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单词 Cleaning
(1) I spent the whole day cleaning.
(2) She was up a ladder, cleaning the window.
(3) Give the house a thorough cleaning.
(4) I keep these rags for cleaning the car.
(5) Carbolic acid is usually used for cleaning.
(6) You'll need a strong abrasive for cleaning this sink.
(7) This room needs cleaning up.
(8) Cleaning services in state-run hospitals have recently been privatized.
(9) An abrasive material is unsuitable for cleaning baths.
(10) I've been asked to draw up the cleaning rota.
(11) She damped her cloth before cleaning the windows.
(12) I'm just about to start on the cleaning.
(13) Smooth rounded corners make cleaning easier.
(14) Cleaning up the city-wide mess is going to be a mammoth task.
(15) I puttered around for a while, cleaning up the kitchen.
(16) Insert the special cleaning thread between your teeth and pull it gently up and down.
(17) Several firms are responsible for the provision of cleaning services.
(18) He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her whiskers.
(19) The scientists of the country pioneer in cleaning up harbour water.
(20) She began cleaning the wound with a piece of cloth.
(21) Why should I have to do all the cleaning? It's not fair!
(22) She supplements her meagre income by cleaning at night.
(23) I've exhausted myself with all that cleaning.
(24) The government contracted out hospital cleaning to private companies.
(25) We contract in cleaning services.
(26) Liz comes on Thursday to do the cleaning .
(27) Fittings should be completely removed for cleaning.
(28) He makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time.
(29) No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleaning up.
(30) Flush out the pipes with cold water after adding the cleaning powder.
(1) I spent the whole day cleaning.
(2) She was up a ladder, cleaning the window.
(3) Give the house a thorough cleaning.
(4) I keep these rags for cleaning the car.
(5) Carbolic acid is usually used for cleaning.
(6) You'll need a strong abrasive for cleaning this sink.
(7) This room needs cleaning up.
(8) Cleaning services in state-run hospitals have recently been privatized.
(9) An abrasive material is unsuitable for cleaning baths.
(10) I've been asked to draw up the cleaning rota.
(11) She damped her cloth before cleaning the windows.
(12) I'm just about to start on the cleaning.
(13) Smooth rounded corners make cleaning easier.
(14) Cleaning up the city-wide mess is going to be a mammoth task.
(15) I puttered around for a while, cleaning up the kitchen.
(16) Insert the special cleaning thread between your teeth and pull it gently up and down.
(17) Several firms are responsible for the provision of cleaning services.
(18) He makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time.
(19) He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her whiskers.
(20) No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleaning up.
(21) The scientists of the country pioneer in cleaning up harbour water.
(22) She began cleaning the wound with a piece of cloth.
(23) Flush out the pipes with cold water after adding the cleaning powder.
(24) Why should I have to do all the cleaning? It's not fair!
(25) The girl attendant has set about cleaning the room.
(26) Cleaning the light is simplicity itself; just wipe it with a cloth.
(27) While cleaning his shotgun he had accidentally blown his own brains out.
(28) The teacher is cleaning the blackboard with a board rubber.
(29) I'm charging you with cleaning the room before you go.
(31) Cleaning the oven is such a performance.
(32) What's the hourly rate for cleaning?
(33) Discard any old cleaning materials.
(34) The approved method of cleaning is industrial sand-blasting.
(35) They're responsible for cleaning the engine.
(36) Cleaning the office is not in my job description.
(37) Those old clothes will do for cleaning rags.
(38) The girl attendant has set about cleaning the room.
(39) Cooking, cleaning and ironing seven days a week.
(40) The doctor was cleaning Tom's teeth.
(41) We spent all Saturday morning cleaning up.
(42) She set about the business of cleaning the house.
(43) I'm not above doing my own cleaning.
(44) Nobody relishes cleaning the oven.
(45) Finish off by cleaning the monitor and the keyboard.
(46) Stop loafing and get on with cleaning the windows!
(47) Today, she was going to do some heavy-duty cleaning.
(48) The bowl is removable for ease of cleaning.
(49) The carpet really wants cleaning.
(50) Twelve students were told off to do the cleaning.
(51) The bathroom floor needs cleaning.
(52) Joan has a cleaning job.
(53) The whole house needs cleaning from top to bottom.
(54) They pay someone to do the cleaning .
(55) Did the cleaning fluid work ?
(56) Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority.
(57) I spent all morning cleaning out the kitchen cupboards.
(58) Martin's duties included cleaning the cars.
(59) I spent all day cooking and cleaning.
(60) My dry cleaning should be ready this afternoon.
(61) Never decant cleaning products into old pop bottles.
(62) We need to develop greener cleaning products.
(63) He was busily employed in cleaning his shoes.
(64) She does cleaning and laundering on Sundays.
(65) Never apply the cleaning liquid directly to the surface.
(66) I had a good go at cleaning the silver.
(67) I spend all day cleaning up after the kids.
(68) The cat sat cleaning itself.
(69) She damped her cloth before cleaning the window.
(70) I spent a lot of time cleaning that room.
(71) No one volunteered for cleaning the henhouse.
(72) It's hardly true to call cleaning windows a 'profession'.
(73) The twins endorsed a line of household cleaning products.
(74) I spent all morning cleaning and tidying.
(75) She's always on my case about cleaning my room.
(76) Of course the cleaning is a frightful bore.
(77) It's your turn to do the cleaning.
(78) Their job in the main consisted of cleaning and maintaining the building.
(79) Once he had finished cleaning the floor, he squeezed the cloth out.
(80) Cleaning the light is simplicity itself; just wipe it with a cloth.
(81) Wear cotton gloves when cleaning silver, because the acid in your skin can tarnish the metal.
(82) I spent the better part of a day cleaning that kitchen!
(83) Cleaning and laundry services have been put out to tender .
(84) Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes.
(85) I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis , until our usual cleaner returns.
(86) I suppose we should make a start on cleaning this room.
(87) He spends hours cleaning that motorcycle - it's his pride and joy.
(88) She's always cleaning - it's like a mania with her.
(89) Why is it that I always land up cleaning the bath?
(90) Your watch just needs cleaning and it'll be as good as new.
(91) While cleaning his shotgun he had accidentally blown his own brains out.
(92) The prospect of his mother coming to stay galvanized him into action and he immediately set about cleaning the house.
(93) The soldier disconnected a rifle into parts before cleaning it.
(94) The teacher is cleaning the blackboard with a board rubber.
(95) The costs of cleaning up the bay are estimated, conservatively, at $1 billion.
(96) I had the unenviable task of cleaning up after the party.
(97) I spent hours cleaning the house, but there isn't much to show for all my efforts.
(98) I'm fed up with cleaning up after you all the time.
(99) It's your turn to do the table. Do is often used with nouns ending -ing:to do the shopping/cleaning/ironing/vacuuming.
(100) This pipe wants cleaning.
(101) I rolled up my sleeves and pitched into cleaning the kitchen.
(102) Colin, I'm afraid you've drawn the short straw - you're cleaning out the toilets.
(103) Irene's cleaning the floor had been a calculated attempt to cover up her crime.
(104) A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available.
(105) The cleaning staff went in a body to the manager to complain.
(106) Cleaning fluids should be kept out of the reach of children.
(107) I think it's a bit much for you to expect me to do all the cleaning.
(108) The waste water was piped up from the sub - stations to the central station for cleaning.
(109) When you're a nurse, cleaning up vomit is all in a day's work.
(110) I have organized the cleaning on a ,day-to-'day basis, until the usual cleaner returns.
(111) Motherhood seemed to her an unending cycle of cooking, washing and cleaning.
(112) Don't tell me you're cleaning the house on a Saturday night? Get a life, Hannah!
(113) The stairs need cleaning.
(114) Your shoes need cleaning!
(115) If the car needs cleaning, what are you waiting for?
(116) This special cleaning liquid should get that spot of oil out.
(117) Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation.
(118) When the reservoir becomes blocked(), the only remedy lies in cleaning the entire system.
(119) After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up.
(120) Nina and Mary were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner.
(121) Cleaning the light is simplicity itself; just wipe it with a damp cloth.
(122) There was no mention of any cleaning in my job description.
(123) She was a general factotum at the restaurant - washing dishes, cleaning the floors and polishing the furniture.
(124) I'm looking for a cloth for cleaning silver. Do you have such a thing?
(125) When it came to cleaning up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous by her absence.
(126) You can soak out most marks in this special cleaning liquid if you leave the clothes in it long enough.
(127) I never had to clean up after him. If anything, he did most of the cleaning.
(128) She hates doing the cleaning, but she always makes a good job of it.
(129) I found these photos while I was cleaning out my cupboards.
(130) It's fairly menial work, such as washing dishes and cleaning floors.
(131) The sparking-plugs need cleaning.
(132) Cleaning of any description he felt was beneath his dignity.
(133) My wife is always getting on at me for not cleaning my shoes.
(134) I'm on the wagon for a while. Cleaning out my system.
(135) When it came to cleaning up afterwards, the boys were conspicuous by their absence.
(136) We used to have a woman to do the cleaning.
(137) This cloth has been impregnated with special chemicals for cleaning computer screens.
(138) When Barclays Bank contracted out its cleaning, the new company was cheaper.
(139) She started with a cleaning job, and progressed to running the company.
(140) I'm charging you with cleaning the room before you go.
(141) Sometimes he would make himself useful in the kitchen by cleaning and tidying.
(142) Dave organized a cleaning rota.
(143) There's a young bloke cleaning the tables.
(144) She started cleaning the kitchen.
(145) I do the cleaning myself.
(146) The Government has taken some positive measures towards cleaning up the arms trade since coming to power.
(147) An aerosol foam shampoo is useful for cleaning small areas.
(147) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(148) Other days were spent in cleaning and decorating the bedroom where she would receive her bridegroom.
(149) Start by cleaning the area of built-up dirt, paint or deteriorated caulk.
(150) For example, 20 percent of disabled people over pension age say household cleaning is a particular problem.
(151) District and borough councils will become wholly responsible for cleaning all roads except motorways.
(152) Beware of accidentally starting the engine while you are cleaning the blades.
(153) For the first time in her adult life, Polly went to bed without bathing or cleaning her teeth.
(154) Its accessories enable the basic unit to use the cleaning and sterilising power of steam for cleaning, too.
(155) Controls would be set up at supermarket checkouts, and anyone buying too many cleaning compounds would be suspected of substance abuse.
(156) Get cleaning bucket and powder and disinfectant from the broom cupboard.
(157) It is a day for household chores, for cleaning and scrubbing, or to catch up with their religious studies.
(158) The ship's owner has assumed responsibility for cleaning up the oil spill.
(159) We would imagine that the wire brush is very handy for cleaning up old iron and steel.
(160) To waste them cleaning out a drawer of plastic carrier bags instead of scrambling up lofty pinnacles is something you may regret.
(161) One of the areas I looked at first was the so-called ancillary services - that is cleaning, catering and laundry.
(162) The main tasks of the non-metropolitan districts were concerned with housing and basic services such as street cleaning and refuse collection.
(163) Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward. Kurt Vonnegut 
(164) Anti-static absorbent cloths are available for use with tank cleaning preparations, and Quick Wipes for tank interiors.
(165) Are closures of patient areas for cleaning and decorating known well in advance?
(166) Glancing towards the car park, I am transfixed by the sight of a man in a flat cap cleaning our car.
(167) Further, water in the form of rain and snow is very efficient at cleaning dust from the lower atmosphere.
(168) Cleaning symbiosis on the other hand is a true form of mutually beneficial arrangement with both cleaner and host benefiting.
(169) Facilities will include an intensive care unit and an oiled bird cleaning facility.
(170) Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing. Phyllis Diller 
(171) Their other advantages are warmth and ease of cleaning with a carpet sweeper or vacuum cleaner.
(172) All patient areas require alteration, decoration and cleaning from time to time.
(173) Anyone caught Cleaning Fish on Picnic Tables gets thrown out bag baggage.
(174) It would pay for time on military computers and research on alternative energy sources and methods of cleaning polluted soil and water.
(175) Its biggest uses are in industrial cleaning for degreasing engineering parts and electronic circuit boards.
(176) Cleaning the house and preparing meals were assigned a value.
(177) She has a checklist she gives to the cleaning woman.
(178) Modern equipment is extremely complex and some systems have up to seven separate cleaning stages before any gas is released into the atmosphere.
(179) Windows that pivot from a central point are frequently fitted in modern flats for ease of cleaning.
(180) Cleaning up road dust is one of the cheapest ways to reduce the pollutant.
(181) Soak in a solution of acid cleaner. Use the waste bucket after emptying and cleaning. 2.
(182) Having someone to do all my cleaning for me was an appealing prospect.
(183) They pride themselves on providing a top grade service and have done everything form cleaning ocean-going liners to baby-sitting chinchillas.
(184) There are apocryphal stories of them cleaning out thousands of pounds worth of stock in a matter of days.
(185) Any part with life left in it or potential for reconditioning is set aside for cleaning and re-sale.
(186) In hospital environments basic services such as cooking and laundry were organized centrally and cleaning was undertaken by domestics.
(187) An under-cook was supervising the cleaning of the stove around the cauldron and the preparation of fresh ingredients to replace those lost.
(188) In all cases(Sentencedict), disinfection should be preceded by thorough cleaning.
(189) Somewhere they must have an affinity for it; hearts inclined to flower arrangements, minds intrigued by cleaning products.
(190) Churn or utility brush: A short handled, stiff bristled brush shaped for use in awkward areas and for general cleaning.
(191) There are the cleaning products kept under the sink and a well-stocked medicine cabinet to be explored.
(192) Aluminium cleaners: There is a wide range of products formulated specifically for cleaning aluminium cladding and vehicle bodies.
(193) The work needed included replacing rotten window sills, removing dangerous floorboards and cleaning the bathroom and carpets.
(194) Before buying, check that maintenance and bulb cleaning can be carried out easily and safely.
(195) While there are relatively few chemicals usable for cleaning and disinfection there are many, probably thousands, of chemical products.
(196) He gets on with cleaning up behind the bar, while his daughter, Genny takes part.
(197) There's no point in cleaning that carpet, it's covered in coffee stains - nobody minds it.
(198) Its strength and abrasion resistance have made it ideal for shoe cleaning cloths, as provided by most hotel chains.
(199) He called his cleaning method the nutrient film technique.
(200) He had various odd cleaning jobs around the place.
(201) Alternatively, the breathing tube can be immersed in the cleaning solution.
(202) Soiled samples need aging before cleaning to complete soil fiber interactions.




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