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单词 value
释义 Word family  noun valuables value values valuation valuer overvaluation ≠ undervaluation devaluation adjective valuable invaluable overvalued ≠ undervalued valueless valued verb value devalue overvalue ≠ undervalue  Related topics: Mathsval·ue1 /ˈvæljuː/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  money 钱VALUE [countable, uncountable] the amount of money that something is worth 价值value of The alterations doubled the value of the house. 经改建后这所房子增值了一倍。► see thesaurus at cost2  worth the money paid 合算,值 [countable, uncountable] used to say that something is worth what you pay for it, or not worth what you pay for it 〔价格的〕划算程度good/poor etc value (for money) British English, a good/poor etc value American English The lunch special is really good value. 特价午餐非常合算。 At only £45 a night, the hotel is great value for money. 那家酒店每晚只要45英镑,非常划算。value for money British English (=good value, or the quality of being good value) Every customer is looking for value for money. 每位顾客都想买到划算的东西。3  importance/usefulness 重要性/有用性 [uncountable]IMPORTANTUSEFUL the importance or usefulness of something 重要性,用处,益处value of A group of athletes spoke to the students about the value of a college education. 几个运动员向学生谈及大学教育的重要性。 the nutritional value of cereal 谷类食物的营养价值be of great/little value His research has been of little practical value. 他的研究没有什么实用价值。place/put a high value on something 为某物估价 The Sioux Indians placed a high value on generosity. 苏族印第安人非常看重为人慷慨。 The locket has great sentimental value (=importance because it was a gift, it reminds you of someone etc). 那个盒式项链坠很有纪念意义。4  of value a) worth a lot of money 值钱的 The thieves took nothing of value. 窃贼们没有偷走值钱的东西。 b) useful 有用的 I hope this book will be of value to both teachers and students. 我希望这本书对教师和学生都有帮助。5  INTERESTING QUALITY 有趣的特质shock/curiosity/novelty etc value ATTRACTa good or interesting quality that something has because it is surprising, different, new etc 惊奇/好奇/新奇感等 After the initial curiosity value, the product’s sales dropped considerably. 当人们最初的好奇感过去以后,这个产品便销量大跌。6  IDEAS 观点values [plural]GOOD/MORAL your ideas about what is right and wrong, or what is important in life 价值观 a return to traditional values 回归传统的价值观 Your attitudes about sex are affected by your religious and moral values. 人们对于性的看法受到自己的宗教价值观和道德价值观的影响。 → family values7  amount 数额 [countable] technicalHM a mathematical quantity shown by a letter of the alphabet or sign 〔由字母或符号表示的〕(数)值 Let x have the value 25. 设x的值为25。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: the amount of money that something is worth 价值verbsincrease/rise/go up in value 升值The dollar has been steadily increasing in value. 美元一直在稳步升值。fall/go down in value 贬值There is a risk that the shares may fall in value. 这些股票有贬值的风险。double in value 价值翻倍The house doubled in value over two years. 两年来这房子的价值翻了一番。put a value on something (=say how much it is worth) 为某物估价It’s hard to put a value on something so unusual. 对这么不寻常的东西很难估价。the value of something increases/rises 某物的价值上升The value of the land had increased by $2m. 这块土地增值了200万美元。the value of something falls 某物的价值下跌nThe value of your investment may fall.something holds its value (=its value does not fall over time) 某物保值nGood quality furniture should hold its value.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + valuehigh 高的You should insure any goods of high value. 价值高的物品均应购买保险。low 低的The low value of the dollar will benefit tourists. 美元走低对游客有利。the market value (=the amount something can be sold for) 市场价值The mortgage is more than the house’s current market value. 按揭额已高出房子的当前市值。the monetary/cash value (=the value of something in money) 货币/现金价值They made an attempt to assess the cash value of the contract. 他们试图评估该合同的现金价值。nface value (=the value printed on something)The tickets are selling for far more than their face value.the real value (=its value after considering inflation) 实际价值nThe real value of their salaries has fallen.the street value (=the amount that users will pay for illegal drugs) 街头黑市价值nDrugs with a street value of £1,600 were found in the car.nproperty/land valuesProperty values have fallen sharply.phrasesa fall/drop in value 价值的下跌There was a sudden drop in the value of oil. 石油价格突然下跌。a rise/increase in value 价值的上涨/增加We saw a rapid increase in the land’s value. 我们曾经历土地迅速升值。COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘something is value’ or ‘something is very value’. Say something is good value or something is very good value. 不要说 ‘something is value’ 或 ‘something is very value’。 而要说 something is good value 或 something is very good value。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: the importance or usefulness of something 重要性,用处,益处phrasesnof great valueThese drugs are of great value in treating cancer.nof little valueThe information was of little a high value on something 为某物估价nOur society places a high value on education.nadjectiveslasting value (=that will be important or useful for a long time)He wanted to achieve something of lasting value.sentimental value (=important because it was a gift, reminds you of someone etc)The ring wasn’t expensive but had great sentimental value.nutritional value (=the amount of things that a food contains, which are good for your health)The nutritional value of cereals can vary.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 6: adjectivestraditional valuesHe called for a return to traditional values.moral valuesShe had her own set of moral values.cultural/social valuesa book about a clash between British and Chinese cultural valuesThe films of the time reflected these changing social values.spiritual valuesWe have replaced our spiritual values with materialism.human valuesbasic human values such as honesty, decency, and dutysomebody’s core values (=most basic values)The party needs to express its core values clearly.verbshold/have valuesPeople brought up in different times hold different social values.share somebody’s valuesThey vote for the candidate who shares their values.uphold valuesThe new party was dedicated to upholding traditional values.phrasesa set of valuesThe young have a completely different set of values.Examples from the Corpusvalue• Such anthologies have great interest and value, not least because of their motivating appeal to students.• The Bloomberg Indiana Index has risen almost 17 percent since it was started in September 1994 with a base value of 100.• A close third was his upholding of conservative values.• Real estate values continue to rise.• Agricultural and fishing exports increased four-fold in value from 1974-77.• Some fine wines increase in value as they get older.• And these latter values are very much higher than the values obtainable on the old system.• Fiber has no calories or nutritional value.• Among many seventeenth-century Puritans, a little more leeway about the value of good works in salvation was allowed.• Services would be charged for the value of the buildings they occupied to encourage economy.• If K equals 3, what is the value of X?• Depreciation is a charge that reduces the value of assets over time, reflecting their use.• The value of the sculpture was estimated at $500,000.value for money• Sainsbury's cookbooks are generally considered to be value for money.• There were fewer mismatches so spectators got better value for money.• Better value for money would result from less use of custody for many classes of offender.• With good storage and stability this tent is excellent value for money.• They provide superb transparency and accuracy and must be judged excellent value for money.• From the very beginning its policy was to produce good, sturdy cookers which offered excellent value for money.• The show was less than one hour long and we didn't really get value for money.• There's a special ticket that means you can see six concerts, which is definitely good value for money.• Because no other catalogue offers such exciting gifts from all over the world - at such value for money prices.• Customers want value for money, and retailers use different strategies to convince the customer that she is getting a bargain.value2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  IMPORTANTto think that someone or something is important 尊重,重视 Shelley valued her privacy. 谢利很重视自己的隐私。value somebody/something for something Mr. Yeo valued Jan for her hard work. 约先生因简工作努力而十分看重她。2  VALUEto decide how much money something is worth, by comparing it with similar things 给…估价,给…估值 We decided to get the house valued. 我们决定给房子估一估价。be valued at something Paintings valued at over $200,000 were stolen from her home. 几幅估价为二十多万美元的画从她家里被盗走了。n Grammar Value is usually passive in this meaning. —valued adjective a valued friend 一位受珍视的朋友→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusvalue• Young people who meet the standards earn nationally recognized credentials that employers value.• The new managers had to learn how to think, feel, and value as managers instead of as individual contributors.• The licensed chemist property portfolio was valued at the year end by Chesterton.• He works for an antique firm, valuing furniture.• He valued Lucille's honesty.• He valued the individual as a person and was patient with those who did not share this view.• But AEs who could hard sell were still valued the most in the firm.• Another way to value the use of a car for personal purposes is the cents-per-mile valuation method.• A major problem in valuing the volunteer market in sport is that no accepted shadow wage rate is used.• The builder valued the work already done at $400.• Folks in Montana tend to value their privacy, to the point that minding your own business is considered a valued at something• The estate has been valued at $3.7 million.From Longman Business Dictionaryvalueval‧ue1 /ˈvæljuː/ noun1[countable, uncountable] the amount of money something is worthThe dangers associated with hazardous waste clearly outweigh itscommercial value.The company’scurrent value is estimated at £300 million.A price rise wouldincrease thedollar value of US oil production by $31 billion a year. → added value → annual value → asset value → asset value per share → assured value → book value → break-up value → capital value → customer lifetime value → declared value → deprival value → economic value → expected value → extrinsic value → face value → fair value → future value → imputed value → intrinsic value → lifetime value → market value → net annual value → net asset value → net book value → net present value → net realizable value → nominal value → par value → present value → rateable value → replacement value → residual value → surplus value → surrender value → written-down value2good/excellent etc value (for money) if something is good, excellent etc value, it is of good quality, considering its price or you get a large amount for the priceLocal firms seem to offerthe best value for money.3values [plural]HUMAN RESOURCES the principles and practices that a business or organization thinks are important and which it tries to followOur vision for the new century calls for less consumerism and more attention to human values. → core values → see also time valuevaluevalue2 verb [transitive] to decide how much something is worth, especially by comparing it with other, similar thingsIt’s almost impossible to value a media property fairly in the current economic climate.value something atLegal & General plc agreed to sell its insurance unit in adeal valued at £140 million.→ See Verb tableOrigin value1 (1300-1400) Old French Vulgar Latin valuta, from Latin valere; → VALORval·ue1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →COLLOCATIONS2 →n COLLOCATIONS3value2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus amount of Business is something money that the




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