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单词 upwards
释义  up·wards /ˈʌpwədz $ -wərdz-/ ●●○ (also upward especially American English) adverb  1  UPmoving or pointing towards a higher position 向上,朝上 OPP downwards Pointing upwards, he indicated a large nest high in the tree. 他朝上指指,示意树上高处有个大鸟窝。 The path began to climb steeply upwards. 小路开始陡然向上。2  INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNTincreasing to a higher level 上升 OPP downwards The expected rate of inflation was revised upwards. 预期通货膨胀率修正后上调了。 Prices are moving upwards again. 价格又要上涨了。3  MORE THAN A NUMBER OR AMOUNTmore than a particular amount, time etc 〔数量、时间等〕…以上 SYN over children of 14 and upwards 14岁及14岁以上的儿童 The meeting was attended by upwards of (=over) 500 people. 有五百余人参加了会议。Examples from the Corpusupwards• A copy of the book lay on the table, its cover facing upwards.• Before he left the bell tower his eyes were drawn upwards.• It was already off the deck and bearing them smoothly upwards.• Open your fists and as you breathe out, slowly through your mouth, push your palms forward, fingers upwards.• The tails should tilt slightly upwards.• She tilted her chin upwards and put on her loftiest expression.• The lighter material floats upwards, carrying heat to the surface of the liquid.• You know my Wednesday night soup deal has got so it draws upwards of thirty or more at a time.upwards of• The performance is suitable for children of 7 years and upwards.up·wards adverbChineseSyllable  higher position a moving or Corpus pointing towards




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