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单词 Working class
1. Marx wrote about the political struggles of the working class.
2. Many celebrities develop a working class accent to increase their street-credibility.
3. Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.
4. Some say he's a traitor to the working class.
5. He is proud of his working class background.
6. We are both from working class stock.
7. The working class usually react/reacts in a predictable way to government policies.
8. On the whole the working class is still wedded to the Labour Party.
9. He left as a poor, working class boy and returned as an extremely wealthy man.
10. He considered the working class to be the dross of society.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. The working class is still too small to enable a successful socialist revolution.
12. The working class has nothing to lose but its chains. .
13. The working class has / have rejected them in the elections.
14. The unskilled section of the working class was diminishing as a proportion of the workforce.
15. He may be a working class boy at heart, but his lifestyle has been transformed.
16. Gary always tried to hide his working class background.
17. Did the working class accept their circumstances without demur?
18. And only the working class was original.
19. This was particularly marked amongst the organized working class.
20. Marx defined the working class as people who sell their labour to employers.
21. Working class, a socialist through thick and thin, and us.
22. The 1867 Reform Act extended the franchise to much of the male working class.
23. The postwar era was one of new affluence for the working class.
24. One factor thought to have worked in his favour is his working class image.
25. The Labour Party has lost a lot of support among the working class.
26. Industrialization inevitably led to the expansion of the urban working class.
27. The expansion of state education brought new and wider opportunities for working class children.
28. His duty as a politician was to represent the interests of the working class.
29. The state is still seen as an instrument which can and must be captured by the working class.
30. It bound together the most advanced sections of the working class.
1. Marx wrote about the political struggles of the working class.
2. Many celebrities develop a working class accent to increase their street-credibility.
3. Industrialization inevitably led to the expansion of the urban working class.
4. The unskilled section of the working class was diminishing as a proportion of the workforce.
31. This in itself would hardly have been significant had it not been for a wider transformation of the adult male working class.
32. Tea and sugar give clues about the ability of the working class to afford a reasonable diet.
33. The working class is more uniform in origins than ever before because downward mobility has declined.
34. Some people who manage to write their way out of the working class describe the classroom as an oasis of possibility.
35. Her indomitable spirit is testament enough to her working class, Liverpudlian roots.
36. Most central city schools serve primarily poor, working class and minority students.
37. However, leaders of working class women's groups showed no awareness of this anxiety regarding the role of the state.
38. The dominant paradigm within class-based urban and regional analysis nevertheless usually recognises the difficulties involved in creating a well-organised international working class.
39. Their long-term destiny lies in united working class action and the rejection of other forms of understanding.
40. As Third World capitalism develops,[http:///working class.html] the working class is destined to play its classic revolutionary role.
41. Like Pareto, Burnham argued that Marxism was the self-serving ideology of an insurgent working class elite.
42. The inadequacy and treachery of the old leaderships of the working class have made the need all the more imperative.
43. The longest-lasting is the struggle for the working class to constitute itself as a class, to overcome its internal fragmentation.
44. Cleaners are the most essential, the most unseen, apparently the least powerful of modern capitalism's new working class.
45. Industrial workers' best chance of improving their prospects is to act as a global working class.
46. In the course of their work the professional-managerial class develop techniques to control the working class.
47. But there is evidence that working class women bitterly resented what they regarded as middle class interference.
48. He had left as a poor, working class boy and returned as an extremely wealthy man.
49. Chapter 2 attempts to demonstrate the specific appeal of formal labourism by examining the construction of political discourses around the working class.
50. The working class has declined as a percentage of the population.
51. Ask the question: is it really true that the working class no longer exists?
52. The importance of the economic support provided by husbands is neatly illustrated by working class women's attitudes towards marriage breakdown.
53. Some were corporation housing estates, reservations for thee rehabilitation of the working class.
54. The comparative affluence of working class youth in the sixties allowed the building-up of large groups of mobile supporters.
55. His opponents have tried to characterize him as indifferent to the concerns of the working class.
56. Both individual men and the political movements men have made within the working class are culpable.
57. Instead, the party moulded the spontaneous protest of the working class into a consciously socialist revolutionary movement.
58. In short, it was the poorer sections of the working class who were trapped in poverty with little prospect of escape.
59. It would be wrong to see this development as involving the replacement of the working class by the new urban left.
60. Despite gradual change, parliament continues to include non-white and working class members.
61. A second, more troublesome fraction exists at the lowest end of the working class.
62. This suggested that the fundamental problem of many working class families was one of scarce resources.
63. These two sections of the working class were seen to require separate treatment.
64. Put it the other way round, what incentives have the police or the white working class got not to be racist?
65. On the one hand, they did not want working class hooligans swarming all over the country causing mayhem.
66. Founded to give political expression to a working class based on industry, what is their role in a post-industrial world?
67. It was the working class who wanted to use their money for flamboyant display.
68. He is that most traditional of stereotypes - the working class gone bad.
69. Disorganized capitalism remains capitalism, and they make it clear that they are not bidding farewell to the working class.
70. The problem is not the combativity or the revolutionary potential of the working class and its allies.
71. Much of it was erected by small speculators with limited means,[http:///working class.html] who came themselves from the working class.
72. Firstly the increasing use of machinery will result in a homogeneous working class.
73. Certainly marriage was very much a practical necessity for working class girls, and the chief hope was for a good bargain.
74. The urban working class, organized labour and the farmers all supported the Democrats in 1936.
75. In challenging this we believe in the unity of the working class.
76. The political stance of the working class will rely heavily on the nature, size and development of the labour movement.
77. The black population, thus, effectively constitutes an underclass, placed in a structurally different location from the white working class.
78. They are not saying that the Central Statistical Office is engaged in some deep-laid plot against the working class.
79. Furthermore, there was a challenge to the legitimacy of the strike from within the leadership of the working class.
80. The dominant class, the capitalists, own and control the means of production and thereby exploit the subordinate working class.
81. He argues that capitalist societies remain polarized between two main classes: the ruling class and the working class.
82. He posed the question: how do working class kids get working class jobs?
83. The party leadership presumably wants working class unity in the North.
84. No serious Marxist discussion of class has failed to recognize the importance of divisions within the working class.
85. Following Marx and Engels, Lenin argued that capitalism was an objective system for the exploitation of the working class.
86. Humphrey calls the differentiation of the working class thesis technologically determinist because he says it attaches too much importance to technology.
87. They are socially mobile, many of them having risen from working class backgrounds to new heights in the class structure.
88. A small part of law work, and that of a very low status, is concerned with the working class.
89. The biggest task of the Leftist Unity party will be to lure away the working class from the Socialists.
90. In other words, the working class characteristics of low economic resources and consumer power no longer applied.
91. If you're working class, you cauterize the working class in you.
92. The majority of blacks are working class and many black organizations are directly concerned with improving their class situation.
93. I worry that the necessary measures may radicalise the working class which is, of course, the sector most prone to unemployment.
94. This spiralling is further fuelled by the rising expectations among the working class for higher levels of spending.
95. These contradictory roles create a fiscal and legitimacy crisis for the state, which will ultimately he overthrown by the working class.
96. It has also resulted in downward mobility for a significant proportion of the working class.
97. It obviously takes it out of you, being working class.
98. But did the working class accept their continued relatively poor conditions without demur.
99. Now we can quantify this: 0.482 more service class than working class children attend these schools.
100. Rather than offer the global working class cash for labour, it offers cash for food, water and air.
100. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
101. Some one who was neither service class nor intermediate class would, by elimination, be working class.
102. For Frobel etal., for example, the new international division of labour represents an opportunity for new forms of working class organisation.
103. The political ambitions of the working class had normally been channelled through parliamentary and constitutional routeways.
104. On the other hand they feared the working class who were also pushing for constitutional change against the aristocratic interest.
105. Respectable working class, that's the phrase they use about families like mine.
106. She was a working class woman on her own, looking for that big break.
107. Labour's problem is that its core constituency in the manual working class has steadily declined over the years.
108. Very few working class houses had indoor lavatories before 1918 and at worst were provided with ash or midden privies.
109. The working class adolescent of the 60s had quite a job deciding what to do with his hair.
110. Some sociologists argue that they have become proletarianized, that is they have effectively become members of the working class.
111. The boundaries of labourism and its location within the working class need to be re examined.
112. The white working class had been weakened by their dependence on these leaders.
113. These factors shaped distinctive family patterns in the working class.
114. It's plump actors pretending to be working class, when their fathers are neuro-surgeons.
115. For example, in beer advertisements there is a strong appeal to working class loyalty, often to particular, local brews.
116. Poverty surveys were directed at this section of the working class.
117. This definition includes routine non-manual workers such as clerks and typists as working class, and extends to many state employees.
118. The higher infant mortality rate among the working class was probably a major element throughout the nineteenth century in encouraging frequent pregnancies.
119. The farm owners weren't working class, so the ways this put them at a disadvantage is irrelevant.
120. By the door, in the middle of the working class district of Prenzlauer Berg, a mess of candles flutter.
121. The lack of social contact between the predominantly local working class and the predominantly newcomer middle class can be particularly marked.
122. He may be a working class boy at heart but his lifestyle has been transformed - and he doesn't mind at all.
123. For Marx and Engels the working class had nothing to lose but their chains of false consciousness.
124. It is hard to generalise about the quality of the family experience of working class women.
125. It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that houses for the rural working class really began to improve.
126. The birth control methods most commonly used by working class families were as readily available in 1870 as they were in 1950.
127. These later attenders tended to be women who were younger, single, working class.
128. For although the great mass of its membership was working class, it also embraced an increasing section of the industrial bourgeoisie.
129. None the less, nationalization still bore the mark of long struggles by the labour movement to further working class interests.
130. The former political coalition which directed support towards the skilled working class in the private sector had begun to dissolve.
130. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
131. Clayton was adopted by his aunt and uncle and brought up in the working class brewery town of Tadcaster, North Yorkshire.
132. The researchers feel the community is fairly representative of working class culture in areas of heavy industry in Britain.
133. This study aims to examine the role of Protestant working class youth culture in transmitting loyalist ethnic and political identity.
134. The alliance of the working class with the peasantry.
135. He is a worthy descendant of the working class.
136. He is a researcher of working class origin.
137. He is belonging to the working class.
138. The rapid development of capitalism in recent decades has yielded a massive industrial working class and an equally large Lumpenproletariat of migrant laborers.
139. Differences of age and sex have no longer any distinctive social validity for the working class.
140. According to Marxist thought being of the property-owning class and exploitive of the working class .
141. First, such proposals amount to un-American "class warfare", pitting the working class against corporations and the rich.
142. The emergence of the working class is an essential condition for founding the Party.
143. A new kind of working class voice made in China by Gum Bleed .
144. Ghyl Tarvoke , the son of a master woodcarver, works to overthrow the traditional system and earn fair treatment for the working class.
145. Working at home under the domestic system, silk spinning and silk treatment employed many people and increased the income of the working class.
146. Obama's much - touted tax break for middle and working class Americans survived but was scaled back.
147. So studding the changing of the working class in new period is a very important subject of the construction of the CPC.
148. One group was working class and one was upper class.
149. It was the working class that brought about the rise of this triad (landed property, big industry, and the banking class) through the French Revolution of 1789.
150. The Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class.
151. It was in effect a lulling of working class demands.
152. The whole history of primitive accumulation can be seen as the production of the working class by the bourgeois class - in a class struggle which produces capitalist conditions of exploitation.
153. Hence they are full of the most valuable materials for the enlightenment of the working class.
154. We should rally the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie under the leadership of the working class and on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance.
155. The working class, which has long defined our notions of masculinity, is slowly turning into a matriarchy, with men increasingly absent from the home and women making all the decisions.
156. Sixth, we must prepare ourselves and the working class and progressive movements for the likelihood that imperialism will attempt to reorientate itself strategically.
157. The industrial revolution created the industrial working class, the proletariat , and it latter led to unionism.
158. In addition to an immigrant-heavy working class, the capital has a lot of affluent professionals, who may be unusually keen to steer their children away from mind-altering chemicals.
159. Marseille has always been the club which is famous for its gangs of ultras and its working class foundation and support.
160. Moreover, Marx points out the only way for the working class to free themselves is to sublate labor alienation, that is to say, to achieve the good prospects of communism.
161. He pointed out that it should wholeheartedly de pend on the working class and unite the national bourgeoisie to develop the productivity.
162. Machines are the new proletariat. The working class is being given its walking papers.
162. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
163. The industrial revolution created the industrial working class, the proletariat , and it later led to unionism.
164. But change brought about the growth and consolidation of the working class.
165. Marcuse builds his theoretical system of new socialism, analyzes the change of the proletarian structure and distinguishes the historical transformation of the proletariat and the working class.
166. The phoniness of the claim to be a movement of the working class was blatant from the beginning.
167. Elitism enters this group who sees their superior position within the working class as reward for their superior skills as they sometimes sneer at the struggles of the semi-skilled or unskilled.
168. The Chartist movement was, however, the first nationwide working class movement and drew attention to serious problems.
169. In a generation, they have descended from proud working class to demoralized underclass.
170. Below it there is a cogwheel, a symbol of the working class.
171. That slim book showed the Chinese intelligentsia and the nascent working class.
172. China's working class, as the product of modern machine building era(), represents the advanced class.
173. Academics are becoming concerned about the" feminisation" of universities because they know that it means that many working class men are missing out.
174. Sum up our experience, to this point, that is, the working class (through the Communist Party) led by the worker-peasant alliance as the basis of people's democratic dictatorship.
175. The lifeblood of the British working class went into a naval base twenty miles square.
176. The Reformist leftist wishes to revive social conflict and improve economical situation of the working class by making the constitution function properly.




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