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单词 Go along
1, We'll make it up as we go along.
2, I refused to go along with their pathetic charade.
3, I might go along to the party later.
4, Can you go along with me?
5, Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to go along with.
6, I'll explain the rules as we go along.
7, Go along, you naughty boy!
8, I might go along to the meeting tonight.
9, I lean towards letting him go along.
10, I can't go along with you on that point.
11, I can't go along with you in this matter.
12, Go along with you! Mind your own business!
13, I think I'll go along and watch the game.
14, Let hime solo(), and you go along.
15, You should go along and have a look.
16, Go along the corridor and through the double doors.
17, I don't go along with her views on abortion.
18, You go along with him.I'll come shortly.
19, It's fine to ask questions as we go along, but it's better if you wait until we have finished.
20, I would be happy to go along with the idea.
21, Go along with you! What you say is all nonsense!
22, We have to go along with the pretence that things are getting better.
23, Some of these points will have to be further elaborated as we go along.
24, Don't bother with the computer manual - you'll pick it up as you go along.
25, At the last minute,[http:///go along.html] the two men decided to go along.
26, There's no need to drill things into them — they'll learn as they go along.
27, I've given talks so many times that now I just make them up as I go along .
28, Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike to go along with it.
29, I don't really want to go to the grocery store but I'll go along for the ride.
30, Keep a running total of your expenses as you go along.
1, We'll make it up as we go along.
2, I refused to go along with their pathetic charade.
3, I might go along to the party later.
4, Can you go along with me?
5, Some of these points will have to be further elaborated as we go along.
6, Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to go along with.
7, I don't really want to go to the grocery store but I'll go along for the ride.
31, Learning how to become a parent takes time. It's a skill you learn as you go along.
32, We can't go along that road because the sign says 'No Entry'.
33, I'm afraid I can't go along with her on this question.
34, You just stick with me. I'll explain everything as we go along.
35, He could go along with it most of the way, but not entirely.
36, Go along the corridor, turn left, and you'll see his office in front of you.
37, You may have some difficulty at first but you'll find it easier as you go along.
38, We have a flexible approach to what we're doing that allows us to make any necessary changes as we go along.
39, I don't go along with her views on nuclear disarmament.
40, Often it was easier to go along with her rather than risk an argument.
41, You may have difficulty with this book at first, but you'll find it easier as you go along.
42, I don't go along with all his theories but there's probably something in it.
43, You can buy your house, if your father is willing to go along.
44, The program lets you work through a text interactively, correcting as you go along.
45, Maybe he should go along with it.
46, Go along with others against your true inclinations.
47, She agreed to go along for purely selfish reasons.
48, She wants to go along too.
49, I'll go along with any reasonable plan.
50, But do members just go along for the ride?
51, So I agreed to go along.
52, Republicans are likely to go along with the proposed pay raise amount.
52, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
53, They talk, for example, about the continuing need for state secrets and Havel seems to go along with that.
54, I don't go along with that, and not just as a matter of personal pride.
55, But like I say now, I want nice furniture to go along with it.
56, Two of our members also go along to schools to do talks about the association.
57, It was not a big deal: all the unions were expected to go along.
58, We are still developing as a group and learning as we go along.
59, His pride would never let Olajuwon simply go along for the ride.
60, She picked up her candle and decided to go along to Mildred's room and have a grumble at her.
61, If we go along with the present approach we shall have unilateral economic disarmament and many crucial matters will be decided elsewhere.
62, Go along the path, keeping the farmhouse on your left and pass through a metal gate.
63, Go along any track and you'd find humans on it somewhere ... There were footsteps behind him.
64, But Cooper argues that if major Internet providers go along with the plan, it will undermine the legitimacy of the extremists.
65, While suspicious that somehow management was trying to trick them, union officials eventually agreed to go along with the program.
66, To go along, grab one of the garlic knot rolls from the bread basket.
67, More likely in case he should go along the road to ease him self on Alice Mulcahy.
68, She tells Mitchum that they belong to each other, and he, fatalistic to the last, appears to go along.
69, We go along with the theory that younger listeners will identify themselves with the group Cancer.
70, The needy themselves, buoyed up by economic boom, have been happy to go along.
71, But the fact is Abdul-Rauf tried very hard not to offend anyone by his refusal to go along with the crowd.
72, And it's inviting adults of all ages to go along and join in the fun.
73, Rory did, but Rory was immensely happy to wait for her, to go along with any whim.
74, Lord knows where they're heading, but you really should go along for the ride.
75, We change the sets often, so you learn how to do things at different venues as you go along.
76, I used to go along to Greenbank Hospital's geriatric wards, where I sang and played to the old folk.
77, Then start slowly, and build up your speed as you go along.
78, I do know that I don't go along with the belief that the Soviets always trail the West in technological advancement.
79, I much prefer being assessed as I go along, rather than having big exams at the end of the year.
80, It is becoming increasingly popular - why not go along to a meeting near you?
81, Anyway it was make love not war and that kind of thing seemed to go along with it, y'know.
82, Anyone wanting to make their pet a star should go along to an audition at the theatre on March 16 at noon.
83, Depending on the circumstances[/go along.html], I was willing to go along.
84, Many of us rely on our children to teach us as we go along.
85, With Ickes lobbying furiously on behalf of the Bureau, how-ever, the full Congress refused to go along.
86, Until I can afford a new pair of designer boxer shorts, I will go along with that.
87, She made the marriage, without benefit of matchmakers, and he seemed happy enough to go along with it.
88, He found it hard enough to persuade senior officers to go along with the peace settlement.
89, From Portela, an alternative route is to go along the north coast through Porto da Cruz and Faial.
90, Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. George Herbert 
91, If there is a local carnival every year, go along and enjoy the costumes and the general atmosphere.
92, Anyone interested in learning karate can go along to 35 College Street, or contact 616453.
93, What's more, when you move house, your bedroom furniture can go along with you.
94, It is a contradiction which thousands happily go along with because they are keen to advance up the social ladder.
95, If you've got bigger muscles and the will to use them, the others have to go along with you.
96, I had nothing better to do, so I thought I'd go along for the ride.
97, The countries in the region do not want Kosovo independence, and Washington appears to go along with that view.
98, It has all of the requisite sand, surf, sun, snobs and sin to go along with its saucy swimwear.
99, I put on a clean collar and go along, happy just to observe.
100, Your partner is also welcome, so why not go along together to discuss the different methods of birth control?
101, Concentrate on the things you can do well within a reasonable working day, establishing the priorities as you go along.
102, He emphatically is not advocating parents to go along with kids' desires for tattoos.
103, A Democratic Capitol Hill aide said it's too early to tell whether Congress will go along with the proposal.
104, Other religious schools unwilling to go along with them should no longer expect state funding.
105, She wanted to be indulged in all this,() and who was I not to go along with her?
106, They relied heavily on the readiness of the local aristocracy and gentry to go along with them.
107, We used to go along to various churches in the area playing music.
108, Why not go along with Luke's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink?
109, Neither Democrats nor Republicans in the House are likely to go along and the Clinton administration opposes both proposals as now drawn.
110, As always, play up your strongest points in the opening paragraph and refer to them as you go along.
111, Remember that you are bound to go along some passages that are dead ends.
112, Few initiatives succeed without improvising strategies as you go along.
113, They are paralanguage, sounds that go along with language.
114, We also go along with wooden trestle.
115, The practices are improvable , and in fact are improved as we go along.
116, P2: Yes, go along this road for about 100 meters until you come to the traffic light. turn right that's 5th avenue and Parcesun street is the second on the left.
117, You'll get more skilful at this job as you go along.
118, Amazon provides a wide range of infrastructure services to go along with EC2, which you can use to address issues like data reliability and backup.
119, Deliberation should go along with the atmosphere of freedom, equal and ratiocination, but these conditions need to specifically analyze.
120, Ashcroft got his Republican colleagues to go along with the smear because he thought it would help him and hurt Whites supporter Governor Carnahan with pro-death penalty voters in Missouri.
121, If the potty cushion is your choice, then you'll want to buy a step stool to go along with it.
122, A kid of epicyclical train with its floating planet gear having different functions go along with different selections of driving member was put forward.
123, It is the principle wielding machinery , the stroke of a Chinese character on typewriter General type module beats in stencil paper outside , go along mimeographs and then again.
124, Fifth chapter supervision and control of foreign currency caution money business go along summarize description.
125, I told them I thought we had to go along with the consensus of the nonlegal staff for a special prosecutor.
126, But the Calvinistic concept of "limited atonement" whichsome have been indoctrinated with, doesn't go along with thisreasoning, as also is the case with a number of other concepts inCalvinism.
127, I will go along with Atlantic Salmon. I am super fond of fish.
128, Elementary number theory analysis aspect introduces body of a book with having applied go along.
129, Especially when borrowing archives, it is slow-speed, low-efficiency and can not get 100 percent nicety degree by dint of classified catalogues to go along with manual searching.
130, Mary said she would go along with us, come hell or high water.
131, Go along this street and turn left at the traffic light.
132, Mrs. Kent: Ok, ( airily ) Go along to the dance then, but see you behave yourself properly!
133, We'll discuss other variables as we go along, and there is also a reference table at the end of this article that lists all template variables and gives examples of uses for them.
134, Because factors of Israel and Hezbollah, the war doesn't go along with Israel's war plan, which is a watch point of the second Lebanon War.
135, For the time being, I'll be writing tests as I go along, but if you would like to volunteer to write test suites, by all means post on the ananas-discussion mailing list.
136, You can follow this sample, with modifications as you go along, to create a web service that accesses the IMS PhoneBook application.
137, The key techniques of the monitor software is how to go along with the information exchange and immerge between computer of industry control and peripheral instruments.
138, To go along with the plant's hardiness and the berry's deliciousness, blueberries offer great health benefits.
139, When one filling station cuts gasoline prices, the others usually go along.
140, Opinion - President-elect Barack Obama has made history and will have the chance to go along that path further in future years.
141, And Juda said to Simeon his brother: Come up with me into my lot, and fight against the Chanaanite, that I also may go along with thee into thy lot.
142, Go along the Strand till you see the Savoy on your right.
142, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
143, Our company will true-blue go along with extensive customers by hand in hand to inaugurate baking enterprise!
144, Cross off the possible number combinations in the table as you go along.
145, In Java 3D, locations are described by using x, y, z coordinates. Increasing coordinates go along the x-axis to the right, along the y-axis upwards, and along the z-axis out of the screen.
146, Be had no choice except to go along with the briefing.
147, The lower court in Istanbul had to go along with the decision.
148, All the cars must go along the safety-check, including police wagon.
149, I like to add up my bank account as I go along.
150, Go along this street and you'll see a cinema at the end of rood.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 18:08:13