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单词 unprotected
释义 Word family  noun protection protector protectionism protectionist protectiveness protectorate adjective protected ≠ unprotected protective protectionist verb protect adverb protectively  un·pro·tect·ed /ˌʌnprəˈtektɪd◂/ adjective  1  DANGEROUSWEAKnot protected against possible harm or damage 未受保护的,未设防的 Thieves often target unprotected vehicles. 窃贼常常瞄准未采取防护措施的车辆。 Part-time workers are unprotected by this law. 兼职职员不受这条法规保护。2  unprotected machines are not covered and could injure someone 〔机器〕没有防护罩的 Machinery was often unprotected and accidents were frequent. 机器经常裸露着,因此事故频繁发生。3. unprotected sex SYSEX/HAVE SEX WITHsex without using a condom 无保护性交Examples from the Corpusunprotected• Leave it too late and you may climb dangerously unprotected.• Soon, she imagined, it would fall completely and leave her unprotected.• Jonathon's eyes, unprotected, blinked on and off, unused to open air.• It turned out to have come in through the curved zip which is unprotected by a weather flap.• In the United States, volunteers are shooed away from spill cleanup, deemed too toxic for unprotected citizens.• The security chiefs agreed that their efforts at making schools safe still leave students unprotected on their way to and from school.• An unprotected stove pipe should be at least 18 inches from an unprotected wall or ceiling.• This unprotected window provides an X-ray hazard.un·pro·tect·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  damage possible or harm against protected Corpus not




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