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单词 hitch
释义  Related topics: Transporthitch1 /hɪtʃ/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive] informalTTTRAVEL to get free rides from the drivers of passing cars by standing at the side of the road and putting a hand out with the thumb raised 搭便车,搭顺风车 SYN hitchhikehitch across/around/to He plans to hitch right round the coast of Ireland. 他计划就环绕爱尔兰海岸搭便车旅行。hitch a ride/lift (with somebody) We hitched a ride with a trucker. 我们搭乘了一位卡车司机的便车。2  [transitive] (also hitch up) to move a piece of clothing you are wearing so that it is higher than it was before 把 〔衣物〕向上拉 She hitched her skirt above her knees and knelt down. 她把裙子提到膝盖上,然后跪了下来。3  get hitched informal to get married 结婚 They got hitched without telling their parents. 他们没有告诉父母就结婚了。4  [transitive] (also hitch up) to lift yourself into a higher position by pushing with your hands 攀上,爬上hitch yourself (up) onto/on something Gail hitched herself up onto the high stool. 盖尔爬上了高凳。5  JOIN something TOGETHER a) [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to fasten something to something else, using a rope, chain etc 〔用绳子、链条等〕将…拴于,套住hitch something to something He hitched our pick-up to his trailer. 他把我们的小卡车挂在他的拖车上。 a goat hitched to a fence 拴在篱笆上的山羊 b) [transitive] (also hitch up) to fasten an animal to something with wheels so that the animal can pull it forwards 把〔动物〕套上〔车等〕 I hitched up the horse and drove out into the fields. 我把马套上车,赶着它往田里走。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushitch• The soldier hitched a ride on the boat with the youngest princess and her prince.• To hitch hike right round the coast of Ireland and to write a book about his experiences.• Baseball also has become an endless exercise in hitching, pulling and staring in the batter's box and on the mound.• Farrelly rented a house nearby and she would play truant, hitching the eight miles there to rehearse.• The women, who wore sweaters under their low-cut dresses, hitched their clothes and staggered with their partners.• Bees and wasps hitch their fore and hind wings together with hooks to make, in effect, a single surface.• He was unsteady, but he managed to hitch up his jeans and zip them.• On Sunday, Ellingwood hitched up the wagon.hitch across/around/to• She was just as trapped as if she was hitched to a tree.• I caught a ride as far as Columbus, then hitched to Athens.• From New York I hitched to Boulder.• They spent the summer hitching around Europe.• It took an entire day of buses and hitching to get back to camp and when I did they'd finished supper.• In contrast, Jane Alexander as the elder sister and Robert Klein as her bulky beau are hitched to plows.• Lightly hitched to society, he imagined himself bound to grander forces.• His staff were about him; their horses... were hitched to the trees and fences.• Most of the Guernseys are hitched to their stalls, but one is in a special stall.hitch2 noun [countable]  1  PROBLEMa small problem that makes something difficult or delays it for a short time 〔短暂的〕故障,障碍technical/slight/last-minute hitch In spite of some technical hitches, the first program was a success. 尽管出现了一些小小的技术故障,第一个节目还是很成功。 The whole show went without a hitch. 整场演出进行得非常顺利。► see thesaurus at problem RegisterIn written English, people usually prefer to use (small/minor) problem rather than hitch, which sounds slightly informal: 在英语书面语中,人们一般更喜欢用 (small/minor) problem ,而不用hitch,hitch听上去略微有些不正式There were some minor technical problems when the product was first released. 该产品刚推出时出现一些小小的技术问题。2  a type of knot 〔某种〕结 a half hitch 半结Examples from the Corpushitch• The plan has a hitch: drilling holes for the owls in the trees will kill the trees.• That was the plan if there was a hitch.• There was a hitch - about half the employees did not want to move to a different city.• The shuttle landed without a hitch at Edwards Air Force Base.• The parade went off without a hitch, despite concern about protestors.• And just as the deal started coming together, the first hitch came: Original drummer Dusty Denham left.• Nelson refused to comment on reports of a last-minute hitch in the negotiations.• Come Sunday you're more withdrawn and reticent so any hassle or hitch will prove too much to cope with.• Organic hitch Recently my local baker told me the stoneground organic loaf I was buying would be the last.• There's been a slight technical hitch, so we'll have to postpone the video until later.• This tiny hitch would be discovered only five weeks later, when the first steel columns arrived on site.• a trailer hitch• The operation had not gone without hitches because adequate amphibious shipping and transport aircraft were not yet available.technical/slight/last-minute hitch• However, technical hitches plagued the first night.• However, Rita calmly carried on in spite of this rather inconvenient technical hitch.• Regardless of technical hitches Pathfinders in Space was judged a great success, leading to a second series being commissioned in 1960.• Clinton appeared unruffled by the last-minute hitch, delivering his hour-long address in a crisp and fluid style.• These technical hitches failed to disguise the quality of the music.hitch1 verbhitch2 noun →REGISTER1Chinese  get to the from drivers of Corpus free rides




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