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单词 edge
释义  ldoce_081_fedge1 /edʒ/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  outside part 外围EDGE [countable] the part of an object that is furthest from its centre 边缘 Put the eggs in the centre of the dish, with the vegetables and herbs around the edge. 把鸡蛋放在盘子中间,盘边一圈放些蔬菜和香草。the edge of something the right hand edge of the page 该页的右手边 Jennifer walked to the edge of the wood. 珍妮弗走到树林的边上。 Billy sat on the edge of the bed. 比利坐在床边。 He stood at the water’s edge staring across the lake. 他站在水边,凝视着湖对面。 A leaf was on the ground, curling up at the edges. 地上有一片叶子,叶边卷曲着。 →5  See picture of border 饰边, edge 边缘, rim 边缘, margin 页边2  blade 刀刃TZ [countable] the thin sharp part of a blade or tool that cuts 刀口;刃 a knife with a sharp edge 刀刃锋利的小刀3  advantage 优点 [singular, uncountable] something that gives you an advantage over others 优势 Companies are employing more research teams to get an edge. 各家公司都在雇用更多的研究团队以占取优势。 The next version of the software will have the edge over its competitors. 该软件的下一个版本会比竞争对手更胜一筹。4  on edge NERVOUSnervous, especially because you are expecting something unpleasant to happen 紧张不安 Paul felt on edge about meeting Lisa. 要与莉萨见面,保罗感到紧张不安。5  voice 嗓音 [singular] a quality in someone’s voice that makes it sound slightly angry or impatient 〔话音里的〕怒气,怨气 There was an edge of hostility in Jack’s voice. 杰克的话音里流露出敌意。 Desperation lent an edge to her voice. 她的话音中透着一丝绝望。6  slope 斜坡 [countable] an area beside a very steep slope 边缘 She walked almost to the edge of the cliff. 她几乎走到了悬崖的边缘。7  on the edge of something close to the point at which something different, especially something bad, will happen 某事快要发生〔尤指不好的事〕 Their economy is on the edge of collapse. 他们的经济濒临崩溃。 She is on the edge of despair. 她几近绝望。8  quality 特性 [singular] a special quality of excitement or danger 〔激动或危险的〕气氛,因素 The school’s campaign has been given an extra edge by being filmed for television. 学校的这一运动被拍成电视,这为其增添了一分别样的色彩。9  take the edge off something REDUCEto make something less bad, good, strong etc 使某物减弱,减轻某事物 Pascoe was drinking whisky to take the edge off the pain. 帕斯科在喝威士忌酒来缓解疼痛。10  on the edge of your seat giving all your attention to something exciting 极为激动 The film’s ending had me on the edge of my seat. 影片的结尾让我非常激动。11. be on the edge informalCRAZY to be behaving in a way that makes it seem as if you are going crazy 举止疯癫,行为几近疯狂 → cutting edgen COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: the part of an object that is furthest from its centreadjectivesthe top edgeI gripped the top edge of the door and pulled myself up.the bottom/lower edgeThe lower edge of the window frame was starting to rot.the front/back edgeI banged my elbow on the front edge of the desk.the inside/inner edgeHe painted carefully around the inner edge of each door.the outside/outer edgeThe airport is located on the outer edge of town.the northern/southern etc edge (=the part of an area that is close to the point where the area ends)There’s a ridge of hills on the northern edge of the county.phrasesthe edge of the sea (=the land next to the sea)The castle stands on the edge of the sea.the river’s/water’s edge (=the land next to a river etc)We sat down at the water’s edge. THESAURUSedge the part of something that is furthest from its centre or nearest the place where it ends 边缘He got up quickly, knocking his plate off the edge of the table. 他一下子站起身,碰落了桌边的盘子。the outer edge of the village 村子的外围side the part of something that is near its left or right edge 边,面On the left side of the garden there was an old stone wall. 花园左侧有一面旧石墙。They parked by the side of the road. 他们把车停在路边。rim the edge of something circular, especially the top of a cup or glass, or the outside edge of a pair of glasses 〔圆形物体,尤指茶杯、玻璃杯的〕边沿;眼镜框a white cup with a gold rim 镶金边的白色杯子She was looking at me over the rim of her spectacles. 她从眼镜框上方看着我。margin the empty space at the side of a page that has writing on it 页边空白处My teacher had marked my essay and made some comments in the margin. 老师批改了我的文章,在页边空白处写了几句评语。Leave wide margins on both sides of the page. 页面两边都要留出宽裕的空白。hem the edge of a piece of cloth that is turned under and stitched down, especially the lower edge of a skirt, trousers etc 〔尤指裙脚、裤脚处的〕褶边,卷边If you want the dress a bit shorter, I can easily turn up the hem. 要是你想让裙子短一点,我来把裙边折上去就行了。kerb British English, curb American English the edge of the pavement (=raised path) at the side of a road 〔人行道的〕道缘,路缘,马路牙子 〔人行道的〕道缘,路缘,马路牙子A big black car was parked at the kerb. 一辆黑色大汽车停在马路边。outskirts the areas of a city that are furthest away from the centre 〔城市的〕边缘地带,市郊The new station was built on the outskirts of the city. 新车站建在市郊。perimeter the outside edge around an enclosed area of land such as a military camp or a prison 〔军营或监狱等封闭区域的〕四周,周边Security guards patrol the perimeter night and day. 保安人员日夜在四周巡逻。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: something that gives you an advantage over othersverbshave the edge over somebody/something (=to be slightly better than someone or something else)We believe our products have the edge over the competition.get/gain an edge over somebody/something (=gain a small advantage over someone or something else)A well trained workforce is a key factor in gaining a competitive edge over our rivals.give somebody the edge (=give someone a small advantage)I hope my qualifications and experience will give me the edge.lose your edge (=lose an advantage that you had)He’s had a lot of injuries and lost a lot of his competitive edge.adjectivesa slight edge (also a bit of an edge) (=a small advantage)Running on the inside lane will give him a slight edge.a distinct edge (=a definite or noticeable advantage)Being tall gives you a distinct edge in some sports.a competitive edge (=something that makes a person or business able to compete successfully against other people or businesses)He believes investment in new technology is the only way for the company to maintain its competitive edge.Examples from the Corpusedge• There was a strong sweet earthy smell from the slopes of soil around its edges.• A group of children were playing at the water's edge.• You'll need a knife with a very sharp edge.• The plates have blue lines around the edges.• Not only did I have loops at the edge, but seven or eight stitches actually leapt off the needles.• We camped right at the edge of the desert.• There's an enormous oak tree at the edge of the garden.• Keep away from the edge of the cliff - you might fall.• Don't measure the edge of your knitting as this is inaccurate.• Gretel lives in a simple cottage on the edge of the forest.• He set the ashtray down on the edge of the table.• My uncle's house is on the edge of town near the freeway.• You know, I wonder, could we, could I try to sand out the edges here?• Then she pulled the old one out and threw it away, over the edge of the roof.• She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and went over to the window to look down at the courtyard.• Don't put your glass so close to the edge of the table.• When she recovered she was holding on to the edge of the table for balance.• The edges of the carpet were torn.• Some athletes lose their edge by their mid-20s.the edge of something• He stopped at the edge of the clearing.• She and her family live on the edge of poverty.• People seemed to be living on the edge of their nerves.• She found a bathroom further along, and sat on the edge of the bath.• We were alone in my room on the fourth floor, sitting side by side on the edge of the bed.• I was privately grateful that it was too dark to make out the edge of the precipice.• He rolled over the edge of the bed and put first one knee, then the other, on the floor.• Philip took the path that he and Lee had taken yesterday to get to the edge of the field.Related topics: Gardeningedge2 verb  1  move 移动 [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]MOVE/CHANGE POSITION to move gradually with several small movements, or to make something do this (使)徐徐移动 Tim was edging away from the crowd. 蒂姆慢慢地从人群中走开。 She edged closer to get a better look. 她慢慢地靠近,想看得清楚一些。 He edged her towards the door. 他慢慢地把她往门口推。edge your way into/round/through etc something Christine edged her way round the back of the house. 克里斯蒂娜慢慢地绕过房子的后面。2  put at edge 加边于 [transitive]EDGE to put something on the edge or border of something 给…加边 The city square was edged by trees. 城市广场树木环绕。be edged with something The tablecloth is edged with lace. 这块桌布镶着蕾丝花边。n Grammar Edge is usually passive in this meaning.3  change 变化 [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]SLOW to change gradually, especially so as to get better or worse 变好;变坏edge up/down Profits have edged up. 利润增加了。 The paper has edged ahead of (=been more successful than) its rivals. 这份报纸越办越好,超过了竞争对手。4. grass 青草 [transitive]DLG to cut the edges of an area of grass so that they are tidy and straight 修剪〔草地边缘〕5 edge somebody ↔ out phrasal verb a) to defeat someone by a small amount 小胜,险胜〔某人〕 Italy edged out France by two points. 意大利队险胜法国队两分。b) to gradually force someone to leave their job or an area of activity 逐渐将〔某人〕排挤出去→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusedge• Then he edged a ball into his pad and some one made a stifled appeal.• He kept an eye on me as he edged across the room.• Billy edged along the ledge, trying not to look down.• As he edged closer, Jan became more nervous.• Ross Perot edges ever closer to declaring himself the candidate of his new Reform Party.• The action reversed a trend in which the two countries appeared to be edging ever so slightly toward increased cooperation.• Fontes edged Gibbs in the voting for NFL Coach of the Year.• Edging my way through the crowd, I eventually managed to get to the bar.• I brush the sleeve of her kimono as I edge past.• Mervyn edged sideways through the front door, which seemed to be stuck.• There were a few trees edging the pavement, but they were an urban stock, twisted and stunted by city poisons.• I started edging towards the door, hoping to slip away unnoticed.edge your way into/round/through etc something• I spotted Dad edging his way through the throng.• New terminologies were not difficult to master, and gradually the possibility of perfection began edging its way into my life.• Nick slipped off his clothes and edged his way into the water.• There were certainly more people than she had expected as they edged their way into the crowded edged with something• Meanwhile, the canal is edged with black bricks laid with black mortar which provides a very smart finish to the canal.• Her voice was edged with irritation.edge up/down• Wall Street edged up 0.9% and the world index gained 1.2%.• Shares of Westinghouse edged down 1 / 4 to 18 1 / 8.• Flap extension automatically selects drooping leading edge down.• November output edged up a preliminary 0. 1 % from October but tumbled 3. 7 % from November 1994.• We edged up along a steep, snowy ridge and over the heaven-scraped granite to the top.• As the national minimum wage was edged up, so the position altered.• Load factor edged up to 52. 2 % from 51. 4 %.From Longman Business Dictionaryedgeedge1 /edʒ/ noun [singular]COMMERCE have/give somebody an edge (over somebody/something) if a person, company, or country has an edge over others, they are more successful, profitable etc because they have an advantage that the others do not haveThey have a slight edge over their competitors.It has lower overheads than many similar companies, giving it an important competitive edge. → see also leading edgeedgeedge2 verb [intransitive]1edge up/upwards/higher/ahead etc to increase by a small amountConsumer prices edged up 0.2% last month.Hong Kong edged ahead after a day of sharp swings.Turnover edged forward 2% to £43.6 million.2edge down/downwards/lower/back to decrease by a small amountSales of cars, trucks and buses in Japan edged down 0.9% in January.The index, which had climbed to 106.6 in late July, edged back to 100.4.→ See Verb tableOrigin edge1 Old English ecgedge1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2 →THESAURUS1edge2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  an is Business the from object of part that furthest Corpus




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