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单词 legalize
释义 Word family  noun legality ≠ illegality legalization legalese illegal adjective legal ≠ illegal legalistic verb legalize adverb legally ≠ illegally  le·gal·ize (also legalise British English) /ˈliːɡəlaɪz/ ●●○ verb [transitive]  LEGALto make something legal so that people are allowed to do it 使合法化,使得到法律认可。 OPP criminalize Abortion was legalized in the 1960s. 堕胎在20世纪60年代得到法律认可。 —legalization /ˌliːɡəlaɪˈzeɪʃən $ -lə-/ noun [uncountable] a campaign calling for the legalization of certain drugs 争取某些毒品合法化的运动→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuslegalize• Short of legalizing abortion, lives could be saved if doctors were better trained to deal with septic or incomplete abortions.• He introduced a bill to legalize abortion two years before Roe v. Wade.• Legislation to legalize casino gambling could be introduced in Congress next fall.• Gambling has recently been legalized in three towns in Colorado.• Denmark recently legalized marriage between gay couples.• Uniate congregations had been legalized on Dec. 1,1989, and 600 parishes had registered by January 1990.• Eight further political parties were formally legalized on Feb. 5 and other parties were encouraged to apply for registration.• The measure would have legalized slot machines in Palm Springs and allowed voters to approve other casinos later.From Longman Business Dictionarylegalizele‧gal‧ize /ˈliːgəlaɪz/ (also legalise British English) verb [transitive]LAW to make something legal that was previously against the lawCasino gambling was legalized as a way to rebuild Atlantic City.→ See Verb tablele·gal·ize verbChineseSyllable  legal Business that something people Corpus to make so




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