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单词 Heaps
1, Worn-out car tyres were stacked in heaps.
2, Papers were piled in great heaps on the desk.
3, The machine flung up great heaps of earth.
4, We have heaps of time.
5, It was surrounded with heaps of combustible materials.
6, I watched the men rake leaves into heaps.
7, There's heaps of time before the plane leaves.
8, I've got heaps to tell you.
9, They brought home heaps of travel brochures.
10, Heaps of dusty books lay on the floor.
11, The children have heaps of energy.
12, Do have a second helping there's heaps more.
13, We have heaps of work to do.
14, She's been there heaps of times.
15, We piled the branches into heaps for burning.
16, Help yourself-there's heaps more.
17, He looks heaps better than when I last saw him.
18, Let Sarah pay for dinner,(http:///heaps.html) she's got heaps of money.
19, We have heaps of / a heap of work to do.
20, Our new house is heaps bigger than our last one.
21, The boss usually heaps work on me just when it's time to go home.
22, Heaps of decaying refuse littered every street.
23, You have heaps of time.
24, The enemy was mowed down in heaps.
25, A lively, bustling place with heaps of atmosphere.
26, Heaps of garbage littered the grounds.
27, Bursting sacks of uncollected refuse lay in heaps.
28, There will be heaps of praise for the late David Brower, who died last November.
29, A daunting task lay ahead, as the spoil heaps covered an area of about 300 square yards.
30, I would rather have the affectionate regard of my fellow men than I would have heaps and mines of gold. 
1, Worn-out car tyres were stacked in heaps.
2, Papers were piled in great heaps on the desk.
3, The machine flung up great heaps of earth.
4, It was surrounded with heaps of combustible materials.
5, They brought home heaps of travel brochures.
31, Coal carried by the freight train was scattered about in heaps.
32, There had been no time to braid the garlic, which lay in heaps, reeking as it baked in the sun.
33, Another similar material is the partly rotted plant material in garden compost heaps.
34, Next to this are heaps of coal and a conveyor cantilevered out over the river.
35, Here there were piles of newspapers, heaps of books, manuscripts, labels, rubber stamps, envelopes.
36, Reminding himself that there was nothing to fear he set off, past the loose boxes with their heaps of shabby treasure.
37, The bright one was moving in a silvery blur, and there were quite a few dark-furred heaps lying crumpled nearby.
38, Do, do, do, do try and come home for the season. Heaps of love from, Madeleine.
39, Outside the boutiques were still aglow with heaps of motley flung about the feet of the disdainful assistants.
40, It includes many derelict industrial sites from the north-west Leicestershire coalfield, including spoil heaps.
41, What are possibly the rubbish heaps of Our Mutual Friend loomed even larger in fact than they do in fiction.
42, The habitat of the ink cap is in grass, rubbish heaps and on disturbed soil.
43, The front doors did not close properly. Heaps of garbage littered the grounds.
44, I know that Ian Heaps was on that match, drawn on the opposite bank.
45, Typically enough, being a woman, she heaps the blame on me.
46, Heap leaching uses chemical solutions to dissolve gold from heaps of crushed ore.
47, Sometimes they were in heaps because they had huddled together, and some were scattered all along.
48, Loose orange heaps, recently dropped, steaming, that bristled with straw.
49, I could hear him slipping over the heaps of dirt, his spurs dragging in the rubbish heaps.
50, A stagnant economy heaps increased demands on government as more people are in need.
51, On either side sit attractive, dynamic, rather intense young women sorting through heaps of correspondence and submissions.
52, What ever the reason is, Mr Heaps, please drop us a line to tell us about it.
53, They were not in identifiable heaps but had melted into the soil.
54, Heaps of sand lie scattered about it like soft pyramids.
55, There were heaps of fresh baked white bread on the tables, gobs of butter, pots of marmalade.
56, The ground was covered with crumbling mud bricks, heaps of cracked white stone.
57, They sometimes seem more concerned to punish those whose products end up on rubbish heaps than to encourage sensible behaviour.
58, Muddy heaps of soil eroded from fields are trapped in undergrowth.
59, The reason why the world lacks unity, and lies broken and in heaps, is, because man is disunited with himself. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
60, Even the customary dung heaps and piles of ordure had been taken away.
61, Sea heaps up and white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks along the direction of the wind.
62, It must have something to do with the way the language heaps noun upon noun.
63, Beneath were heaps of dry leaves, enough to cover many men.
64, But ice ages or no, millions of years of erosion will slowly flatten the planetary mineral heaps we call mountains.
65, He bumbled around for a bit, trying to coil up the string and push the wood into tidy heaps.
66, That does not include heaps of smaller arms and ammunition.
67, Bodies lay in heaps on the deck, in the cabin, in the hold.
68, Diving into woods with old limestone spoil heaps and scrubby clearings is like discovering a stash of lost gems.
69, Beings who were now dead or dying, and who were lying in tangled, dreadfully mutilated heaps./heaps.html
70, That makes sense, but they can't be accurate because compost heaps generate heat which might accelerate decomposition.
71, During the show his eccentric machines ran into each other, consumed each other, and melded into broken heaps.
72, By now, the emissions from the burning heaps of animals will almost certainly have exceeded those from factories.
73, Worn-out truck tyres stacked in heaps announce the arrival in the village of the industrial era.
74, I have been there heaps of times.
75, The snow drifts in heaps.
76, Heaps : slang word meaning a lot.
77, Mary has been there heaps of times.
78, But only if heaps of other people had powers.
79, Yes—heaps of times, " said Huck."
80, Mother is so splendid, she'd do you heaps of good.
81, The system can be used for recording material consumption and heaps of paper.
82, We visited brine - evaporating pools for the first time and saw many heaps of crude salt.
83, The slag heaps hold massive dumps of crushed rock discarded after gold extraction.
84, He spewed sentences whose dependent clauses piled up into midden heaps of outrage or joy.
85, She was dazzled by the gorgoeous jewels lying in heaps upon every shelf.
86, I meet you at three and bring heaps of Skinner street news.
87, So they piled them in heaps, and the land became foul.
88, It gathered in little heaps and curves and no one brushed it off.
89, Some parents came hugging framed photographs and dog-eared achievement awards, placing them on the spot where their children died under heaps of broken concrete.
90, Then Hezekiah questioned the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps.
91, Today, there has be countryside, visitors often call heaps of times at taxi to can find there. But it has become most welcome art zone except 798 art zone in Beijing.
92, They dug holes in the backyard, pored over heaps and used a chainsaw to clear vegetation.
93, I've collected heaps of Jackie memorabilia like books, T - shirts, posters - anything I can lay my hands on!
94, The yard is a wilderness of weeds and heaps of coal.
95, Garbage is left to accumulate in unsanitary heaps that attract flies and give off bad smell.
96, I am hearing it over and over again. It seems I falling in another world of their heart. Heaps of times I was touched by fancy stories between them.
97, Dicephalus is common in reptiles and particularly in British grass snakes, who lay their eggs inside compost heaps where decomposing matter produces heat.
98, Yes, we were never awakened for heaps of times at midnight, never be so moved by whose hysterical cry, never felt so pleasure because of whose temporary clever and unconscious prettiness.
99, Traversing a wasteland of sand, rock, and heaps of industrial rubble.
100, " I do too'said Huck " I'd give heaps to know who it is. ".
101, A journalist visiting a working archaeological site usually can count on a grand tour of the "dig", a tortured plot of ground covered with grid markers, tools and heaps of dirt waiting to be screened.
102, Since remove to outskirt, I went for a walk at here heaps of times.
103, Heaps of rubbish on the land make the environment unhealthy.
104, There are heaps of caustic soda, Glauber's and shining borax on the lakeshore. Jade green water provides a perfect setting for sow - capped mountains towering nearby.
105, He had big floppy ears and usually heaps of fluffy wool.
105, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
106, And so on , a regular , rhythmical way , while the four little heaps gradually grew and grew.
107, To further help for 'lights-out' management, DB2 V8.2 also includes an enhanced memory model that can steal from other heaps to accommodate needed shifts in memory for health management.
108, Saw some old friends, showed off my haircut heaps of times and tried walking like a model and failing bad.
109, Scientists confirmed that the nucleic acid is the carrier of life after heaps of times failure study .
110, The CLR manages two separate heaps for allocation, the small object heap (SOH) and the large object heap (LOH).
111, Under the threat of terrorists'attacks government has to sift through heaps of mails every day.
112, Wastes such as industrial slag heaps or city garbage dumps may be more destructive.
113, Then I made experiment on myself heaps of times, ignoring the side effect or sequelaes or how bitter the herb tasted.
114, It must not just replace its mountain of dollar assets with heaps of other currencies.




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