单词 | Humanity |
例句 | 1. The best teachers of humanity are the lives of great men. 2. Humanity in bathing suits covered the sand. 3. This new discovery will contribute to all humanity. 4. She believes that humanity is in need of redemption. 5. They face charges of committing crimes against humanity. 6. the vast sea of humanity,you are my only worry is not to give up,I can't let go of the helpless,whether you go to the remotest corners of the globe,I will bless you! 7. We want a clean healthy environment for all humanity . 8. Such an act is a disgrace to humanity. 9. How can you turn aside from suffering humanity? 10. A certain humanity is wanting in big cities. 11. He spent himself in the service of humanity. 12. We must never forget our common humanity. 13. We should treat animals with humanity. 14. The judge was praised for his courage and humanity. 15. That's a crime before God and humanity. 16. It helps engender a sense of common humanity. 17. Even in the darkest ages humanity has endured. 18. Each circle symbolically represents the whole of humanity. 19. Her speech showed great maturity and humanity. 20. Greed suffocates humanity and intuitive knowledge. 21. They stand accused of crimes against humanity. 22. We admire her dedication to the cause of humanity. 23. The massacre was a crime against humanity. 24. In the name of humanity I ask the government to reappraise this important issue. 25. Guilt and a sense of common humanity make people less harsh. 26. The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers,gives himself most thoroughly to the world around him,flings himself out into the midst of humanity,and is so preoccu pied by his own beneficent reaction on the world that he is practically unconscious of a sep arate existence... 27. Researchers theorize that there was once a common language for all humanity. 27. try its best to collect and make good sentences. 28. I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness. 29. She has an unshakeable belief in the goodness of humanity. 30. He is an artist with an abiding concern for humanity. 1. Humanity in bathing suits covered the sand. 2. This new discovery will contribute to all humanity. 3. She believes that humanity is in need of redemption. 4. They face charges of committing crimes against humanity. 5. Researchers theorize that there was once a common language for all humanity. 6. We want a clean healthy environment for all humanity . 7. The use of H - bombs would be an outrage against humanity. 31. The use of H - bombs would be an outrage against humanity. 32. Roughly speaking, a scientific humanist is somebody who believes in science and in humanity but not in God. 33. The story was used to emphasize the humanity of Jesus. 34. He suggested that those responsible should be tried for crimes against humanity. 35. The Nobel committee said Gordimer's writing had benefited humanity. 36. This is incomprehensible to the vast majority of humanity. 37. It defined racial mass-murder as a crime against humanity. 38. The General was accused of committing crimes against humanity. 39. 30% of humanity live in conditions of terrible poverty. 40. The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity. Leo Tolstoy 41. We were at the opposite poles of humanity. 42. I won't do the smallest good thing for humanity. 43. Humanity is already making plans for its escape. 44. I love Humanity but I hate humans. Albert Einstein 45. That is a crime against humanity. 46. These are crimes against humanity, as has been said. 47. Politeness is the flower of humanity. Joseph Joubert 48. This contempt for others is a denial of humanity. 49. His essential humanity had always shone through. 50. The medical course stresses each patient's humanity. 51. What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. Joseph Addison 52. Nationalistic isolation tears apart the fabric of humanity. 53. He is charged with genocide and crimes against humanity. 54. The needs and waste of humanity have multiplied accordingly. 55. How will Cairo cope with this onrush of humanity? 56. At its worst, it amounts to complicity in crimes against humanity. 57. There is always more misery among the lower classes than there is humanity in the higher. Victor Hugo 58. If the conference succeeds in labelling slave trafficking a crime against humanity, demands for compensation will surely follow. 59. Humanity, which has an obvious predisposition towards goodness, has an equally strong predisposition towards evil. 60. A hint of humanity and he was a disgrace to the family name. 61. Evidence that the world's population is increasing faster than ever implies a gloomy prospect for humanity: starvation. 62. Whatever we do, argues Moltmann, damage has been caused because of the irreversibility of the development of humanity. 63. But however can one conceive of this happening without a total disregard for humanity? 64. Yet international law, not some quirk of humanity, requires that under certain circumstances it must be done. 65. In any event, for whatever reason, humanity first began to encounter the virus during the 1960s and 1970s. 66. Beccaria's reputation for humanity comes from the famous sections that oppose the use of torture and of capital punishment. 67. Please, in the name of humanity, lift your eyes above the bottom line. 68. There is no cause half so sacred as the cause of the people. There is no idea so uplifting as the idea of the service of humanity. Oprah Winfrey 69. They can all help us in understanding conduct which seems to degrade humanity. 70. Furthermore, he does not feel that he has performed a great service to humanity. 71. War, in its fairest form, implies a perpetual violation of humanity and justice. Edward Gibbon 72. We are all links in the great chain of humanity. 73. For instance, mankind could be replaced by humanity, craftsman by artisan, forefathers by ancestors, spaceman by astronaut and so on. 74. And yet the redemption of humanity is predicated on this failure. 75. Despite its subject, Menzel adopts an apparently incongruous lyricism and humanity, and a delicate and underplayed comedy. 76. Tuami and his people have escaped from the perceived menace of Neanderthal man, whose humanity they do not recognise. 77. He seems increasingly to distrust the idealistic visions of humanity that typify his early works. 78. To hold such a cure, a man must aspire to the crown of humanity. 79. Organized religion is a product of a mix of superstition, delusion, divination and humanity to calm and control the human mind. Dr T.P.Chia 80. Visiting the megaliths, especially the circles, grounds us in the long and mysterious history of humanity. 81. I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death. Nelson Mandela 82. It looks increasingly like an aberration in the history of humanity. 83. The return of my birthday, if I remember it, fills me with thoughts which it seems to be the general care of humanity to escape. Samuel Johnson 84. As they begin to heal, will they regain their faith in humanity? 85. Here he meets Farrakhan face to face and finds humanity lurking under the firebrand image, along with intelligence and charm. 86. Here reasoned choice between lesser evils was the course which brought the least ill on humanity. 87. He understands the manic rhythms of a city that borders on the irrational(/humanity.html), yet still embodies a nervy humanity. 88. Lily was humanity bound to duty, unable to choose, suffering, at the mercy of social ideals. 89. Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression. Che Guevara 90. Deny the humanity of any man - even when he commits inhuman acts - and you diminish your own. 91. Yet both virgin saint and unrepentant sinner must fall within the range of humanity. 92. There is little or no hint of the compassion and humanity which lay beneath the cool exterior. 93. What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure, but scattered along the life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. Joseph Addison 94. Art was therefore seen as an implement with which to improve, both morally and socially, the condition of humanity. 95. Such men are where they are because they are in touch in more than the ordinary way with humanity and its concerns. 96. It was there the journey became even more hazardous and disjointed as they encountered a flood tide of humanity streaming towards them. 97. The vision of unity I saw on that subway begins here to extend beyond humanity to the whole natural world. 98. My greatest aspiration is to work towards a clean healthy environment for all humanity. 99. The effect of overcrowding was the disastrous one of turning you against all humanity. 100. They also slavishly accepted the amnesty that Pinochet and his generals had granted themselves to avoid trial for their crimes against humanity. 101. No matter how small, these motes of humanity following our orders are not to be sacrificed lightly. 102. They used to remind me uncomfortably of cattle trucks crowded with suffering humanity. 103. The city government has decided to clear the streets of the unsightly pedicab in the interests of humanity and prestige. 104. Then exclamation marks abound, and she uses verbs in the imperative to heighten the drama of her warning to humanity. 105. It is easier to love humanity than to love your neighbor. Eric Hoffer 106. Someday I want to be rich. Some people get so rich they lose all respect for humanity. That's how rich I want to be. Rita Rudner 107. Today the fate of humanity hinges on resolving that crisis in relatively short order. 1. 108. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Dorothy have been too much revered by their admirers, and their common humanity played down. 109. And it would be a picture of his true warm humanity that would bring the money in for the project. 110. He is charged with 20 war crimes, including genocide and crimes against humanity. 111. For the time he has parted with the nobler characteristics of his humanity for the sake of a planetary power of locomotion. 112. People inevitably are changed by their contact with a global network of humanity, Whittle says. 113. Every single time you help somebody stand up, you are helping humanity rise. Steve Maraboli 114. Historically, the emergence of parliament as the source of legal authority was a huge gain for humanity. 115. The neo-Confucians, by contrast, limited the scope of human destructive power to humanity itself. 116. This critique of utilitarianism would seem to support Gandhi's contention that in comparison with sarvodaya utilitarianism shows a lack of dignity and humanity. 117. The aspect of humanity which the elves represent most fully - both for good and ill - is the creative one. 117. try its best to gather and build good sentences. 118. It will take tremendous political will, courage and humanity to reverse this situation. 119. We the undersigned, senior members of the world's scientific community, hereby warn all humanity what lies ahead. 120. Truly they will take humanity into the age of biological control. 121. With humanity forced into the undignified retreat of its collective beds, the processes of Earth come into their own. 122. What little friendship, humanity, good nature there was between us has gone. 123. It may represent humanity coming to terms with a godless world. 124. The officials who were entrusted with the task of putting him to death behaved with as much humanity as possible. 125. By using nonsexist language we can at least avoid the overt implication that males are the standard and norm of all humanity. 126. The world awakens anew as a child is nurtured into it, because only in this way can humanity continue to exist. 127. If humanity worshipped Goddesses in the past, why not now? 128. Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. Hippocrates 129. The main characters are all glorified psychopaths, with little to choose between hero or villain in terms of basic humanity. 130. He enriched humanity by his precepts and his personal example. 131. I find Buck's Fizz depressing ... or any music that expresses no humanity. 132. I find this a powerful image-the Divine reaching down, humanity reaching upward. 133. While it was doubtless a noble religion it still had a greater contribution to make to humanity. 134. Shouldn't they at least be discussed within the same context of international law and crimes against humanity? 135. Like the farmer, humanity should try to live within its means. 136. Niyonzima, a 40-year old peasant farmer, is about to become the first local tried for crimes against humanity. 137. Yet it seemed to me they had much to learn when it came to manners and plain humanity. 138. Which was further away from the real but impenetrable humanity of these black men and women? 139. In our desire to become the architects of our own evolution, we risk the very real possibility of losing our humanity. 140. I knew that the moment the great governing spirit strikes the blow to divide all humanity into just two opposing factions, I would be on the side of the common people. Che Guevara 141. Faith, revealed through Muhammad, had imparted to humanity a divine message. 142. There can be no solutions until humanity has learned the meaning of words like co-operation, unselfishness, fraternity and trust. 143. Genius is that which forces the inertia of humanity to learn. Henri Bergson 144. There was no element of compassion for humanity in its formulation. 145. All are defined as crimes against humanity and carry a penalty of life imprisonment. 146. Humanity is, of course, morally free to make and remake itself infinitely, but we do not do so. 147. In 1959 she married Leonard Cheshire, a meeting and marriage of common dedication to suffering humanity. 147. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day! 148. This, the smallest and humblest of the figures, brings the show to a close on a note of appealing humanity. 149. How does a person not lose him or herself when he or she dissipates such a powerful building block of humanity? 150. The comedia lacrimosa champions a new moral code founded on friendship, tolerance, humanity and charity. 151. Humanity had begun to chart the universe and impose its own blinkered logic upon it. 152. Humanity has yet to evolve to a level of civility where arms are not required to achieve detente. 153. All four have been charged with crimes against humanity by the Hague International Tribunal. 154. Even more probable than the extinction of humanity is a catastrophe that destroys our culture while leaving some humans still alive. 155. If humanity has a future at all, the issue of democracy will remain central to its political evolution. 156. It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. Albert Einstein 157. And as that great movement of humanity had slowed, another had begun. 158. Here the somewhat looser interpretation of unity was used. with stress on the humanity side and moral choices. 159. This surge of humanity has disrupted land-holding patterns and economic relationships and engendered ethnic conflict. 160. Instead, our desires reflect the collection of values that we attach to our humanity. 161. The notion that humanity was dethroned from a central place in creation requires careful qualification. 162. To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity. Nelson Mandela 163. Hence the words man, mankind, humanity have come to be treated as interchangeable synonyms. 164. Shelter from the storm was a basic rule of humanity and yet not to be misunderstood as an invitation. 165. As though it does not matter that half of humanity have been prohibited from realizing their potential. 166. I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost(), and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole. Malcolm X 167. Alcoholism is a disease that creates temporary madness and insanity. Drug addiction is a disease that destroys health and humanity. Dr T.P.Chia 168. Regardless of the general press of humanity, a funeral procession was attempting to pass down it from the other end. 169. The earlier humanitarian Ahab no longer concerns himself with humanity but devotes himself to his own egocentric desires. 170. The neurosis of humanity arose out of the relation to the father, just as it does for the child. 171. We are challenged to rise above the narrow confines of our individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. 172. Owing to such nice folk, warm and kindly, I have never lost my faith in humanity. 173. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Mahatma Gandhi 174. The challenge of the car, which has blessed humanity so much, is to stop that blessing turning into a curse. 175. It means that I have no real belief in the power of reason, and sympathy and humanity. 176. Act always from a sense of common humanity, and let God judge if it be charity. Robert Brault 177. Bad books kill the best of human nature(Sentence dictionary), and pollute the heart of humanity. Dr T.P.Chia 178. If this life-blind model continues to prevail, it will impose a slow-motion catastrophe on humanity and the planet. 179. They are meant to appeal to Tamburlaine's humanity and hopefully stop him from plundering the town. 180. Humanity has more at stake in this than business interests. 181. This has resulted in a deadlock where neither side will countenance providing an amnesty for the other for crimes against humanity. 182. Hunger and homelessness are dangers to humanity. 183. Mr. Winkle was always remarkable for extreme humanity. 184. Why is humanity so bent upon requiring a savior? 185. Saddam Hussein's humanity -- inhumanity has no limits. 186. I lament the loss of humanity in some people. 187. Berlin, Macmillan said, seemed to him small beer compared to the destruction of humanity. 188. The fireworks were stupendous - and so was the ocean of humanity viewing them. 189. To christians, protology refers to god's fundamental purpose for humanity. 190. According to India's finance minister, ethanol is " a crime against humanity . " 191. Our culture, politics, society and commerce are being sloshed into a large melting pots of humanity. 192. In Zola 's Fiction, Paris is an evil city, embodying evil humanity. 193. Actually there are many theory and discussion about polity, humanity, ideality. in this novel. 194. They are studying humanity to see if we're a threat, they have no proper name. 195. Peace for Humanity, a charitable non - profit organization planning a fundraiser and we are dealing with Korean. 196. They are metropolis elites, the main force impelling the social economy development and the humanity progresses. 197. I disdain the pervasive secularization and degeneration of humanity in my own life style. 198. Philip Pullman addresses the apparent separateness of his subject's divinity and humanity in a provocative way. 199. The recognition of fallibility is simply an acknowledgment of our humanity. 200. Despite their antiquity, their bodies were already starting to presage humanity, the scientists said. 201. Modern medical science can be divided preclinical medicinemedicine, applied medicine and medical humanity. 202. This wealth of humanity has commanded the admiration of Marx, Engels, Pushkin and many other critics. 203. It's no reason to freak out like a jerk and try to kill all of humanity. 204. Biological humanity would no longer be the smartest life form on the block. 205. Like mad scientists, they fail because they have not imbued their creations with humanity. 206. Q .4 Why did the Savior share the humanity of fresh and flood? 207. A mirror of humanity , art expresses highly personal ideas while exploring materiality at a human scale. 207. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 208. Humanity is a main line from beginning to end in Marxian philosophy. 209. This book has unfolded the millennium latter mammoth humanity interspace epic poem! 210. Augustine replaces personality and humanity with the paramountcy and universality of God. 211. The total effect of Aristofie's thought is to ennoble humanity and to increase personal responsibility. 212. This article holds that human nature is the combination of barbarity and humanity. 213. Meanwhile , specialty knowledge, practical techniques, humanity and the management of community psychopath all have been improved. 214. Humanity evolved on earth, bathed in solar radiation from our star, the sun. 215. Television stations require broadcast - quality footage to air Humanity in Motion PSAs. 216. Such sentimentality towards animals helped cavalry men retain their humanity. 217. Because racialism still persists in American society, the white consider they are the best humanity. 218. There is great humanity in all the writings of Tolstoy. 219. Its protagonist is an extraordinary character - a character with real humanity. 220. Credit is an outcome of humanity civilization, and is the social relation in essence. 221. The uninhibited mutations and grotesque symbolic language of dreams interrupt the distinct images of contemporary humanity. 222. Miranda : if we lose Shepard, humanity might well follow. 223. Rotary International's global public image campaign Humanity in Motion is telling Rotary's side of the story. 224. Humanity has managed to grasp the concept of the werewolf only partially. 225. But, the humanity for own benefit, suffers now her gloomily. 226. When Jesus ascended into heaven, he took his glorified humanity with him. 227. Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks lf changing himself. 228. How long will humanity continue to suffer in their forgetfulness? 229. The fundamental point of departure for literature and art is love, love of humanity. 230. Banished from humanity, the machines sought refuge in their own promised land. 231. Humanity was almost extinguished(), their spirits becoming part of the background radiation that blanketed the earth. 232. Glacial in its timelessness, the Tower of Hope is beacon for humanity. 233. Plasticizer for humanity at providing high - quality plastic products plays an indispensable role. 234. Perhaps such ancestors anchored nonphysical patterning that was harmful to earth or humanity. 235. Those with humanity settle near mountain while those with wit take water as neighbor. 236. Behind the pomposity, we can see how imperial palace system destroys women's humanity. 237. All Bin Laden's rhetoric is but pretext for his malicious anti - humanity and anti - civilization heretic religion. 238. Join Humanity in the 21 st century and rid your vanity of unsightly fur! 239. The production of a work of art throws light upon the mystery of humanity. 240. It was to be invoked only for genocide , war crimes ,(http:///humanity.html) ethnic cleansing or crimes against humanity. 241. Natural biological gene bank for the future of humanity green revolution has an important significance. |
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