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单词 treat
释义 Word family  noun treat treatment mistreatment adjective untreated treatable verb treat mistreat  treat1 /triːt/ ●●● S2 W1 verb [transitive]  1  behave towards SB/STH 对待某人/某事物 [always + adverb/preposition]TREAT/BEHAVE TOWARDS to behave towards someone or something in a particular way 对待,看待 → treatmenttreat somebody like/as something She treats me like one of the family. 她把我当作家人看待。 Penny doesn’t think her co-workers treat her as an equal. 彭妮认为她的同事没有平等地对待她。 He treated his automobiles almost as tenderly as he did his wife. 他对汽车几乎就像对妻子一样温柔。badly treated/well treated The prisoners were well treated by their guards. 囚犯受到看守很好的对待。treat somebody with respect/contempt/courtesy etc Despite her seniority, Margot was never treated with much respect. 玛戈尽管是前辈,但从未受到多少尊重。treat somebody like dirt/a dog (=treat someone unkindly and without respect) 把某人不当人看待/当狗看待 I don’t know why he stays with her – she treats him like dirt. 我不知道为什么他还跟她在一起——她就没把他当人看待。2  deal with STH 处理某事 [always + adverb/preposition]DEAL WITH to deal with, regard, or consider something in a particular way 把…视为,把…看作 → treatmenttreat something as something Please treat this information as completely confidential. 此信息请绝对保密。 She treats everything I say as a joke. 我说什么她都当是开玩笑。treat something favourably/seriously/carefully etc Any complaint about safety standards must be treated very seriously. 任何有关安全标准的投诉都必须十分认真地对待。3  illness/injury 病/伤CURE to try to cure an illness or injury by using drugs, hospital care, operations etc 治疗,医治 → treatment It was difficult to treat patients because of a shortage of medicine. 由于缺少药物,很难给病人治病。treat somebody/something with something Nowadays, malaria can be treated with drugs. 如今,疟疾可以用药物医治。4  buy STH for SB 为某人买某物BUY to buy or do something special for someone that you know they will enjoy 请客,款待,招待treat somebody to something We treated Mom to lunch at the Savoy. 我们请妈妈在萨沃伊酒店吃午饭。 I treated myself to a new dress. 我犒劳自己一条新的连衣裙。5  protect/clean 保护/清理CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENT to put a special substance on something or use a chemical process in order to protect, clean, or preserve it 〔用特别的物质或某种化学方法〕处理 → treatment sewage treated so that it can be used as fertilizer 经过处理可用作肥料的污水 → trick or treatn COLLOCATIONSadverbswellThe majority of workers are well treated.badlyWhy did he treat me so badly?fairly/unfairlyI just want to be treated fairly.equallyAll people should be treated equally, whatever their age.differentlyShould girls be treated differently from boys in school?harshlyThe guards treated the prisoners harshly.kindlyThe world had not treated him kindly.phrasestreat somebody with respect/contempt/suspicion etcWhen you treat the kids with respect, they act responsibly.treat somebody like dirt informal (=very badly and with no respect)He treated this wife like dirt.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustreat• Let's all go to a movie - my treat.• In remote areas, make sure your drinking water has been treated.• It means treating a viewer with respect.• Police say that her death is being treated as suspicious.• Glen treated Cathy to dinner at one of the best restaurants in town.• Makine is a good writer, poetic but never fanciful, and one who treats childhood reflected through experience with delicacy.• That stereotype speaks less for women's liberation than a society which treats children as a disruptive influence, a social nuisance.• I don't know what she sees in him - he treats her like dirt.• Doctors are treating him for cancer.• Amy's treated him really badly - no wonder he's upset.• I occasionally have to treat him.• Police said 36 people were arrested, mainly for public order offences, and four casualties were treated in hospital.• Whales, forests, and aquifers have been treated in the same way.• I have been very kindly treated in your lovely City, and everyone has been good to me.• No one would suggest that sex offenders should be treated lightly.• After my nervous breakdown, everyone kept treating me with kid gloves.• I'm sick of my parents treating my like a child.• The school are treating this matter very seriously.• The company treats training as a continuous part of career development.• Many common infections can be treated with antibiotics.• Douglas was treated with much more respect after his promotion.• Some sleep problems can be temporarily treated with sleeping pills.• As it's your birthday, I thought I'd treat you.treat somebody like/as something• Mom still treats us like children.• Debbie was always treated as one of the boys.treat something as something• Authorities are treating every bomb threat as real.• She treats everything I say as some kind of joke.treat somebody to something• Guests were treated to wine and caviar at the reception.treat2 ●●● S3 noun  1  [countable]GIVE something special that you give someone or do for them because you know they will enjoy it 〔给某人的〕特别待遇,款待,招待as a treat Steven took his son to a cricket match as a birthday treat. 史蒂文带儿子去看板球比赛,作为生日的特别待遇。2  [singular]ENJOY/LIKE DOING something an event that gives you a lot of pleasure and is usually unexpected 意外的乐事,幸事 When we were kids, a trip to the beach was a real treat. 我们小时候,到海滩去玩是件特别开心的事。3  [countable] a special food that tastes good, especially one that you do not eat very often 〔尤指不经常吃的〕美味食物 The cafe serves an assortment of gourmet treats. 这家小餐馆供应各种美味佳肴。4  my treat spokenPAY FOR used to tell someone that you will pay for something such as a meal for them 我来付钱,我请客 Let’s go out to lunch – my treat. 我们出去吃午饭吧——我请客。5  go down a treat British English informalLIKE somebody OR something if something goes down a treat, people like it very much 深受喜爱 That new vegetarian restaurant seems to be going down a treat. 那家新的素食餐馆似乎很受欢迎。6  look/work a treat British English informalBEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKINGSUCCEED IN DOING something to look very good or work very well 看上去很好/效果很好 The sports ground looked a treat, with all the flags flying. 运动场上彩旗飘扬,很有气氛。Examples from the Corpustreat• Afterwards, Uncle Ted, who had his suit and Brylcreem on, announced a treat.• Many women think of facials as a treat.• If the meticulous and demanding rescue work succeeds, birdwatchers using the hide will be in for a treat.• Listening to trombonist Slide Hampton is a treat.• The cafe serves a surprising assortment of healthy gourmet treats.• Let me take you to dinner. My treat.• We hope the trend continues, until such aural excursions become a regular happening rather than a rare treat.• A visit to a good playground is a real treat, offering our children fun and adventure.• Grunte's treat that evening at the Hospitality Inn was well timed.• Tempe Mayor Neil Giuliano got a special treat.• He carefully cuts away the spines and skin protecting the seedy red fruit within, affording a sloppy stolen treat.• Keep within your 100 calories limit, but, if you choose carefully, you could have two treats!as a treat• Save the abbey as a treat for the end of your walk.• The tiling problem, as treated by Wang, Berger, and Robinson, used tiles based on squares.real treat• Every morning he prepares a range of at least 20 sweets, which go down a real treat.• The first outsiders were in for a real treat.• The one score and three who turned up to see the morning game against Dorning had a real treat.• A visit to a good playground is a real treat, offering our children fun and adventure.• The occasional trip to a swimming pool is a real treat for most families.• Porridge with golden syrup was a real treat in Walworth.• This was a real treat for me.• But the real treat is the new Stockholm to Gothenberg Express, the D2000.From Longman Business Dictionarytreattreat /triːt/ verb [transitive]1to deal with someone or something in a particular wayWe treat all complaints very seriously.treat somebody/something asProceeds from the asset transfers won’t be treated as income.Some information ought to betreated as confidential.2to put a special substance on something to clean or protect it, or to make it safeThe convention insists that countries should treat their own hazardous wastes.→ See Verb tableOrigin treat1 (1200-1300) Old French traitier, from Latin tractare; → TRACTABLEtreat1 verb →n COLLOCATIONS1treat2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  someone a Corpus behave to in towards Business something or




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