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单词 World economy
1) Singapore punches above its weight in the world economy.
2) We should reintegrate our nation's economy into the world economy.
3) The world economy was given a deflationary jolt.
4) The world economy is in a state of flux.
5) Recent bank failures threaten to upset the entire world economy.
6) We can not lead the world economy and provide for our citizens with only a business-government partnership.
7) The world economy could not swallow this upheaval so easily.
8) If governments really want to shatter the world economy, January 1991 would be an unusually good time to start.
9) Consider the general model of a world economy developed in section 7. 5.
10) Luckily, this strict policy began when the world economy was buoyant, so that its early painful effects were dulled.
11) Since the world economy now rests more on brains than on brawn, intellectual property protection is crucial to honest trade.
12) The impact on the long-term development of the world economy seems likely to be depressing.
13) A successful conclusion would boost the world economy by £200 billion.
14) They also argued that their place in the world economy entitled them to special and separate treatment from the continental states.
15) What a growing part of agriculture all over the world had in common was subjection to the industrial world economy.
16) Time after time,[http:///world economy.html] ministers have tried to shift the blame for rising unemployment to the down-turn in the world economy.
17) The problem ultimately lies in the relative weakness of the Third World economy in the world capitalist system.
18) They see these larger regional groupings as economic insurance policies guaranteeing their participation in the world economy.
19) Special sessions during the assembly discussed the relationship between the world economy, health, development and the environment.
20) Not only do these phenomena still exist, they have been intensified by being reproduced within the framework of a world economy.
21) It was feared that a severe liquidity crisis might ensue and that the world economy would then be plunged into economic recession.
22) I believe that generosity becomes less between nations, as the world economy heads for a more frightening decline.
23) First, consider the case where the integrated 2 x 2 world economy can accommodate R firms in the manufacturing sector.
24) Few expect the EU to take over as the locomotive of the world economy.
25) It is not your job to worry about whether you threaten the stability of the world economy.
26) The other equilibria are with all factors of production concentrated in one country, thus achieving the integrated world economy.
27) In this scenario, Western notions of individual rights prevail(), but the world economy is largely depressed and sluggish.
28) However we are not simply waiting for an upturn in the world economy.
29) But this time the two biggest engines of the world economy are at risk of going into reverse.
30) Thus, governments are endlessly seeking to shore up the erosion of the national idea which a world economy inflicts upon them.
31) It was equally important to a world economy that information could move as freely as commodities.
32) And it is fertile soil for a severe economic downturn in the post-cold war world economy.
33) In the end, the sociology of a world economy would find a world bourgeoisie confronting a world proletariat.
34) This project will examine the evidence for the world economy in the inter- war period.
35) Building a first world economy on top of a massive third world workforce does not create the strongest of economic foundations.
36) Never again will the United States dominate the world economy as it did in the early Cold War.
37) These figures are a valuable source of information about the relative levels of development in different parts of the world economy.
38) That is a reflection of the fact that the world economy is slowing down.
39) He took as his starting point the capitalist world economy: Contemporary capitalism is world capitalism.
40) Neoliberalism is not responsible for all the problems of the world economy.
41) Their withdrawal from the world economy is virtually impossible.
42) World economy witnesses a slow, unbalanced and multispeed recovery.
43) The metal's price movements are widely believed to prefigure shifts in the world economy.
44) I believe in spite of the overall recovery in the world economy, the major challenges and problems in the global economy have yet to be fully addressed.
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45) The regional groups of world economy develop very rapidly all over the world and assume augmentability, unbalanced development and the trend to build free trade area.
46) But Chief Executive Mark Parker did talk of a "swoosh recovery," equating gradual improvement in the world economy with the upward curve of the company's logo.
47) First and foremost, the world economy has massive excess capacity.
48) Region economy and commerce collectivize are one of fundamental trends that current world economy grows.
49) That question, posed by Jack Kerouac on behalf of the Beat generation half a century ago, is the biggest uncertainty hanging over the world economy.
50) With the deepening integration of the world economy, tariff barriers and traditional non-tariff barriers, erected by some nations to protect domestic markets, have gradually lost their effect.
51) The Bretton Woods agreement near the end of World War II became an effective tool for reworking a shattered world economy.
52) Among them the effect the sources of energy develops to world economy still head the list.
53) With the world economy wobbling,() this prolonged conflict is something Thailand could badly do without.
54) Today, the world is moving towards a fast new evolving, multipolar world economy.
55) Agricultural internationalization and global agricultural integration management is the world economy globalization and collectivized component.
56) With the development of world economy and modern science and technology, logistics has been in the ascendant in the global area as a new service industry.
57) If the world economy is to be less dependent on destructive bubbles, more of the world's surplus capital needs to flow into investment in emerging economies.
58) The lobbying's already in full swing over who will succeed him as the head of an organisation which has the power to spend billions on stabilising the world economy.
59) The world economy must decarbonise more urgently than carbon markets anticipate.
60) A theme in new trade theory is that the pattern of trade we observe in the world economy may be the result of economies of scale and first-mover advantages.
61) They spent three weeks in New Hampshire developing a system of rules, institutions, and procedures for financial and commercial relations in the world economy.
62) These may burst well before the world economy recovers from the most recent bubble.
63) In my previous article discussed: will be at the bottom of the world economy, China's economy.
64) Thus, far from being stabilising, premature fiscal retrenchment threatens destabilisation of the world economy.
65) Area economic integration is one of main trends that current world economy grows, east Asia area reacts to this one trend in very long period of time logy.
66) The world economy 2001 will grow blandly, add fast will under 2000.
67) Eurodollar is an important system creation in the world economy and the monetary history.
68) This seems the most likely outcome in view the massive spare capacity in the world economy.
69) The need to change the pattern of growth in the world economy should not become an excuse for mercantilism fraudulently to present itself in a superficially more constructive form.
70) Consider the implications of this tripartite division of the world economy.
71) Exacerbating these internal fault lines within western economies are those in the world economy.
72) But the parlous state of the world economy demands nothing less.
73) This an additional risk for international policy co - operation and for the recovery of the world economy.
74) The bottoming - out of trade reflects a slowing of the decline in the world economy.
75) These problems were exacerbated by the downturn in the world economy after 1979.
76) Nowadays the tendency of regionalization and conglomeration in world economy have continuously strengthened.
77) Because we still face a lot of uncertainties, I believe in spite of the overall recovery in the world economy,[] the major challenges and problems in the global economy have yet to be fully addressed.
78) And when the world economy starts to recover, as is typical with post-recession economics, there is going to be a severe shortage in man-power due to the extensive lay-offs.
79) The world economy appears to be undergoing an unusually sharp and synchronised downturn.
80) International Exhibition Bureau (BIE) by the purpose of coordinating and organizing the World Expo, and promoting the world economy, culture and science and technology exchanges and development.
81) The fascinating turmoil in the world economy continues to shape the study of international economics.
82) The 2010 Iron Ore trade price will certainly rise in great extent, as the recovery of the world economy, especially the recovery of steel industry.
83) Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has sought ways of boosting local consumption to offset the effects of a sagging world economy.
84) The world economy can withstand such a correction without falling into an L-shaped near-depression.
85) With the development of world economy, internationalization has become a trend of the world economy. Economic internationalization has become the basic symbol of the world economic development.
86) Transnational operation has been become irresistible tide of contemporary world economy.
87) In the cathedra, he discussed the reason why the US could become a great power in the world economy and military affairs, as well as what should be used for reference by China.
88) Eventually, this extra spending will help world economy return to full employment.
89) Many holes can be picked in their pledges to reflate the world economy and re-regulate global finance.
90) With the development of world economy and international trade, the volume of world seaborne trade has been increasing.
91) Not that Britain is much better protected against the continued downswing in the world economy.
92) The globalization of world economy and the integration of international financial markets need a set of high quality accounting principles fit for and applicable to the scope of the whole world.
93) How has it been possible for the world economy to leap over so many hurdles?
94) Intellectual economy makes a kind of irresistible trend, heavy model is worn the integral pattern of world economy.
95) "WHITHER goest thou, America" That question, posed by Jack Kerouac on behalf of the Beat generation half a century ago, is the biggest uncertainty hanging over the world economy.
96) "The Baltic Freight Index is the electro-cardiogram for the world economy," said Hilary Till, principal, Premia Capital Management.
97) This is in part because despite various ructions in markets, long-term investors have hung on to their belief that the world economy is generally in recovery mode.
98) But with the world economy slowing, it is singularly ill-timed nonetheless.
99) Businesses are open systems; the world economy is a closed system, with feedback effects that are crucial but play no role in ordinary business experience.
100) A new Law of Bankruptcy with a scientific system and an all-around content should be made to meet the needs of the reality of our country and to get integrated into the world economy.
101) Keynes offered a mathematically elegant solution to why the world economy had stagnated and how government deficit spending could bring prompt recovery.
102) The functions of International Investment Bank are becoming more important and unreplaceable both in the development of economy and in the situation of world economy globalization.
103) This paper introduces the mineral resources are the motive power of world economy.
104) As world economy develop steadily, to petrolic demand also is increasing ceaselessly, and major oil is to pass seaborne, accordingly[http://], international oil carries the market gets attention fully.
105) 55 quadrillion for the world economy is roughly the level of a Kardashev level one civilization.
106) Even if military and commercial aviation aren't moving in tandem, sales here could indicate that at least parts of the world economy might take off soon.
107) "Fair value approach" in existence for many years, the sudden crisis in the world economy after the outbreak of criticism and demands incurred by a voice of change.
108) Following the development of world economy, more dredging projects of water way and port are starting continuously. The dredging markets are booming in recent years.
109) The world economy could well benefit from a gradual slide in the greenback.
110) A true dollar crisis has long been one of the more frightening possibilities for the world economy.
111) Technical innovation is a when promote development of current world economy important and jumped-up force.
112) If the world economy rebalances so that surplus countries save less and consume more, mortgages and consumer loans will become the banks' biggest source of profits.
113) A new concern Mr Rajan expressed while talking to the FT Financial Times, was that the productivity gains that have underpinned the world economy might peter out as fresh policy reforms stall.
114) When the world economy is short of demand, argues Paul Krugman, a Nobel prizewinner, countries that persistently spend far less than they earn contribute to global unemployment.
115) The British decline may make the world economy stutter -- but no more than that.
116) That history lesson will not be lost on Chancellor Angela Merkel. But the stakes today are immeasurably higher, both for Germany and the world economy.
117) After the turbulences and adjustments at the end of 20 century, the world economy appears reviviscence and stability from the new century.
118) And the world economy benefited from low transaction costs and relative price stability from having a single currency that countries could use to buy and sell goods.
119) The American secondary mortgage crisis spread and became the financial crisis, which have seriously impacted the world economy and trade where China is included.
120) Although there is no sign that the world economy will return to its trend rate of growth any time soon, it is already clear that this speed limit will be lower than before the crisis hit.
121) The buoyant world economy in 1984 supported this adjustment effort.
122) Technicality trade wall extensive use, has produced far - reaching effect to entire international trade and world economy.
123) A world economy ten times larger will be a quadrillion dollar economy.
124) "Poverty leads to the cut-up is the world economy, " Meng Haoran throughout his life and with the implicit approval and closely linked.
125) It has spread to core trade of finished industrial goods, the lifeblood of the world economy.
126) "The greatest risk to the world economy today is that the largest economies underachieve on growth," Geithner said October 6 at the Brookings Institution in Washington.
127) The development of the world economy has proved incontrovertibly that technological innovation, which is the source of human wealth, is the motive force of the development of economy.
128) That is compounding an already grim prognosis for the world economy.
129) Course wave type is alternant gradual progress, promoted the innovation of world economy science and development.
130) Due to the internationalization of the service sector, the service transnational company (TNC) plays an active role in the world economy.
130) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
131) Two months ago, when the rally began, there was no evidence that the world economy bottoming.
132) How much will the credit crunch hurt the world economy?




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