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单词 vapor
释义  va·por /ˈveɪpə $ -ər/ noun [countable, uncountable]  x-refthe American spelling of vapour vapour的美式拼法Examples from the Corpusvapor• He concludes that the mist is a vapor which stings the skin of man.• Then he turned his car around in the frozen street and disappeared in a cloud of vapor from the exhaust.• At any rate, maybe the fountains of vapor are still another attribute of the profound dignity and mystery of the whale.• The rare passersby hurried, emitting puffs of vapor from their nostrils.• She was subsequently confined to the vapor bath of her home to die of suffocation.• The second is that the lightest molecule that can be made by combustion is water vapor.• Zubrin proposes using the Sabatier process to react hydrogen with carbon dioxide to make water vapor and methane.• The water vapor can then be cycled by reacting it with carbon monoxide to make carbon dioxide and hydrogen.• water vaporOrigin vapor (1300-1400) Old French vapeur, from Latin vapor “steam, heat”va·por nounChineseSyllable  of vapour the spelling Corpus American




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