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单词 wild
释义 Word family  noun wild wildness adjective wild adverb wildly wild  Related topics: Nature, Cardswild1 /waɪld/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective  1  plants/animals 植物/动物 [usually before noun]HBNATURAL living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by people 野生的;未经栽培的;未经驯化的 OPP tame wild animals 野生动物 a field full of wild flowers 遍地野花的田野wild horse/dog/pig etc 野马/野狗/野猪等 animals both wild and domesticated 野生动物和家养动物wild mushroom/garlic/rose etc 野蘑菇/野蒜/野玫瑰等2  land 土地 not used by people for farming, building etc 未开发利用的 Nepal is stunning, with its wild, untamed landscape. 尼泊尔有着自然原始的风景,美不胜收。 the wild and lonely Scottish hills 荒僻原始的苏格兰山丘3  emotions 感情CONTROL feeling or expressing strong uncontrolled emotions, especially anger, happiness, or excitement 感情强烈的〔尤指生气、高兴或激动〕 wild laughter 狂笑wild with He was wild with rage. 他怒火中烧。4  behaviour 行为CRAZY behaving in an uncontrolled, sometimes violent way 野蛮的 She was completely wild in high school. 她上中学时很野。 Donny could be wild and crazy. 多尼有时候很疯狂。 There was a wild look about her (=she seemed a little crazy). 她一副疯狂的样子。5  go wild a) EXCITEDto behave in a very excited uncontrolled way 〔行为〕疯狂 The crowd went wild as soon as the singer stepped onto the stage. 歌手一走上舞台,人群就疯狂起来。 b) to get very angry 狂怒 When Tony heard how much it was going to cost, he just went wild. 托尼一听这要花多少钱,顿时大怒。6  enjoyable 有趣的 informalENJOY/LIKE DOING something very enjoyable and exciting 十分有趣的;令人激动的 ‘How was the party?’ ‘It was wild!’ “聚会怎么样?”“棒极了!”7  be wild about something/somebody informalINTERESTED to like something or someone very much 对某物/某人极喜爱;对某物/某人很着迷 My son’s wild about football. 我儿子对足球很着迷。 I’m not that wild about rap music, to be honest. 说实话,我对说唱乐不是很感兴趣。8  without careful thought 未经仔细考虑THINK ABOUT done or said without much thought or care, or without knowing all the facts 〔做事或说话〕轻率的,缺乏根据的 wild accusations 诬告 I’m just making a wild guess here, so correct me if I’m wrong. 我只是在瞎猜,要是错了请指正。9  beyond somebody’s wildest dreams EXPECTbeyond anything that someone imagined or hoped for 超出某人想象的 an invention that was to change our lives beyond our wildest dreams 将给我们的生活带来超乎想象的变化的一项发明10  not/never in your wildest dreams used to say that you did not expect or imagine that something would happen, especially after it has happened 绝对想象不到地 Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to win first place. 我做梦都没有想到我能得第一名。11  weather/sea 天气/大海DN violent and strong 猛烈的;狂暴的 a wild and angry sea 波涛汹涌的大海12. card games 牌戏DGC a card that is wild can be used to represent any other card in a game 〔纸牌〕百搭的13  wild horses would/could not ... used to say that someone is determined not to go somewhere, do something etc 任何事情都不能…〔表示某人坚决不去某地、不做某事等〕 Wild horses would not have dragged him into a vegetarian restaurant. 要是叫他去素菜馆,八匹马都拉不动他。 —wildness noun [uncountable] → wild card, → sow your wild oats at sow1(3)Examples from the Corpuswild• "It turns out she went to college with my sister." "That's wild."• The island has an abundance of wildlife - animals, birds and fish.• He was small and hard and wild and in some ways more like an animal than a boy.• In my opinion, wild animals should not be kept in zoos.• There were lots of wild flowers growing by the roadside.• That was Renato, still entertaining the class with wild guesses.• a wild Hawaiian shirt• wild horses• Where do you get these wild ideas?• Jed was really wild in high school.• He kept laughing, cackling, making wild, insane remarks.• Banana trees were growing wild on the edge of the forest.• She used to pick wild ones in the fields near her home when they came into season.• a wild party• a wild pitch• a wild rose• Its flame would sink, then spring up suddenly, casting wild shadows over the wall and the floor.• Wild strawberries are much smaller than the kind you get in shops.• wild windswild animals• The Protection of Animals Act does not include wild animals.• The second change concerns cruelty to wild animals.• To be tom apart by wild animals.• Remember though that these ponies are wild animals and shouldn't be approached.• The cypress was sacred to her; and all wild animals, but especially the deer.• It may be difficult to age wild animals, but not so temperate trees, because annually they produce growth rings.• Yet it was also a turbulent place, filled with hostile challenges: blizzards, wild animals, renegades, natives.• Perhaps there were wild animals there.wild with• Stone's eyes were wild with rage.wild and crazy• Must have a good sense of humour - wild and crazy.• They rethink those wild and crazy college years.• Instead, Martin turns Bilko into the ultimate wild and crazy guy.• We need conductors who are willing to do wild and crazy things.wild guess• Shall we take a wild guess?• Still, it was discouraging that no one had ventured even a wild guess.• That was Renato, still entertaining the class with wild guesses.• It had thrown her when Luke Calder had made that seemingly wild guess about her, but now she could understand it.• The glitter in his hooded eyes made it impossible for her to hazard even the wildest guess at what he was thinking.• This is a wild guess, but is the answer Michael Jackson?wild2 adverb  1  run wild a) if children or animals run wild, they behave in an uncontrolled way because there is no one to control them 〔儿童或动物〕无法无天,无人管束 b) if something runs wild, it is not controlled and operates in an extremely free way 〔某事物〕不受控制;任意发展 Be creative – allow your imagination to run wild. 发挥你的创造力——让你的想象力自由飞翔。 c) if plants run wild, they grow a lot in an uncontrolled way 〔植物〕疯长2. grow wild if plants grow wild somewhere, they have not been planted by people 〔植物〕自发生长,野生wild3 noun  1  in the wild HBNATURALin natural and free conditions, not kept or controlled by people 处于野生状态 There are very few pandas living in the wild now. 现在只有极少数的大熊猫处于野生状态。2. the wilds of Africa/Alaska etc FARareas where there are no towns and not many people live 非洲/阿拉斯加州等的偏僻地区Examples from the Corpuswild• In them, and in William Burchell's mare, the wild undergoes a spiritual transformation beyond the reach of science.• In one experiment gastropods whose shells were deliberately crushed by researchers and returned to the wild lived as long as uninjured controls.Origin wild1 Old English wildewild1 adjectivewild2 adverbwild3 nounChinese   Corpus state, living a natural not in




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