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单词 technocracy
释义  Related topics: Government, Computerstech·noc·racy /tekˈnɒkrəsi $ -ˈnɑː-/ noun (plural technocracies) [countable, uncountable]  PGa social system in which people with a lot of knowledge about science, machines, and computers have a lot of power 技术官僚政治,技术专家统治〔一种科学技术人才掌握大量权力的社会制度〕Examples from the Corpustechnocracy• Politics, Lenin thought, could be replaced by technocracy.• Shock learning can be seen as a product of elitism, technocracy and authoritarianism.• What had replaced them was the mindset of technocracy.• Absence of the human in daily transactions -- having been replaced by soulless rituals of technocracy, institutions, and state security.From Longman Business Dictionarytechnocracytech‧noc‧racy /tekˈnɒkrəsi-ˈnɑː-/ noun (plural technocracies) [countable, uncountable] a social system in which people with a lot of scientific or technical knowledge have a lot of powerThe higher ranks of the civil service were steeped in a tradition of·noc·racy nounChineseSyllable  which social in Business a knowledge a Corpus of with system lot people




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