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单词 Gill
1 All shall be well, Jack shall have Gill [Jill]. 
2 A good Jack makes a good Jill [Gill]. 
3 Every Jack must [shall] have his Jill [Gill]. 
4 Gill had an extraordinary, incandescent personality.
5 Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.
6 Gill seems rather distracted at the moment - I think she's worried about her exams.
7 Gill had been out of work for a year and was getting very despondent.
8 Gill decided to stay on at university to do further research.
9 Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy ?
10 It's not typical of Gill to be so critical.
11 Every Jack has his Jill / Gill.
12 Gill speaks in a quiet Irish brogue.
13 Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy ?WHICH WORD?
14 My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal, loving and endlessly sympathetic.
15 Gill and Bernard give her all she needs.
16 Clair F.. Gill testified before the two subcommittees.
17 Force Gill has two fine waterfalls which would earn an admiring patronage if they were better known.
18 Thorns Gill is too precious to suffer damage by boots racing against the clock.
19 All 21 points Gill scored last year, his first as a Shark, were assists.
20 Gill seemed to overcompensate and whispered hers so that the registrar and I could only just hear.
21 The gill openings were arranged in an oblique line as in lampreys.
22 This is called the gill withdrawal reflex(), and is simply a protective reaction.
23 Ling Gill is better enjoyed from its outer rim than from its confines.
24 In the final stages of this journey, Ease Gill can be seen half a mile down the slope on the right.
25 Kandel and his colleagues began by asking what was the neural circuit which underlies the gill and siphon withdrawal response.
26 These synapse with six motor cells, whose axons cause the muscles which withdraw the gill to contract.
27 The jet of water, which can be projected over a metre, is produced by compression of the gill covers.
28 They were sunfish, beautiful gold-and-green fish with a bright red spot on the edge of each gill cover.
29 Our Peaches Restaurant is renowned for a warm and welcoming atmosphere with quality and personal attention from Gill and Doug.
30 The fish to be cleaned hang motionless in the water, gill covers open and fins spread, waiting for attention.
1 Gill had an extraordinary, incandescent personality.
2 Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.
3 Gill seems rather distracted at the moment - I think she's worried about her exams.
4 Gill had been out of work for a year and was getting very despondent.
5 Gill decided to stay on at university to do further research.
31 Rookie forward Marco Sturm fed Gill, who found the upper right corner of the goal from the left circle.
32 One of the most successful political insurance firms is operated by party ancient Joe Gill.
33 Fish do scratch, and this does not mean they are infested with gill flukes.
34 Would seeing a re-run of the incident, as he had recounted it, help Terry Gill to a firmer conclusion?
35 Gill granted the postponement, then everybody rushed off to find out what the South Side was up to.
36 In the last 20 years they have been using invisible nylon gill nets half a mile long and more.
37 The lads came up from the gill with buckets of water and stood a-row along the brink.
38 Across the railway, Force Gill comes into view and is followed upstream, departing from the track.
39 Our road ended abruptly at a cluster of cottages with names like Moor Head and Little Gill.
40 The wonders of Ease Gill are available only to a privileged few intrepid explorers.
41 Mr. Gill Does my hon. Friend accept the need to harmonise not only the standards but the costs of meat inspection?
42 In addition, the gill openings on either side of the head have fused together to form a single opening across the throat.
43 Then the path turns due north to the daddy of all potholes, Gaping Gill.
44 Ben Gill was re-elected for a second year as deputy, and Tony Pexton for a second year as vice-president.
45 There is now a through route underground between Gaping Gill and Ingleborough Cave but only for brave men.
46 Vertical pitches descend 250 feet to an immense cavern, second in dimensions only to the chamber in Gaping Gill.
47 Bank break-in: Burglars have stolen several thousand pounds after breaking into a bank at Rowlands Gill, near Gateshead.
48 Smith showed that water was forcibly ejected from the mouth when the gill covers were squeezed suddenly.
49 The nervous control of the gill withdrawal reflex is a simple unit of one sensory neuron and one motor neuron.
50 My parliamentary colleague, the Member for Ludlow, Christopher Gill, has been leading the chase.
51 Concentrate on the truth, advised Eric Gill, and let beauty look after itself.
52 Punjabis are now with the police, and Mr Gill is a national hero.
53 The first hundred yards' walking up the gill leads you into the rocky vault of Lower Ease Gill Kirk.
54 She's teamed up with Gill Clark and they're current national doubles champions.
55 Five-year-old cancer victim Belinda Giles was rushed in by her parents, Gill and Paul, when her temperature soared.
56 Gill has now started primary skool and is learning to spell.
57 Mr. Gill I congratulate my hon. Friend on the Government's significant progress in reducing corporate tax rates.
58 Roderick, from Rowlands Gill, County Durham, was described as a brilliant student with a great future.
59 In 1953, after Kennelly was returned to office and Stevenson had his unfortunate encounter with Eisenhower, Gill resigned as chairman.
60 A A Gill, you can not help but suspect, probably wrote Starcrossed to fend off all other contenders.
61 The jaw, hyoid and gill arches.
62 Gill: Oh no, look! I pantyhose, the left leg.
63 Caught in a gill net in the Gulf of California, this thresher shark is among the estimated 100m sharks killed annually for their fins.
64 Mike is visiting his cousin , Gill , in Cardiff.
65 Adults have lungs, But a gill slit persists from the larval stage side Behind the head.
66 The ultrastructure of chloride cell of gill of Crassostrea gigas is studied with the transmission electron microscope.
67 Why don't you ask Gill? She's well up on dog breeding.
68 The kidney and the gill had the lowest ADH activity in all the three fishes.
69 The derma, scale follicle, fin, gill, kidney, liver, spleen and intestine of diseased fish revealed to a greater or lesser degree pathological changes, especially in the kidney, derma and gill.
70 In addition to the fishermen catch lobster gill net, net enclosures , there are also put on oxygen into the underwater reef Zhuobu the hole.
71 The gills constitutes of gill arch, gill raker, gill filament branch leaf.
72 "For us, success comes in a real sense of community ownership and a long-lasting commitment to the environment," Gill Tatum, Urban Mines chief executive officer, said.
73 Sea area of sri lanka home catches with gill net.
74 The gill tectology and ultrastructure of Perna viridis were observed using light and electron microscopes.
75 WELTSCHMERZ is a cooperation between painter Chris Gill and sound artist Terence lloren and includes an installation and a live performance by Terence lloren held at 7 pm during the opening.
76 The research results of the Data Sampling and Processing System for the Gill UVW Anemometer are reported.
77 A country that became best known for famine, when Mr Gill first covered it as a television reporter, Ethiopia remains uncomfortably close to the brink every time the rains fail.
78 Dinky part is as a result of the gill fungus with edible inferior noxiousness kind but because cook is undeserved and cause toxic.
79 Beh ind is a thorn in rats called horsetail beefwood trees in rats gill and common horsetail beefwood role of sand was locked.
80 Doomed by a gill net, a thresher shark in Mexico's Gulf of California is among an estimated 100 million sharks killed yearly for their fins.
81 The change of droppings rate was mainly studied by different working angles of gill pin licker-in and saw-toothed licker-in at different working speeds.
82 "The Gulf of Mexico is like Grand Central Station for the birds of the eastern United States and especially the Mississippi Flyway, " said Audubon President Frank Gill.
83 The buoy is kept afloat in its vertical position based on afloat gill net and afloat bacon principle.
84 "Chris had a renegotiation clause in his contract if he met a certain number of appearances, " Gill said.
85 A hammerhead shark is fatally caught in a gill net in Mexico's Gulf of California.
86 Changes for 1971 were minimal and included a more complex 6 inlet grille design and fender gill louvers.
87 No matter what happens, Gill always looks on the bright side.
88 Rainbows also have a red or pink streak that runs from the gill cover to the caudal fin, inspiring their name.
89 Why not cactus leaves, only one finally does gill bar person?
90 For breathing, water is pumped into the gill cavity through a small spiracle and across the gills for gas exchange.
91 In addition, chlorpyrifos was detected in different tissues or organs of Carassius auratus and Eriocheir sinensis, in which chlorpyrifos enriched easily in liver and gill.
92 GOODGREEN tea seed powder makes more usefull and effective points in its promoting shrimp exuviation and preventing prawn from black gill, leukopathia etc.
93 Fifa is still awaiting Le Havre's formal complaint but Gill claims that United are unconcerned.
94 If female help is needed, call in my housekeeper, Mrs. Gill.
95 Objective To observe the character of the alvine gill of tank men.
96 Gill: That's not surprising. The owner was a racing jockey once.
97 After exposed to P. lima, the level of DSP toxins in the gill of Perna viridis increased significantly in a dose-dependent relationship with time, and achieved the highest at the 3rd day.
98 Gill: Oh no, look! I've snagged my pantyhose, the left leg.
99 Gill bumps into a barmaid Soo - a, one day, and they love each other at first sight.
100 The media has joined the debate with disapproving noises about "yob culture, " though Dr. Gill argues that they may be part of the problem, given the tabloid tendency to champion the vulgar.
101 Other fishing methods include lining , gill netting and purse - seining.
102 Shubin writes: "The conclusion was inescapable: the same gill arch that formed part of the jaw of a reptile formed ear bones in mammals.
103 Gill: Oh no, look! I snagged my pantyhose, the left leg.
104 Amphioxus the branchial cleft not directly to the surface opening, which was wrapped with skin and muscle, the formation of a special "Wai gill chamber."
105 Gill points to the death of moral absolutism as a major factor.
106 Decorated fan of Green, Jade Hall, gill net ball, life, stegosaurus angle.
107 The main symptoms of dying Argopecten irradiang and Chlamys farreri were black gill and atrophy of mantle on appearances.
108 Gill net, cast net, and shrimp pot have been used to survey the catch in the artificial reef area of Zhongshan city in high flow period and in dry season separately.
109 The thymus is located on the edge of the gill cover close to the opercular cavity, triangle, is distributed symmetrically.
110 The development of the gill and the pinning systems is reviewed.
111 CK-M1 expresses in various tissues of adult flounder, including skeletal muscle, purtenance and gill.
112 The gill of a fish is the analogue of the lung of a cat.
113 On those vacations, he also visited the family that owned the huge Hazelwood estate on the shores of Lough Gill, east of Sligo.




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