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单词 Harrison
1. In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates.
2. Harrison complained that his colleagues ganged up on him.
3. Harrison showed her around the house.
4. Harrison successfully faced down the mob of angry workers.
5. Harrison played a ten of spades.
6. For the first time in the race Harrison is in the lead.
7. Harrison had a glorious career spanning more than six decades.
8. Harrison dislocated a finger.
9. If no one objects, I would like Mrs Harrison to be present.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. Harrison perhaps intended the star-flower as a subliminal message.
11. She believed George Harrison had hidden depths.
12. Two weeks ago, Harrison received a 10-month prison sentence.
13. Y., office of Lee Hecht Harrison, career development specialists.
14. Harrison stumbled through his speech.
15. Harrison had come back to propose marriage.
16. Elizabeth Harrison had extensive surgery for bowel cancer.
17. The new secretary is Debbie Harrison.
18. John Harrison had a brush with the law.
19. Harrison felt little inclined to confide in Berthoud.
20. No one knows when or how Harrison first heard word of the longitude prize.
21. In comparison, John Harrison offered the world a little ticking thing in a box.
22. The spring of 1765 brought Harrison further woes, in the form of a new longitude act from Parliament.
23. Harrison said a crucial issue was the continued speculation that Fairfax was a prime takeover target.
24. Lesley Harrison continued to pursue her attacker despite one blow from a screwdriver that punctured her heart.
25. James Harrison signed them both in bold script right on their painted wood faces.
26. I heard a rumour that she'd been seeing Luke Harrison.
27. But this is only a tongue-tip taste of the political dilemma Harrison faces.
28. Like all the other newspaper publishers in the city, Harrison Gray Otis had been operating under a self-imposed gag rule.
29. His vacant seat on the panel was filled, naturally enough, by William Harrison.
30. In an attempt to quieten things down, executive producer George Harrison arranged for a press conference in London.
1. In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates.
2. Harrison complained that his colleagues ganged up on him.
3. Harrison dislocated a finger.
31. Harrison completed his first pendulum clock in 1713, before he was twenty years old.
32. No one suggests that the workaholic Harrison dallied or became distracted.
33. This caused such a stir that Harrison threw himself into the cause of medical reform.
34. There was no disgrace in finishing fourth in the Olympic 100m final, won that year by Harrison Dillard.
35. Wills gave this certificate, dated June 24, 1737, to Harrison as an official pat on the back.
36. Bailey and Harrison found that for certain types of passage cloze scores were potentially unreliable indicators of comprehension.
37. Robison and Harrison then synchronized their watches to fix the longitude of Port Royal by the time difference between them.
38. In an odd decision that White did not fully explain, veteran defensive lineman Nolan Harrison did not suit up Sunday night.
39. Was this the kind of total immersion in another person which Mortimer Harrison had undergone, in his unhealthy infatuation with her?
40. Recently, Shields' college buddy Dave Harrison stepped in behind the drum kit to complete the lineup.
41. Surely Harrison would have insisted on having it pose with him.
42. Fed up, Harrison walked out and the sessions ended in chaos.
43. Harrison writes in the present tense, excising names, places, location, time frame.
44. Andrew Harrison, also 17, suffered bruising and swelling around his head.
45. Stan Harrison even mentioned that he had met her father.
46. With commendable promptitude, he caught Harrison by the collar and held him firmly, while Agnes and Dotty recovered their balance.
47. Mr Harrison emerged with cuts and bruises, and severely shaken.
48. Harrison was a man who loved to harbour a grudge.
49. No known clockmaker, other than self-taught Harrison himself, lived or worked anywhere around north Lincolnshire in the early eighteenth century.
50. Yet Harrison had cause to cringe at the casual manner in which his case was opened and aired.
51. Harrison, I want to come to a stop on their starboard beam.
52. Chief Insp Peter Harrison urged motorists to ensure their boots were locked when parking their cars.
53. When it was over, the judges signed a certificate saying that they believed Harrison had indeed told them everything he knew.
54. Perhaps Mr Harrison would have second thoughts if he walked in our neck of the woods.
55. Then blonde Lesley Harrison found the life she really wanted to lead ... as a policewoman.
56. As it was, Harrison stood alone against the vested navigational interests of the scientific establishment.
57. Its current headquarters is at Harrison and Spear, with additional space in two nearby buildings.
58. Alleyne appears to have collected souvenirs, anything from letters to General Harrison to tomahawks.
59. Graham, who was about twenty years older than Harrison, became his patron at the end of one long day together.
60. Mr Harrison was slashed across the chest three times and stabbed, yet he clung on, trying to overpower the attacker.
61. Harrison began the 1995 season as a starter at defensive end.
62. Harrison didn't exactly avoid us, but he made it clear that we were not to hang around his neck.
63. Middlesbrough General Hospital said Miss Harrison was in a satisfactory condition last night.
64. The inauguration of the new astronomer royal presaged a drastic reversal of fortune for John Harrison, whom Halley had always admired.
65. Mr Hartley, in his final year studying community arts at Newcastle, had been seeing Miss Harrison for about a year.
66. Harrison drummed his fingers impatiently against the surface of the table.
67. In 1753, Jefferys made Harrison a pocket watch for his personal use.
68. The following morning, Mr Harrison greeted her with careful formality.
69. I take the off-ramp, as directed towards the town of Harrison.
70. Johnstone, a second-round draft choice from Temple, slipped past Harrison and started the last two games.
71. Harrison charged that the ex-sailors were too old and wheezy to climb the steep hill up to the Observatory.
72. Harrison had never tried to conceal his dislike for the Major and Carew.
73. Harrison met his party colleagues for a celebration dinner on the outskirts of the city.
74. Harrison joined a crowd of about 5000 milling outside the radio station.
75. But Harrison also put his finger on the real problem.
76. By the time this book reached his hands, John Harrison had already mastered reading and writing.
77. For a free set of leaflets, please send a large sae to Pat Harrison, Communications Dept.
78. On the other hand, in the lilac room, is palmist, John Harrison.
79. Kendall tried to topple Harrison with a cheap imitation of the original Watch.
80. By combining long and short strips of two different metals-brass and steel-in one pendulum, Harrison eliminated the problem.
81. Harrison sat in smug satisfaction at the look of surliness on Major Calder's face.
82. I would like to propose Mr Harrison for the position of Party Treasurer.
83. Harrison presented himself and H-1 to the eight commissioners who sat in judgment of his work.
84. Harrison, a man of simple birth and high intelligence, crossed swords with the leading lights of his day.
85. The Studios have a separate entrance in Harrison Street and have direct access to the Stalls seating area.
86. Harrison spent much time visiting other clinics up and down the country advising on how they might be run more efficiently.
87. The Harrison brothers took H-I out for trial runs on a barge on the River Humber.
88. By holding up the Harrison trial, Bradley could buy time for Maskelyne to produce proof positive supporting the lunar distance method.
89. Harrison, ever practical and resourceful, took what materials came to hand, and handled them well.
90. Universal Language Dictionary project - Richard K. Harrison.
91. Now let's about George Harrison.
92. Mr. Harrison, how nice to meet you again.
93. Another was former Senator Benjamin Harrison of Indiana.
94. Please have this note sent to Mr. Harrison.
95. Harrison put up for the secretaryship.
96. I was willing to settle my grudge with Harrison.
97. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather.
98. William Henry Harrison, we hardly knew ye.
99. Paul McCartney first met george harrison at school.
99. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
100. Harrison strolled north to a point.
101. The George Harrison version was not played, and I never even knew this was a cover until years later.
102. There have been reports that the ashes of the late George Harrison will be scattered somewhere along the Ganges or Yamuna.
103. This week in our series, Leo Scully and Jack Weitzel tell how these issues were handled during the administration of President Benjamin Harrison.
104. Tyler's refusal to reverse his vote to censure Jackson was admired by the Whigs in Congress. In 1840, the Whigs nominated Tyler to run for vice president with William Henry Harrison.
105. Harrison Ford. Actor . Conservationist . And friend of frogs.
106. Hollywood star Harrison Ford might be getting on in years, but he still has oodles of appeal.
107. By the way, how is your wife doing , Harrison?
108. On April fourth, after exactly one month as president, William Henry Harrison died.
109. His name was Gene Cernan, and he and geologist-astronaut Harrison Schmitt had just explored Taurus-Littrow and ended an era.
110. I saw quite a number of your friends -- Mrs. Harrison , Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Collins. "
111. In 1890, President Benjamin Harrison signed a measure establishing Sequoia National Park.
112. "Suddenly, " says George Harrison, "we find that all the people who thought they were beyond the Beatles are fans."
113. Her co-star, Rex Harrison, once was asked to identify his favorite leading lady. Without hesitation, he replied, "Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady."
114. The guitar played by George Harrison at the Beatles last concert in 1969 fetched $US434,750 in a Hollywood auction conducted live and online.
115. 2001 niu art museum , chicago gallery , chicago , il , usa nora eccles harrison museum of art , logan , ut , usa.
116. For others, this is George Harrison, the mysterious man, or Ringo Starr, drummer of flexibility.
117. Harrison Dillard began hurdling at the age of eight, running in an alley and using the springs from abandoned car seats as barriers.
118. William Henry Harrison , American Whig statesman and 9 th President, was born in Berkeley, Virginia.
119. On this date: In 1833, Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd president of the United States, was born in North Bend, Ohio.
120. He was soundly defeated by William Henry Harrison in 1841.
121. Weed thought General William Henry Harrison, one of the candidates in eighteen thirty-six, might be the man the Whigs needed.
122. "We're hoping the vast majority of these corals will be able to recover, but at the moment this whole system is on a knife-edge and we don't know what's going to happen, " Harrison told AFP.
123. Also Harrison Dillard of the U.S. won the 110 - meter hurdles.
124. And when he ascended to the presidency following the death of William Henry Harrison, being dubbed "His Accidency" made it a lock.
125. A former British pop group comprising John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison. The group first gained international fame in 9'2 and disbanded in 970.
126. The tall, skinny boy had a better time of it at Camp Wigwam in Harrison, Me., where, at eleven, he played a fair game of tennis, made friends readily, and was voted "the most popular actor of 1930."
127. So, President Harrison suspended the civil service laws that protected postal workers.
128. In Star Wars Han Solo , played by Harrison Ford , is this kind of tough guy hunk.
129. The phrase later became the title of a George Harrison song warning that "a mind that likes to wander 'round the corner is an unwise mind."
129. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
130. Mr. Harrison reckons half of his business could be transacted by computer.
131. VOICE TWO: Tyler quickly established his independence after becoming president. Webster told him that President Harrison had let the cabinet make the decisions of his administration.
132. Suddenly President Harrison was dead, and "Tyler too" was in the White House.
133. The chordal and melodic structure is very representative of Harrison with his use of complicated progressions and twisted melodies.
134. His stump speech can seem quite esoteric at times, with references to the inaugural speech of William Harrison, America's ninth president, and to Japan's "lost decade" of economic stagnation.
135. Todd A. Harrison , Vice - President , Global Equity Derivatives, Morgan Stanley.
136. Harrison and I were wary of each other whenever we met.
137. Yes Indeed, let's repeat history! One of our nations scientists and great lifetime achievers Senator Harrison H. Schmitt served.
138. In November of eighteen forty, the American people elected their ninth president, William Henry Harrison. The election of the retired general was expected.
139. Presidents James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce and William Henry Harrison ranked worst overall.
140. President Benjamin Harrison signed it into law in eighteen ninety.
141. Manhunt a New York Times Bestseller to be adapted into a forthcoming film starring Harrison Ford.
142. Other copies of the letter would go out to Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr , and the relatives of the late George Harrison.
143. Harrison Blackwood teams up with microbiologist Suzanne McCullough, computer programmer Norton Drake, and army Lt.
144. The longest inaugural address on record was given by William Henry Harrison in eighteen forty-one. He spoke for almost two hours on a cold and rainy day, without a hat or overcoat.
145. An Eye On One Angry Man : Steelers linebacker James Harrison - number 92 - seems quite surly these days.
146. Some Whig leaders remembered how William Henry Harrison had won the presidency for the party by campaigning as a military hero.
147. Wanamaker and other party leaders criticized Harrison. They said they could not build a strong party organization without promising government jobs to voters.
148. This week in our series, we discuss the presidency of William Henry Harrison.
149. So says Harrison Schmitt, the last man to set foot on the moon, in a proposal published online Wednesday.
150. Harrison is in town to play Sebastian in Shakespeare Theatre Company's remount of Twelfth Night.
151. Other items in the sale include signed photographs of the Beatles dedicated to Glasow, including one where George Harrison signed George "Dandruff" Harrison.
152. The ballots he carried, preprinted "party tickets," endorsed the slate of Democratic candidates, headed by Harrison.
153. Tyler was born and grew up in the same part of Virginia as William Henry Harrison.
154. The movie opens shortly after the Battle of Pharsalus where Julius Caesar (Rex Harrison) has defeated Pompey.
155. Grover Cleveland began his second presidency in eighteen ninety-three. His two terms were separated by the presidency of Benjamin Harrison.
156. Harrison works with state agencies and local groups to encourage the setting aside of serpentine - rich lands.
157. An out-of- work prospcetor named George Harrison launched South Africa into the gold age in 1866 when he discovered the metal on a farm near what is now Johannesburg .
158. History of the United States the shortest term of office of President Harrison, is an almost froze to death in his inaugural ceremony of the.
159. Why toil away in the office like a chump when today's technology means you can bunk off with impunity ?Melissa Harrison doesn't rate your chances of successful skiving .
160. Mr Harrison called a meeting of the directors on Tuesday.
161. India is a country with soft-power?Just ask George Harrison(sentence dictionary), dear prudence!
162. Best was invited by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison -- the original Beatles -- to join them in 1960 just as they went to Hamburg in northern Germany to play a series of club dates.
163. In this brief period, 18-month-old Harrison opened a kitchen cupboard, removed the cap from the dishwasher detergent container and swallowed some of the powder.
164. My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England.
165. Benjamin Harrison was the grandson of the ninth President of the United States, William Henry Harrison.
166. Stephan Harrison is a geomorphologist, specialising in landscape responses to climate change, at Exeter University and Oxford University.
167. Harrison, a grandson of President William Henry Harrison, was born in North Bend, Ohio, and moved to Indianapolis, Indiana at age 21, eventually becoming a prominent politician there.
168. "Koro could hardly sound more different from Aka," Harrison writes. "They sound as different as, say, English and Japanese."
169. Harrison has the inglorious distinction of having had the shortest presidential term, dying of pneumonia after just 30 days in office.
170. George Harrison was invited to join the band in February 1958 and Ringo Starr became the final member of the "Fab Four" in August 1962 after original band member Pete Best is fired.
171. Harrison County, south of Hattiesburg and home to the Gulf Coast cities of Gulfport and Biloxi, has the highest share of mixed-race residents in the state, according to the 2010 census.
172. The historical epic starring Elizabeth Taylor, Rex Harrison and Richard Burton nearly bankrupted 20th Century Fox.
173. Legendary Beatle George Harrison died after a long battle with lung cancer.
174. Handwritten signs mark the mango planted by 43)Pierce Brosnan, the lime tree by 44)Harrison Ford, the royal palms by the Clintons.
175. In 1888, Grover Cleveland won more votes, but Harrison was elected as president (Jantzen and others, 1989, 82).
176. They held parades and marched with flags, bands, and pictures of William Henry Harrison. Many campaign songs were written.
177. So we have got this article by Harrison "Jack" Schmitt.
178. The likes of Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie may monopolise the media spotlight, but judged in terms of bank balance alone, they pale into insignificance when compared with Harrison Ford.
179. The election of eighteen forty put a new president in the White House: William Henry Harrison. The defeat of President Martin Van Buren had been expected.
180. William Henry Harrison , the ninth president of the United States, was born in a small town.
181. The band included Paul mcCartney, George Harrison, and a drummer.
182. "Benjamin Harrison " was also at anchor, whilst the "Empire Tide, " had taken refuge in Moller Bay.
183. Paul's lead vocal is double-tracked, with John Lennon and George Harrison singing harmony.
184. "There is no denying the fact that the market is overbought," said Paul Hickey, an analyst at Bespoke Investment Group in Harrison, New York.
185. The Beatles -- lead guitarist George Harrison, rhythm guitarist John Lennon, bassist Paul McCartney and drummer Ringo Starr -- appear on the album covers.
186. Finally, results are explained by using studies of Harrison ( 1999 ) 、 Campbell et al ( 1996 ) .
187. The Republican Party re-nominated President Benjamin Harrison. And the Democratic Party nominated former President Grover Cleveland.
188. In 1833, Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd president of the United States, was born in North Bend, Ohio.
189. Her co - star Rex Harrison once was asked to identify his favorite leading lady.
190. I want to tell you / my head is filled with things to say, as George Harrison once sang, When you're here / all those words, they seem to slip away.
191. Used by the Whig party in 1840, when William Henry Harrison, the hero of the Battle of Tippecanoe, was the Whig presidential candidate, and John Tyler his running mate.
192. The newspaper published cartoons of Benjamin Harrison, the Republican candidate who won the presidential election in 1888. Harrison always wore a high hat made of beaver fur .




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