that exhibited remarkable agility and adaptability.
49. The authors have provided descriptions indicating the degree of decision-making authority held by the manager.
50. They told him that division progress required a complete rewiring of the decision-making process in order to push author-ity down the line.
51. They saw themselves as having a consultative decision-making style, using relatively loose follow-up, and being very open to persuasion.
52. Areas where safeguards developed against the backdrop of a different type of decision-making may be more efficacious and apposite.
53. It is, today, simply one of many interest groups attempting to influence the decision-making process.
54. The statutory location of decision-making power in a local authority rests in the full council.
55. The system is designed to see that student decision-making is well informed.
56. A third disability lay in her constitution: Sparta had no satisfactory apparatus for decision-making and the formulation of strategy.
57. Frequently, early retirement is discussed purely in individualistic terms - as if it were a matter simply of personal decision-making.
58. Some contemporary Labour groups have very open decision-making structures; others are dominated by the party leader.
59. By imposing new policies and challenging traditional methods of decision-making, however, the government has disturbed a number of interests.
60. Douglas inevitably took the lead in the decision-making called for.
61. The information system aims to support decision-making and the decisions ought to be directed towards achieving the goals of the organisation.
62. Environmental priorities must be built into all economic decision-making, ensuring that economic success goes hand in hand with environmental responsibility.
63. Users of accounting information, such as banks, need timely information for their decision-making.
64. It is interesting to ponder how the values of planners are formulated with respect to determining aesthetic criteria for decision-making.
64. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
65. There genuinely is a contrast between her rhetoric and assertion of personality and the reality of the decision-making process.
66. At decision-making time these consequences are simply left unmentioned, allowing organizational leaders to feign surprise when qualitative costs finally assert themselves.
67. From the outset of the Corsican nationalist movement the real decision-making has mostly been in the hands of armed groups.
68. Ystradgynlais Designed to help those fighting quarrying and opencast proposals, the course will examine Government planning guidance and local decision-making procedures.
69. Schools are often task-centred to the detriment of effective personal relationships, inevitably compromising decision-making procedures and perceptions of individual credibility.
70. She is impatient with the statusquo and the traditional style of decision-making by compromising with the major interests.
71. Decision-making, by considering alternative responses to their social, distress, leading to new forms of social performance.
72. It is a process that forces line management to consider their operational priorities and also allows for decentralized decision-making.
73. In other situations, however, it proved more difficult to resist the involvement of managers in medical decision-making.
74. Others include lateral thinking, straight and crooked thinking, potential problem analysis, rational decision-making, and so on.
75. Like the new managers, most superiors emphasized that the manager was the one with formal authority and decision-making responsibility.
76. If a child needs new clothes for fall, provide a budget to stay within and encourage decision-making appropriate to the age.
77. Like other staff, they enter into the discussions and decision-making which surround their work.
78. And he approved the rewiring of decision-making and spending authorities.
79. Economic decision-making and private ownership would then be transferred to production units.
80. They highlighted two defects in pluralists' insistence on studying actual decision-making and observable political conflicts.
81. Although all members participate in the decision-making process, votes are allotted in proportion to the size of their quotas.
82. Various group decision-making methods can be used to reach consensus.
83. Efficient decision-making systems give terrific power to the efforts of already capable people considering new directions.
84. The organisation is highly democratic, for lay readers are elected and then must consult their members in decision-making.
85. As with all place advertising, the copy addresses those tangible and intangible factors thought to influence perception and location decision-making.
86. A nimble response in this soundbite world rules out recourse to labyrinthine decision-making processes.
87. It threatens to demote the Brussels institutions, especially the Commission, by setting up an alternative centre of decision-making.
88. Secondly, some forms of work design - autonomous group work in particular - appear to threaten traditional managerial decision-making prerogatives.
89. Decision-making tends to be much slower and this is often the reason for such slowness.
90. In team nursing all members contribute to discussion and decision-making about care.
91. Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
92. Its supporters make the point that it breaks down rigid hierarchies and allows for greater participation in the decision-making process.
93. The work will also contribute to a theoretical understanding of survival strategies and the dynamics of decision-making in conditions of forced migration.
94. Essentially the court is concerned whether the decision-making body has addressed itself to all relevant factors.
94. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
95. The means of power and decision-making in the decentralized authority are made freely available to non-state agencies and other organized interest groups.
96. Improved management information and decision-making processes are required as well as less uncertainty and change.
97. The fundamental principle is that the courts will intervene to ensure that the powers of public decision-making bodies are exercised lawfully.
98. Adequate on-line and off-line information is essential for apposite decision-making.
99. But it has been deleterious to good decision-making on more than one occasion.
100. Those boards which took the establishment of a training programme seriously have been able to contribute constructively to school decision-making.
101. They monitor the fairness and effectiveness of the specialists' deliberations, while also taking part in the decision-making.
102. It should also comfort to recognize that, in the final analysis, these sums are operating to purify decision-making.
103. But it did nothing to change the institutional stagnation which had been the result of consensus decision-making.
104. Decision-making is often about future plans and events, yet nobody knows with certainty what will happen in the future.
105. Some teachers were aware that they could now contribute to decision-making but still saw the head as deciding all the issues.
106. It is not insignificant that private economic institutions rarely take Western political institutions as their model for decision-making.
107. Some include potted guides to Euro-jargon and decision-making, with compendia of recent important legislation.
108. For the Modular Course one response has been the centralization of liaison and decision-making in a single senior tutor.
109. In spite of the increased emphasis on planning and focused decision-making, admission to local authority care was often hasty and ill-planned.
110. Except that in the past two weeks decision-making by committee has been proved fallible.
111. The patient's family was involved in the decision-making process in 44 per cent of cases.
112. All deputy heads need a clear job specification and a place in school development and decision-making commensurate with their experience and seniority.
113. The system has been streamlined and statistics prove that the speed and quality of our decision-making compares favourably with other local authorities.
114. This is an area where private decision-making is a much better solution.
115. The practical critics of scientific management Point to the impossibility of meeting the strict demands of the rational model of decision-making.
116. The proper role of age in clinical decision-making is controversial.
117. Cohesion is maintained by building up a structure of consensual decision-making to make every individual feel an important participant.
118. To do this would require an analysis of how decision-making and power is distributed in society.
119. The final role for political leaderships, which all elite theory accounts acknowledge, is crisis decision-making.
120. As decision-making power moves away from the center, the grip of the home office loosens.
121. The debate is now about the most appropriate levels for decision-making.
122. This should be altered to apply generally to ensure that nature conservation issues are taken into account in all development decision-making.
123. It can also be argued that as human beings, while engaged in decision-making, we often ignore our fully conscious preferences.
124. In that respect,[ ] the White Paper represents a major shift in decision-making about health care priorities.
125. The demand for guaranteed civil liberties and public participation in state decision-making gathered pace.
126. Likewise, they expressed a desire to involve parents at the centre of decision-making.
127. The socialists were accused of being obstructive and delaying the decision-making process.
128. Such a model also implies a change in the driving force of economic decision-making.
129. They have to understand that it does not diminish their professional authority and status if they share decision-making with the governing body.
130. A dimension of increased decision-making concentration which has attracted particular notice concerns the effects on regional diversity and development.
131. Full costing using absorption methods includes fixed overheads and thus would not be appropriate for decision-making purposes.
132. This is the supreme Zapatista authority and its decision-making follows an age-old democratic pattern.
133. Finally, from the time of Peter the Great decision-making power was concentrated in undiluted form in the hands of the monarch.
134. It can help to determine priorities to assist operational decision-making.
135. Too few managers and supervisors had learned to act decisively not withstanding their new decision-making authority.
136. It tells us about his decision-making process, and about his political agenda.
137. A good manager will try to involve everyone in the decision-making process.
138. We will reform decision-making Britain urgently needs a better way of making economic decisions.
139. But, according to Williams, this argument gives utilitarian methods greater prestige and a greater role in decision-making than they actually deserve.
140. The reformed parliament with temporarily appointed deputies has already established itself as a genuine decision-making legislature.
141. The purpose of these techniques is to make quantitative data available to managers in order to aid decision-making, planning and control.
142. Within this compulsory allocation, there is room for some autonomous decision-making by individual schools.
143. The Edo Bakufu had dominated political decision-making for 250 years.
144. However, much less well developed has been the nature of using information for decision-making.
145. Without these skills, we risk creating a new tier of unregulated and unaccountable decision-making.
146. The perceptions of the staff questioned about involvement in school finance decision-making did not often agree with that of the heads.
147. Various institutional arrangements both support and reproduce cooperation such as continuous consultation with the union and the practice of delegated decision-making.
148. Still, despite these many disappointments, Nice does look like producing some modest steps forward in joint policy and decision-making.
149. Mandamus sometimes issues in conjunction with certiorari to require a body whose decision has been quashed to go through the decision-making process again.
150. Many people believe that organisations should become non-hierarchical and be based on group and consensus decision-making.
151. These activities are performed to solve problems involving complexity, uncertainty and/or ambiguity that require intelligence and decision-making.
152. They too need to learn the problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork, and interpersonal skills necessary to both team and individual performance.
153. The political ramifications of resourcing and decision-making likewise can not be ignored.
154. An organization typically needs only to alter the balance of fears and beliefs that lay at the core of its decision-making processes.
155. Nevertheless, the notion of collective decision-making about patient care, about priorities and treatment options, is quite alien.
156. The Charter will be at the centre of government's decision-making throughout the 1990s.
157. If necessary use the decision-making exercise to weigh up the pros and cons of closely competing options as described previously.
158. The job will involve budgeting and decision-making, as well as managing the project.
159. Lobbying for government interest has meant the centralization of the process of decision-making in science in existing national policy-making institutions.
160. In naturally occurring decision environments, interactions between situational demands and self-referent factors can exert a powerful influence on the decision-making process.
161. Discuss why it is classified as an irrelevant cost in decision-making.
162. His conceptual approach to problems and decision-making is supported, mostly positively, by a superior general intellect.
163. The geography of Federal spending is the result of two distinct decision-making processes.
164. In descriptive terms the argument is that decision-making is always incremental.
165. What this suggests is that a different type of decision-making with correspondingly different procedures may be more relevant.
166. The Zemsky sobor, whose role in decision-making had never approached the status of a right, disappeared altogether.
167. This model reflects only certain aspects - some of them myths - of what happens in the world of political decision-making.
168. We should also be very suspicious of any codification project which attempts to pre-empt or disguise the irreducibly dispositive element in decision-making.
169. The New Man rejects traditional roles of parenthood and likes to play a part in decision-making.
170. Managers and supervisors will no longer make hiring decisions or, at a minimum, will share such decision-making responsibilities.
171. However, controversy continued to rage over certain aspects of the remand decision-making process.
172. Here the tribunal is the decision-making instrument chosen by government for the implementation of some scheme of government regulation.
173. Self-excitation and Global Inhibition. Decision-making. The MAX Operation.
174. Shortening the decision-making process would provide one solution.
175. Engaged in information research for decision-making; information retrieval for industries, go-between service for technology transfer and etc.
176. This study intends to understand the decision-making styles of women when facing the operation of total hysterectomy because of myoma or adenomyoma.
177. It define an methodology for analyzing the organizational planning cycle. It can bring precise, agile decision-making to any part of a business.
178. Therefore it is necessary to discuss the use and revision of the net present value method in practical decision-making.
179. The present value method of cash flow has the important function and significance to the investment decision-making, even the Enterprise's merger and acquisition, investment in securities and so on.
180. The relevant fuzzy synthesis decision-making model and the proper decision function are given.
181. It is impossible that the national strategic intelligence analysis gets rid of influences from decision-making mechanism and intelligence analysts themselves.
182. But the male sex decision-making right and male child 's physically and mentally healthy right is outside the protection.
183. In this thesis depiction the whole bag of tricks of decision-making analysis.
184. And then, it studies on the farmer behavior emerging in the process of adjustment, especially on decision-making policy, investment policy, variety-choosing policy, technology-choosing policy,[http://] etc.
185. Enterprise Chief Information Officer(CIO) candidate selection is a decision-making issue that includes both quantitative and qualitative factors.
186. Then based on relationship analysis, the gray decision-making tree method is proposed, and its decision-making steps are presented in detail.
187. It simplifies the procedures for the citizen participation, reduces the interest express cost and the government decision-making cost, and enable citizens to express interest in order.
188. Moreover, the EMS offers mortgage contract evaluation and ranking to assists the prospective buyer earlier in the decision-making stage .
189. An algorithm is proposed to predict next idle period using previous information of idle period. The decision-making of dynamic power management is based on the predictive result of future idle period.
190. The stop-loss system that has been established shall be strictly implemented where there is any book loss as incurred by any market change or decision-making blunder.
191. An investment center is a profit center for which management has been given decision-making responsibility for making significant capital investments related to the center's business activities.
192. The coal terminal operation simulation system for Rizhao Port was developed to support decision-making about terminal's operation and management.
193. This paper discusses briefly se veral fundamental problems of fuzzy systems, including fuzzy recognition, fuzzy learning, fuzzy retrieve and fuzzy decision-making.
194. The intelligent decision-making system of rocket safe controlling is built by using object-oriented method.
195. The third chapter, firstly I point out during the period of war, the Delphic oracle could affect the military officer's decision-making, thus could affect the course and result of the war.
196. It is also important to be able to extract information from the managerial accounting system for decision-making.
197. We also find strong true state dependence in the decision-making process concerning both capital account openness and regime discrepancies.
198. Generally, the whole system consists of four subsystems: robots, vision, decision-making and communication subsystem, decision-making subsystem is the pivotal part of whole system.
199. The price elasticity of supply and demand has the extremely widespread application in the economic decision-making.
200. The field exercise indicates that the decision model is rational and practical, and can provide certain reference for the command decision-making of emergency disposal.
201. In many ways, servant leadership is a form of democratic leadership, as the whole team tends to be involved in decision-making.
202. Creation potentiality of internal decision-making policy covers all management practices. It demands to accumulation and storage of both enterprise strength and ability .
203. A dynamic parameter measurement system for absorber of undercarriage based on decision-making control is presented.
204. Tax Planning impersonate in the severalty link of the taxpayer abearance course, piercing through in the enterprises decision-making all the time .
205. As rational decision makers, the suppliers and the retailers need to optimize the decision-making, so as to achieve profit maximization. This paper mainly studies on the strategy of delay in payment.
206. So determining the prices of moulds and dies is one of the important contents of managerial decision-making for moulds and dies manufactural enterprises.
207. Average tactics of implicit decision-making involve self-reflection, incubation, reinforcement and mental imagery.
208. According to the circumstance of the act, utilitarianism and deontology can be integrated together in two modes, thus two frameworks for moral decision-making can be formed.
209. The building house of quality on programmed decision-making of electrostatic oiler was discussed. The analysis result was used to develop the new oiler and better effectiveness was gained.
210. "There are too many undecided factors to say whether there will be a dual decision-making structure or not," said Yasunori Sone, a political science professor at Keio University in Tokyo.
211. In an attempt to provide operational decision-making reference program of shanxi Province high-skilled personnel development.
212. Pass example imitate decision-making test and verify, value of actual and optimal quote all is in computative limits extraction a cost, and corresponding probability is higher.
213. The country's first free with their own intellectual property rights of innovative shares decision-making system.
214. More decision-making the part with downstage operation, it is Cao Guowei and Wang Yan are being acted.
214. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
215. The success of Finance customer management system have forcefully driven the administrative informatization of Chinese postal service and provides the data for the managerial decision-making.
216. In techno-economic analysis about the many kinds of equipment renewal modes, it is a controversial issue on how to handle the old equipment's cash realizable value in the renewal decision-making.
217. Logistics enterprises from various sources often reduce the cost of business operations, including distribution centers address selection is one of important decision-making.
218. Then the solution of the highest and lowest efficiency score of each decision-making unit (DMU) was discussed. So we can gain an interval efficiency score of each DMU and classify the DMUs.
219. To emphasize professional and innovative decision-making skills through multidisciplinary approaches across departmental boundaries.
220. Studies Department, the French government and parliament have their own decision-making on major technology assessment of the technology assessment bodies.
221. It's all happening here in you limbic brain, the part of the brain that controls decision-making and not language.
222. In section 4, trying to establish a risks early warning system in trust investment fund, offers means of risk management in order to help decision-making to improve ability of risks control.
223. Family decision-making is thought to be the exclusive domain of men, who enjoy by default the legal status of "head of household."
224. The reform of giant department is supposed to establish the reasonable division of decision-making power, law enforcement power, and supervision power.
225. In societies where corruption is endemic, decision-making is slowed as more politicians and officials have to be paid off.
226. In the practice of decision-making, typical approaches of citizen participation include public hearing, consultative committee and so on.
227. Based on analysis, a novel bid risk decision-making model is built.
228. Course-timetabling problem, an optimization decision-making problem involving factors such as classes, teachers and classrooms etc, is a typical problem of combinatorial planning.
229. Conclusion Echocardiogram by thoraces possess important clinic value in diagnosis, orientation, therapeutic decision-making, estimating prognosis of infective endocarditis valve excrescence.
230. Then, test the uncertainty decision-making difference between existence of the principal-agent and inexistence of the principal-agent by designing the decision-making questionnaire.
231. Timing and flow control are key problems in strategic decision-making simulation system.
232. In the investigation study, the results suggested that the external representation has the remarkable difference in decision-making behavior.
233. This article makes research about decision-making on cost of receivable account funds and stock, and discuss about howto reduce operation cost, dodge the risk and enhance benefit.
234. Now, the prediction model is applied in the assistant decision-making system for a copper converter.
235. The prospective couple there had no decision-making authority, indeed no input at all in the negotiations that could eventuate in their marital union.
236. Later in the day, all 12 experts met with the North Atlantic Council, NATO's highest decision-making body.
237. Bartlett, Beatrice S. "The Vermilion Brush: The Grand Council Communications System and Central Government Decision-Making in Mid-Ch'ing China", Ph. D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1980.
238. With that basis, we propose a centralized inventory decision-making mechanism based on risk pooling.
239. This paper improved the priority method used in collective policy decision-making, making it more applicable to solve conflict analysis problem.
240. What is the history and context of the decision-making process?
241. In sky Travelers, players learn about the earth as they explore it as aliens from outer space; only through teamwork and strategic decision-making can they reunite with their mother craft.
242. Provide information to support the intelligence stage of the decision-making process.
243. Selection of the DC location is a multiattribute decision-making problem.
244. In this paper, study on bidding decision-making in Inner Mongolia Electric Power Transmission and Transformation CO.
245. How to maintain and expand market share in the fierce competition has become the company's key issues in strategic decision-making.
246. In 2004, Shanxi province has put forward an important strategic decision-making that Shanxi will construct the new-type energy base.
247. City: Pretoria, South Africa is the political decision-making and administrative center of the capital, provincial capital of Transvaal .
248. In this model, we assume that the only supplier is the leader of Stackelberg game in decision-making, and the buyer will determine his purchases according to supplier's contract clause.
249. But in practice, the business decision-making power is more in board of directors and manager, while general meeting of stockholders can no longer cover the power appointed by law.
250. It would also train women union members in public speaking and decision-making.
251. The thesis is systematic research on the decision-making management engineering project investment with the background of enlargement project of Changsha Huanghua Airdrome.
252. The practice indicate that the Planting Decision-making on Cross Bedding of Farming and Animal Husbandary in the East of Inner Mongolia by the Bayes Rule is feasible.
253. This paper also studies the method of marketing management decision-making model by data mining technique.
254. Therefore,(sentence dictionary) one method which can find a better decision-making function according to a suitable kernel function is putted forward in this thesis.
255. The thesis chiefly analyzes technological innovation project choice decision-making model, time selection model and project stop model based on the real options approaches.
256. But, we are afraid, these skeletonize graphs may make popular feeling irritated, the judgement that and throw into confusion some former perfecting is decision-making.
257. The objective of fund accounting is fund performance evaluation, reflecting fiduciary duty and offering decision-making useful information.
258. This decision is the central bank Shengxi weigh a variety of factors integrated decision-making, policy flexibility and controllability have reserved space.
259. Our chain of business links creates an effective and timely decision-making process.




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